Regulation (EEC) No 2601/69 of the Council of 18 December 1969 laying down special measures to encourage the processing of certain varieties of oranges
Amendments and corrections
November 12, 1993 Repealed by 31993R3119
October 1, 1989 Modified by 31989R3848 - detail
April 29, 1989 Modified by 31989R1123 - detail
1988 Modified by 31988R2241 - detail
November 14, 1987 Modified by 31987R3391 - detail
May 1, 1984 Modified by 31984R0987 - detail
June 1, 1978 Modified by 31978R1154 - detail
October 1, 1975 Modified by 31975R2483 - detail
February 19, 1973 Modified by 31973R0176 - detail
January 1, 1970 Entry into force - See Art 5
Consolidated texts