Commission Regulation (EEC) No 262/79 of 12 February 1979 on the sale of butter at reduced prices for use in the manufacture of pastry products, ice-cream and other foodstuffs
Amendments and corrections
March 1, 1988 Repealed by 31988R0570
January 1, 1988 Modified by 31988R0222 - detail
March 8, 1986 Modified by 31986R0665 - detail
March 1, 1986 Modified by 31985R3812 - detail
January 8, 1986 Modified by 31986R0023 - detail
1986 Modified by 31986R1291 - detail
December 7, 1985 Modified by 31985R3376 - detail
October 31, 1985 Modified by 31985R3021 - detail
July 29, 1985 Modified by 31985R2072 - detail
July 5, 1985 Modified by 31985R1874 - detail
February 23, 1985 Modified by 31985R0453 - detail
February 22, 1985 Modified by 31985R0698 - detail
October 20, 1984 Modified by 31984R2927 - detail
September 1, 1984 Modified by 31984R2288 - detail
May 31, 1984 Corrected by 31979R0262R(03)
March 23, 1984 Modified by 31984R0711 - detail
February 22, 1984 Modified by 31984R0430 - detail
February 18, 1984 Modified by 31984R0380 - detail
October 26, 1983 Corrected by 31979R0262R(02)
September 15, 1983 Modified by 31983R2542 - detail
May 2, 1983 Modified by 31983R1014 - detail
September 17, 1982 Modified by 31982R2479 - detail
March 7, 1981 Modified by 31981R0605 - detail
January 1, 1981 Modified by 31980R3474 - detail
April 20, 1980 Modified by 31980R0925 - detail
November 13, 1979 Modified by 31979R2478 - detail
April 5, 1979 Corrected by 31979R0262R(01)
March 23, 1979 Modified by 31979R0545 - detail
March 5, 1979 Entry into force - See Art 26
Consolidated texts