Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2361/87 of 31 July 1987 amending certain Regulations implementing customs procedures with economic impact
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31987R2361
- Official Journal: JOL_1987_215_R_0009_018
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- el
- en
- fr
- it
- nl
- pt
- es
Date of document: - July 31, 1987
- August 5, 1987
- January 1, 1988
- Entry into force - See Art 4
- January 1, 1994
- See 384R1751 And 384R3548
Modified by
Corrected by:
- December 29, 1987 - 31987R2361R(01)
- Règlement (CEE) no 3548/84 de la Commission du 17 décembre 1984 fixant certaines dispositions d' application du règlement (CEE) no 2763/83 relatif au régime permettant la transformation sous douane de marchandises avant leur mise en libre pratique
- Règlement (CEE) no 1751/84 de la Commission du 13 juin 1984 fixant certaines dispositions d' application du règlement (CEE) no 3599/82 du Conseil relatif au régime de l' admission temporaire
- Règlement (CEE) n° 3677/86 du Conseil du 24 novembre 1986 fixant certaines dispositions d' application du règlement (CEE) n° 1999/85 relatif au régime du perfectionnement actif
Affected by case
Legal basis
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 2763/83 of 26 September 1983 on arrangements permitting goods to be processed under customs control before being put into free circulation
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1999/85 of 16 July 1985 on inward processing relief arrangements
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3599/82 of 21 December 1982 on temporary importation arrangements
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Common customs tariff: temporary importation
- Economic system
- Harmonisation of customs law: inward processing
- Intra-EU transport
- Transport under customs control
- Inward processing
- Other reliefs from duty
- Inward processing
- Free zones, bonded warehouses, handling
- Customs Union