Commission Regulation (EC) No 747/94 of 30 March 1994 establishing administration procedures for quantitative quotas on certain products originating in the people's Republic of China Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31994R0747 Official Journal: JOL_1994_087_R_0083_066 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: March 15, 1994 March 30, 1994 Entry into force - Date pub. See Art 10 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: All documents based on this document: Modifies Affected by case Order of the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber, extended composition) of 13 December 1999. Tyco Toys (UK) Ltd, Matchbox Toys (UK) Ltd, Matchbox Collectibles Ltd, Tyco Distribution Europe NV, Tyco Manufacturing Europe Inc, Matchbox Spielwaren, Matchbox Collectibles GmbH, Tyco Toys France SA, Tyco Toys España SA, Tyco Toys Deutschland GmbH and Playtime Toys (UK) Ltd v Commission of the European Communities and Council of the European Union. Common commercial policy - Regulations (EC) No 519/94 and No 747/94 - Import quotas for certain toys from People's Republic of China - Action manifestly unfounded in law. Case T-268/94. Legal basis EuroVoc Vocabulary Originating product Commercial policy Quantitative restriction Import licence Quotas - third countries Footwear industry Common import arrangements China