Regulation (EEC) No 2073/74 of the Commission of 5 August 1974 concerning the sale at prices fixed in advance at a standard rate of beef and veal held by the intervention agencies
Amendments and corrections
October 31, 1979 Repealed by 31979R2329
March 22, 1979 Modified by 31979R0517 - detail
January 22, 1979 Modified by 31979R0083 - detail
September 18, 1978 Modified by 31978R2165 - detail
August 7, 1978 Modified by 31978R1876 - detail
June 5, 1978 Modified by 31978R1207 - detail
May 16, 1978 Modified by 31978R0974 - detail
February 15, 1978 Modified by 31978R0280 - detail
February 1, 1978 Modified by 31978R0172 - detail
January 1, 1978 Modified by 31978R1207 - detail
January 1, 1978 Modified by 31977R2836 - detail
1978 Modified by 31978R0280 - detail
December 15, 1977 Modified by 31977R2590 - detail
October 5, 1977 Modified by 31977R2195 - detail
August 8, 1977 Modified by 31977R1817 - detail
March 14, 1977 Modified by 31977R0490 - detail
February 1, 1977 Modified by 31977R0191 - detail
October 25, 1976 Modified by 31976R2576 - detail
September 27, 1976 Modified by 31976R2321 - detail
August 1, 1976 Modified by 31976R1898 - detail
June 21, 1976 Modified by 31976R1413 - detail
November 1, 1975 Modified by 31975R2710 - detail
August 4, 1975 Modified by 31975R2015 - detail
June 1, 1975 Modified by 31975R1358 - detail
April 1, 1975 Modified by 31975R0833 - detail
March 24, 1975 Modified by 31975R0720 - detail
February 10, 1975 Modified by 31975R0300 - detail
December 9, 1974 Modified by 31974R3089 - detail
November 1, 1974 Modified by 31974R2668 - detail
October 25, 1974 Modified by 31974R2678 - detail
October 7, 1974 Modified by 31974R2544 - detail
September 3, 1974 Corrected by 31974R2073R(02)
August 13, 1974 Corrected by 31974R2073R(01)
August 10, 1974 Entry into force - Date pub. + 3 See Art 5
November 8, 1970 Modified by 31974R2818 - detail
Consolidated texts