Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1813/84 of 28 June 1984 laying down detailed rules for applying the differential amounts for colza, rape and sunflower seed
Amendments and corrections
July 1, 1996 Repealed and replaced by 31996R0658
June 8, 1990 Modified by 31990R1539 - detail
July 1, 1989 Modified by 31989R0431 - detail
July 1, 1987 Modified by 31987R2138 - detail
December 20, 1986 Modified by 31986R3891 - detail
March 1, 1986 Modified by 31985R3818 - detail
March 1, 1986 Modified by 31985R3826 - detail
July 1, 1984 Application - See Art 17
June 29, 1984 Entry into force - Date pub. See Art 17
Consolidated texts