Regulation (EEC) No 2603/69 of the Council of 20 December 1969 establishing common rules for exports Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31969R2603 Official Journal: JOL_1969_324_R_0025_029 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: bg cs da de el en et fi fr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt ro sk sl es sv Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: December 31, 1969 Entry into force - See Art 13 Date of end of validity: Modified by Corrected by: Modified by: All documents based on this document: Regulation (EEC) No 234/71 of the Council of 1 February 1971 deleting certain products from the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2603/69 establishing common rules for exports Règlement (CEE) n° 1078/71 du Conseil, du 25 mai 1971, portant institution d'un régime commun d'exportation et ouverture d'un contingent quantitatif communautaire à l'exportation pour certains déchets et cendres de métaux non ferreux (cuivre, plomb et aluminium) Regulation (EEC) No 2182/71 of the Council of 12 October 1971 deleting certain products from the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2603/69 establishing common rules for exports Règlement (CEE) n° 2276/71 du Conseil, du 26 octobre 1971, modifiant le règlement (CEE) n° 1078/71 portant institution d'un régime commun d'exportation et ouverture d'un contingent quantitatif communautaire à l'exportation pour certains déchets et cendres de métaux non ferreux (cuivre, plomb, aluminium) Règlement (CEE) n° 2824/71 du Conseil, du 20 décembre 1971, portant fixation des contingents quantitatifs communautaires à l'exportation pour certaines cendres et certains résidus de cuivre ainsi que pour certains déchets et débris de cuivre, d'aluminium et de plomb Regulation (EEC) No 1627/73 of the Council of 18 June 1973 fixing the Community quantitative export quota for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Regulation (EEC) No 678/74 of the Council of 21 March 1974 fixing for the year 1974 the Community quantitative export quota for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Regulation (EEC) No 3211/74 of the Council of 17 December 1974 fixing for 1975 the Community quantitative export quota for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Regulation (EEC) No 1275/75 of the Council of 20 May 1975 deleting certain products from the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2603/69 establishing common rules for exports Regulation (EEC) No 3342/75 of the Council of 18 December 1975 fixing for the year 1976 the Community quantitative export quota for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper and aluminium waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 570/76 of 15 March 1976 fixing for 1976 a Community quantitative export quota for certain types of lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 1170/76 of 17 May 1976 deleting certain products from the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2603/69 establishing common rules for exports Council Regulation (EEC) No 3165/76 of 21 December 1976 fixing for the year 1977 Community quantitative export quotas for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 2878/77 of 20 December 1977 fixing for the first four months of 1978 Community quantitative export quotas for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 915/78 of 2 May 1978 fixing for 1978 Community quantitative export quotas for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3038/78 of 18 December 1978 fixing for 1979 Community quantitative export quotas for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3029/79 of 20 December 1979 fixing for 1980 Community quantitative export quotas for certain types of copper ash and residues and for certain types of copper, aluminium and lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3438/80 of 18 December 1980 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 1792/81 of 30 June 1981 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3438/80 as regards exports of lead waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3568/81 of 7 December 1981 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2915/82 of 28 October 1982 authorizing Denmark to suspend the issue of export licences for aluminium waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3327/82 of 10 December 1982 maintaining the Danish export arrangements for aluminium waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3440/82 of 21 December 1982 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2822/83 of 6 October 1983 suspending the issue of export licences for aluminium waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3300/83 of 22 November 1983 maintaining the export arrangements for aluminium waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3685/83 of 22 December 1983 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3629/84 of 19 December 1984 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3680/85 of 20 December 1985 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 4052/86 of 22 December 1986 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3951/87 of 21 December 1987 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 4249/88 of 21 December 1988 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Council Regulation (EEC) No 3489/89 of 21 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 4249/88 on export arrangements for certain types of non-ferrous metal waste and scrap Derogated in: Repealed by: Modifies Affected by case Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART THREE - POLICY OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE II - ECONOMIC POLICY, CHAPTER 3: COMMERCIAL POLICY, ARTICLE 113 TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART THREE - POLICY OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE I - COMMON RULES, CHAPTER 3: COMMERCIAL POLICY, ARTICLE 111 EuroVoc Vocabulary Common export arrangements Commercial policy Export customs procedure Protective clause Committee (EU) Disclosure of information Export (EU) Protective measures Provisions under Article 235 EEC