Regulation (EEC) No 97/69 of the Council of 16 January 1969 on measures to be taken for uniform application of the nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31969R0097 Official Journal: JOL_1969_014_R_0001_005 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: February 1, 1969 Entry into force - See Art 6 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: All documents based on this document: Regulation (EEC) No 495/69 of the Commission of 18 March 1969 on the classification of goods under subheadings Nos 18.06 D II (c) and 21.07 F VII of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 496/69 of the Commission of 18 March 1969 on the classification of goods under subheadings Nos 21.07 F VIII and IX of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 663/69 of the Commission of 9 April 1969 on the classification of goods under heading No 15.13 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 955/69 of the Commission of 23 May 1969 on the classification of goods under heading No 74.19 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1061/69 of the Commission of 6 June 1969 specifying methods of analysis for the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 1059/69 on the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products Regulation (EEC) No 1062/69 of the Commission of 6 June 1969 specifying the requirements relating to certificates which must be produced in order for preparations known as cheese fondues to be included under sub-heading No 21.07 E of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1063/69 of the Commission of 6 June 1969 establishing the list of bodies authorized to issue certificates pursuant to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1062/69 Regulation (EEC) No 1434/69 of the Commission of 24 July 1969 on the classification of goods under subheadings Nos 11.01 E II and 11.02 A V (b) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 2552/69 of the Commission of 17 December 1969 determining the conditions for the inclusion of bourbon whisky under sub-heading No 22.09 C III (a) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 107/70 of the Commission of 21 January 1970 on the classification of goods under subheading No 21.07 F of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 241/70 of the Commission of 9 February 1970 on the classification of goods under subheading No 21.07 F of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 270/70 of the Commission of 6 February 1970 on the classification of goods under subheadings Nos 28.04 C V and 38.19 T of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 766/70 of the Commission of 27 April 1970 specifying the conditions for inclusion of certain live animals and certain meat of the domestic bovine species under sub-headings Nos 01.02 A II (b) 2 (aa) and 02.01 A II (a) 1 (bb) 11 (aaa), 22 (aaa) and 33 (aaa) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 954/70 of the Commission of 26 May 1970 on the classification of goods under subheadings Nos 15.01 A I, 15.02 A, 15.03 B and 15.07 D I of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1203/70 of the Commission of 26 June 1970 on classification of goods under sub-headings Nos 48.07 C and 48.15 B and under heading No 68.08 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1484/70 of the Commission of 24 July 1970 on the classification of goods under heading No 48.21 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1501/70 of the Commission of 27 July 1970 specifying the conditions for inclusion of cows for immediate slaughter, the meat of which is intended for processing, under sub-heading No 01.02 A II (b) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff Règlement (CEE) n° 1502/70 de la Commission, du 27 juillet 1970, déterminant les conditions d'admission dans la sous-position 01.02 à II b) 1 du tarif douanier commun des vaches destinées à l'abattage immédiat et dont la viande est destinée à la transformation Regulation (EEC) No 1523/70 of the Commission of 29 July 1970 on the classification of goods under subheading No 02.01 A II (a) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 2606/70 of the Commission of 22 December 1970 on the classification of goods under subheading No 85.12 A of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 2607/70 of the Commission of 22 December 1970 on the classification of goods under subheading No 23.02 A I (a) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 847/71 of the Commission of 23 April 1971 on the classification of goods under subheading No 12.04 A II of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1592/71 of the Commission of 23 July 1971 on the classification of goods under heading No 68.08 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 679/72 of the Commission of 29 March 1972 on the classification of goods under headings or subheadings Nos 69.09 A, 69.11, 69.13 B and 69.14 A of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 768/73 of the Commission of 26 February 1973 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2552/69 of 17 December 1969 determining the conditions for the admission of Bourbon whiskey under subheading No 22.09 C III a) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1487/73 of the Commission of 30 May 1973 on the classification of goods under heading No 87.06 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 482/74 of the Commission of 27 February 1974 on the classification of goods within subheading No 23.04 B of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 802/74 of the Commission of 4 April 1974 amending Regulation (EEC) No 766/70 of 27 April 1970 specifying the conditions for inclusion of certain live animals and certain meat of the domestic bovine species under subheading Nos 01.02 A II b) 2 aa) and 02.01 A II a) 1 bb) 11 aaa), 22 aaa) and 33 aaa) of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 924/74 of the Commission of 10 April 1974 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1061/69 of 6 June 1969 specifying methods of analysis for the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 1059/69 Regulation (EEC) No 1709/74 of the Commission of 2 July 1974 on the classification of goods under subheading 20.06 B I of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 565/75 of the Commission of 3 March 1975 on the classification of goods within subheading 15.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 1120/75 of the Commission of 17 April 1975 laying down conditions for the entry of port, Madeira, sherry, Setubal muscatel and Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) wines falling within subheading 22.05 C III a) 1 and b) 1 and 2 and 22.05 C IV a) 1 and b) 1 and 2 of the Common Customs Tariff Regulation (EEC) No 3277/75 of the Commission of 15 December 1975 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1120/75 as regards the period of validity of the certificates of designation of origin of certain wines from third countries Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1325/76 of 8 June 1976 supplementing Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1063/69 establishing the list of bodies authorized to issue certificates pursuant to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1062/69 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1352/76 of 11 June 1976 on the classification of products falling within heading No 15.02 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1379/76 of 16 June 1976 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1120/75 as regards the period of validity of the certificates of designation of origin of certain wines imported from Portugal Commission Regulation (EEC) No 419/77 of 28 February 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1061/69 as regards the methods of analysis for starch and for sorbitol Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1216/77 of 7 June 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1120/75 as regards the period of validity of the certificates of designation of origin of certain wines imported from Portugal Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1535/77 of 4 July 1977 determining the conditions under which certain goods are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement by reason of their end-use Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1536/77 of 4 July 1977 determining the conditions of entry of seeds under subheadings 07.01 A I, 10.05 A and 12.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1537/77 of 4 July 1977 determining the conditions of entry of bolting cloth, not made up, under subheading 59.17 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1669/77 of 25 July 1977 on the classification of goods under Common Customs Tariff subheading 02.02 B I Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1775/77 of 28 July 1977 determining the conditions under which certain petroleum products are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement by reason of their end-use Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2695/77 of 7 December 1977 determining the conditions under which goods for certain categories of aircraft and ships are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2696/77 of 7 December 1977 determining the conditions of entry of goods under subheadings 04.05 B II, 11.04 ex B I and C I, 25.01 A II a) and 35.02 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2697/77 of 7 December 1977 amending the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 1535/77 determining the conditions under which certain goods are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement by reason of their end-use Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2811/77 of 16 December 1977 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 60.04 or 60.05 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 251/78 of 7 February 1978 on the classification of goods under heading No 58.10 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 488/78 of 8 March 1978 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 39.02 C V of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1688/78 of 18 July 1978 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 21.07 G I a) 2 cc) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2622/78 of 9 November 1978 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 02.01 A II b) 4 bb) 33 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2788/78 of 29 November 1978 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2695/77 determining the conditions under which goods for certain categories of aircraft and ships are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement Commission Regulation (EEC) No 484/79 of 13 March 1979 on the classification of goods under subheading 39.07 E IV of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 485/79 of 13 March 1979 determining the conditions of entry of horses intended for slaughter under subheading 01.01 A II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 885/79 of 3 May 1979 on the classification of goods under subheading 75.03 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 936/79 of 11 May 1979 on the classification of meat of bovine animals under subheading 02.01 A II a) 4 aa) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2035/79 of 18 September 1979 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2696/77 determining the conditions of entry of goods under subheadings 04.05 B II, 11.04 ex B I and C I, 25.01 A II a) and ex 35.02 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2282/79 of 17 October 1979 on the classification of goods under subheading 55.09 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2392/79 of 30 October 1979 on the classification of goods under subheading 29.22 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2748/79 of 6 December 1979 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 13.03 C III of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3034/79 of 20 December 1979 laying down conditions for the entry of fresh table grapes of the variety Emperor (Vitis vinifera c.v.) falling within subheading 08.04 A I a) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 of 20 December 1979 laying down conditions for the entry of flue cured Virginia type, light air cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air cured Maryland type and fire cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3036/79 of 21 December 1979 amending for the second time Regulation (EEC) No 1535/77 determining the conditions under which certain goods are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement by reason of their end use Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3037/79 of 21 December 1979 amending for the second time Regulation (EEC) No 2695/77 determining the conditions under which goods for certain categories of aircraft and ships are eligible upon importation for a favourable tariff arrangement Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3038/79 of 21 December 1979 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1536/77 determining the conditions of entry of seeds under subheadings 07.01 A I, 10.05 A and 12.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3039/79 of 21 December 1979 laying down conditions for the entry of natural sodium nitrate and natural potassic sodium nitrate, falling within subheadings 31.02 A and 31.05 A III a) respectively of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 308/80 of 11 February 1980 on the classification of goods under heading No 59.08 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 479/80 of 27 February 1980 on the classification of goods under subheading 48.01 F of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 802/80 of 27 March 1980 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 04.03 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 803/80 of 27 March 1980 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 19.07 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1074/80 of 29 April 1980 on the classification of goods under subheading 64.02 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1284/80 of 23 May 1980 amending for the second time Regulation (EEC) No 2696/77 determining the conditions of entry of goods under subheadings 04.05 B II, 11.04 ex B I and C I, 25.01 A II a) and 35.02 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1285/80 of 23 May 1980 classifying certain products under subheading 04.02 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1286/80 of 23 May 1980 classifying a product under subheading 04.02 A II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1466/80 of 9 June 1980 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue cured Virginia type, light air cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air cured Maryland type and fire cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1725/80 of 25 June 1980 specifying the conditions for the inclusion of certain live animals of the domestic bovine species and certain meat of the bovine species under subheadings 01.02 A II a) and 02.01 A II a) 1 aa), 02.01 A II a) 2 aa) and 02.01 A II a) 3 aa) as listed in Annex C to the Interim Agreement between the European Economic Community and Yugoslavia Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2418/80 of 18 September 1980 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 87.02 B II a) 1 aa) 22 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3344/80 of 22 December 1980 amending for the second time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue cured Virginia type and light air cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids); light air cured Maryland type and fire cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 299/81 of 29 January 1981 classifying certain products under subheading 15.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 300/81 of 29 January 1981 classifying a certain product under subheading 04.02 A II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 333/81 of 4 February 1981 on the classification of goods under Common Customs Tariff heading No 64.01 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 341/81 of 6 February 1981 on the classification of goods in subheading 02.02 B II f) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 550/81 of 25 February 1981 on the classification of goods within subheading 87.07 C I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 551/81 of 25 February 1981 on the classification of goods within subheading 90.07 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1541/81 of 5 June 1981 amending for the fourth time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue cured Virginia type, light air cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air cured Maryland type and fire cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1620/81 of 15 June 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 87.01 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3131/81 of 28 October 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 19.08 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3149/81 of 30 October 1981 on the classification of goods within subheading 38.19 T of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3355/81 of 23 November 1981 amending for the fifth time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue cured Virginia type, light air cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air cured Maryland type and fire cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3555/81 of 8 December 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 02.06 B I a) 7 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3556/81 of 8 December 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 11.02 D V of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3557/81 of 8 December 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 48.07 D of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3558/81 of 8 December 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 71.16 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3559/81 of 8 December 1981 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 85.15 A III b) 2 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 122/82 of 19 January 1982 amending for the second time Regulation (EEC) No 3039/79 laying down conditions for the entry of natural sodium nitrate and natural potassic sodium nitrate falling within subheadings 31.02 A and 31.05 A III a) respectively of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 199/82 of 27 January 1982 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 23.07 B I a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 200/82 of 27 January 1982 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 23.07 C of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1259/82 of 19 May 1982 amending for the second time Regulation (EEC) No 1536/77 determining the conditions of entry of seeds under subheadings 07.01 A I, 10.05 A, 10.06 A and 12.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1978/82 of 19 July 1982 on the classification of goods under heading No 18.05 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1979/82 of 19 July 1982 on the analytical method for determining the dry weight content of tomato juice for the purposes of Note 4 to Chapter 20 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2496/82 of 13 September 1982 on the classification of goods under subheading 61.01 B V e) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2497/82 of 13 September 1982 on the classification of goods under heading No 84.07 and subheading 84.08 C of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2738/82 of 11 October 1982 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 48.01 C II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3187/82 of 25 November 1982 amending for the sixth time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue-cured Virginia type, light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff1 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3401/82 of 17 December 1982 on the classification of goods under subheading 39.02 C XIV a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3402/82 of 17 December 1982 on the classification of goods under subheading 38.19 X of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 498/83 of 28 February 1983 relating to the classification of goods falling within subheading 21.07 G of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 524/83 of 3 March 1983 on the classification of goods under subheading 84.22 B IV of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 810/83 of 5 April 1983 on the classification of goods in certain headings or subheadings of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1087/83 of 4 May 1983 on the classification of goods under subheading 22.02 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1287/83 of 24 May 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheadings 17.04 B and 97.02 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1385/83 of 27 May 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 21.02 C II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1386/83 of 27 May 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 21.07 B I a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1387/83 of 27 May 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 19.02 B II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1480/83 of 7 June 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 97.03 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1481/83 of 7 June 1983 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 38.16 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1495/83 of 7 June 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 38.19 X of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1535/83 of 13 June 1983 on the classification of goods under subheading 21.07 G I a) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1536/83 of 13 June 1983 on the classification of goods under heading No 15.16 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2053/83 of 20 July 1983 on the classification of goods within subheading 32.04 A IV of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2054/83 of 20 July 1983 on the classification of goods within subheading 90.28 A II a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2055/83 of 20 July 1983 on the classification of goods within heading Nos 84.49 and 85.05 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2056/83 of 20 July 1983 on the classification of goods within heading No 84.25 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2333/83 of 11 August 1983 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 15.06 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2334/83 of 11 August 1983 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 90.28 A II a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2882/83 of 13 October 1983 on the classification of goods in heading No 97.04, subheading C of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3390/83 of 29 November 1983 amending for the seventh time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue-cured Virginia type, light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3391/83 of 28 November 1983 amending for the fifth time Regulation (EEC) No 1120/75 laying down conditions for the entry of port, Madeira, sherry, Setubal muscatel and Tokay (Aszu and Szamorodni) wines falling within subheadings 22.05 C III a) 1 and b) 1 and 2 and 22.05 C IV a) 1 and b) 1 and 2 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3529/83 of 12 December 1983 on the classification of goods under subheading 85.01 B I b) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3530/83 of 12 December 1983 concerning the procedure for determining the meat content in products falling within subheadings 16.02 B III a) 2 aa), bb) and cc) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3616/83 of 20 December 1983 on the classification of goods under subheading 21.07 G I a) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 111/84 of 13 January 1984 on the classification of goods under subheading 37.02 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 131/84 of 17 January 1984 on the classification of goods in subheading 27.03 A of the Common Customs Tariff Council Regulation (EEC) No 288/84 of 31 January 1984 on the classification of goods under subheading 07.01 H of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 555/84 of 29 February 1984 on the classification of goods within subheading 62.02 B IV of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1218/84 of 30 April 1984 on the classification of goods under subheading 39.07 B V d) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1219/84 of 30 April 1984 on the classification of goods under subheading 64.02 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1220/84 of 30 April 1984 on the classification of goods under subheadings 70.14 A I and 70.19 A I a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1935/84 of 4 July 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 84.53 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1936/84 of 4 July 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 85.21 D II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2093/84 of 19 July 1984 on the analytical procedures to be used in determining the dry matter, fatty matter and sugar content of certain ordinary bakers' wares falling within heading No 19.07 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3224/84 of 16 November 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 38.19 X of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3225/84 of 16 November 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 07.02 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3454/84 of 5 December 1984 amending for the eighth time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue-cured Virginia type, light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3516/84 of 13 December 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 08.12 C of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3517/84 of 13 December 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 24.01 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3518/84 of 13 December 1984 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 87.02 A I b) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 210/85 of 25 January 1985 classifying goods in subheading 21.07 G I d) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 211/85 of 25 January 1985 on the classification of goods in subheading 84.55 C of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 717/85 of 19 March 1985 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 17.04 D I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1388/85 of 24 May 1985 classifying goods under subheading 12.04 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1668/85 of 18 June 1985 classifying goods in subheading 24.02 C of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1748/85 of 25 June 1985 on the procedure for determining the fat content of maize flour falling within subheading 11.01 E and maize groats and meal falling within subheading 11.02 A V of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3317/85 of 25 November 1985 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 60.04 A III of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3414/85 of 4 December 1985 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 03.01 A I a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3492/85 of 10 December 1985 amending for the ninth time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue-cured Virginia type, light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Council Regulation (EEC) No 3541/85 of 12 December 1985 on the classification of goods under subheading 27.03 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 244/86 of 4 February 1986 concerning the classification of goods within subheading 16.02 B III b) ex 1 ex aa) (33) of the nomenclature contained in the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 149/86 fixing the export refunds on beef and veal Commission Regulation (EEC) No 315/86 of 11 February 1986 on the classification of goods in subheading 48.21 F II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1030/86 of 8 April 1986 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 73.40 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1202/86 of 23 April 1986 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 84.52 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1203/86 of 23 April 1986 on the classification of goods falling within subheading 85.21 D II of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1822/86 of 30 May 1986 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1061/69 as regards the methods of analysis for the determination of starch in soya protein concentrates and in goods containing such products Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2429/86 of 31 July 1986 on the procedure for determining the meat content of meat preparations and preserves falling within subheading ex 16.02 B III b) 1) of the nomenclature contained in the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2184/86 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2585/86 of 12 August 1986 on the classification of goods within subheading 27.10 C I c) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2858/86 of 15 September 1986 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 39.07 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2946/86 of 24 September 1986 amending for the tenth time Regulation (EEC) No 3035/79 laying down conditions for the entry of flue-cured Virginia type, light air-cured Burley type (including Burley hybrids), light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco, falling within subheading 24.01 A of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3311/86 of 29 October 1986 on the tariff classification of goods falling within subheading 24.02 E of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3829/86 of 15 December 1986 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 44.15 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 4133/86 of 23 December 1986 determining the conditions for the admission of vodka falling within subheadings 22.09 C IV a) and 22.09 C V a) of the Common Customs Tariff, imported into the Community, to the tariff benefit envisaged in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland on mutual trade in wines and spirituous beverages Commission Regulation (EEC) No 277/87 of 28 January 1987 on the classification of goods falling within heading No 73.21 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1324/87 of 12 May 1987 classifying goods in subheading 90.28 A II b) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1368/87 of 18 May 1987 concerning the classification of goods under subheading 90.28 A II a) of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1463/87 of 26 May 1987 on the classification of goods under subheading 11.08 A I of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1464/87 of 26 May 1987 classifying goods in subheading 21.07 G I c) 1 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2257/87 of 27 July 1987 on the classification of goods in subheading 27.07 B of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3534/87 of 24 November 1987 on the classification of products within Common Customs Tariff subheading 16.04 E Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3791/87 of 17 December 1987 on the classification of goods under heading No 87.10 of the Common Customs Tariff Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3844/87 of 18 December 1987 on the classification of goods under subheading 84.55 C of the Common Customs Tariff Repealed by: Modifies Affected by case Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART TWO - FOUNDATIONS OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE I - FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS, CHAPTER 1: THE CUSTOMS UNION, SECTION 2: SETTING UP OF THE COMMON CUSTOMS TARIFF, ARTICLE 28 EuroVoc Vocabulary Common customs tariff Common Customs Tariff