Commission Regulation (EEC) No 223/77 of 22 December 1976 on provisions for the implementation of the Community transit procedure and for certain simplifications of that procedure
Amendments and corrections
January 1, 1988 Repealed by 31987R2823
January 1, 1986 Modified by 11985IN01/01
July 1, 1985 Modified by 31985R1209 - detail
January 1, 1983 Modified by 31982R1499 - detail
July 1, 1982 Modified by 31982R1499 - detail
September 1, 1981 Modified by 31981R2105 - detail
July 1, 1981 Modified by 31980R0902 - detail
January 1, 1981 Modified by 31980R3298 - detail
1981 Modified by 31981R1664 - detail
January 1, 1981 Modified by 11979HN01/01
August 1, 1980 Modified by 31980R0137 - detail
July 1, 1980 Modified by 31979R1964 - detail
April 1, 1979 Modified by 31979R0526 - detail
January 1, 1978 Modified by 31977R1601 - detail
July 1, 1977 Entry into force - See Art 84
Consolidated texts