Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark
Basic information - No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31994R0040
- Official Journal: JOL_1994_011_R_0001_003
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
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Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: - March 15, 1994
- Entry into force - Date pub. + 60 See Art 143
Date of end of validity: Modified by
Modified by:
- Protocole relatif aux conditions et modalités d'admission de la République de Bulgarie et de la Roumanie à l'Union européenne - Annexe III: Liste visée à l'article 16 du protocole: adaptations des actes adoptés par les institutions - 1. Droit des sociétés - Droits de propriété industrielle - I. Marque communautaire
- Règlement (CE) n° 1992/2003 du Conseil du 27 octobre 2003 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 40/94 sur la marque communautaire pour donner effet à l'adhésion de la Communauté européenne au protocole relatif à l'arrangement de Madrid concernant l'enregistrement international des marques, adopté à Madrid le 27 juin 1989
- Acte relatif aux conditions d'adhésion à l'Union européenne de la République tchèque, de la République d'Estonie, de la République de Chypre, de la République de Lettonie, de la République de Lituanie, de la République de Hongrie, de la République de Malte, de la République de Pologne, de la République de Slovénie et de la République slovaque, et aux adaptations des traités sur lesquels est fondée l'Union européenne - Annexe II: Liste visée à l'article 20 de l'acte d'adhésion - 4. Droit des sociétés - C. Droits de propriété industrielle - I. Marque communautaire
- undefined
- Règlement (CE) n° 1653/2003 du Conseil du 18 juin 2003 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 40/94 sur la marque communautaire
- Règlement (CE) n° 422/2004 du Conseil du 19 février 2004 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 40/94 sur la marque communautaire (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE)
- Acte relatif aux conditions d'adhésion à l'Union européenne de la République de Bulgarie et de la Roumanie et aux adaptations des traités sur lesquels est fondée l'Union européenne - Annexe III: Liste visée à l'article 19 de l'acte d'adhésion: adaptations des actes adoptés par les institutions - 1.Droit des sociétés - Droits de propriété industrielle - I.Marque communautaire
- Règlement (CE) n° 3288/94 du Conseil du 22 décembre 1994 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 40/94 sur la marque communautaire en vue de mettre en oeuvre les accords conclus dans le cadre du cycle d'Uruguay
- Règlement (CE) n° 807/2003 du Conseil, du 14 avril 2003, portant adaptation à la décision 1999/468/CE des dispositions relatives aux comités assistant la Commission dans l'exercice de ses compétences d'exécution prévues dans des actes du Conseil adoptés selon la procédure de consultation (unanimité)
Implemented by:
All documents based on this document:
- Règlement (CE) n° 2868/95 de la Commission, du 13 décembre 1995, portant modalités d'application du règlement (CE) n° 40/94 du Conseil sur la marque communautaire
- Règlement (CE) n° 2869/95 de la Commission, du 13 décembre 1995, relatif aux taxes à payer à l'Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles)
- Règlement (CE) n° 216/96 de la Commission, du 5 février 1996, portant règlement de procédure des chambres de recours de l'Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles)
- Règlement (CE) n° 781/2004 de la Commission du 26 avril 2004 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 2869/95 de la Commission relatif aux taxes à payer à l'Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles) suite à l'adhésion de la Communauté européenne au protocole de Madrid
- Règlement (CE) n° 782/2004 de la Commission du 26 avril 2004 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 2868/95 à la suite de l'adhésion de la Communauté européenne au protocole relatif à l'arrangement de Madrid (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE)
- Règlement (CE) n° 2082/2004 de la Commission du 6 décembre 2004 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 216/96 portant règlement de procédure des chambres de recours de l'Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles)
- Règlement (CE) n° 1041/2005 de la Commission du 29 juin 2005 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 2868/95 portant modalités d'application du règlement (CE) n° 40/94 du Conseil sur la marque communautaire (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE)
- Règlement (CE) n° 1042/2005 de la Commission du 29 juin 2005 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 2869/95 relatif aux taxes à payer à l’Office de l’harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE)
- Règlement (CE) n° 1687/2005 de la Commission du 14 octobre 2005 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 2869/95 relatif aux taxes à payer à l’Office de l’harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles) en ce qui concerne l’adaptation de certaines taxes Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE
- Règlement (CE) n o 355/2009 de la Commission du 31 mars 2009 modifiant le règlement (CE) n o 2869/95 relatif aux taxes à payer à l'Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles) et le règlement (CE) n o 2868/95 portant modalités d'application du règlement (CE) n o 40/94 du Conseil sur la marque communautaire
Repealed by:
Affected by case
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber), 22 March 2012. Génesis Seguros Generales Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros (Génesis) v Boys Toys SA and Administración del Estado. Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo. Community trade mark — Definition and acquisition — Earlier trade mark — Procedure for filing — Filing by electronic means — Method enabling precise identification of the day, hour and minute when the application was filed. Case C‑190/10.
- Case C-529/07: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 11 June 2009 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberster Gerichtshof — Austria) — Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG v Franz Hauswirth GmbH (Three-dimensional Community trade mark — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Article 51(1)(b) — Criteria relevant to determining whether an applicant is acting in bad faith when filing an application for a Community trade mark)
- {AR|} 51.1 PT B)
- Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 20 September 2007. Société des produits Nestlé SA v European Union Intellectual Property Office. Case C-193/06 P.
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 12 April 2011. DHL Express France SAS v Chronopost SA. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Cour de cassation - France. Intellectual property - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 98(1) - Prohibition against infringement, issued by a Community trade mark court - Territorial scope - Coercive measures attached to such a prohibition - Effect in the territory of Member States other than the Member State of the court seised. Case C-235/09.
- A93P1
- A93P4
- A94P1
- A98P1
- A93P2
- A93P3
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 October 2005. Class International BV v Colgate-Palmolive Company and Others. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Gerechtshof te 's-Gravenhage - Netherlands. Trade marks - Directive 89/104/EEC - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Rights conferred by the trade mark - Use of the mark in the course of trade - Importation of original goods into the Community - Goods placed under the external transit procedure or the customs warehousing procedure - Opposition of the trade mark proprietor - Offering for sale or selling goods placed under the external transit procedure or the customs warehousing procedure - Opposition of the trade mark proprietor - Onus of proof. Case C-405/03.
- Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 27 April 2023. VW v SW and Others and Legea S.r.l. v VW and Others. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Trade mark law – Directive 89/104/EEC – Directive (EU) 2015/2436 – Regulation (EC) No 40/94 – Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 – Exclusive rights of the trade mark proprietor – Trade mark belonging to two or more persons – Conditions on majority required between joint proprietors for granting and terminating a licence of their trade mark. Case C-686/21.
- Case C-302/08: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 2 July 2009 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht München — Germany) — Zino Davidoff SA v Bundesfinanzdirektion Südost (Trade marks — International registration — Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Article 146 — International registration and a Community trade mark having the same effects in the Community — Regulation (EC) No 1383/2003 — Article 5(4) — Goods suspected of infringing a trade mark — Customs action — Proprietor of a Community trade mark — Right to secure action also in Member States other than the Member State in which the application is lodged — Extension to the holder of an international registration)
- {AR|} 146
- Order of the Court (Third Chamber) of 17 July 2014. Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha v Maria Patmanidi AE. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court — Trade marks — Right of the proprietor of a trade mark to oppose the placing on the market within the European Economic Area (EEA) of goods bearing that mark without his consent. Case C‑535/13).
- Case C-62/08: Order of the Court (Second Chamber) of 19 February 2009 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hof van Cassatie van België — Belgium) — UDV North America Inc v Brandtraders NV (Article 104(3), second subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure — Community trade mark — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Article 9(1)(a) and (2)(d) — Right of the proprietor of a registered mark to prevent the use by a third party of a sign which is identical to the mark — Concept of use — Use of a sign which is identical to the mark by a trade intermediary in its business papers — Intermediary acting in its own name but on behalf of a vendor)
- {AR|} 9.2 PT D)
- {AR|} 9.1 PT A)
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 3 June 2010. Coty Prestige Lancaster Group GmbH v Simex Trading AG. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Oberlandesgericht Nürnberg - Germany. Trade-mark law - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 13(1) - Directive 89/104/EEC - Article 7(1) - Exhaustion of the trade mark proprietor’s rights - Concept of ‘goods put on the market’ - Consent of the proprietor - Bottles of perfume known as ‘testers’, made available by the trade mark proprietor to an authorised specialist dealer belonging to a selective distribution network. Case C-127/09.
- Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber), 18 April 2013. Colloseum Holding AG v Levi Strauss & Co. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof. Trade marks — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Article 15(1) — Definition of ‘genuine use’ — Trade mark used only as one element of a composite mark or in conjunction with another mark. Case C‑12/12.
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 29 March 2011. Anheuser-Busch Inc. v Budějovický Budvar, národní podnik. Appeal - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 8(4) - Application for registration of the word and figurative mark BUD - Opposition - Indication of geographical origin ‘bud’ - Protection under the Lisbon Agreement and bilateral treaties between two Member States - Use in the course of trade - Sign of more than mere local significance. Case C-96/09 P.
- Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 2 July 2009. Zino Davidoff SA v Bundesfinanzdirektion Südost. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Finanzgericht München - Germany. Trade marks - International registration - Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 146 - International registration and a Community trade mark having the same effects in the Community - Regulation (EC) No 1383/2003 - Article 5(4) - Goods suspected of infringing a trade mark - Customs action - Proprietor of a Community trade mark - Right to secure action also in Member States other than the Member State in which the application is lodged - Extension to the holder of an international registration. Case C-302/08.
- Joined Cases C-236/08 to C-238/08: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 23 March 2010 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation — France) — Google France, Google, Inc. v Louis Vuitton Malletier (C-236/08), Viaticum SA, Luteciel SARL (C-237/08), Centre national de recherche en relations humaines (CNRRH) SARL, Pierre-Alexis Thonet, Bruno Raboin, Tiger SARL (C-238/08) (Trade marks — Internet — Search engine — Keyword advertising — Display, on the basis of keywords corresponding to trade marks, of links to sites of competitors of the proprietors of those marks or to sites offering imitation goods — Directive 89/104/EEC — Article 5 — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Article 9 — Liability of the search engine operator — Directive 2000/31/EC ( ‘Directive on electronic commerce’ ))
- {AR|} 9.1
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 11 June 2009. Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG v Franz Hauswirth GmbH. Request for a preliminary ruling from Oberster Gerichtshof. Case C-529/07.
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 22 September 2011. Interflora Inc. and Interflora British Unit v Marks & Spencer plc and Flowers Direct Online Ltd. Reference for a preliminary ruling: High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Chancery Division - United Kingdom. Trade marks - Keyword advertising on the internet - Selection by the advertiser of a keyword corresponding to a competitor’s trade mark with a reputation - Directive 89/104/EEC - Article 5(1)(a) and (2) - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 9(1)(a) and (c) - Condition that one of the trade mark’s functions be adversely affected - Detriment to the distinctive character of a trade mark with a reputation (‘dilution’) - Unfair advantage taken of the distinctive character or repute of that trade mark (‘free-riding’). Case C-323/09.
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 12 July 2011. L’Oréal SA and Others v eBay International AG and Others. Reference for a preliminary ruling: High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Chancery Division - United Kingdom. Trade marks - Internet - Offer for sale, on an online marketplace targeted at consumers in the European Union, of trade-marked goods intended, by the proprietor, for sale in third States - Removal of the packaging of the goods - Directive 89/104/EEC - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Liability of the online-marketplace operator - Directive 2000/31/EC (‘Directive on electronic commerce’) - Injunctions against that operator - Directive 2004/48/EC (‘Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights’). Case C-324/09.
- Order of the Court (Second Chamber) of 19 February 2009. UDV North America Inc. v Brandtraders NV. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Hof van Cassatie - Belgium. Article 104(3), second subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 9(1)(a) and (2)(d) - Right of the proprietor of a registered mark to prevent the use by a third party of a sign which is identical to the mark - Concept of 'use' - Use of a sign which is identical to the mark by a trade intermediary in its business papers - Intermediary acting in its own name but on behalf of a vendor. Case C-62/08.
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 23 March 2010. Google France SARL and Google Inc. v Louis Vuitton Malletier SA (C-236/08), Google France SARL v Viaticum SA and Luteciel SARL (C-237/08) and Google France SARL v Centre national de recherche en relations humaines (CNRRH) SARL and Others (C-238/08). References for a preliminary ruling: Cour de cassation - France. Trade marks - Internet - Search engine - Keyword advertising - Display, on the basis of keywords corresponding to trade marks, of links to sites of competitors of the proprietors of those marks or to sites offering imitation goods - Directive 89/104/EEC - Article 5 - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 9 - Liability of the search engine operator - Directive 2000/31/EC (‘Directive on electronic commerce’). Joined cases C-236/08 to C-238/08.
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 8 May 2008. Eurohypo AG v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM). Appeal - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Article 7(1)(b) - Word mark EUROHYPO - Absolute ground for refusal of registration - Trade mark devoid of any distinctive character. Case C-304/06 P.
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 14 December 2006. Nokia Corp. v Joacim Wärdell. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Högsta domstolen - Sweden. Community trade mark - Article 98(1) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 - Infringement or threatened infringement - Obligation of a Community trade mark court to issue an order prohibiting a third party from proceeding with such acts - Definition of "special reasons' for not issuing such a prohibition - Obligation of a Community trade mark court to take such measures as are aimed at ensuring that such a prohibition is complied with - National legislation laying down a general prohibition of infringement or threatened infringement coupled with penalties. Case C-316/05.
- Case C-190/10: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 16 April 2010 — Génesis Seguros Generales Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros (GENESIS) v Boys Toys S.A., Administración del Estado
- {AR|} 27
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 29 January 2020. Sky plc and Others v Skykick UK Limited and Skykick Inc. Request for a preliminary ruling from the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division). Reference for a preliminary ruling — Approximation of laws — Community trade mark — Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — Articles 7 and 51 — First Directive 89/104/EEC — Articles 3 and 13 — Identification of the goods or services covered by the registration — Failure to comply with the requirements of clarity and precision — Bad faith of the applicant — No intention to use the trade mark for the goods or services covered by the registration — Total or partial invalidity of the trade mark — National legislation requiring the applicant to state that he or she intends to use the trade mark applied for. Case C-371/18.
- Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 6 October 2009. PAGO International GmbH v Tirolmilch registrierte Genossenschaft mbH. Request for a preliminary ruling from Oberster Gerichtshof. Case C-301/07.
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber), 5 June 2014. Coty Germany GmbH v First Note Perfumes NV. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof. Judicial cooperation in civil matters — Regulations (EC) Nos 40/94 and 44/2001 — Community trade mark — Article 93(5) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 — International jurisdiction relating to infringement — Determination of the place where the harmful event occurred — Cross-border participation by several persons in a single unlawful act. Case C‑360/12.
Legal basis
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Intellectual property law
- Provisions under Article 235 EEC
- Intellectual, industrial and commercial property
- EU law
- European integration