Commission Regulation (EC) No 455/94 of 28 February 1994 determining for the period 1 March 1994 to 30 June 1994 the quantities of raw sugar produced in the French overseas departments benefiting from the refining aid referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2225/86
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31994R0455
- Official Journal: JOL_1994_057_R_0048_055
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- el
- en
- fr
- it
- nl
- pt
- es
Date of document: - February 28, 1994
- March 1, 1994
- March 1, 1994
- Entry into force - Date pub. See Art 2
- June 30, 1994
- See Art. 1
Modified by
Modified by:
- Règlement (CE) n° 2516/94 de la Commission du 18 octobre 1994 modifiant le règlement (CE) n° 455/94 déterminant, pour la période du 1er mars au 30 juin 1994, les quantités de sucre brut produites dans les départements français d'outre-mer bénéficiant de l'aide au raffinage visée au règlement (CEE) n° 2225/86 du Conseil - detail
Affected by case
Legal basis
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 of 30 June 1981 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 2225/86 of 15 July 1986 laying down measures for the marketing of sugar produced in the French overseas departments and for the equalization of the price conditions with preferential raw sugar
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Sugar
- French overseas departments
- Sugar
- Raw sugar
- EU aid
- Production aid
- Sugar refining
- Agriculture and Fisheries