Commission Regulation (EEC) No 693/88 of 4 March 1988 on the definition of the concept of originating products for purposes of the application of tariff preferences granted by the European Economic Community in respect of certain products from developing countries
Amendments and corrections
January 1, 1994 Repealed by 393R2454
January 1, 1993 Modified by 31992R3660 - detail
February 20, 1992 Corrected by 31988R0693R(01)
December 22, 1990 Modified by 31990R3673 - detail
March 25, 1988 Entry into force - Date pub. + 3 See Art 34
January 1, 1988 Application - See Art 34
January 1, 1988 Modified by 31991R2743 - detail
Consolidated texts