Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31996L0061
- Official Journal: JOL_1996_257_R_0026_01
- Form: Directive
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- bg
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- de
- el
- en
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- fi
- fr
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- it
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- es
- sv
Date of document: - September 24, 1996
- October 10, 1996
- October 30, 1996
- Entry into force - Date pub. + 20 See Art 22
- October 30, 1999
- At the latest See Art 21
- February 17, 2008
- Repealed by 32008L0001
Modified by
Corrected by:
- November 26, 1996 - 31996L0061R(01)
Modified by:
- Directive 2003/87/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 13 octobre 2003 établissant un système d'échange de quotas d'émission de gaz à effet de serre dans la Communauté et modifiant la directive 96/61/CE du Conseil (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) - detail
- Règlement (CE) n o 166/2006 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 18 janvier 2006 concernant la création d'un registre européen des rejets et des transferts de polluants, et modifiant les directives 91/689/CEE et 96/61/CE du Conseil (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE) - detail
- Directive 2003/35/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 26 mai 2003 prévoyant la participation du public lors de l'élaboration de certains plans et programmes relatifs à l'environnement, et modifiant, en ce qui concerne la participation du public et l'accès à la justice, les directives 85/337/CEE et 96/61/CE du Conseil - Déclaration de la Commission - detail
- Règlement (CE) n° 1882/2003 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 29 septembre 2003 portant adaptation à la décision 1999/468/CE du Conseil des dispositions relatives aux comités assistant la Commission dans l'exercice de ses compétences d'exécution prévues dans des actes soumis à la procédure visée à l'article 251 du traité CE - detail
Derogated in:
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
- undefined
Affected by case
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber), 15 January 2013. Jozef Križan and Others v Slovenská inšpekcia životného prostredia. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky. Article 267 TFEU — Annulment of a judicial decision — Referral back to the court concerned — Obligation to comply with the annulment decision — Request for a preliminary ruling — Whether possible — Environment — Aarhus Convention — Directive 85/337/EEC — Directive 96/61/EC — Public participation in the decision-making process — Construction of a landfill site — Application for a permit — Trade secrets — Non-communication of a document to the public — Effect on the validity of the decision authorising the landfill site — Rectification — Assessment of the environmental impact of the project — Final opinion prior to accession of the Member State to the European Union — Application in time of Directive 85/337 — Effective legal remedy — Interim measures — Suspension of implementation — Annulment of the contested decision — Right to property — Interference. Case C‑416/10.
- A15BIS
- A04
- Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 15 December 2011. Niels Møller v Haderslev Kommune. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Vestre Landsret - Denmark. Integrated pollution prevention and control - Directive 96/61/EC - Annex I, subheading 6.6(c) - Installations for the intensive rearing of pigs with more than 750 places for sows - Inclusion or non-inclusion of places for gilts. Case C-585/10.
- Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 22 January 2009. Association nationale pour la protection des eaux et rivières-TOS and Association OABA v Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement et de l'Aménagement durables. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Conseil d'État - France. Pollution and nuisance - Directive 96/61/EC - Annex I - Subheading 6.6(a) - Intensive rearing of poultry - Definition - Meaning of ‘poultry’ - Maximum number of animals per installation. Case C-473/07.
- Case C-473/07: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 22 January 2009 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État (France)) — Association nationale pour la protection des eaux et rivières — TOS, Association OABA v Ministère de l'écologie, du développement et de l'aménagement durables (Pollution and nuisance — Directive 96/61/EC — Annex I — Subheading 6.6(a) — Intensive rearing of poultry — Definition — Meaning of poultry — Maximum number of animals per installation)
- {AN|} 1 PT 6.6.A)
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 26 May 2011. Stichting Natuur en Milieu and Others v College van Gedeputeerde Staten van Groningen (C-165/09) and College van Gedeputeerde Staten van Zuid-Holland (C-166/09 and C-167/09). References for a preliminary ruling: Raad van State - Netherlands. Environment - Directive 2008/1/EC - Permit for the construction and operation of a power station - Directive 2001/81/EC - National emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants - Power of the Member States during the transitional period - Direct effect. Joined cases C-165/09 to C-167/09.
- A09P3
- A09P4
- A09P1
- Case C-24/09: Order of the Court of 11 March 2010 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta domstolen (Sweden)) — Djurgården-Lilla Värtans Miljöskyddsförening v AB Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad (First subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure — Directive 85/337/EC — Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment — Directive 96/61 — Integrated pollution prevention and control — Public participation in the decision-making process for environmental matters — Right of appeal against decisions authorising projects liable to have significant effects on the environment)
- {AR|} 15BI
- {AR|} 2 PT 14
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber), 11 April 2013. The Queen, on the application of David Edwards and Lilian Pallikaropoulos v Environment Agency and Others. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. Environment — Aarhus Convention — Directive 85/337/EEC — Directive 2003/35/EC — Article 10a — Directive 96/61/EC — Article 15a — Access to justice in environmental matters — Meaning of ‘not prohibitively expensive’ judicial proceedings. Case C‑260/11.
- A15BISL5
- Order of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 11 March 2010. Djurgården-Lilla Värtans Miljöskyddsförening v AB Fortum Värme samägt med Stockholms stad. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Högsta domstolen - Sweden. First subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure - Directive 85/337/EC - Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment - Directive 96/61 - Integrated pollution prevention and control - Public participation in the decision-making process for environmental matters - Right of appeal against decisions authorising projects liable to have significant effects on the environment. Case C-24/09.
- A15BIS
- A02PT14
Legal basis
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Pollution control measures
- EU environmental policy
- Air quality
- Industrial pollution
- Polluter pays principle
- Pollution and nuisances
- Approximation of laws
- Waste management
- Environment