Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 of 9 July 2015 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States
Modified by
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/812of 18 March 2016amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32016R0812, May 24, 2016
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/90of 31 October 2016amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32017R0090, January 19, 2017
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2016of 29 August 2017amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32017R2016, November 15, 2017
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2416of 20 October 2017amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, and correcting that Delegated Regulation, 32017R2416, December 22, 2017
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1127of 28 May 2018amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32018R1127, August 14, 2018
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/379of 19 December 2018amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32019R0379, March 11, 2019
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/697of 14 February 2019amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32019R0697, May 7, 2019
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2170of 27 September 2019amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32019R2170, December 19, 2019
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/702of 10 December 2020amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32021R0702, April 30, 2021
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195of 9 July 2015on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States
Article 1Subject matter and scopeThis Regulation establishes the standard scales of unit costs and lump sums that may be used by the Commission for reimbursing expenditure to Member States.
Article 2Types of operationsThe types of operations covered by the reimbursement on the basis of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums in accordance with Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 are set out in the Annexes.
Article 3Definition of standard scales of unit costs and lumps sums and their amountsThe definition and the amounts of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums in accordance with Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 for each type of operations are set out in the Annexes.Where the relevant conditions for reimbursement by the Commission as defined in the Annexes could not be fulfilled due to the restrictions imposed or recommendations issued by the competent authorities in Member States to delay the spread of the coronavirus, the Commission may reimburse Member States based on inputs, outputs or results achieved by remote means.For those operations referred to in the second paragraph, the obligation set out in the Annexes to use a simplified cost option for all similar types of operations under the same operational programme shall not apply.
Article 4Adjustment of amounts1.The amounts set out in the Annexes shall be adjusted in accordance with the methods set out in the Annexes.2.The amounts adjusted in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be applied when reimbursing expenditure related to those parts of the operations which are carried out on and after the date of adjustment.
Article 5Entry in forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX IConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Sweden1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
The amounts of standard scales of unit costs apply only to the parts of operations that cover the categories of costs set out in this Annex.The total number of hours declared in a year must not be higher than the standard number of annual hours worked in Sweden, which is equal to 1862 hours.Professional code applicable in Sweden.Currency in Sweden.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts
1.Operations supported under priority axis 1 "Supply of skills" of the Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI- 2014SE05M9OP001)Hours workedAll categories of costs except wages for participants.Number of hours workedWage group (SSYK code)Region: Stockholm (SE 11) (unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)All regions except Stockholm (SE 12-33) (unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)
1(912 – 913 -919 -921)321328
2(414 – 415 – 421 – 422 -512 – 513 – 514 – 515 – 522 – 611 – 612 – 613 – 614 – 826)360356
3(331 – 348 – 411 – 412 – 413 – 419 – 711 – 712 – 713 – 714 – 721 – 722 – 723 – 724 – 731 – 732 – 734 – 741 – 742 – 743 – 811 – 812 – 813 – 814 – 815 – 816 – 817 – 821 – 822 – 823 – 824 – 825 – 827 – 828 -829 – 831 – 832 – 833 – 834 – 914 – 915 – 931 – 932 – 933)416395
4(223 – 232 – 233 – 234 – 235 – 243 – 249 – 313 – 322 – 323 – 324 – 332 – 342 – 343 – 344 – 345 – 346 – 347 – 511 – 011)473438
5(213 – 221 – 231 – 241 – 244 – 245 – 246 – 247 – 248 – 311 – 312 – 315 – 321 – 341)587512
6(211 – 212 – 214 – 222 – 242 – 314)776724
7 A(121)10351035
7 B(111-123)1121875
7 C(131-122)735601
2.Operations supported under priority axis 1 "Supply of skills" of the Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI-2014SE05M9OP001)Hours participated in the operationParticipant's wageNumber of hours participatedRegion: Stockholm (SE 11) (unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)All regions except Stockholm (SE 12-33) (unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)
3.Operations supported under priority axis 2 "Increased transition to work" and priority axis 3 "Youth Employment Initiative" of Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI-2014SE05M9OP001)Hours workedAll categories of costs except allowances for participants.Number of hours workedOccupational categoryRegion: Stockholm (SE 11) (unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)All regions except Stockholm (SE 12-33) (unit cost per hour – amount in SEK)
Project leader for operations where the total eligible expenditure as stated in the document setting out the conditions for support is above 20 million in SEK)749609
Project leader for operations where the total eligible expenditure as stated in the document setting out the conditions for support is below or equal to 20 million in SEK)/assistant project leader for operations where the total eligible expenditure as stated in the document setting out the conditions for support is above 20 million in SEK)669567
Project worker463420
Project economist598508
4.Operations supported under priority axis 2 "Increased transition to work" and priority axis 3 "Youth Employment Initiative" of Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI- 2014SE05M9OP001)Hours participated in the operationParticipant's allowanceNumber of hours participatedFinancial assistance (unit cost per hour)
18-24 years32
25-29 years40
30-64 years46
Activity grant and development allowance (unit cost per hour)
15-19 years17
20-24 years33
25-29 years51
30-44 years55
45-69 years68
Social security and sickness benefit (unit cost per hour)
19-29 years (social security benefit)51
30-64 years (sickness benefit)58
Sickness benefit, rehabilitation benefit, and work and professional injury benefit (unit cost per hour)
– 19 years48
20-64 years68
2.Adjustment of amountsThe unit costs in the table apply to the hours worked or participated in 2015. Except for the unit costs relating to participant's allowances, referred to in point 4 of the table, which will not be adjusted, these values will be increased automatically on 1 January each year as from 2016 until 2023 by 2 %.
ANNEX IIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums to France1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Young person not in employment, education or training that participates in an operation supported by the "PROGRAMME OPÉRATIONNEL NATIONAL POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE L’INITIATIVE POUR L’EMPLOI DES JEUNES EN METROPOLE ET OUTRE-MER"The diploma can be obtained within 13 months after the end of the training, as long as remedial sessions are offered to students.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts (in EUR)
1."Garantie Jeunes" supported under priority axis 1 "Accompagner les jeunes NEET vers et dans l’emploi" of the operational programme "PROGRAMME OPÉRATIONNEL NATIONAL POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE L’INITIATIVE POUR L’EMPLOI DES JEUNES EN METROPOLE ET OUTRE-MER" (CCI-2014FR05M9OP001) and the relevant priority axis of the national operational programme "Programme Opérationnel National FSE Emploi et Inclusion 2014-2020" (CCI-2014FR05SFOP001)Young NEET with a positive result under "Garantie Jeunes" at the latest 12 months following the start of coachingallowances paid to the participant;activation costs incurred by the "missions locales"Number of young NEETs who have one of the following results at the latest 12 months following the start of the coaching:entered vocational skills training leading to a certification, whether by:entering training in lifelong learning; orentering basic training;orstarted a company; orfound a job; orhas spent at least 80 working days in a (paid or not) professional environment6400
2.Training for the unemployed provided by accredited training organisations and supported by the Operational Programme Ile-de-France (CCI 2014FR05M0OP001)Participants with a successful outcome following a training course.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of participants with one of the following outcomes following a training course:received a diploma or a confirmation of acquired competencies at the end of their training course;found a job of at least one month duration;inscribed in a further professional training course;re-inscribed in their previous school curriculum after an interruption; orgained access to a formal validation process of their acquired competencies.If a participant achieves more than one successful outcome following the training course, this shall only give rise to the reimbursement of one amount for that training.CategorySectorAmount
Safety of goods and people
2Cultural, sports and leisure activities4556
Services to people
Handling of soft materials
Agri-food, cooking
Trade and sales
Hosting, hotel industry, catering
Health and safety at work
3Secretarial and office automation training5695
Social work
Hairdressing, beauty and wellness
Vehicle and equipment maintenance
Transport, handling, storing
Building and public works
Printing and publishing techniques
3.Training for the unemployed provided by accredited training organisations and supported by the following Operational Programmes:Rhône-Alpes (CCI 2014FR16M2OP010)andAuvergne (CCI 2014FR16M0OP002)Participants with a successful outcome following a training course.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of participants with one of the following outcomes following a training course:received a diploma which is officially endorsed by a professional representation organisation or government office.;received a confirmation of acquired competencies at the end of their training course;found a job;inscribed in a further professional training course;re-inscribed in their previous school curriculum after an interruption; orgained access to a formal validation process of their acquired competencies.For category 5, additionally, number of participants with a successful outcome as described above who are entitled to receive an allowance from the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.If a participant achieves more than one successful outcome following the training course, this shall only give rise to the reimbursement of one amount for that training.CategorySectorAmount
1Transport, logistics, and tourism4403
Banking, insurance
Management, business administration, creation of enterprises
Services for individuals and communities
2Health and social work, recreational, cultural and sporting activities5214
Restaurant, hotel and food industries
Handling of soft materials and wood; graphic industries
3Building and public works7853
Process industries
Mechanics, metal working
Agriculture, fisheries
Communication, information, art and entertainment
Electricity, electronics
IT and telecommunication
4.Qualifying and Professional Training under the Operational Programme "ESF La Réunion" (CCI 2014FR05SFOP005) – priority axis1. Foster the development of a knowledge-based, competitive and innovative society.Provision of training leading to a qualification, skill or certificationAll eligible costs of the operation.Number of months per participant of qualifying and professional training including the months in the training centre and within a company.Catégorie A1: 3131Catégorie B1: 4277Catégorie C1: 2763Catégorie D1: 2470Catégorie D2: 2332Catégorie D3: 3465Catégorie E1: 2841Catégorie E2: 3392Catégorie E3: 2569Catégorie F1: 2319Catégorie F2: 2990Catégorie F3: 2910Catégorie G1: 2381
5.Adult Prequalification Vocational Training under the Operational Programme ESF La Réunion (CCI 2014FR05SFOP005) – priority axis 1. Foster the development of a knowledge-based, competitive and innovative society.Provision of vocational training leading to access to qualifying training.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of months per participant of prequalifying training with a maximum duration of 5 months.Catégorie H1: 2805
6.Qualifying-certifying vocational training through public procurement under the ESF Operational Program of La Réunion (CCI 2014FR05SFOP005)Priority Axis 1: Foster the development of a knowledge-based, competitive and innovative society.Priority Axis 2: Supporting access to employment through skills and mobility developmentPriority Axis 3: Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty by strengthening public training and supportParticipants who have successfully completed individual professional training.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of participants who have obtained a recognised qualification/certification within 4 months of the end of the trainingCatégorieNiveauCoût d’unité d’oeuvre
7.Graduate vocational health training under the ESF Operational Program of La Réunion (CCI 2014FR05SFOP005)Priority Axis 1: Foster the development of a knowledge-based, competitive and innovative society.Participants who have successfully completed the vocational health training.All eligible costs of the operationNumber of participants having successfully completed their training year (passing on to a higher year or graduating).CodeAmount (value 2017)
State Diploma of care-giver
State Diploma of nurse
Year 1IFSI-A19038,52
Year 2IFSI-A27341,99
Year 3IFSI-A35620,57
State Diploma of midwife
Year 1ESF-A115752,29
Year 2ESF-A29878,55
Year 3ESF-A311038,54
Year 4ESF-A45318,95
State Diploma of ambulance driverIFA-AMB5886,73
State Diploma Childcarer AssistantIFAP8102,58
State Diploma ChildcarerEP12173,43
State Diploma of Occupational Therapist
Year 1IRFE-A112570,94
Year 2IRFE-A27557,72
Year 3IRFE-A36611,51
State Diploma of massage physiotherapy
Year 1IFMK-A15761,21
Year 2IFMK-A24638,97
Year 3IFMK-A34783,31
Year 4IFMK-A44493,41
State diploma of psychomotor specialist
Year 1IRFP-A19504,44
Year 2IRFP-A28650,03
Year 3IRFP-A36008,29
8.Certified social vocational training ("formations sociales diplômantes") under Priority Axis 1 of the ESF Operational Program of La Réunion (CCI 2014FR05SFOP005)Participants who have successfully completed their certified social vocational training course. ("formation sociale diplômante").All eligible costs of the operation with the exception of the cost of scholarships awarded to trainees.Number of participants having successfully completed their training course (passing on to a higher year or graduating).CodeAmount (value 2018)
State Diploma in Educational and Social support
State Diploma in Education coaching or Instructor ("Moniteur Educateur")
Year 1DEME-A110194,59
Year 2DEME-A28061,43
State Diploma of Social and Family Intervention Technician ("Technicien de l’Intervention Sociale et Familiale")
Year 1DETISF-A18189,31
Year 2DETISF-A26217,46
State Diploma of Social and Family Economic Advisor ("Conseiller en Economie Sociale et Familiale")
State Diploma of Specialized Educator ("Educateur Specialisé")
Year 1DEESP-A111633,23
Year 2DEESP-A26496,24
Year 3DEESP-A33505,95
State Diploma of Specialized Technical Educator ("Educateur Technique Spécialisé")
Year 1DEETS-A110475,28
Year 2DEETS-A22868,11
Year 3DEETS-A33652,13
State Diploma of Specialized Educator of Young children ("Educateur Spécialisé de Jeunes Enfants")
Year 1DEEJE-A113549,77
Year 2DEEJE-A27511,02
Year 3DEEJE-A33575,18
State Diploma of Social Service Assistant ("Assistant de Service Social")
Year 1DEASS-A113496,57
Year 2DEASS-A28978,26
Year 3DEASS-A36307,24
9.Certified vocational training EGC under Priority Axis 1 of the ESF Operational Programme of La Réunion (CCI 2014FR05SFOP005)Participants who have successfully completed their individual professional training.All eligible costs of the operation with the exception of the cost of scholarships awarded to trainees and not taking into account revenues.Number of participants having successfully completed their training year (passing on to a higher year or graduating).EGCR -Year 1: EUR 12046,75EGCR – Year 2: EUR 12144,59EGCR – Year 3: EUR 6866,13
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amount of unit cost 1. is based partly on a standard scale of unit cost funded entirely by France. Out of the 6400 EUR, 1600 EUR correspond to the standard scale of unit cost set out by the "instruction ministérielle du 11 octobre 2013 relative à l’expérimentation Garantie Jeunes prise pour l’application du décret 2013-80 du 1er octobre 2013 ainsi que par l’instruction ministérielle du 20 mars 2014" to cover the costs borne by the Youth Public Employment Services "Missions Locales" to coach each NEET entering the "Garantie Jeunes".Unit cost 1. shall be updated by the Member State in line with adjustments under national rules to the standard scale of unit cost of 1600 EUR mentioned in paragraph 1 above that covers the costs borne by the Youth Public Employment Services.The amount of unit costs 2. and 3. are based on publicly procured prices for training hours in the respective fields and geographical areas. These amounts will be adjusted when the procurement process for the underlying training courses is repeated according to the following formula:New price (excl. VAT) = Old price (excl. VAT) × (0,5 + 0,5 × Sr/So)Sr is the index of employed persons INSEE (identifier 1567446) of the last monthly publication at the date of the adjustmentSo is the index of employed persons INSEE (identifier 1567446) of the monthly publication at the date of submission of the tender for the first adjustment then, for the following adjustments, of the monthly publication of the anniversary date of submission of the tenderThe amounts of the unit costs 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 may be adjusted based on the Reunion inflation rate (INSEE index) – reference year 2017 for unit costs 4,5 and 7; reference year 2018 for unit costs 8 and 9.The amounts for unit costs 6 may be adjusted according to the price review mechanism in the event of a renewal of the tender of the Reunion Region. The amounts of the scales are updated annually, as of 1 January N on the basis of the latest index known, according to the following formula:Scale review formula: B – B0 (Im/I0)B – amount of revised scale NB0 – amount of the initial scale (N-1).I0 – reference value, the last known value of the SYNTEC index as of January 1, N-1Im – I0 – 12 monthsThe intermediate calculations will be carried out with four decimal places, the scale comprising two decimals and the coefficient applicable to rounded P0, if any at the top thousandth.The selected BSCU scale is the value of 2017. The reference year is therefore 2017 as a starting point for indexing.Indexing applies to courses that started in year N.3.Definition of lump sums
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts (in EUR)
Technical AssistancePriority axis 42014FR05SFOP001OP ESFPriority axis 22014FR05M9OP001OP YEINew total expenditure included in a payment application. (i.e. total eligible expenditure included in a payment application which has not yet been taken into account for calculating an instalment of 100000 EUR).All eligible costs.Instalments of EUR 100000 of new total expenditure included in a payment application submitted to the European Commission until the maximum amount budgeted under the technical assistance priority axis is reached.3716,64
ANNEX IIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Czechia1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
For unit costs 1 – 5, the categories of costs mentioned cover all costs associated with that operation, except for types of operations 1 and 2, which may also include other categories of costs.Meaning a new place which is included in the capacity of the new childcare facility as recorded by national regulations, and which has proof of equipment for each new place provided.A children’s group means it has been registered as a children’s group pursuant to national legislation on the provision of childcare services in a children’s group.Meaning a place in an existing facility which is newly registered as a children’s group in accordance with national legislation and included in the official capacity of that group, and which has proof of equipment for each place.The occupancy rate is defined as the number of children attending the childcare facility per half day during 6 months divided by the maximum capacity of the facility per half day during 6 months, multiplied by 100.This amount will be paid for each 1 % point of occupancy per place up to a maximum of 75 % points for a period of 6 months. If the occupancy rate is less than 20 % there will be no reimbursement.The occupancy rate is defined as the number of children attending the childcare facility per half day during 6 months divided by the maximum capacity of the facility per half day during 6 months, multiplied by 100.This amount will be paid for each 1 % point of occupancy per place up to a maximum of 75 % points for a period of 6 months. If the occupancy rate is less than 20 % there will be no reimbursement.Internal training is training provided by an internal trainer.Tandem lesson is to be understood as two pedagogues cooperating to mutually strengthen their professional development by jointly planning, implementing and reflecting on teaching methods in a class.The total amount per participant will depend on the characteristics of each incidence of mobility and the applicability of each of the components set out.This indicator will be used for Intercultural Workers or bilingual assistants employed directly on a full-time or a part-time basis by the school.This indicator will be used for external Intercultural Workers engaged by the school to provide services on an hourly basis.Based on travel distance per participant. Travel distances shall be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission – on travel distance per participant. Travel distances shall be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission –
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts (in national currency CZK unless otherwise mentioned)
1.Establishment of a new childcare facility under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Newly created place in a new childcare facilitypurchase of equipment for a childcare facility;management of project phase focused on creating the facility.Number of newly created places in a new childcare facility20544 incl. VAT, or 17451 excl. VAT
2.Transformation of an existing facility to a children’s group under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Transformed place in a children’s grouppurchase of equipment for a transformed facility;purchase of teaching aids;management of project phase focused on transforming the facilityNumber of transformed places in a children’s group9891 incl. VAT, or 8642 excl. VAT
3.Operating a childcare facility under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Occupancy per place in a childcare facilitysalaries of teaching and non-teaching staff,operation of the childcare facility,management of the operationOccupancy rate730
4.Upskilling of caregivers under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Achievement of a qualification as caregiver in a childcare facilitytraining and examination for professional qualificationNumber of persons who obtain a certification of professional qualification as caregiver in a childcare facility14760
5.Lease of premises for childcare facilities under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Occupancy per place in a childcare facilityRent of the premises for a childcare facilityOccupancy rate.64
6.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment, (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in an external training course on general information technologies (IT)All eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee.324
7.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in an external training course on soft and managerial skillsAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee.593
8.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in external language training coursesAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee230
9.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in a training course in specialised ITAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee609
10.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in an external training course in accountancy, economy and lawAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee436
11.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in external technical and other professional trainingAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee252
12.Further internal professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in a training course provided by an internal trainer in any of the following areas:general information technologies (IT)soft and managerial skillslanguagesspecialised ITaccountancy, economy and lawtechnical and other professional.All eligible costs, including:Direct staff costs;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee144
13.Support provided by non-permanent personnel to school/educational facility under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 full-time equivalent (FTE) worked as a school psychologist and/or a specialised school pedagogue per monthAll eligible costs, including, direct staff costsNumber of 0,1 FTE worked per month5871
14.Support provided by non-permanent personnel to school/educational facility under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 FTE worked by a school assistant and/or social pedagogue per month.All eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of 0,1 FTE worked per monthSchool assistant: 3617Social pedagogue: 4849
15.Support provided by non-permanent personnel to school/educational facility under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 FTE worked by a nanny per monthAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of 0,1 FTE worked per month3402
16.Provision of extracurricular activity for children/pupils at risk of school failure under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Provision of a block of 16 lessons of extracurricular activities with a duration of 90 minutes per lesson provided to a group of at least 6 children/pupils of which 2 are at risk of school failure.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed blocks of 16 lessons with a duration of 90 minutes per lesson provided to a group of at least 6 children/pupils of which 2 are at risk of school failure.17833
17.Supporting pupils at the risk of school failure through tutoring under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Provision of a block of 16 hours of tutoring to a group of at least 3 registered pupils at risk of school failure.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed blocks of 16 hours provided to a group of at least 3 registered pupils at risk of school failure.8917
18.Professional development of pedagogues through structured training courses under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Hours of professional training provided to pedagogues.All eligible costs, including direct costs of providing training.Number of completed hours of training per pedagogue1)435 for training inside regular class time2)170 for training outside regular class time
19.Provision of information to parents through meetings under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Thematic meeting with a minimum of eight parents for a minimum duration of two hours (120 minutes).All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of thematic meetings with a minimum of eight parents for a minimum duration of two hours (120 minutes)3872
20.Professional development of pedagogues in schools and educational facilities under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Block of 30 hours of external mentoring/coaching to a group of between 3 and 8 pedagogues.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed blocks of 30 hours mentoring/coaching to a group of between 3 and 8 pedagogues.31191
21.Professional development of pedagogues in schools and educational facilities under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Training cycle of 15 hours of structured job-shadowing by a pedagogueAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed training cycles of 15 hours per pedagogue undertaking a structured visit to another pedagogue in another school.4505
22.Professional development of pedagogues in schools and educational facilities under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Cycle of 10 hours of training through mutual cooperation involving a group of at least 3 pedagogues.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed training cycles of 10 hours involving a group of at least 3 pedagogues.8456
23.Professional development of teaching staff of school/educational facility under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Tandem lesson of 2.75 hours.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs:Number of completed tandem lessons815
24.Professional development of pedagogues of school/educational facility under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Cycle of 19 hours of mutual cooperation and learning involving an expert and 2 pedagogues.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed cycles of 19 hours involving an expert and 2 other pedagogues.5637
25.Career advice services in schools and cooperation between schools and employers under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 FTE worked per month by a career advisor and/or a coordinator of cooperation between a school and employers.All eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of 0,1 FTE worked per month4942
26.Professional development of pedagogues of school/educational facility under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Training cycle of 8,5 hours involving structured job-shadowing by a pedagogue and a mentor.All eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of completed training cycles of 8,5 hours per structured visit to an institution/company/facility.2395
27.Professional competence development of pedagogues under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001) and Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001).Cycle of 3,75 hours or 4 cycles of 3,75 hours of training involving a pedagogue and expert/ICT technician.All eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of completed training cycles of 3,75 hours involving a pedagogue and expert/ICT technician.One Cycle: 1103Four Cycles: 4412
28.Mobility of researchers under priority axis 2 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001).Months in mobility per researcher.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of months in mobility per researcher.ComponentsAmount (EUR)
Living Allowance (for incoming mobility to CZ)Junior2674
The amounts of Living Allowance for outgoing mobility from CZ shall be calculated by multiplying the amounts for incoming mobility by the relevant correction co-efficient listed in point 3 below, depending on destination country.
Mobility allowance600
Family allowance500
Research, training and networking costs800
Management and Indirect Costs650
29.Supporting pupils with different mother tongue, teachers or parents through the assistance of an Intercultural Worker or Bilingual Assistant under Priority Axis 4 of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001).1)0,1 FTE worked per month by an Intercultural Worker or Bilingual Assistant.2)One hour (60 minutes) worked by an Intercultural Worker.All eligible costs of the operation.1)Number of 0,1 FTE worked by an Intercultural Worker or Bilingual Assistant per month.2)Number of hours worked by an Intercultural Worker.1)Intercultural Worker: 5373Bilingual Assistant: 44642)Intercultural Worker: 308
30.Transnational mobility projects for the training of educational staff under Priority Axis 4 "Education and learning and support of Employment" of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001).A 4-day traineeship for educational staff in a school in another European State consisting of at least 24 hours of educational activities.All eligible costs of the operation, which are:1)Salaries for participants;2)Costs associated with organising the traineeship in the host and sending school.3)Travel and subsistence costs;Number of 4-day traineeships participated in by educational staff in a school in another European State.1)50872)EUR 3503)To these amounts for each 4-day traineeship may be added an amount per participant to cover travel and subsistence costs as follows:
Travel costs depending on distance as follows:Amount
10 – 99 km:EUR 20
100 – 499 km:EUR 180
500 – 1999 km:EUR 275
20002999 km:EUR 360
30003999 km:EUR 530
40007999 km:EUR 820
8000 km and above:EUR 1300
Subsistence costs, depending on country as follows:Amount
Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United KingdomEUR 448
Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Romania, Finland,EUR 392
Germany, Spain, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia,EUR 336
Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovenia.EUR 280
31.Developing information and communications technology (ICT) skills of pupils and staff in school/educational facilities under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Lesson of 45 minutes using ICT tools, with a minimum of 10 pupils of which at least 3 are at risk of school failure.All eligible costs of the operation, including direct ICT costs and direct staff costsNumber of lessons of 45 minutes with a minimum of 10 pupils of which at least 3 are at risk of school failure.2000
32.Professional development of teaching staff under Priority Axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Project day consisting of cooperative teaching by teaching staff and an external expertAll eligible costs, including travel costs and direct staff costsNumber of project days of cooperative teaching, which meet the following requirements:consisting of 4 lessons of 45 minutes each of teaching outside the normal school environmentto a group of at least 10 students, of which at least 3 are at risk of school failure, complemented by at least 60 minutes of joint preparation and reflection6477
33.Training of education staff through transnational mobility under Priority Axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Training courses of a teacher or a student teacher in a school in another EU Member State or non-EU Erasmus+ programme country consisting of 6 hours of specific activities per day.All eligible costs, including travel costs and direct staff costs1)Salaries for participants who are teachers;2)Costs associated with organising the traineeship in the host and sending school.3)Travel and subsistence costs;Number of training courses of teaching staff at schools in another EU country or non-EU Erasmus+ programme country.A training course may consist of one or several training days of 6 hours of specific activities.1.1388 CZK (per day)2.350 EUR (per training course)3.Travel and subsistence costs
Travel costs per round-trip depending on distance as follows:Amount
10 - 99 km:EUR 20
100 - 499 km:EUR 180
500 - 1999 km:EUR 275
2000 - 2999 km:EUR 360
3000 - 3999 km:EUR 530
4000 - 7999 km:EUR 820
8000 km and above:EUR 1300
Subsistence costs, depending on country and number of days as follows:Amount
Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Finland, Luxembourg, Iceland, Lichtenstein153 EUR/per day (1. – 14. days), 107 EUR (15.-60. days).
Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, France Germany, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal136 EUR/per day (1. – 14. days), 95 EUR (15.-60. days).
Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia119 EUR/per day (1. – 14. days), 83 EUR (15.-60. days).
34.Cooperation among research organizations and other entities under Priority axis 2 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Internships and practical training in research organisations and related cooperation among research organisations.All eligible costs, including travel costs and direct staff costsNumber of man-days of work in research organisations abroad (outgoing) or in CZ research organisations (incoming)219 EUR for incoming;219 EUR × relevant correction coefficient (see table under point (3) for outgoing
35.Professional development of educator in informal education organisations under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Provision of structured job-shadowing for a training cycle of 20 hours.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of training cycles of structured job-shadowing provided by employees or volunteers.(1)5262 CZK (the expert is employee).(2)3070 CZK (the expert is volunteer).
36.Professional development of educator in informal education organisations under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Provision of tandem training cycle of 9 hours.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of tandem training cycles of 9 hours provided by employees or volunteers.(1)2499 CZK (the expert is employee).(2)1184 CZK (the expert is volunteer).
37.Professional development of educator through structured training in informal education organisations under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Provision of training in accredited structured courses.(1)All eligible costs, including direct costs of providing training and meal expenses;(2)All eligible costs, including direct costs of providing training and meal expenses + Travel expenses.(1)Number of hours of training per participant.(2)Number of hours of training per participant for whom travel expenses apply (one-way journey of minimum 10km).(1)200,50 CZK(2)200,50 CZK + 2,50 EUR
38.Professional development of educators in informal education organisations under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Cycle of 22 hours of mutual cooperation and learning involving an expert and 2 educators.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed cycles of 22 hours involving an expert and 2 other educators.(1)6227 CZK (the expert is employee).(2)2719 CZK (the expert is volunteer).
39.Professional development of educator in informal education organisations under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Project day of minimum 4 hours consisting of cooperative teaching by educator and an external expertAll eligible costs, including travel costs, staff costs and indirect costs.Number of project days completed for at least 10 students at a distance of at least 10km outside the organisation main seat246 EUR
40.Provision of extracurricular activity provided by informal education organization for children/pupils at risk of school failure under Priority axis 3 of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (2014CZ05M2OP001)Provision of extracurricular activities for a total duration of 24 hours.All eligible costs, excluding direct staff costs.Number of blocks of 24 hours of extracurricular activities implemented.6315 CZK
41.Provision of skills development through student grants for Ph.D. students under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 2 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Monthly cost of one student grant for a student researcher (corresponding to 0,1 FTE).All eligible costs of the student grant, including monthly allowance for research, training and networking costs (in EUR).Number of months of one student grant provided to a student researcher.5927 CZK + 80 EUR
2.Adjustments of amounts.The rate for unit costs 6-11 may be adjusted by replacing the initial minimum wage rate in the calculation method that consists of the minimum wage, the cost for provision of training and indirect costs.The rate for unit cost 12 may be adjusted by replacing the initial direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, and/or the wages for participants, including social security and health contributions in the calculation method that consists of direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions and/or the wages for participants, including social security and health contributions.The rate for unit costs 13-17, 19-27, and 29 may be adjusted by replacing the initial direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, in the calculation method that consists of direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, plus indirect costs.The rate for unit cost 18 may be adjusted by replacing the salaries for participants, including social security and health contributions in the calculation method that consists of the cost for provision of training plus salaries for participants, including social security and health contributions, plus indirect costs.The amounts for unit cost 28 may be adjusted by replacing the amounts for Living Allowance, Mobility allowance, Family allowance, Research, training and networking costs Management and Indirect Costs.The rate for unit cost 30 may be adjusted by replacing the initial direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, the costs associated with organising the traineeship in the host and sending school, and the travel and subsistence costs in the calculation method that consists of direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, the costs associated with organising the traineeship in the host and sending school, and the travel and subsistence costs.The rate for unit cost 32 may be adjusted by replacing the amount for travel in the calculation method that consists of direct costs for travel, plus direct staff costs, plus indirect costs.Adjustments will be based on the updated data as follows:for the minimum wage, amendments to the minimum wage as set by government decree no. 567/2006 Coll;for social security contributions, amendments to employers’ contributions to social security, defined in Act no. 589/1992 Coll. on social security; andfor health contributions, amendments to employers’ contributions to health insurance, defined in Act no. 592/1992 Coll. on premiums for health insurance.For average salaries to determine wages/staff costs, changes to the latest annual published data for relevant categories from the average earnings informational system ( Living Allowance, Mobility allowance, Family allowance, Research, training and networking costs Management and Indirect Costs, amendment to rates for the HORIZON 2020 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions as published at travel, subsistence and organisational costs under unit cost 30, amendments to the amounts for travel and organisational costs as well as individual support set by the European Commission for Key Action 1 (mobility projects) under the Erasmus+ programme ( travel under unit cost 32, amendments to the amounts for travel between 10 and 99 kilometres as set out in the "distance calculator" of the Erasmus+ programme ( rate for unit cost 41 may be adjusted by changes to:The rate for direct personnel costs based on adjustments to the latest annual published data from the average earnings informational system ( and other relevant employment legislation,Calculation of the Allowance for research, training and networking costs (H2020 – MSCA – IF).The amount of other direct costs is calculated in EUR, recalculation to CZK will be always carried out based on the actual exchange rate for each call ( of Coefficients related to outgoing mobility of researchers and cooperation among research organizations3.AFor cooperation among research organisations
Correction coefficient of MSCA 2018 – 2020Correction coefficient for the mobility schemes based on the Erasmus schemes
Value of the MSCA Correction coefficientCorrection coefficientAmount – one-man day
0,48 – 0,7990,75164,25 EUR
0,8 – 0,9990,875191,63 EUR
1,00 – 1,521219 EUR
3.BCoefficients related to outgoing mobility of researchers(MSCA Correction coefficient)
CountryAmount of the correction coefficient
Bosnia and Herzegovina0,844
Burkina Faso1,181
Cape Verde0,877
Central African Republic1,328
Costa Rica1,004
Democratic Republic of Congo1,680
Dominican Republic0,769
Eastern Timor1,093
Faroe Islands1,651
United Kingdom1,710
Hong Kong1,228
Ivory Coast1,202
North Macedonia0,734
New Caledonia1,433
New Zealand1,220
Palestinian Autonomous Territories1,355
Papua New Guinea1,241
Republic of Moldova0,758
Republic of Serbia0,823
Republic of the Congo1,475
Saudi Arabia0,988
Sierra Leone1,306
Solomon Islands1,314
South African Republic0,621
South Korea1,194
Sri Lanka0,855
Trinidad And Tobago0,991
United Arab Emirates1,119
ANNEX IVConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Belgium1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Where applicable, this amount shall be reduced by the support from other ESI Funds and other Union instruments.The training in the sections "target group specific development tracks" and "language support" is not considered relevant.
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Individual vocational training (IBO) supported under priority axis 1 (investment priority 8.1) or priority axis 3 (investment priority 9.1) of ESF operational programme(2014BE05SFOP002)Participants successfully completing the individual vocational training (IBO)All categories of eligible costs for the business process of IBONumber of participants with one (or more) individual vocational training(s) (registered with a unique contract number in the IBO online application), that is:coupled with an IBO guidance (registered with a unique serial number in the MLP-client file), andof which the individual vocational training has ended (as was registered in the IBO online application) in the calendar year, andof which the person has been working (as an employee and/or an independent worker) at a given moment within the period of three months starting at the end of the (last finished) individual vocational training.1439,55
2.VDAB vocational training (VT) supported under priority axis 1 (investment priority 8.1) or priority axis 3 (investment priority 9.1) of ESF operational programme(2014BE05SFOP002)Participants successfully completing the vocational trainingAll categories of eligible costs for the business process of VDAB vocational training (VT)Number of participants with one (or more) vocational training(s) (registered with a unique serial number in the MLP client file), and:of which the vocational training was ended (and registered in the MLP client file) in the calendar year, andof which the participant is working according to Dimona and RSVZ files (as an employee and/or an independent worker) at a given moment within the period of three months starting after the end of the (last ended) training8465,80
2.Adjustment of amountsNot applicable.
ANNEX VConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums to Malta1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
As defined in Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 (and any subsequent amending legislation) declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ L 187, 26.6.2014, p. 1).Rates and methodology applicable from start of scheme until end December 2019.Rates and methodology applicable from 1 January 2020 (applicable from call 2 onwards). Credit Transfer and Accumulation System –
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Employment Aid (A2E Scheme) under Priority axis 1 of the ESF Operational Programme II "Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the wellbeing of society" (2014MT05SFOP001)Employment aid paid per week to workers who are disadvantaged, severely disadvantaged or with disabilities under Call 1, Call 2 or Call 3 and onwards of the operational programme.All costs related to the Employment Subsidy.Number of weeks in employment per employee who remains employed for a given minimum period depending on the duration of the grant. For employment aid granted for 26, 52, 104 and 156 weeks the retention period is 2, 4, 8 or 12 months, respectively.The retention period is not applied in the following cases:The employee terminates his/her employment;Termination during the probation period;If the employer terminates the employment for a valid reason at law.In cases not covered by the above, reimbursement will be on a pro-rata basis.1.Disadvantaged worker – 85 (Call 1) or 104 (Call 2 and Call 3 onwards) per week for a maximum of 52 weeks.2.Severely disadvantaged worker – 85 (Call 1) or 104 (Call 2 and Call 3 onwards) per week for a maximum of 104 weeks.3.Worker with disabilities – 125 (Call 1) or 155 (Call 2 and Call 3 onwards) per week for a maximum of 156 weeks.
2.Training aid (Investing In Skills scheme) to enterprises in the private sector under Priority Axis 3 of the ESF Operational Programme II "Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the wellbeing of society" (2014MT05SFOP001)Participation in one hour of accredited or non-accredited external trainingDirect costs of providing external trainingNumber of completed hours per participant25
3.Training aid (Investing In Skills scheme) to enterprises in the private sector under Priority Axis 3 of the ESF Operational Programme II "Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the wellbeing of society" (2014MT05SF OP001)Provision of one hour of accredited or non-accredited internal training.Salary costs for internal trainer.Number of completed hours of training provided per trainer.4,90
4.Training aid (Investing In Skills scheme) to enterprises in the private sector under Priority Axis 3 of the ESF Operational Programme II "Investing in human capital to create more opportunities and promote the wellbeing of society" (2014MT05S FOP001)Participation in one hour of accredited or non-accredited internal or external training.Salary costs for participant.Number of completed hours per participant.4,90
5.Training and work experience under the Youth Guarantee (YG), Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 8ii of OP 2014MT05SFOP001(1)Profiling of young persons below 25 years (classified as NEETs) within the YG.(2)Young persons below 25 years (classified as NEETs) completing a training under the YG.(3)An hour of professional support for young persons below 25 years of age.(4)Allowances for participants below 25 years (classified as NEETs) completing the YG scheme.All eligible costs of the operation.(1)Number of young persons below 25 years for whom a profiling report was carried out and for whom the availability of the participants details as per Annex I of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 has been validated.(2)Number of young persons below 25 years who continue to the next phase of the YG (i.e. work exposure or continued education).(3)Number of hours of professional support provided to young people below 25 years per participant.(4)Number of young persons below 25 years having completed the work exposure or continued education scheme and received a certificate of completion.(1)2601,50(2)2128,50(3)50(4)1398
6.IT-training under the Youth Guarantee (YG), Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 8ii of OP 2014MT05SFOP001.Young persons below 25 years receiving training through the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) Level 2 Summer ICT-courses.All eligible costs of the operation.(1)Number of youths registered for an MQF L2 Summer ICT course.(2)Number of youths having received a certificate of attendance or completion for an MQF L2 Summer ICT course.(1)416(2)318
7.IT-training (European Computer Driving Licence) at MQF Level 3, Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 8ii of OP 2014MT05SFOP001.Young persons below 25 years receiving training at MQF Level 3 for the Standard European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL).All eligible costs of the operation.(1)Number of youths registered for an MQF L3 Standard ECDL course.(2)Number of youths having received a certificate of attendance or completion for an MQF L3 Standard ECDL.(1)226,50(2)528,50
8.Prevention classes for the Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) under the Youth Guarantee (YG), Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 8ii of OP 2014MT05SFOP001.Young persons below 25 years attending the MCAST prevention classes.All eligible costs of the operation.(1)Number of youths registered for an MCAST prevention class.(2)Number of youths re-taking the MCAST exam.(3)Number of youths who have successfully progressed in the MCAST course after re-taking the exam in September of the respective year or who have achieved the full qualification at the end of the curriculum.(1)62,10(2)113,85(3)31,05
9.Prevention classes for attaining a Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) under the Youth Guarantee (YG), Priority Axis 1, Investment Priority 8ii of OP 2014MT05SFOP001Young persons below 25 years following the SEC prevention class.All eligible costs of the operation.(1)Number of youths registered to re-take the SEC exam.(2)Number of youths re-taking the SEC exam.(3)Number of youths who have an improved SEC exam result compared to the one previously obtained.(1)38,10(2)69,85(3)19,05
10.Provision of scholarships at the tertiary level of education to different target groups at the European Qualification Framework level 7 (EQF L 7) under Priority Axis 3 (Investment Priorities 10ii and 10iii) and 4 (Investment Priority 11i) of OP 2014MT05SFOP001.Participants who undergo an EQF L 7 programme of studies and gain a qualification or certification upon leaving.Tuition fees.Number of ECTS achieved * 0,95 for which a provisional transcript is presented.Number of ECTS achieved * 0,05 for which a certificate of accreditation or final transcript is presented.For study programmes in Malta58
For study programmes in other countries and for joint study programmes100
2.Adjustment of amountsUnit cost 1 may be adjusted by replacing the initial minimum wage and/or the statutory bonus and/or weekly allowances and/or social security contributions in the calculation method that consists of the lowest weekly rate of national minimum wage for a particular year, the statutory bonus, weekly allowances and social security contributions, and dividing this result by 2.Unit Cost 2 may be adjusted by applying the annual rate of inflation to the respective rates. From 2017, for a given year N, this can be done by applying the inflation rate for year N-1 as published by the Maltese National Statistics Office at: costs 3-4 may be adjusted by replacing the initial national minimum wage for persons 18 years or over and/or the statutory bonuses and/or weekly allowances and/or social security contributions in the calculation method that consists of the hourly rate of national minimum wage for persons 18 years or over for a particular year, the statutory bonuses, the weekly allowances and social security contributions.Adjustments will be based on updated data as follows:The national minimum wage is specified in national Subsidiary Legislation 452.71 (National Minimum Wage Standing Order).The statutory bonuses, weekly allowances and social security contributions provided for in Chapter 452 of the Maltese legislation on the Employment and Industrial relations Act.Unit costs 5-9 may be adjusted in line with the cost of inflation at a national level for the relevant year the particular intervention is being undertaken. The annual rates of inflation are published by the National Statistics Office and can be found at:’Unit cost 10 will be adjusted in line with inflation according to the country in which the course is being undertaken. For courses awarded by a body that is not based in Malta and for joint study programmes an average of the rates of inflation applicable at the time will be applied. of lump sums
Operations are grouped by type of beneficiary and project size. Operations with a total project budget as agreed with the signature of the original grant agreement below EUR 750000 are small operations, operations from EUR 750000 to EUR 3000000 are medium-sized operations and operations equal and above EUR 3000000 are large operations.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
All operations of Operational Programme 2014MT05SFOP001New total expenditure included in a payment application (i.e. total eligible expenditure included in a payment application which has not yet been taken into account for calculating an instalment of EUR 100000) to cover indirect costs of the operation.Indirect costs.Instalments of EUR 100000 of new total expenditure per group of operations included in a payment application submitted to the European Commission.See point 4.
Type of entityPublic entityMinistry/DepartmentNon-Governmental OrganisationsPublic Employment Service
Project sizeLargeEUR 8000EUR 8000/EUR 25000
MediumEUR 25000EUR 25000/EUR 25000
SmallEUR 25000EUR 25000EUR 25000EUR 25000
5.Adjustment of amountsNot applicable.
ANNEX VIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Italy1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
"Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 1.B of NOP YEI but with different target groups."Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 1.C of NOP YEI but with different target groups."Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measures 2A, 2B, 4A, 4C and 7.1 of NOP YEI but with different target groups.For unit cost number 3 relating to training for self-employment and self-entrepreneurship, the amount will be reimbursed only in the case of group formation of 4 or more students.The definition of the classes is in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Circular no. 2 of 2 February 2009. This Circular defines the classes according to the type of teachers providing training.Similar operations is to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 3 of NOP YEI but with different target groupsThe young person will be profiled according to one of the four classes (low, medium, high, very high) on the basis of the following variables:age;sex;education;employment status one year before;region and province where the competent body which took in charge the young is based;language skills (only for non-nationals who have not obtained the educational qualification in Italy), for the evaluation of which will be used the already developed methodology for the issuance of an EC residence permit for long-term residents.Based on the variables identified for the young, a "disadvantage coefficient" is calculated, with a value between 0 and 1."Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 5 of NOP YEI but with different target groups."Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 5 of NOP YEI but with different target groups"Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in NOP YEI but with different target groups."Similar operations" is to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 7.1 of NOP YEI but with different target groups.For unit cost number 8 relating to support for self-employment and self-entrepreneurship, the amount will be reimbursed only in the case of individual or individualised training ("individualised" meaning a maximum of 3 students)."Similar operations" are to be understood as including those operations with similar activities to those in measure 8 of NOP YEI but with different target groups.The amounts in table 3.4 are the maximum allowance payable. Where an employer provides an allowance to cover travel, accommodation or meals, the allowance mentioned in point 3.4 will be reduced by:the amount mentioned in point 3.1 for travel (depending on location)the amount mentioned in point 3.2 for accommodation (depending on location)the amount mentioned in point 3.3 for meals (depending on location).The amounts mentioned in tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. will also be payable in a situation where the beneficiary pays only the categories of allowances mentioned in those tables.Additional specific support is limited to one unit per student per module."Istituto Tecnico Superiore"Successfully completion of an academic year corresponds to admission to the next year or admission to the final exam.A researcher hired under the law n.240/2010 for a period of 36 months with a full-time fixed-term contract, and selected through a public competitionLine of Activity MobilityConcerning this line of activity, the NOP will co-finance the international mobility of researchers holding a PhD since no more than four years at the time of the call publication. The NOP will support the hiring under the law n. 240/2010 (art. 24.3, letter a) of full time fixed-term researchers mainly to address them to international mobility programs.Line of activity AttractionThis line of activity will co-finance the return of researchers to less developed and in transition Regions hired under the law n. 240/2010.(art. 24.3, letter a) holding a PhD since no more than eight years at the time of the call publication, working in universities/research institutes/enterprises/other institutions out of the NOP target areas or even abroad, with an experience of at least two years in such structures.A ceiling of 4,000 euros is foreseen for each final recipient.A ceiling of 1,200 euros is foreseen for each final recipient.A ceiling of 1,200 euros is foreseen for each final recipientThe definition of the classes is in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Circular no. 2 of 2 February 2009. This Circular defines the classes according to the type of teachers providing training.For measure 2.A, it is specified that, for trainings focused on integration in the labour market, the standard unit costs are payable according to the following arrangement: 70 % of the grant is recognized on the basis of delivered training hours; the remaining 30 % is recognized on the basis of delivered training hours if in compliance with the conditionality that the participant finds a job (within 120 days after the end of the course).For measures 2.B, 2.C, 4.A and 4.C, the standard unit costs are payable according to the following arrangement: 100 % of the grant is recognized on the basis of delivered training hours.Maximum number of students per training: 3 people
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Measure 1.B of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Friuli VG 2014IT05SFOP004POR Lazio 2014IT05SFOP005POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Piemonte 2014IT05SFOP013POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001POR Lombardia FSE 2014IT05SFOP007PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003Hourly rate for 1st guidance level supportAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of hours providing 1st guidance level support.34,00
2.Measure 1.C of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Friuli VG 2014IT05SFOP004POR Lazio 2014IT05SFOP005POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Piemonte 2014IT05SFOP013POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001POR Lombardia FSE 2014IT05SFOP007PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003Hourly rate for specialist or 2nd guidance level support.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of hours providing specialist or 2nd guidance level support.35,50
3.Measures 2.A, 2.B, 4.A, 4.C and 7.1 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Lazio 2014IT05SFOP005POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001POR Lombardia FSE 2014IT05SFOP007PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003Hourly rate for the following trainings:Training focused on integration in the labour market;Reintegration in the schooling and training system for young people aged between 15 and 18;Apprenticeship for qualification and professional diploma;Apprenticeship for higher training and research;Training for self-employment and self-entrepreneurshipThis hourly rate depends on the type of class (A, B or C)Hourly rate per student participating in the trainingAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs and excluding any allowance paid to participants.Number of hours per training course differentiated by type of class, and the number of hours per student.TYPE OF CLASSHOURLY RATE PER COURSEHOURLY RATE PER STUDENT
4.Measure 3 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001)and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Friuli VG 2014IT05SFOP004POR Lazio 2014IT05SFOP005POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Piemonte 2014IT05SFOP013POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001POR Lombardia 2014IT05SFOP007PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003New employment contracts as a result of job coachingAll eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of new employment contracts, differentiated by type of contract and profile classification (from low to very high)Profile ClassificationLOWMEDIUMHIGHVERY HIGH
Open-ended contract and 1st and 3rd level apprenticeship contract1500200025003000
2nd level apprenticeship, fixed-term and temporary contract ≥ 12 months1000130016002000
fixed-term and temporary contract 6-12 months60080010001200
5.Measure 5 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Friuli VG 2014IT05SFOP004POR Lazio 2014IT05SFOP005POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Piemonte 2014IT05SFOP013POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Lombardia 2014IT05SFOP007PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003New regional/interregional/transnational traineeshipsAll eligible costs including direct staff costs for providing a traineeship.Number of traineeships, differentiated by profile classification.LOWMEDIUMHIGHVERY HIGH
6.Measure 5 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Friuli VG 2014IT05SFOP004POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Piemonte 2014IT05SFOP013POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Lombardia 2014IT05SFOP007PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003Traineeships under interregional mobilityTraineeships under transnational mobilityFor interregional mobility: all eligible costs, including travel, accommodation and meals, but excluding participant allowancesFor transnational mobility: all eligible costs.Number of traineeships, differentiated by location and, for interregional mobility, the length of traineeship.Interregional mobility as per the rates set out in point 3.4Transnational mobility as per the rates set in point 3.5
7.Measure 6 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Piemonte 2014IT05SFOP013POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Lombardia 2014IT05SFOP007PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P00330 hour block of general preparatory training for access to the voluntary civilian service.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs, excluding allowances and insurance.Number of participants completing the 30 hour block of training.90
8.Measure 7.1 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Emilia Romagna 2014IT05SFOP003POR Friuli VG 2014IT05SFOP004POR Lazio 2014IT05SFOP005POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015POR Lombardia 2014IT05SFOP007PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003Hourly rate of support for self-employment and self-entrepreneurshipAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs, but excluding any allowance.Number of hours of support provided to participants.40
9.Measure 8 of the national Operational Programme Youth Employment Initiative (2014IT05M9OP001) and similar operations under:POR Abruzzo 2014IT05SFOP009POR Basilicata 2014IT05SFOP016PO Bolzano 2014IT05SFOP017POR Calabria 2014IT16M2OP006POR Campania 2014IT05SFOP020POR Liguria 2014IT05SFOP006POR Molise 2014IT16M2OP001POR Puglia 2014IT16M2OP002POR Sardegna 2014IT05SFOP021POR Sicilia 2014IT05SFOP014PO Trento 2014IT05SFOP018POR Umbria 2014IT05SFOP010POR Valle D’Aosta 2014IT05SFOP011PON SPAO 2014IT05SFOP002POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015POR Lombardia 2014IT05SFOP007PON Inclusione 2014IT05SFOP001PON Legalità 2014IT16M20P003A.Employment contracts following professional interregional mobility or professional transnational mobility;B.Job interview under professional transnational mobilityAll eligible costs (one off subsidy for travel, accommodation and meals, and an interview allowance), not including any additional allowances for disadvantaged people and any allowances for travel, accommodation or meals under interregional mobility provided by employer.Number of employment contracts or job interviews, differentiated by locationProfessional interregional mobility as per the amounts for more than 600 hours set out in point 3.4.Professional transnational mobility for interview purposes as per the amounts set out in point 3.6.Professional transnational mobility as per the amounts set out in point 3.7.
10.Operations increasing the number of Industrial PhD positions under the following Operational Programmes:PON Ricerca 2014 IT16M20P005POR Basilicata FSE 2014IT05SFOP016POR Campania FSE 2014IT05SFOP020POR Puglia FESR FSE 2014IT16M2OP002POR Calabria FESR FSE 2014IT16M2OP006POR Abruzzo FSE 2014IT05SFOP009POR Sardegna FSE 2014IT05SFOP021POR Molise FESR FSE 2014IT16M2OP001POR Friuli Venezia Giulia FSE 2014IT05SFOP004POR Liguria FSE 2014IT05SFOP006POR Lombardia FSE 2014IT05SFOP007POR Valle d’Aosta FSE 2014IT05SFOP011POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015PA Bolzano FSE 2014IT05SFOP017POR Sicilia FSE 2014IT05SFOP014POR Umbria FSE 2014IT05SFOP010POR Emilia Romagna FSE 2014IT05SFOP003PA Trento 2014IT05SFOP018Months spent working on PhD.All eligible costs for the participant (salary and associated social security contributions) and the institution providing the PhD (direct and indirect costs).Number of months spent working on PhD, according to location in Italy or abroad.Without a period spent abroad:1927,63 per monthWith a period spent abroad:2891,45 per month
11.Adult training under OP Education 2014IT05M20P001Participants gaining a certificate in adult trainingAll categories of costsNumber of participants gaining a certificate in adult training, differentiated by length of module and additional specific support327 (30 hour module)357 (30 hour module with additional specific support)654 (60 hour module)684 (60 hour module with additional specific support)1090 (100 hour module)1120 (100 hour module with additional specific support)
12.Activities related to Citizenship and the Rule of Law under OP Education 2014IT05M20P001Participants gaining a certificate in initiatives related to "Citizenship and Rule of Law".All categories of costsNumber of participants gaining a certificate related to "Citizenship and Rule of Law", differentiated by length of module, additional specific support, and meal allowance.191,10 (30 hour module)221,10 (30 hours with additional specific support)261,10 (30 hours with meal allowance)291,10 (30 hours with additional specific support and meal allowance)382,20 (60 hour module)412,20 (60 hours with additional specific support)522,20 (60 hours with meal allowance)552,20 (60 hours with additional specific support and meal allowance)637,00 (100 hour module)667,00 (100 hours with additional specific support)871,00 (100 hours with meal allowance)901,00 (100 hours with additional specific support and meal allowance)
13.Classroom training under OP Education 2014IT05M20P001Participants gaining a certificate in classroom trainingAll categories of costsNumber of participants gaining a certificate in classroom training, differentiated by length of module, additional specific support and meal allowance.360,60 (30 hour module)390,60 (30 hours with additional specific support)430,60 (30 hours with meal allowance)460,60 (30 hours with additional specific support and meal allowance)721,20 (60 hour module)751,20 (60 hours with additional specific support)861,20 (60 hours with meal allowance)891,20 (60 hours with additional specific support and meal allowance)1202,00 (100 hour module)1232,00 (100 hours with additional specific support)1436,00 (100 hours with meal allowance)1466,00 (100 hours with additional specific support and meal allowance)
14.Language training in context of transnational mobility under OP Education 2014IT05M20P001Participants gaining a certificate in language training following transnational mobility.All categories of costs, except travel and accommodation costs for persons accompanying participants.Number of participants gaining a certificate in language training following transnational mobility, differentiated by length of module, country and length of stay, and distance travelled774,00 (40 hour module)1161,00 (60 hour module)1548,00 (80 hour module)To these amounts for each participant can be added a daily amount to cover accommodation costs, differentiated by country, as set out in point 3.8 below, and the following amount for travel costs:
15.Internships under OP Education 2014IT05M20P001Participants gaining an internship certificate, with or without transnational mobility.All categories of costs, except travel and accommodation for persons accompanying participants.Number of participants gaining an internship certificate, with or without transnational mobility, differentiated by length of module and, where transnational mobility is included, country, length of stay, and distance travelled786,60 (60 hour module)1179,90 (90 hour module)1573,20 (120 hour module)3146,40 (240 hour module)For internships with transnational mobility, these amounts for each participant can be supplemented by a daily amount to cover accommodation costs, differentiated by country, as set out in point 3.8 below, and the following amount for travel costs:
16.Language training and internships in the context of transnational mobility under OP Education 2014IT05M20P001Persons accompanying participants.Accommodation and travel costsNumber of persons accompanying participants.Accommodation costs per participant, differentiated by country, as set out in point 3.8 below, and the following amount for travel costs:
17.Training in Higher Technical Institutes under the following OPs:2014IT05SFOP016 (POR FSE Basilicata)2014IT16M2OP006 (POR FSE/FESR Calabria)2014IT05SFOP020 (POR FSE Campania)2014IT16M2OP002 (POR FSE/FESR Puglia)2014IT05SFOP014 (POR FSE Sicilia)2014IT05SFOP009 (POR FSE Abruzzo)2014IT16M2OP001 (POR FSE Molise)2014IT05SFOP021 (POR FSE Sardegna)2014IT05SFOP017 (POR FSE Bolzano)2014IT05SFOP003 (POR FSE Emilia-Romagna)2014IT05SFOP004 (POR FSE Friuli-Venezia Giulia)2014IT05SFOP005 (POR FSE Lazio)2014IT05SFOP006 (POR FSE Liguria)2014IT05SFOP007 (POR FSE Lombardia)2014IT05SFOP008 (POR FSE Marche)2014IT05SFOP013 (POR FSE Piemonte)2014IT05SFOP015 (POR FSE Toscana)2014IT05SFOP010 (POR FSE Umbria)2014IT05SFOP011 (POR FSE Valle d’Aosta)2014IT05SFOP012 (POR FSE Veneto)Participation in a training course in a Higher Technical InstituteCompletion of a training course in a Higher Technical InstituteThe unit costs cover all eligible categories of costs, except for costs related to courses run by certified centres that are compulsory for obtaining the mandatory certifications provided by the provisions of the Ministry of infrastructure and transportation, in the areas "Mobility of people and goods – conduction of the naval vehicle" and "Mobility of people and goods – management of equipment and onboard assembly"Number of hours of participation in a training course in a Higher Technical InstituteIn addition, number of participants who have successfully completed an academic year of a training course in a Higher Technical Institute.Hourly rate49,93
For 2-year courses per completed year:4809,50
For 3-year courses per completed year:3206,30
18.Mobility programmes for researchers under the OP 2014IT16M20P005 – 2014 -2020 "Research and Innovation" Operating Programme, Axis I "Human Capital", Action I.2. Mobility programmes for researchers and similar operations under:2014IT05SFOP011 (POR FSE Valle d’Aosta)2014IT05SFOP020 (POR FSE Campania)2014IT05SFOP004 (POR FSE Friuli-Venezia Giulia)Monthly cost for a researcher with a fixed-term contractAll categories of costs.Number of months spent on site or off campus by a researcher hired under the law n. 240/2010 for a period of 36 months, and selected through a public competition in a state or private university in one of the regions that are beneficiaries of the intervention.A.Without periods of activity off campus or abroad for researchers for line of activity "mobility"EUR 4885,38B.With periods of activity off campus or abroad for researchers for line of activity "mobility" and for researchers under line of activity "attraction"EUR 5496,05
19.Group training under measures 2.C, 5.bis, 6.bis, 8 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001 and for similar operations (including different target groups) carried out under NOP SAEP 2014IT05SFOP002Hourly rate for the following trainings:Employment and training;Linguistic training for voluntary civilian service in the EU;Linguistic training for Professional transnational mobility;Linguistic training for Traineeships in transnational mobilityThis hourly rate depends on the type of class (A, B or C)Hourly rate per student participating in the trainingall eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs), except for any allowanceCost per hour of training per student plus cost for one hour of training course differentiated by classTYPE OF CLASSHOURLY RATE PERCOURSEHOURLY RATE PERSTUDENT
20.Individual and individualized training as foreseen under measures 2.A, 2.B, 2.C, 4.A, 4.C of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001 and for similar operations (including different target groups) carried out under NOP SAEP 2014IT05SFOP002.Hourly rate for the following individual and individualised trainings:Training focused on integration in the labour market;Reintegration in the schooling and training system for young people between 15 and 18 years old;Employment and training;Apprenticeship for qualification and professional diploma;Apprenticeship for higher training and research.all eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs), except for any allowanceNumber of training hours and number of participants40,00
21.General training activities under measures 5.bis, 6.bis and 8 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001 and for similar operations (including different target groups) carried out under NOP SAEP 2014IT05SFOP002.General training courses carried out at the beginning ofextra-curricular internships in transnational mobility;voluntary civilian service in the EU;transnational professional mobility projects.all eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs), except for any allowanceNumber of participants in a general training course with a minimum duration of 30 hours180,00
22.Voluntary civilian service as foreseen under measure 6.bis of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001 and for similar operations (including different target groups) carried out under NOP SAEP 2014IT05SFOP002Daily allowance for each day of effective stay abroadAccommodation and meal contribution for each day of effective stay abroadall eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct costs, indirect costs, allowances and insurance costs), excluding travel costsNumber of days of effective stay abroad.15,00 – daily allowance to participant for each day of effective stay abroad30,00 – accommodation and meal contribution to participant for each day of effective stay abroad
2.Adjustment of amounts(a)For standard scales of unit costs 1-9 and 19-20, the amounts may be adjusted where the FOI index (consumer price index for blue and white collar worker households, excluding tobacco products) shows a monetary revaluation equal to or exceeding 5 %. In particular, in a given year y, the adjustment is made if in a period y+t the difference between the benchmarking coefficients shown by the FOI index for such years is equal to or higher than 5 %. The base year applied – and on the basis of which the amounts were adjusted – is 2014. Where this rate is equal to or higher than 5 %, each unit cost may be adjusted accordingly.(b)For standard scale of unit costs 10, the rate may be adjusted by replacing the monthly scholarship and/or social security contributions in the calculation method that consists of monthly scholarship plus social security contributions plus an amount for all other costs. Updated data can be found in amendments to the Ministerial Decree of 18.6.2008 (which defines the total gross annual amount of PhD scholarships) and biannual adjustment of the rate of social security contributions (Circular letter No 13 of 29/01/2016 of the Director-General of INPS, the National Institute for Social Security).(c)For standard scales of unit costs 11-15, which are based on the historical average number of certificates (output) awarded per module, the rate may be adjusted at the end of each financial year (31/12) following an assessment by the Managing Authority of the implementation of the operations related to each of the unit costs. Where such an assessment shows a divergence in the average number of certificates awarded per module for each type of training as compared to the average number used as the basis for calculating the existing unit cost, then a new unit cost will be calculated according to the following formula:UCnew = UCold + VariationwhereVariation = UCold – (UCold * Outputnew/Outputold)(d)For standard scales of unit costs 17, the rates will be reviewed every four years and if, taking 2017 as the reference year, there is an increase of more than 5 % an adjustment will be made by ISTAT based on the FOI consumer price index (consumer price index for blue and white collar worker households, excluding tobacco products).(e)For standard scales of unit costs 18, the rates may be adjusted following amendments of the current legislation (which includes Law n.240/2010, the Presidential Decree n.232/2011, the Law n.232/2016 (Budget Law 2017), Law n.448/1998 "Misure di finanza pubblica per la stabilizzazione e lo sviluppo", Law n.335/1995, Legislative Decree n.446/1997, and the Presidential Decree n.1032/1973.) as well as changes of the social security contribution rates.(f)The amounts for unit costs 21 and 22 may be adapted following amendments to the legislative provisions of Legislative Decree 77/2002, Directorial Determination (DD) of 19 December 2007 and D.D. n. 348 of 18 May 2016 of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department of Youth and Civilian Service3.1Interregional travel costs (in EUR)
Region of originTravel costs
Destination region
Valle d’AostaPA BolzanoPA TrentoLiguriaPiemonteLombardiaVenetoFriuli Venezia GiuliaEmilia-RomagnaToscanaMarcheAbruzzoUmbriaLazioCampaniaMoliseBasilicataPugliaCalabriaSiciliaSardegna
Friuli Venezia Giulia129,05103,2482,30120,22175,5299,6237,360,0055,4770,18163,01226,34162,50113,20302,24218,87264,89241,12304,39325,00279,13
PA Bolzano118,580,0036,22113,94151,3597,3596,22103,2481,50110,9484,9067,92127,01172,06271,68196,06236,02138,10285,04310,17273,47
PA Trento112,2436,220,00105,11147,2276,4719,0282,3074,7199,6276,98198,50120,44160,74259,06194,31227,31132,44273,72308,24247,26
Valle d’Aosta0,00118,58112,2453,6617,4359,37155,03129,05146,48169,12200,25269,30199,18230,31253,00259,51271,11275,59369,32350,35205,36
3.2Interregional accommodation costs (for more than 600 hours) (in EUR)
Destination region
Valle d’AostaPA BolzanoPA TrentoLiguriaPiemonteLombardiaVenetoFriuli Venezia GiuliaEmilia- RomagnaToscanaMarcheAbruzzoUmbriaLazioCampaniaMoliseBasilicataPugliaCalabriaSiciliaSardegna
Friuli Venezia Giulia803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
PA Bolzano803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
PA Trento803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
Valle d’Aosta803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
3.3Interregional subsistence costs (for more than 600 hours) (in EUR)
Region of originMEAL COSTS
Destination region
Valle d’AostaPA BolzanoPA TrentoLiguriaPiemonteLombardiaVenetoFriuli Venezia GiuliaEmilia- RomagnaToscanaMarcheAbruzzoUmbriaLazioCampaniaMoliseBasilicataPugliaCalabriaSiciliaSardegna
Friuli Venezia Giulia482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
PA Bolzano482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
PA Trento482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
Valle d’Aosta482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
3.4Interregional allowances for traineeships (in EUR)
No. of training hoursAbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaUmbriaValle d’AostaVeneto
Region where the training is taking placeValle d’Aosta160611,70613,51711,72595,40488,88471,45572,71396,06401,77542,65601,91460,98454,64359,83617,99547,76692,75511,52541,58497,43
> 6001555,441557,251655,461539,141432,621415,191516,451339,801345,511486,391545,651404,721398,381303,571561,731491,501636,491455,261485,321441,17
> 6001617,571642,411691,431678,071487,901509,631578,461520,331503,741491,291602,451442,621557,741544,501679,861716,561517,331533,401524,971502,61
> 6001308,131336,931383,351368,691184,341191,931270,371214,741186,101186,611303,941145,851256,851242,071356,891417,871209,251230,071221,871128,65
> 6001297,291385,471390,681261,861186,921268,881277,711198,471266,731300,691262,591253,761184,881398,831372,811380,271216,131224,161202,321255,07
> 6001448,981511,691568,461463,921346,191392,661427,691253,371285,061337,131450,111368,491364,361408,451405,071490,751364,301398,881234,571320,15
> 6001964,981972,232072,751954,111825,071831,861933,741782,051840,911956,151829,591808,711800,161912,231911,752067,311845,441817,141791,611801,29
> 6001318,061375,341420,391281,951179,511153,471281,391222,521185,171186,301310,591212,331135,131219,131280,821364,681419,491211,201241,261271,14
Friuli Venezia Giulia160577,72616,26655,77653,62406,84464,57471,59450,99514,38570,24454,61433,67526,89592,49630,50676,37421,56513,87480,42388,73
> 6001546,181584,731624,241622,091375,311433,041440,061419,461482,851538,711423,081402,141495,361560,961598,971644,841390,031482,341448,891357,20
No. of training hoursAbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaUmbriaValle d’AostaVeneto
Region where the training is taking placeEmilia Romagna160562,62596,13664,95573,49450,10525,95432,89487,46456,89555,15476,14469,35523,68535,00583,58686,69448,97446,71541,11458,03
> 6001650,331683,841752,661661,201537,811613,651520,601575,161544,601642,861563,841557,051611,391622,711671,281774,401536,681534,411628,821545,73
> 6001496,481604,481666,511588,631482,221498,071527,501495,351541,081535,991554,441538,821527,501575,041640,701617,291701,831464,111597,011522,97
> 6001141,121179,491325,291251,991144,401245,151152,321200,211190,811158,101167,041159,111202,131189,681333,341298,351190,241126,061282,391152,32
> 6001095,771176,601137,211179,771238,121037,591160,411244,521070,761057,571079,701210,281243,611104,831194,241176,941080,381035,101281,081213,73
> 6001293,421412,841448,271421,111322,171432,591324,431345,601355,001314,021376,841397,111390,541451,841426,881481,081459,591306,321469,271395,24
> 6001852,091894,201965,291925,891957,591939,481955,332027,771896,461855,481998,341987,022036,831939,481982,931964,381925,891880,612056,581991,55
> 6001354,521263,051319,431407,951531,341328,711342,291450,961398,951250,371500,771488,151475,871318,291419,311342,291389,841380,101482,091394,93
> 6001203,731189,181243,521179,221318,461376,811187,141309,971381,851233,901354,001352,251390,901228,241343,791298,421284,501264,691417,451352,42
No. of training hoursAbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaUmbriaValle d’AostaVeneto
Region where the training is taking placeBasilicata160320,95308,39270,92438,46501,85304,88473,77476,94334,31268,20472,98464,27531,51292,43461,14351,29413,55379,71508,07496,19
> 600974,08961,51924,041091,581154,97958,001126,901130,07987,43921,331126,101117,391184,63945,551114,261004,411066,671032,831161,201149,31
> 6001141,971104,381117,971138,121189,281290,031162,111299,091228,901156,451119,211187,021181,361240,221328,341196,531261,731205,701324,501213,62
> 6001228,031134,641153,541333,531367,611202,221305,231403,721306,361148,791348,251336,931414,531132,261343,771138,831301,841241,391432,531367,49
> 6001512,621461,791423,081460,661639,521672,461485,571579,071682,531563,671487,941657,631655,711621,071495,081533,281621,411536,961697,821650,84
> 6001039,351081,071137,451047,111045,831136,021013,541081,041036,401108,091042,741130,361104,151044,811136,311042,711046,301067,871062,251105,46
3.5Allowances for traineeships under transnational mobility (in EUR)
SA = Additional WeekMA = Additional MonthGA = Additional Day
United Kingdom197228203668495057376525196,9787,6728,13
3.6Allowances for interview(s)
Place or country of destinationDistance (KM)Amount (EUR)
Travel and accommodationDaily subsistence allowance (DSA)
Any EU-28 or Iceland and Norway0 – 50050/day (> 12 hours) 25/½ day (> 6 – 12 hours) Max 3 days
> 50 – 250100
> 250 – 500250
> 500350
3.7Allowance to move to another Member State (work placement)
Country of DestinationAmount (EUR)
United Kingdom1060
3.8Daily accommodation costs (in EUR)
Student daily allowancesStaff daily allowances
Country GroupCountry(Day 1-day 14)(Day 15-Day 60)(Day 1-day 14)(Day 15-Day 60)
Group AUnited Kingdom906312890
Group BDenmark866012890
Group CNetherlands835812890
Group DCyprus775411278
Group EAustria745211278
Group FGreece704911278
Group GGermany67479667
North Macedonia67479667
Group HCroatia58418056
Group IFrance805611278
Group LPortugal64459667
ANNEX VIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Slovakia1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
There are two possible modules – 1) Base/Standard and 2) Advanced.A teaching club shall consist of minimum 3 and maximum 10 members and each club meeting shall last a maximum of 3 hours. Teaching clubs both with and without a written output can declare a maximum of 30 hours per semester for participation of each member at the club. Teaching clubs with a written output can each declare a maximum of 50 hours for production of their written output.The participation at the teaching clubs is strictly limited to the following categories of teaching staff, as defined in §3 and §12 of Act No 317/2009: teachers, teaching assistants, educators and teachers/trainers of practical education.Additional school classes are classes run by the school in addition to the classes normally financed by the state budget. An additional class lasts 60 minutes and consists of 45 minutes teaching plus 15 minutes of preparatory or follow-up activities. Additional classes can be provided up to a maximum, per school year and per school, of:12 classes weekly for primary schools – level I;15 classes weekly for primary schools – level II;33 classes weekly for secondary schools.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Professional development of employees in foreign language skills under Priority Axes 2, 3 and 4 of the Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)45-minute period of foreign language training per employeeAll eligible costs of the operation, including direct costs of providing training.Number of completed 45-minute periods of foreign language training per employee.8,53
2.European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL certification under Priority Axes 1, 2 and 3 of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)ECDL certificationAll eligible costs of the operation, including direct cost of sitting examination and issuing certificateNumber of ECDL certificates awarded, differentiated by profile and moduleCertificate NamePrice
ECDL Profile - 1 Base/Standard exam31,50
ECDL Profile - 2 Base/Standard exams59,00
ECDL Profile - 3 Base/Standard exams76,50
ECDL Profile - 4 Base/Standard exams92,00
ECDL Profile - 5 Base/Standard exams111,50
ECDL Profile - 6 Base/Standard exams127,00
ECDL Profile - 7 Base/Standard exams142,50
ECDL Profile - 8 Base/Standard exams163,00
ECDL Profile - 1 Advanced exam39,10
ECDL Profile - 2 Advanced exams74,30
ECDL Profile - 3 Advanced exams99,40
ECDL Profile - 4 Advanced exams122,50
3.Inclusion in kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools under Priority Axis 1 Education and 5 Integration of marginalised Roma communities of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)Occupation of newly created or existing ESF funded posts in inclusive teamsDirect wage costsIndirect costsNumber of months during which a newly created or existing ESF funded post in an inclusive team is occupied.School psychologist – 1353 per monthSpecial pedagogue/social pedagogue – 1559 per month
4.Inclusion in kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools under Priority Axis 1 Education and 5 Integration of marginalised Roma communities of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)Occupation of newly created or existing ESF funded posts for pedagogical assistantsDirect wage costsIndirect costsNumber of months during which a newly created or existing ESF funded post for a pedagogical assistant is occupied1115 per month
5.Integration of pupils in kindergartens and schools under Priority Axis Education of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)Occupation of a newly created or existing ESF funded teacher’s assistant postDirect wage costsIndirect costsNumber of months during which a newly created or existing ESF funded post of teachers assistant is occupied1062 per month
6.Training of teaching and specialised staff under Priority Axis Education of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)One hour of participation in training for teaching and specialised staffDirect wage costs of the trainer and wages of the participant.Indirect CostsNumber of completed hours per participant in training for teaching and specialised staffGroup of 20 participants: 10,10 per completed hour per participantGroup of 12 participants: 10,65 per completed hour per participant.
7.Training of prospective teachers of higher education facilities under Priority Axis Education of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)One hour of analysis by a training teacher of a student’s direct teaching activity unit (school class) or direct education activity (school facility).Direct wage costs.Materials and administrative costs.Number of hours of direct analysis by a training teacher of students’ direct teaching activity unit (school class) or direct education activity (school facility).9,66 per hour
8.Teaching clubs under Priority Axis Education of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)One hour of participation by teaching staff in a teaching clubDirect wage costs. Indirect costs.Number of hours of participation by teaching staff in a teaching club11,20
9.Teaching of additional school classes under Priority Axis Education of Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001)1.One hour of teaching of an additional school class by a primary school teacher2.One hour of teaching of an additional school class by a secondary school teacherDirect wage costs and indirect costs.1.Number of hours of teaching of additional school classes by a primary school teacher2.Number of hours of teaching of additional school classes by a secondary school teacher1.12,452.13,20
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amount for unit cost 3 and 4 may be adjusted in order to reflect the change of salaries for school psychologists, special pedagogues and social pedagogues established at national level in accordance with law No 553/2003 on remuneration of some categories of employees carrying out with in public interest, its amendments and its implementing acts.The amount for unit cost 5 may be adjusted in line with changes to the normative allowance for teacher’s assistants established in accordance with §9a section 3 of Governmental Regulation (EC) No 630/2008 of the Slovak Republic, laying down the details of the breakdown of funds from the state budget for schools and school facilities.The amount for unit cost 7 may be adjusted in line with changes to the guidelines for allocation of subsidies from the state budget to public higher education institutions, in accordance with Act No 131/2002 on higher education institutions.The amount for unit costs 8 and 9 may be adjusted by replacing the initial direct wage costs in the calculation method that consists of direct wage costs and a flat rate for indirect costs.Adjustments will be based on change of salaries for primary and secondary school teachers established at national level in accordance with §28 section 1 of Act No 553/2003 on remuneration of some employees working in public interest.
ANNEX VIIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Germany1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
A pro-rata may be applied – the monthly rate may be divided by 30 to arrive at daily rates.A consulting day shall consist of eight hours. Only half or full days are charged.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for teachers with management responsibilities.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours (in events requiring attendance and in process support at the schools) andhave received a certificate on this basis.4702,60
2.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Training for the assembly of teachers.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who attend the workshop on inclusive school development.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who have participated in the eight-hour workshop and have received a certificate on this basis.33,32
3.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further class teacher training.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 153 of the scheduled 180 hours andhave received a certificate on this basis.11474,14
4.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training in practical learningPriority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 26 of the scheduled 30 hours andhave received a certificate on this basis.1698,24
5.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for educators.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 36 of the scheduled 42 hours (at input events and process support) andhave received a certificate on this basis.246,20
6.Training for teachers at vocational schools:Technical and special didactic trainingPriority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 104 of the scheduled 120 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours of work in small groups andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling the three criteria set out above.14678,40
7.Training for teachers at vocational schools:Training in giving support to young people of immigrant background in acquiring the German language.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 80 of the scheduled 96 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated for six hours in individual advisory sessions andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling the three criteria set out above.7268,34
8.Training for teachers at vocational schools:Training for individual assistance to young people in strongly heterogeneous learning groupsPriority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 104 of the scheduled 120 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours of work in small groups andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling the three criteria set out above.14105,51
9.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for teachers at regional schools and comprehensive schools in relation to general language and intercultural educationPriority axis COP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 153 of the scheduled 180 hours of training andhave received a certificate on this basis.12393,97
10.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for school management in vocational schools regarding the implementation of inclusive teaching and learning concepts.Priority axis COP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the trainingAll eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 72 of the scheduled 84 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours of work in small groups andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling these three criteria.12588,14
11.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for teachers in vocational schools regarding inclusive concepts in lesson planning.Priority axis COP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 104 of the scheduled 120 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours of work in small groups andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculumand have received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling these three criteria.13704,25
12.Operations under the programme "4.3 Employment Counselling centres"OP 2014DE05SFOP010 – North Rhine-WestphaliaProvision of counselling services to people who are not in employment or at risk of becoming unemployed.Areas of counselling comprise the clients’ further professional development, qualification and employment opportunities as well as consulting services regarding his or her economic and psychosocial situation.All costs of the operation.Number of months of counselling services provided within a "Employment Counselling centre" by category of staff.Category PP3 (high profile project cooperation):8526,32Category PP4 (project cooperation):7702,71
13.Operations under the programme "3.1 Consulting for enterprises to secure skilled workers, potential consulting"OP 2014DE05SFOP010 – North Rhine-WestphaliaProvision of consulting services to enterprises in the following areas:Work organisation,Demographic change,Health,Digitization, orCompetence development and qualification counsellingAll costs of the operation.Number of consulting days provided to an enterprise.1000
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts of unit cost 12 (Employment Counselling Centres) may be adjusted in line with the collective agreement for the public service (TVöD) and changes to employer contributions to social security and/or apportionments.
ANNEX IXConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of unit costs and lump sums to the Netherlands1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
For the purposes of types of operations 1 to 3, the period of intervention is the period between the date of intake and the date of exiting the reintegration activity.PrO = PraktijkOnderwijs (practical education) and VSO = Voortgezet Speciaal Onderwijs (secondary special education)
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Reintegration activities for detainees in the sector Prison ServicesPriority Axis 1OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionCalendar days of participation of a detainee during the period of intervention, in the sector Prison Services (GW).All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of calendar days of participation of a detainee in the period of intervention14,50
2.Reintegration activities for detainees in forensic care (Forzo)Priority Axis 1OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionCalendar days of participation of a detainee during the period of intervention in the sector forensic care (Forzo)All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of calendar days of participation of a detainee in the period of intervention.21,00
3.Reintegration activities for juvenile offenders and youth in institutions placed under supervision based on a court judgment under civil lawPriority Axis 1OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionCalendar days of participation of a juvenile offender and a young person during the period of intervention in the sector Juvenile offenders and youth in custodial institutions under civil law (JI)All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of calendar days of participation of a juvenile offender and a young person in the period of intervention.26,50
4.Job coach activities for Young Disabled PersonsOP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionProvision of job coach activities for Young Disabled Persons who receive benefits from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV to secure and maintain paid employment in the open labour market)All eligible costs.Number of hours of jobcoaching assigned to a participant.55,05
5.Operations promoting and improving the connection between PrO and VSO students and the labour market or further vocational education.OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionProvision of additional labour market guidance to students enrolled in a PrO or VSO school.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of PrO or VSO students per school year receiving additional labour market guidance.1720,00
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts of unit costs set out for types of operation 1-3 and 5 will be adjusted yearly in line with the Dutch consumer price index (CPI): Index figures can be found on CBS Statline.The first indexation for types of operations 1-3 will be calculated in 2017, for types of operation 5 in 2020. The baseline year for the amounts of unit costs set out in this annex is 2015. (CPI 2015 = 100).Every year (N), as from 2017, the amounts will be indexed by applying the CPI of the year N-1 with the year 2015 as baseline. The following formula will be used for calculating the amounts of unit costs to be applied in a given year:Unit cost amounts in year N = Unit cost amounts included in this annex * CPI in year N-1 (with baseline 2015 = 100)/100The amounts of unit costs set out for types of operation unit cost 4 will be adjusted when the rules and regulations about job coaching change according to the Dutch law. The set percentage of 60 % which forms the basisin the calculation of the hourly amount, to take into account that the assigned number of hours are not always used, will be recalculated every two 2 years in the same way the present calculations have been made with baseline year 2018. If the average differs more than 2 percent of the total number of hours the new percentage will be applied as the new average.3.Definition of lump sum
In accordance with Article 119 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts(in EUR)
Technical AssistancePriority axis 42014NL05SFOP001New total expenditure included in a payment application (i.e. total eligible expenditure included in a payment application which has not yet been taken into account for calculating an installment of EUR 100000).All elgible costs.Installments of EUR 100000 of new total expenditure included in a payment application submitted to the European Commission until the maximum amount budgeted under the technical assistance priority axis is reached.5690
4.Adjustments of amountsNot applicable.
ANNEX XConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Austria1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
One teaching hour equals 50 minutes.These are the only costs to be claimed for ESF reimbursement for the specified operations.Type of school:3070 Secondary Academic Schools (AHS)3080 Technical/industrial schools (TMHS)3081 Secondary schools and colleges for tourism and for social and services-related occupations (HUM)3082 Commercial academies and commercial schools (HAK/HAS)3091 Secondary college for early childhood pedagogy/Secondary college for social pedagogy (BAfEP/BASOP)One teaching hour equals 50 minutes.These operations may also be implemented by remote means when restrictions are imposed or recommendations issued by competent authorities to delay the spread of the coronavirus.Two coaches are allowed for groups with a minimum of seven participants.These operations may also be implemented by remote means when restrictions are imposed or recommendations issued by competent authorities to delay the spread of the coronavirus.There is no obligation to establish a separate working time registration system for staff with a fixed percentage of time worked on the operation per month. The employer shall issue a document for each employee setting out the fixed percentage of time for working on the operation.The total amount in this column is used to cover all costs of the operation with the exception of salaries and allowances paid to participants. This amount is based on the following method: amount per hour plus an amount resulting from the application of a 40 % flat rate over the amount per hour. and/or student may take several exams and will be counted for each level of exam passed.Eligibility is limited to one placement per student.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Measures to reduce the number of early school leavers.Priority axis 3 of OP2014AT05SFOP001Provision of teaching hours.Staff costs for teachers.Number of teaching hours per type of school.Type of schoolAmount
2.Basic education courses under priority axis 1.1, 3.2. and 4 ofOP 2014AT05SFOP001Hours of provision of basic education in five competency areas by one or two coaches and of provision of accompanying childcare services.All costs of the operation.Number of teaching hours provided by:one or two coaches;within or outside the main residency community of the beneficiary;with or without childcare services.CriteriaAmount per teaching hour
Courses with 1 coach110
Courses with 2 coaches150
Courses with 1 coach and provision of childcare facilities150
Courses with 2 coaches and provision of childcare facilities190
Courses with 1 coach outside the main residency community of the beneficiary140
Courses with 2 coaches outside the main residency community of the beneficiary180
Courses with 1 coach and provision of childcare facilities outside the main residency community of the beneficiary180
3.Educational counselling under priority axis 3.2. and 4 ofOP 2014AT05SFOP001Provision of face-to-face counselling services to individuals.All costs of the operation.Number of face-to-face counselling sessions provided.338,43
4.Management verifications of OP2014AT05SFOP001 under priority axis 5 (technical assistance)Hours of provision of management verification services to the Managing Authority – support with the tasks of first level control and support tasks to other control bodies.All costs of the operation.Number of hours performing management verification tasks and support tasks to other control bodies.62,96
5.All operations of OP2014AT05SFOP001 with the exception of operations covered by unit costs 1-4 of this annex.Working hours of staff working directly on the operation.Direct staff costs of the operation (column A).All costs of the operation with the exception of salaries and allowances paid to participants (column B).Number of actual working hours per category of staff.Amount per hour (A)Amount per hour (b)
Administrative staff24,9034,86
Key staff30,0942,13
Project leader40,0656,09
6.Integration and language classes offered to young people through the "Jugendcollege Wien"OP 2014AT05SFOP001IP 9i(1)Successful completion of an ÖSD and/or ÖIF integration exam(2)Successful placement into formal education or training, an apprenticeship or a job.All costs of the operation.(1)Number of ÖSD and/or ÖIF integration exams passed(2)Number of placements achieved(1)12239(2)11648
2.Adjustment of amountsThe rates for unit cost 1 are adjusted annually in line with the WFA Financial Effects Regulation. This regulation is published annually and contains specifications regarding the valorisation of personnel costs for the purpose of budget planning for the coming years. The rates will be adjusted for the first time on 1 September 2017 on the basis of the valorisation for 2017 laid down in that regulation.The rate for unit cost 3 will be adjusted annually reflecting changes in the Consumer Price Index as published by Statistik Austria.The rate for unit cost 4 will be adjusted annually in line with the legal basis for prices of these services as stipulated by the Ministry of Finance.The rates for unit cost 5 will be adjusted annually reflecting changes in the collective agreements BABE and SWÖ.
ANNEX XIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Lithuania1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Direct staff means individual people carrying out direct activities of a project with employment relations (or similar) with the project beneficiary or partner or working under service (civil) contracts. This category may include instructors (coaches), the developers of training materials or methodologies, and other people who carry out project activities.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system. may be public servants as well as employees from other public institutions/organisations, such as educators from public schools.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.On-the-job training may take up to 12 months (Article 43(3) of the Lithuanian Law on Employment).As demonstrated by a verifiable time management systemThis unit cost may be used only for jobs created or adapted for unemployed people as indicated in Article 25(1) of the Lithuanian Law on Employment who have been determined to possess up to 25 percent of the working capacity or a severe disability level, and for unemployed people as indicated in the Article 25 (2, 3, 8) of the Lithuanian Law on Employment.Training costs are not covered by this unit cost. All the remaining costs, listed in Article 44(2) of the Lithuanian Law on Employment, are covered, regardless of the activity for which the job is created
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Vocational training of unemployed people under Priority Axis 7 Promoting quality employment and participation in the labour market of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Unemployed people who successfully complete long-term formal trainingAll eligible costsNumber of participants who have received a certificate verifying successful completion of long-term formal training of 184 days or more.3460,33
2.Vocational training of unemployed people under Priority Axis 7 Promoting quality employment and participation in the labour market of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Unemployed people who successfully complete medium-term formal trainingAll eligible costsNumber of participants who have received a certificate verifying successful completion of medium-term formal training of between 97 and 183 days.2508,12
3.Vocational training of unemployed people under Priority Axis 7 Promoting quality employment and participation in the labour market of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Unemployed people who successfully complete short-term formal trainingAll eligible costsNumber of participants who have received a certificate verifying successful completion of short-term formal training of 96 days or less872,66
4.Vocational training of unemployed people under Priority Axis 7 Promoting quality employment and participation in the labour market of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Unemployed people who successfully complete non- formal trainingAll eligible costsNumber of participants who have received a certificate verifying successful completion of non- formal training1136,97
5.Training of employees of private companies and provision of services under priority axes 7; 8; 9; 10 of OP 2014LT16MAOP0011.Hourly rate of salary paid to an employee while in training2.Hourly rate of salary paid to the direct staff of the operationSalaries of participants and direct staff costsWhere both the salary of the participants and the direct staff costs of the operation are considered as an eligible cost, the corresponding amount may be reimbursed for each category.1.Number of completed training hours per participant (employees of private companies)2.Number of hours worked on the operation per member of the direct staffFor the economic sectors I, H, R, S, A, N, E, F, L, G, P according to NACE 2 classification:6,65For the economic sectors C, Q, B, D, M according to NACE 2 classification:9,03For the economic sectors K and J according to NACE 2 classification:14,28
6.Training of public servants under priority axes 8; 9; 10 of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Hourly rate of salary paid to a public servant while in trainingSalaries of participantsNumber of completed training hours per participant7,43
7.Employment subsidy and on-the-job training for the newly-employed person under priority axis 7 of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Hourly subsidy paid to an employer for each person employedWage subsidy1.Number of participants’ working hours, when the employment subsidy covers 50 %, 60 %, 75 % of the participant’s wage, respectively, and no on-the-job training is needed2.Number of participants’ working hours, when on-the-job training is provided and the employment subsidy covers 50 %, 60 %, 75 %, respectively, of the participant’s wage1.
Subsidised wageUnit cost
50 %2,43
60 %2,91
75 %3,64
Subsidised wageUnit cost
50 %2,48
60 %2,96
75 %3,69
8.Development of scientific competences through research activities under priority axis 9 of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Hourly rate of salary paid to a researcher or technical staff member while working on a research projectSalary of participantsNumber of participants’ completed working hoursPositionUnit cost
junior research fellow12,13
research fellow14,23
senior research fellow18,18
chief research fellow27,79
technical staff6,88
9.Job creation subsidy or subsidy for the adaptation of a workplace under priority axis 7 of OP 2014LT16MAOP001Jobs created or workplaces adapted according to articles 45, 46, 47 of the Lithuanian Law on EmploymentAll eligible costsNumber of jobs created or workplaces adapted13272,55In case of part-time jobs, the amount shall be established on the basis of a pro rata reflecting the expected working timeFor disabled persons, the amount of support shall not be reduced in proportion to the expected working time (hours) and the full amount shall be paid
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts of unit costs 1 to 4 may be adjusted by the second quarter of each year by taking into account, in year N, the published inflation rate for consumer prices (Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) at for year N-1.The amounts of unit costs 1 to 4 may also be adjusted by replacing:the national minimum wage rate in Lithuania;the maximum expenses that cover vocational training;the training scholarship coefficient laid down in the Republic of Lithuanian Law of the Employment Support;the 1 kilometre tariff fee approved by the Order of the Minister of Social Security and Labour (20 July, 2010, Order No A1-352 on 1 kilometre tariff approval) in the calculation method; andthe indirect costs flat rate stated in The Application of Flat rate to Indirect Project Costs Scheme approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance (8 October, 2014, Order No 1K-316 on the projects administration and financing regulation approval);in the calculation method whereby the total cost of vocational training consists of the total of: vocational training services costs, vocational training scholarships costs, travel expenses to the place of vocational training and back, accommodation costs, costs of compulsory health screening and vaccination against infectious diseases and indirect costs.The amounts of unit cost 5 may be re-calculated once a year, in year N, when the Lithuanian Department of Statistics (Statistics Lithuania) publishes the annual (in the absence of an annual – quarterly) data on average wage by type of economic activity for year N-1. The adjustment shall be made no later than by the second quarter of year NThe latest official data for the last 12 months (i.e. quarters I to IV of the year concerned) in the private sector with individual enterprises (gross, male and female) are used – The amounts are re-calculated based on data about the average wages and salaries from year N-1 (using annual data) or from the latest four quarters (using quarterly data).The amounts of unit cost 5 may be re-calculated also when the values of the state social insurance contributions, paid by the employer, and contributions to the Guarantee Fund and long-term employment benefits fund change on the basis of established legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania,The amount of unit cost 6 may be adjusted by any change in:the value of the average monthly wages (gross) in the public sector in the previous calendar year, as announced by the Lithuanian Department of Statistics.the rates (by percent) of contributions of the Social Insurance or Guarantee Fund defined in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania or legal acts regulating the duration of annual leave.The amount may be adjusted on 1 July each year and shall be applied only to new contracts.The amounts of unit cost 7 may be adjusted annually, in year N, using the monthly wage (gross) index of year N-1 as specified by the Lithuanian Department of Statistics compared to year N-2 (Population and social statistics/Remuneration and labour costs/Wages (quarterly and annual)/Earnings/Indices of average earnings (monthly)).The amounts of unit cost 8 may be adjusted using the monthly wage (gross) index annually, in year N, according to the classification of the economic activities (area of scientific research and applied activity, M72) of year N-1, as specified by the Lithuanian Department of Statistics compared to year N-2 (Population and social statistics/Remuneration and labour costs/Wages (quarterly and annual)/Earnings/Indices of average earnings (monthly)/Economic activity/M72 Research and development).The amount of unit cost 9 may be adjusted annually at the beginning of each year, in year N, taking into account the (public) information provided by the Lithuanian Department of Statistics (Statistics Lithuania) and applying the consumer price change calculated based on the consumer price indexSee Article 5 "Consumer goods and services" of year N-1 compared to year N-2.
ANNEX XIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Poland1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
As defined in the Act of 27 August 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities, 2011 nr 45 poz. 235 – amount to be paid depends on the presence rate of a child in the crèche, kids club or day-care:1.attendance of at least 75 % in a month – full payment;2.attendance between 20 % and 75 % in a month – 75 % of payment;3.attendance below 20 % in a month – no payment.Non-compliance with the durability requirement will result in ineligibility of the operation.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Transnational mobility projects for young persons aged 18-35 at risk of social exclusion; provision of internships, apprenticeships and other work-related activities abroad. Priority axis IV of the ESF Knowledge Education Development programme 2014PL05M9OP001Daily rate for participants’ stay abroad during a transnational mobility project.Daily allowance related to the participants’ stay abroad.Number of calendar days spent abroad by a participant.Destination countryAmount
Czech Republic57,13
United Kingdom69,30
2.Transnational mobility projects for young persons aged 18-35 at risk of social exclusion; provision of internships. apprenticeships and other work-related activities abroad.Priority axis IV of the ESF Knowledge Education Development programme2014PL05M9OP001Daily rate for stay abroad during a transnational mobility project for participants with severe disabilities.Daily allowance related to the participants’ stay abroad.Number of calendar days spent abroad by a participant with a severe disability.Destination countryAmount
Czech Republic74
United Kingdom90
3.Transnational mobility projects for young persons aged 18-35 at risk of social exclusion; provision of internships. apprenticeships and other work-related activities abroad.Priority axis IV of the ESF Knowledge Education Development programme2014PL05M9OP001Daily rate for a mentor accompanying a group of participants during their stay abroad within a transnational mobility project.Daily allowance related to the mentors’ stay abroad.Number of calendar days spent abroad by a mentor; the group needs to consist of at least 4 participants on the day of the mentor going abroad.Destination countryAmount (EUR)
Czech Republic75,77
United Kingdom85,93
4.Transnational mobility projects for young persons aged 18-35 at risk of social exclusion; provision of internships. apprenticeships and other work-related activities abroad.Priority axis IV of the ESF Knowledge Education Development programme2014PL05M9OP001Daily rate for an accompanying person for a participant with a severe disability during his/her stay abroad within a transnational mobility project.Daily allowance related to the accompanying persons’ stay abroad.Number of calendar days of the accompanying persons’ stay abroad.Destination countryAmount (EUR)
Czech Republic75,77
United Kingdom85,93
5.Transnational mobility projects for young persons aged 18-35 at risk of social exclusion; provision of internships. apprenticeships and other work-related activities abroad.Priority axis IV of the ESF Knowledge Education Development programme2014PL05M9OP001Daily rate for hosting a group of participants in transnational mobility projects.All costs of the hosting organisation related to providing assistance and support within the transnational mobility project are covered by the daily rate.Number of calendar days of hosting a group of participants.If the group size is lower than 8 participants on the day of the group going abroad, the hosting organisation’s rate is reduced proportionally.A minimum group size of 4 is required (the rate would be reduced by 50 % in that case).Destination countryAmount (EUR)
Denmark. Ireland. Luxembourg. Netherlands. Austria. Sweden241
Belgium. France. Italy. Finland. Germany. United Kingdom.214
Czech Republic. Greece. Spain. Cyprus. Malta. Portugal. Slovenia137
Bulgaria. Estonia. Croatia. Latvia. Lithuania. Hungary. Romania. Slovakia74
6.Managing new child care places for children of up to 3 years of age at a crèche, a kids club, and within the institution of a day-care provider, newly-created under the project as referred to in the "Act on Care for Children up to the age of 3" and occupied for one month, under the 16 Regional Operational Programmes – priority axis 8(iv).a)Newly created care place for children of up to 3 years of age at a crèche.b)Newly created care place for children of up to 3 years of age at a kids club.c)Newly-created care place for children of up to 3 years of age at a day-care provider.All eligible costs of the operation, including the respective amounts under cross-financing:a)PLN 226,00b)PLN 163,00c)PLN 89,00Number of newly created care places for children up to the age of 3 years, occupied for one month.a)PLN 1770,00b)PLN 1777,00c)PLN 1291,00
2.Adjustments of amounts.In the event of changes in the Erasmus+ national rates, which form the basis for the unit costs of type 1 to 5 set in this regulation, the managing authority may adjust the rates accordingly. If the Erasmus+ rates change, the same change may be reflected in the respective standard scale of unit costs for new calls (i.e. calls launched after the new Erasmus+ rates come into force). For operations 1-4, the formula used to update the respective daily rates is (14 × A + 46 × B)/60, where "A" represents the daily rate from the Polish Erasmus+ programme for the first 14 days of the stay abroad and "B" the remaining 46 days.Unit costs of type 6 shall be updated annually if the indexation factor exceeds 3 %. The indexation factor is based on the change of average remuneration, specified in Communications of the President of Statistics Poland. The 3rd quarter of 2019 is a starting point, which means that the first unit costs update will take place when the average remuneration for the 3rd quarter of 2020 compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year will increase by over 3 %. In the following periods, the 3rd quarter of 2019 or the 3rd quarter of the indexation year is the starting point.
ANNEX XIIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Romania1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in LEI)
1.Subsidies paid to employers for hiring specified categories of workers under Priority Axes 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 of the Human Capital Operational Programme (2014RO05M9OP001)Monthly subsidy paid to an employer for each person employed on an open-ended contract.All costs related to the employment subsidyNumber of months in employment900 per month for up to 12 months for every employer who hires on an open ended contract for a minimum period of 18 monthsa graduate of an education unemployed over 45 years old.a long term unemployed.a young NEET.unemployed who are single parents of mono-parental families900 lei/month for up to 18 months paid for every employer who hires a person with disabilities (except those hired under legal obligation) on an open ended contract for a minimum period of 18 months.900 lei/month for up to 5 years for employers who hire with full-time contracts unemployed persons who within 5 years from the date of employment fulfil the conditions for requiring partial early retirement pension or old age pension
2.Vocational training under priority axes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Human Capital Operational Programme (2014RO05M9OP001).A participant obtaining a professional qualification (level 2,3 or 4).All costs related to the training — including indirect costs — excluding participant related costs, such us transportation, accommodation, meals, subsidies, as well as the project management costs.Number of month per person obtaining a professional qualification certificate (level 2, 3 or 4)a)1324 per monthfor level 2 qualificationb)2224 per monthfor level 3 qualificationc)4101 per monthfor level 4 qualification
3.Financial support for employers that employ persons in an apprenticeship program under priority axes 1, 2 and 3 of the Human Capital Operational Programme (2014RO05M9OP001).Monthly financial support paid to an employer for each person enrolled in a paid apprenticeship.All costs related to the apprentiship subsidyNumber of months in employment1125 per monthper apprentice for a maximum period of:12 months — for qualification level 224 months — for qualification level 336 months — for qualification level 4
4.Financial support for employers that employ persons in an internship program under priority axes 1, 2 and 3 of the Human Capital Operational Programme (2014RO05M9OP001).Monthly financial support paid to an employer for each person with tertiary education enrolled in an internship programmeAll costs related to the internship subsidyNumber of months in employment1350 per monthper tertiary education intern for a maximum period of 6 months.
5.Provision of meals for children in crèches Priority Axis 6 "Education and competencies" of the Human Capital Operational Programme (2014RO05M9OP001).Daily meal cost for a child (0-3y) in early childhood care services for which a EU-level unit cost has been paidAll costs related to the provision of daily meals.Number of days of crèche service (care services) per supported child (0-3 years old)12 per child per day
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts for unit cost 1 may be adjusted by any amendment of the rates set out by law no. 76/2002 on the unemployment insurance system and employment stimulation. Such changes will take effect on the same date as the revisions to the above-mentioned law come into force.The amout for unit cost 2 will be changed automatically taking into account the inflation rate for each year based on the RO National Statistical Institute inflation index. For example, the rate may be adjusted on 1 January each year, following the adoption of the present document, by multiplying the RO National Institute for Statistics rate of inflation for Romania, where the rate for 2015 should be taken as a baseline of 100.The amounts for unit costs 3 and 4 may be adjusted by any amendment of the rates set out by law no. 76/2002 on the unemployment insurance system and employment stimulation, including its subsequent amendments and law no. 279/2005 regarding apprenticeship programmes at the work place, including its subsequent amendments, and law no. 335/2013 regarding internships programme for higher education graduates, including its subsequent amendments, such changes will take effect on the same date as the revisions to the above-mentioned law come into force.Changes in the total value of the unit costs set out here above will not apply to already announced calls.The amounts for unit cost 5 may be adjusted in line with changes in the Government Decision (GD) no 904/2014 for establishing thresholds for expenses related to the rights provided by the art 129 (1) of Law no 272/2004 on protection and promotion of child's rights. Such changes will take effect on the same date as the revisions to the above-mentioned law come into force.
ANNEX XIVConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to all Member States specified1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Other potential eligible costs of this type of operation, such as allowances, transport, accommodation or other type of support provided to students participating in these types of operations, are not covered by the unit cost.Verified enrolment means that proof of the enrolment of the student in the formal education or training course is to be verified by national authorities on two or three occasions during the academic year, in accordance with each Member State’s normal practices and procedures for verifying enrolment in formal education or training.International Standard Classification of Education: table in point 3.1 sets out rates for all Member States with the exception of Denmark for which data is not currently available. For courses lasting at least one full academic year, these amounts can be reimbursed to the Member State on the following basis: 50 % for the first proof of enrolment during the academic year (normally at the beginning of the academic year, in accordance with national rules and practices), 30 % for the second proof of enrolment and 20 % for the third and final proof of enrolment. For those Member States whose national systems provide for this information to be collected only twice per year, or for courses lasting less than one full academic year, it will be 50 % for the first proof of enrolment and 50 % for the second and final proof of enrolment.The training courses can be primarily either institutional or workplace-based, but must be delivered at least partly in an institutional setting.A training course will be considered as "successfully completed" when there is a document demonstrating completion in accordance with national rules or practices. For example, this could be a certificate issued by the training provider or an equivalent document which is acceptable under national rules or practices.The condition of successfully completing a training course shall not be regarded as being met where a participant successfully only completes some of the modules within a training course.Employment-related counselling services can be provided in a one-on-one situation or as part of a group. They include all services and activities undertaken by the PES and services provided by other public agencies or any other public bodies, which facilitate the integration of unemployed and other jobseekers in the labour market or which assist employers in recruiting and selecting staff.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.As demonstrated by a verifiable time management system.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Formal education operations (from early childhood education to tertiary level including formal vocational education) in all ESF operational programmes, except types of operations for which other simplified cost options have been established in another annex to this Delegated Regulation.Participants in an academic year of formal education.All eligible costs directly related to providing core goods and services of education.Number of participants with verified enrolment in an academic year of formal education, differentiated by ISCED classification.See point 3.1The amounts are for full-time participation in an academic year.In case of part-time participation the amount shall be established on a pro rata basis reflecting the participation of the student.In case the course lasts less than one academic year, the amount shall be established on a pro rata basis reflecting the duration of the course.For vocational and educational training (upper secondary level and non-tertiary post-secondary level) courses where there is a reduced share of time spent in a formal education institute as compared to the courses reported for data collection during the reference year, the amount shall be proportionally reduced reflecting the time spent in the education institute.
2.Any operations concerning training of registered unemployed, job-seekers or inactive people, except types of operations for which other simplified cost options have been established in another annex to this Delegated Regulation.Participants who have successfully completed a training course.All eligible costs of the operation except allowances paid to participants, including transport allowances.Number of participants who have successfully completed a training course.See column 3.2.1 of Table at point 3.2.For those Regions of Member States listed in point 3.3:the amounts set out in point 3.2 for the relevant Member State shall be multiplied by the index for the relevant regional Operational Programme set out in point 3.3;where an operational programme covers more than one region, the amount to be reimbursed shall be calculated using the index for the region in which the operation or project is implemented.Where these unit costs are used in payment applications submitted to the Commission for an operation under an Operational Programme, the applicable unit cost shall also be used for all operations concerning training of registered unemployed, job-seekers or inactive people under the same Operational Programme. In case an Operational Programme covers more than one region and is delivered through several Intermediate Bodies, the obligation to use the applicable unit costs in payment applications submitted to the Commission for all operations concerning training of registered unemployed, job-seekers or inactive people only applies at the level of the Intermediate Body that uses the unit cost.
3.Any operations concerning the provision of employment-related counselling services to registered unemployed, job-seekers or inactive people, except types of operations for which other simplified cost options have been established in another annex to this Delegated Regulation.1.Hourly rate for provision of counselling services2.Monthly rate for provision of counselling services3.Annual rate for provision of counselling servicesAll eligible costs of the operation, except allowances paid to participants1.Number of hours of counselling services provided2.Number of months of counselling services provided3.Number of years of counselling services providedWhen applying the monthly or yearly rate in case of part-time provision, the amount shall be established on a pro rata basis of the monthly or yearly rate.See column 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 of Table at point 3.2.For those Regions of Member States listed in point 3.3:the amounts set out in point 3.2 for the relevant Member State shall be multiplied by the index for the relevant regional Operational Programme set out in point 3.3;where an operational programmes covers more than one region, the amount to be reimbursed shall be calculated using the index for the region in which the operation or project is implemented.Where these unit costs are used in payment applications submitted to the Commission for an operation under an Operational Programme, the applicable unit cost shall also be used for all operations concerning the provision of employment-related counselling services under the same Operational Programme. In case an Operational Programme covers more than one region and is delivered through several Intermediate Bodies, the obligation to use the applicable unit costs in payment applications submitted to the Commission for all operations concerning the provision of employment-related counselling services only applies at the level of the Intermediate Body that uses the unit cost.
4.Any operations concerning the provision of training to employed persons, except types of operations for which other simplified cost options have been established in another annex to this Delegated Regulation.1.Hourly rate of training provided to employed persons2.Hourly rate of salary paid to an employee while on a training course.All eligible costs of the operation.Where the salary of the employee while on a training course is not an eligible cost, only unit cost 1 shall be reimbursed.Where the salary of the employee while on training is considered as an eligible cost, the combined amount from unit costs 1 and 2 may be reimbursed.1.Number of completed hours of training to employed persons per participant.2.Number of hours of salary paid to employees while on a training course.See column 3.2.5 and 3.2.6 of Table at point 3.2.For those Regions of Member States listed in point 3.3:the amounts set out in point 3.2 for the relevant Member State shall be multiplied by the index for the relevant regional Operational Programme set out in point 3.3;where an operational programmes covers more than one region, the amount to be reimbursed shall be calculated using the index for the region in which the operation or project is implemented.Where these unit costs are used in payment applications submitted to the Commission for an operation under an Operational Programme, the applicable unit cost shall also be used for all operations concerning the provision of training to employed persons under the same Operational Programme. In case an Operational Programme covers more than one region and is delivered through several Intermediate Bodies, the obligation to use the applicable unit costs in payment applications submitted to the Commission for all operations concerning the provision of training to employed persons only applies at the level of the Intermediate Body that uses the unit cost.
2.Adjustment of Amounts.For the unit cost under point 2, the amount may be adjusted each year based on the latest Labour Cost Index (LCI)Eurostat, data on economic activities in the area of "Education". The adjustment shall be based on the following formula:02015R2195-20210520_en_img_1LC – Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity – nominal value, annual data [lc_lci_r2_a] NACE Rev. 2 (activity = P. Education)For the unit cost under point 3, the amount may be adjusted each year based on the latest Labour Cost Index (LCI)Eurostat, data on economic activities in the area of public administration.For the hourly rate, the adjustment shall be based on the following formula: 02015R2195-20210520_en_img_2LC – Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity – nominal value, annual data [lc_lci_r2_a] NACE Rev. 2 (activity = O. Public administration and defence; compulsory social security)For the monthly and annual rate respectively, the adjustment shall be based on the following formulas: 02015R2195-20210520_en_img_302015R2195-20210520_en_img_4Ti – average hours worked per week of full-time employment [lfsa_ewhuis] in country I;4,348121417 – number of work days per month;52,177457 – number of weeks per year;For the first unit cost under point 4 (hourly rate of training provided to employed persons), the amount may be adjusted each year based on the latest data from Eurostat’s Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)Eurostat,, in particular the annual average index for: services (overall index excluding goods "SERV"); catering services ("CP111"); accommodation ("CP112") and data for the Labour Cost Index (LCI)Eurostat, for the economic activity "Education" (NACE Rev. 2, P). The formulas to be applied shall be the following:1.02015R2195-20210520_en_img_5HICP – Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) – annual data (average index and rate of change) [prc_hicp_aind]. COICOP 3 digit = services (overall index excluding goods "SERV"); catering services ("CP111"); accommodation ("CP112").2.02015R2195-20210520_en_img_6LC – Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity – nominal value, annual data [lc_lci_r2_a]. NACE Rev. 2 (activity = P. Education)For the second unit cost under point 4 (hourly rate of salary paid to an employee while on a training course), the amount may be adjusted each year based on the latest Labour Cost Index (LCI)Eurostat, data on economic activities in the area of "Administrative and support services". The adjustment shall be based on the following formula: 02015R2195-20210520_en_img_7LC – Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity – nominal value, annual data [lc_lci_r2_a]. NACE Rev. 2 (activity = N. Administrative and support service activities)3.1Amounts per participation in formal education (in EUR)N/A indicates that no data is available for that particular Member State and the indicated education level.Reference year of data collection is 2016 apart from fields marked with a * (including all fields for FI, HR, IE, NL and UK) – reference year is 2015 for these fields.
Early childhood educationED06794n/a14922078205963083023n/a3451874054952451*2198
Early childhood educational developmentED016874n/an/a397n/a10100n/an/a307514701n/a2457n/a
Pre-primary educationED02677862841492254420596308n/a2976357773555495n/a2716
Primary educationED1885179389636898220564763339319840357387503117724592
Primary and lower secondary education (levels 1 and 2)ED1_210411857910727301280473983401337144108827590517082181
Lower secondary educationED2119811001512037860368080113538397250661175669771643n/a
Lower secondary education – generalED2411981n/a12328138368780113358372851351175670261612n/a
Lower secondary education – vocationalED25n/an/an/an/a2240n/a3581n/an/an/an/a5086n/a
Upper secondary educationED311596103281085840634148085334835785660*6980925627081995
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4)ED3_4109121032810898406333171933591301556607644916630241995
Upper secondary education – generalED349982100331012784230658358322129974899714090332314n/a
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education –general (levels 34 and 44)ED34_449982100331012784728448286322129974899714090292314n/a
Upper secondary education – vocationalED351269910535115911057*353878083536510873186921965840112826
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education – vocational (levels 35 and 45)ED35_451147710535116611057352164283978304173187921942439222826
Post-secondary non-tertiary educationED41573n/a2318n/a73338955035443n/an/a58295057n/a
Post-secondary non-tertiary educationED44n/an/an/an/a7176670n/an/an/an/a6667n/an/a
Post-secondary non-tertiary education – vocationalED451573n/a2318n/a82937375035443n/an/a56485057n/a
Short cycle tertiary educationED5131529808n/a68281326648n/an/a506188508883818n/a
Tertiary education (levels 5-8)ED5-896767990935350719865981403692735659235640016453258
Tertiary education excluding short-cycle tertiary education (levels 6-8)ED6-890277923383238941970598140369273197923556321678*n/a
Early childhood educationED0495737092622227217392413861531954268910093827*218913741*4536
Early childhood educational developmentED01n/an/an/a2184n/an/an/an/an/a19294733*n/a15638*2712
Pre-primary educationED0249573709262222901739241386153195426899773458*218913074*4863
Primary educationED165235428306225391743340806861249138287014612*273396098949
Primary and lower secondary education (levels 1 and 2)ED1_267675669307024261711951688070253642629834509262597808550
Lower secondary educationED2746760563250308616595732598312636500113264274*252297807819
Lower secondary education – generalED24746757523285229816595734185232636n/a13264274*2478n/a7713
Lower secondary education – vocationalED25n/a576234882044n/a494613302n/an/an/an/a4155n/a8295
Upper secondary educationED3762159503254230915618495475812468*4475*136733542554102008162
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4)ED3_463945995*32712281152125001758123194475126033542570100168162
Upper secondary education – generalED34762159503234234713391475178922137n/a30843923*213492458170
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education – general (levels 34 and 44)ED34_447621n/a3234234713391476178922137n/a30843923*231491318170
Upper secondary education – vocationalED35n/an/a3285220817031619074222727*n/a753727*278911794*8151
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education – vocational (levels 35 and 45)ED35_453760n/a3317219716315565374222441*n/a1523727*2798108548515
Post-secondary non-tertiary educationED43760n/a34842186141752635056708n/a475n/a29305436*n/a
Post-secondary non-tertiary educationED44n/an/an/an/an/a6178n/an/an/an/an/an/a8954n/a
Post-secondary non-tertiary education – vocationalED453760n/a34842186141752325056708n/a475n/a29304592n/a
Short cycle tertiary educationED5n/a27132978n/a20512646363589627n/an/a1339*27266392637
Tertiary education (levels 5-8)ED5-85084233417411631269408994632022871948*189446382223104102471
Tertiary education excluding short-cycle tertiary education (levels 6-8)ED6-86562233215391631276649450632022851948*18944638*2223104102471
3.2Amounts for training for the employed and unemployed, and employment services (in EUR)
Country3.2.1. Amount per participant demonstrating successful completion of a training course3.2.2 Hourly rate for provision of employment services3.2.3 Monthly rate for provision of employment services3.2.4 Annual amount for provision of employment services3.2.5 Hourly rate for training of employed persons3.2.6 Hourly rate for salary of employed person
United Kingdom646127,2350316037339,8917,01
3.3.Index to be applied for the amounts for stated regional operations programmes.
Brussels Capital1,26Île de France1,32
Berlin0,98Nord – Pas-de-Calais0,95
Hessen1,12Pays de la Loire0,90
Thüringen0,82Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur0,93
Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki0,81Martinique0,90
Kentriki Makedonia0,88Guyane0,99
Dytiki Makedonia1,12La Réunion0,83
Ionia Nisia0,82Italy1,00
Dytiki Ellada0,81Piemonte1,04
Sterea Ellada0,90Valle d’Aosta1,00
Voreio Aigaio0,90Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen1,15
Notio Aigaio0,97Provincia Autonoma di Trento1,04
Friuli-Venezia Giulia1,08
Principado de Asturias0,98Umbria0,87
País Vasco1,17Lazio1,07
Comunidad Foral de Navarra1,07Abruzzo0,89
La Rioja0,92Molise0,82
Comunidad de Madrid1,18Puglia0,82
Castilla y León0,91Basilicata0,86
Castilla-la Mancha0,88Calabria0,75
Comunidad Valenciana0,91
Illes Balears0,96Portugal1,00
Región de Murcia0,84Algarve0,87
Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta1,07Centro0,84
Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla1,04Área Metropolitana de Lisboa1,33
Região Autónoma dos Açores0,91
Poland1,00Região Autónoma da Madeira0,95
Mazowieckie1,26United Kingdom1,00
Podkarpackie0,81Northern Ireland0,83
ANNEX XVConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Cyprus1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1."School and Social Inclusion Actions" under Priority Axis 3 of Operational Programme Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion (CCI 2014CY05M9OP001).1)Rate for one period of 45 minutes for teachers hired on contract.2)Daily rate for permanent and temporary teachers.All eligible costs including direct staff costs.1)Number of hours worked.2)Number of days worked.1)21 per 45-minute period2)300 per day
2."Establishment and Functioning of a Central ADMINISTRATION of Welfare Benefits Service" under Priority Axis 3 of Operational Programme Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion (CCI 2014CY05M9OP001).Monthly rate for permanent and temporary government employees.All eligible costs including direct staff costs.Number of months worked differentiated by salary scale.Salary Scales
3.Disability and functionality assessments under Priority Axis 3 of Operational Programme Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion (CCI 2014CY05M9OP001).1)Provision of a disability assessment.2)Provision of a disability and functionality assessment.All categories of eligible costs.Number of assessments carried out.1)Disability assessment: 1902)Disability and functionality assessment: 303
4.Reform of the vocational education and training system under Priority Axis 3 of Operational Programme Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion (CCI 2014CY05M9OP001).1.One day of work by a teacher2.One month of work by a teacher3.One hour of work by a teacher hired on contract4.One hour of work by a laboratory assistant hired on contract5.One minute of work by a psychologist hired on contractAll categories of eligible costs1.Number of days of work by a teacher, differentiated by salary scale2.Number of months of work by a teacher3.Number of teaching hours (45min) of work by a teacher hired on contract4.Number of teaching hours (45min) of work by a laboratory assistant hired on contract5.Number of minutes of work by a psychologist hired on contract1)
5.Upgrading of human resources through the evaluation of the knowledge, skill and ability of candidates based on the System of Vocational Qualification (SVQ) under Priority Axis 4 – Skills Development of the labour force and improving the efficiency of Public Administration of Operational Programme Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion (CCI 2014CY05M9OP001).1)One month of work by permanent staff assigned on the project at a fixed proportion of time2)one hour of work by permanent staff assigned on the project at a variable proportion of time3)one hour of work of assessor on contract4)one day of work by in-house financial and technical staff hired on contract5)one day of work by in-house secretarial staff hired on contractAll categories of eligible costs1)Number of months worked by permanent staff assigned on the project depending on their respective salary scale.2)Number of hours worked by permanent staff on the project at a variable proportion of time3)Number of hours worked by assessors on contract4)Number of days worked by in-house financial and technical staff hired on contract5)Number of days worked by in-house secretarial staff hired on contractSalary scaleUnit Cost for work between 2016-2018Unit cost for work as of 1/1/2019
1.Permanent staff on fixed proportion of time
Α8 newcomer*/4908,95
2.Permanent staff on variable proportion of time
3.Assessor on contract
4.Financial and technical staff hired on contract
5.Secretarial staff
* Newcomer = new staff with contract signed as of 01/01/2019
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts for unit costs 5 may be adjusted in line with inflation.
ANNEX XVIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Croatia1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) -
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in HRK)
1.Improving access to education for disadvantaged students at pre-tertiary level by providing targeted professional support to students through teaching assistants under Priority Axis 3 "Education and Lifelong learning" of the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05M9OP0 01)Months worked by a teaching assistantAll eligible costs of the operationNumber of months worked4530,18
2.Occupational training under priority axis 1 "High employment and labour mobility" of the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05M9OP0 01)Months of participation in occupational trainingAll eligible costs of the operation except travel costs for the participant, costs of participant’s education and professional exam (if applicable)Number of months of participation in occupational trainingFor participants without prior work experience:3318,81For participants with prior work experience:a)for first 12 months of participation in occupational training3791,19b)for last 12 months of participation in occupational training3318,81
3.Public works programmes supported under priority axis 1 "High employment and labour mobility" and priority axis 2 "Social inclusion" of the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05M 9OP001)Months during which an employment aid is paid for an employee in a public works programmeAll eligible costs of the operation except travel costs for the participant, costs of participant’s education and professional exam (if applicable)Number of months’ employment aid per employeeVariant aperson with registered prior insurance, Full- time employment, 100 % employment aid intensity:4269,89Variant bperson with registered prior insurance, Full- time employment, 50 % employment aid intensity:2134,94Variant cperson with registered prior insurance, Half-time employment, 100 % aid intensity:2134,94Variant dperson without registered prior insurance, Full- time employment, 100 % employment aid intensity:3665,14Variant eperson without registered prior insurance, Full- time employment, 50 % employment aid intensity:1832,57Variant fperson without registered prior insurance, Half-time employment, 100 % aid intensity:1832,57
4.Active labour market measures supported under priority axis 1 "High employment and labour mobility" and priority axis 2 "Social inclusion" of the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05 M9OP001)Months during which the participant takes part in an active employment policy measure.Travel costsNumber of months participated in an active employment measure.452,16
5.Active employment policy measure in the form of wage subsidies provided to employers for employing disadvantaged workers or workers with disabilities supported under priority axis 1 "High employment and labour mobility" of the Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05M 9OP001)Months during which an employment aid is paid for a newly recruited disadvantaged worker/worker with disabilities.All eligible costs of the operation except travel costs for the participant.Number of months of employment aid per newly recruited disadvantaged worker/worker with disabilities for a maximum of 12 month per worker.Variant 1 disadvantaged workers without prior work experiencea)1682,27 (for ISCED 0,1,2)b)2048,92 (for ISCED 3,4)c)2695,94 (for ISCED 5,6,7,8)Variant 2 disadvantaged workers with prior work experiencea)1971,63 (for ISCED 0,1,2)b)2516,21 (for ISCED 3,4)c)3145,78 (for ISCED 5,6,7,8)Variant 3 Workers with disabilities workers without prior work experiencea)2523,40 (for ISCED 0,1,2)b)3073,38 (for ISCED 3,4)c)4043,92 (for ISCED 5,6,7,8)Variant 4 Workers with disabilities with prior work experiencea)2957,43 (for ISCED 0,1,2)b)3773,32 (for ISCED 3,4)c)4718,68 (for ISCED 5,6,7,8)
6.Active employment policy measures in the form of wage subsidies provided to employers for job retention of workers over 54 years or with lower education in the manufacturing sector (textile, clothing, footwear, leather and wood industry) under priority axis 1 under the ESF Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05M 9OP001)Monthly employment aid for retention of the job of a worker over 54 years or with lower education in the manufacturing sector.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of months in employment of a worker over 54 years or with lower education for a maximum of 24 months per worker in the manufacturing sector.Variant awithout tax benefits:2311,84Variant bwith tax benefits in line with Minimum Wage Law:2229,99Variant cwith tax benefit in line with Law on obligatory contributions:1984,41
7.Operations related to activation of disadvantaged women through formal training and inclusion in the employment scheme related to provision of home care services under priority axis 2 under the ESF Operational Programme "Efficient Human Resources" (2014HR05M9OP0 01)Provision of one month of home care service to elderly and/or infirmed persons by a disadvantaged woman.The unit cost covers the following cost categories:1.participants salaries2.transport costs related to the provision of home care services3.cost of household and basic hygiene supplies (variant (a) only) costs (staff costs)5.indirect costsNumber of months of providing home care services to at least 6 elderly and/or infirmed persons by a disadvantaged woman.Variant adelivery of home care services with at least 6 packages of household and basic hygiene supplies:6665,99Variant bdelivery of home care services without household and basic hygiene supplies:6003,56
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amount for unit costs 2 shall be adjusted each calendar year by replacing the amount for financial aid and the contribution for compulsory insurance in the calculation method.Adjustments will be based on:for financial aid, changes to the Statutory minimum wage according to the Minimum Wage Decree issued by Government, published on Official Gazette of Republic of Croatia ( contributions for compulsory insurance, changes to the minimum monthly bases according to the Order on the bases for calculation of contributions for compulsory insurance issued by Minister of Finance, published on Official Gazette of Republic of Croatia ( addition any changes of the Employment Promotion Act provisions regulating mechanisms for determining financial aid and compulsory insurance payments for Occupational training and/or any changes of the Act on Contributions (NN 84/08, 152/08, 94/09, 18/11, 22/12, 144/12, 148/13, 41/14, 143/14, 115/16) provisions regulating calculations for compulsory contributions may entail changes to the proposed calculation method.The amount for unit costs 3 and 6 shall be adjusted each calendar year by replacing the amount for Statutory minimum wage and the annual sickleave rate in the calculation method.Adjustments will be based on:changes to the Statutory minimum wage according to the Minimum Wage Decree issued by Government for a calendar year, published on Official Gazette of Republic of Croatia ( according to Article 6 of the Law on Minimum Wage (NN 118/18) for unit costs 3 and 6.changes to the official annual sick leave rate in Croatia, published on the website of Croatian Health Insurance Fund ( addition any changes of the Act on Contributions (NN 84/08, 152/08, 94/09, 18/11, 22/12, 144/12, 148/13, 41/14, 143/14, 115/16, 106/18) provisions regulating calculations for compulsory contributions may entail changes to the proposed calculation method.The amounts for unit costs 5 shall be adjusted each calendar year by replacing the amount for wage subsidy per category of worker and the annual official sick leave rate in the calculation method.Adjustments will be based on:for wage subsidy, changes to the amounts published in the Terms and Conditions set by the Croatian Employment Services (CES) each year per category of worker,changes to the official annual sick leave rate in Croatia, published on the website of Croatian Health Insurance Fund ( In addition, any changes of the Act on Contributions (NN 84/08, 152/08, 94/09, 18/11, 22/12, 144/12, 148/13, 41/14, 143/14, 115/16, 106/18) provisions regulating calculations for compulsory contributions may entail changes to the proposed calculation method.In addition:any changes to the AEPM Terms and conditions in relation to eligibility of target groups, as well as key changes in contractual conditions shall automatically entail a change in the conditions and requirements defined in the Delegated ActThe amounts for unit costs 7 may be adjusted each calendar year as follows:Obligatory components1.Participant salary (direct cost)Formula for calculating monthly cost of participant wage consists of:a)Gross minimum wage for year Nb)Annual sick leave rate (with following differentiation: at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the Health Insurance Fund) for year N-1To calculate the amounts for a given calendar year, the annual sick leave rate calculated for the previous calendar year will be applied.The established rate for minimum wage shall be automatically adjusted by replacing each calendar year in the calculation method the values as follows:changes to the Statutory minimum wage according to the Minimum Wage Decree issued by Government for a calendar year, published on Official Gazette of Republic of Croatia ( according to the Article 6 of the Law on Minimum Wage (NN 118/18)changes to the official annual sick leave rate in Croatia, published on the website of Croatian Health Insurance Fund ( addition, any changes of the Act on Contributions (NN 84/08, 152/08, 94/09, 18/11, 22/12, 144/12, 148/13, 41/14, 143/14, 115/16, 106/18) provisions regulating calculations for compulsory contributions shall entail changes to the proposed calculation method.2.Transport cost for performing home care services (direct cost) – set valueThe amount for transport costs may be adjusted by applying the annual rate of inflation to the calculated amount starting from the year 2021, for a given year N taking into account the inflation rate for year N – 1. The rates are published by the Croatian National Statistics Office at: – taxable yearly benefits (direct cost) – set valueThe amount may be adjusted if any change occurs in Directive on Income Tax (NN 1/2020) provisions regulating the maximum amount of non-taxable bonus which can be paid to employees.4.Management cost – calculated on top of direct costs by applying of-the-shelf flat rate (up to 20 % of direct staff costs) provided for in Article 68a CPR5.Indirect cost – calculated on top of direct staff costs by applying of-the-shelf flat rate (up to 15 % of indirect costs) provided for in Article 68 (b) CPROptional component (variant b)6.Direct costs of monthly packages of household and basic hygiene supplies delivered to elderly/infirmed personsThe amount may be adjusted by applying the annual rate of inflation to the calculated amount starting from the year 2021, for a given year N taking into account the inflation rate for year N – 1. The rates are published by the Croatian National Statistics Office at:
ANNEX XVIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums to Ireland1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
For each indicator name below, a successful result refers to a participant achieving the required assessment criteria established by Education and Training Boards with the result being approved by the Results Approval Panel and recorded on the "F12-Course-Summary-Assessment-Sheet-and-Results-Approval-Form" and also recorded electronically on the Results Capture and Certification Request System (RCCRS).SICAP — Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Training for the unemployed provided by Education and Training Boards (ETB) under Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (2014IE05M9OP001).Successful result recorded for a participant on the "Bridging" programme.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of successful results per participant.1316
2.Training for the unemployed provided by Education and Training Boards (ETB) under Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (2014IE05M9OP001).Successful result recorded for a participant on the "Specific Skills Training" programme.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of successful results.1631
3.Training for the unemployed provided by Education and Training Boards (ETB) under Priority Axes 1 and 4 of the Operational Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (2014IE05M9OP001).Successful result recorded for a participant on the "Traineeship" programme.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of successful results.1513
4.Training for the unemployed provided by Education and Training Boards (ETB) under Priority Axes 1 and 4 of the Operational Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (2014IE05M9OP001).Successful result recorded for a participant on the "Community Training Centre" programme.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of successful results.4718
5.Training for the unemployed provided by Education and Training Boards (ETB) under Priority Axis 1 and 4 of the Operational Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (2014IE05M9OP001).Successful result recorded for a participant on the "Local Training Initiatives" programme.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of successful results.1658
6.Social inclusion support by SICAP workers to those at a higher risk of social exlusion under Priority Axis 2.1 — Promoting Social Inclusion and combating discrimination in the labour market of the Operational Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (2014IE05M9OP001).Annual rate per full-time equivalent (FTE) SICAP worker.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of SICAP workers (FTE) per year.70262
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts for operation type 6 may be increased on an annual basis in line with movements in the Irish Consumer Price Index.3.Lump sums
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts(in EUR)
Technical AssistancePriority axis 5Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning Operational Programme 2014-2020 PEIL CCI:2014IE05M9OP001New total expenditure included in a payment application. (i.e. total eligible expenditure included in a payment application which has not yet been taken into account for calculating an installment of 100000 EUR).All eligible costs.Installments of EUR 100000 of new total expenditure included in a payment application submitted to the European Commission until the maximum amount budgeted under the technical assistance priority axis is reached2323,03
ANNEX XVIIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Spain1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Available at: is defined as a training course where the participants and the instructor are physically present in the same location and in Spain is defined as "formación presencial".
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Vocational Training included in the Catalogue of Training Specialities of the State Public Employment ServiceAll Operational Programmes supported by the ESFHours of participation in a training course.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of hours per participant on the condition that the participant:(1)obtained a professional certification, accreditation or diploma after positive evaluation, obtained an attendance certificate for a completed training action, or equivalent validation depending on the national rules;or(2)discontinued the training due to job placement.For (1) the number of hours of participation by a participant corresponds to the total number of hours of the course (defined in the Training Specialities Catalogue)For (2), only the number of hours actually participated may be taken into account.For both instructor-led and online training, reimbursement will be for a maximum of 20 participants per group.8,58 per hour of instructor-led training4,5 per hour of online training
2.Adjustment of amountsNot applicable.
ANNEX XIXConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to the United Kingdom1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
A young person is defined as a person aged between 16 and 24 years, while an adult is defined as person aged 25 years and above.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts in GBP
1.Apprenticeships under Priority Axis 3 of the Northern Ireland ESF Operational Programme (2014UK05SFOP004)Employed participants aged 16 years and above working towards a full formal apprenticeship.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of participants working towards a full formal apprenticeship.Amounts will be calculated according to:age and disability status of the participant,the milestone and qualification level achieved,the funding category and level of the apprenticeship, as set out in point 3. below.
2.Training of and support to participants under Priority Axis 1 and 2 of the Northern Ireland ESF Operational Programme (2014UK05SFOP004)Months or hours worked by staff on operations supporting or training participants in the four strands:1.Access to Employment (unemployed and economically inactive);2.Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in the 16-24 age group;3.Employability amongst people with disabilities;4.Community Family Support Programme.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of hours or months worked by staff member, differentiated by category:For full time staff working all contracted hours on the operation, the annual rate will be divided by 12 to establish a monthly rate.For part-time staff working a fixed number of hours on the operation, a monthly rate will be established according to this formula: [applicable hourly rate × contracted weekly hours × 45.15 weeks per year]/12 months.For part time staff not working all contracted hours on the operation the applicable hourly rate will be applied to the hours worked on the operation.1.Annual rate for staff working fulltime:
Support staff27000
Direct implementation staff39500
Direct specialist/management staff61000
2.Hourly rate for staff working part-time:
Support staff15,60
Direct implementation staff22,90
Direct specialist/management staff35,40
2.Adjustment of amountsFor unit cost 2, the amounts may be adjusted by applying the annual rate of inflation once every year from 1 April ( - rounded figures).3.Amounts (in GBP)
Apprenticeship Framework Units are the elements of the specified/required learning (i.e. modules) that make up qualifications. The qualifications for Level 2 apprenticeships can be found at and for Level 3 apprenticeships at
Trigger PointFunding Categories (Note 1)Disability Supplement
1Approval of the personal training plan330330330330330330610
2Milestones (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 80 % - 85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
3Achievement of Essential Skills (Note 3)3303303303303303300
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 2330380440550600660220
5Achievement of full Level 2 Apprenticeship Framework3303804408208809300
6Employer Incentive5005005007507507500
Trigger PointFunding Categories (Note 1)Disability Supplement
1Approval of the personal training plan165165165165165165305
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 80 % - 85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
3Achievement of Essential Skills (Note 3)1651651651651651650
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 2165190220275300330110
5Achievement of full Level 2 Apprenticeship Framework1651902204104404650
6Employer Incentive2502502503753753750
Trigger PointFunding Categories (Note 1)Disability Supplement
1Approval of the personal training plan220220220220220220610
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 80 % - 85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
3Achievement of Essential Skills (Note 3)3303303303303303300
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 377082088099010401100220
5Achievement of full Level 3 Apprenticeship Framework990115013201870203022000
6Employer Incentive5005005007507507500
Trigger PointFunding Categories (Note 1)Disability Supplement
1Approval of the personal training plan110110110110110110305
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 80 % - 85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
3Achievement of Essential Skills (Note 3)1651651651651651650
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 3385410440495520550110
5Achievement of full Level 3 Apprenticeship Framework495575660935101511000
6Employer Incentive2502502503753753750
Trigger PointFunding Categories (Note 1)Disability Supplement
1Approval of the personal training plan330330330330330330610
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 80 % - 85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 266071077099010401100220
Retention/Start Payment (Note 5)220220220220220220610
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
Achievement of 80 % -85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units380440490710770820220
3Achievement of Essential Skills (Note 2)3303303303303303300
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 377082088099010401100220
5Achievement of full Level 3 Apprenticeship Framework990115013201870203022000
6Employer Incentive1000100010001500150015000
LEVEL 3 (LEVEL 2 EN ROUTE) APPRENTICESHIP (Note 4) – Adult Apprentices (ADULT)
Trigger PointFunding Categories (Note 1)Disability Supplement
1Approval of the personal training plan165165165165165165305
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 80 % - 85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 2330355385495520550110
Retention/Start Payment (Note 5)110110110110110110305
2Milestone Payments (Note 2)
Achievement of 20 % - 25 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 40 % - 45 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 60 % - 65 % of Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
Achievement of 80 % -85 % Apprenticeship Framework Units190220245355385410110
3Achievement of Essential Skills (Note 3)1651651651651651650
4Achievement of National Vocational Qualification Level 3385410440495520550110
5Achievement of full Level 3 Apprenticeship Framework495575660935101511000
6Employer Incentive5005005007507507500
Notes1.The full list of apprenticeship frameworks and the funding categories to which they belong are set out in Annexes 1 and 2 of the "ApprenticeshipsNI 2017 Operational Requirements", available at payments will be paid on completion of milestones/units of the agreed overall framework. To calculate the percentage of achievement, the completion of whole units or parts of units within the framework shall be considered in accordance with the "ApprenticeshipsNI 2017 Operational Requirements", available at Skills consist of Communication, Application of Number and ICT. The amount for essential skills is limited to one payment per participant of GBP 55 per Adult/GBP 110 per young person in respect of each Essential Skill of Communication, Application of Number and ICT.4.In a Level 3 (Level 2 en route) apprenticeship, an apprentice with previous experience of study at Level 2 can undertake a Level 3 framework taking their prior learning and achievement into consideration. This may make it possible for the apprentice to progress to Level 3 without completing the full Level 2 framework.5.Applicable when a participant has completed and achieved all components of the Level 2 qualification en route to the Level 3 apprenticeship.
ANNEX XXConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Bulgaria1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts
Vocational training under priority Axis 1 and 2 of OP 2014BG05M9OP001Participants gaining qualification upon leaving vocational training.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of participants who have attended at least 80 % of the classes and have successfully completed vocational training courses and have received a corresponding certificate.See table under point 3
2.Adjustment of amountsUnit costs adjustment shall be linked to amendments in the national regulations — Council of Ministers Decree (CMD) No 280/2015 and the National Action Plan for Employment for implementation of the labour market's active policy for the respective year.3.Amounts (in BGN)If participants are required to pay fees for the participation in the training, the amounts due need to be deducted from the unit cost.
Part of a profession is to be understood as training courses partly completed with the minimum hours as specified in above table (point (3).
Training courses for acquisition of professional qualificationsMinimum duration in training hoursAmountsAmounts including indirect costs for beneficiaries selected via a competitive grant awarding procedureAmounts including indirect costs for beneficiaries selected via a direct grant awarding procedure
First degree courses300600660624
Second degree courses660120013201248
Third degree courses960180019801872
Part of a profession on first degree qualification200400440416
Part of a profession on second degree qualification300600660624
Part of a profession on third degree qualification60011251237,501170
Training courses for acquisition of key competencesMinimum duration in training hoursAmountsAmounts including indirect costs for beneficiaries selected via a competitive grant awarding procedureAmounts including indirect costs for beneficiaries selected via a direct grant awarding procedure
for unemployedfor employed and self-employedfor unemployedfor employed and self-employedfor unemployedfor employed and self-employed
Key competence 2 — communication in foreign language300700770728
Key competence 3 — mathematics and basic knowledge of natural sciences and technologies301407015477145,6072,80
Key competence 4 — digital competence45250275260
Key competence 5 — skill for learning301407015477145,6072,80
Key competence 6 — social and civil competences301407015477145,6072,80
Key competence 7 — enterprise and entrepreneurship301407015477145,6072,80
ANNEX XXIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Portugal1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
These operations may also be implemented by remote means when restrictions are imposed or recommendations issued by competent authorities to delay the spread of the coronavirus.These operations may also be implemented by remote means when restrictions are imposed or recommendations issued by competent authorities to delay the spread of the coronavirus.Based on the travel distance per participant. Travel distances shall be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission – distance of a one-way travel shall be used to calculate the amount that will support the round trip.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts (in EUR)
1.Any operation concerning the provision of non-formal training to people employed in the private sector (1a) or public sector (1b).1a.For the private sector, the objective of the training courses must be either to:increase employees’ qualifications, orincrease employees’ capabilities of business management, orstimulate and raise awareness of change, orexchange of good practices.1b.For the public sector, the training courses must have the goal of obtaining knowledge and/or learning new skills in the context of the reorganisation and modernisation of public administrations.Operational programmes covered:2014PT16M3OP001 (Compete 2020): priority axes 3 and 52014PT16M2OP001 (Norte 2020): priority axes 6 and 92014PT16M2OP002 (Centro 2020): priority axes 4 and 82014PT16M2OP005 (Lisboa 2020): priority axes 52014PT16M2OP003 (Alentejo 2020): priority axes 5 and 92014PT16M2OP007 (Cresc Algarve): priority axes 5 and 8(1)Hourly rate for training provided to people employed in the private or public sector.(2)Hourly rate for salaries paid to people employed in the private or public sector while on a training course.All eligible costs of the operation.Where the salary of the person trained while attending a training course is not an eligible cost, only the hourly rate for the training shall be reimbursed.Where the salary of the person trained is an eligible cost item for this operation, both amounts may be reimbursed.Number of completed hours of non-formal training provided to people employed in the private or public sector per participant.(1)7,12 – hourly rate for training courses(2)7,50 – hourly rate covering the salary of the person attending a training course.
2.Higher Professional Technical courses (TeSP), provided by public institutions.2014PT16M2OP001 (Norte 2020): priority axis 8 – Education and Lifelong Learning2014PT16M2OP002 (Centro 2020): priority axis 3 – Develop human potential (APRENDER)2014PT16M2OP003 (Alentejo 2020): priority axis 2 – Human capitalStudents following a TeSP training cycle of formal education.All eligible costs of the operation.Number of students enrolled in a curricular semester of a TeSP training cycle.SemesterAmount (in EUR)
4th (internship)263
3.All types of operations that include travel abroad for all operational programmes.(1)Travel costs for activities abroad based on distance travelled per participant.(2)Subsistence costs depending on country where the activity takes place, per participant and day.(1)Travel costs(2)Subsistence costs (costs for accommodation, meals and local public transport).(1)One-way distance travelled per participant(2)Number of days spent abroad for activities of the operation per participant for a maximum of 10 days per activity and person.(1)Amount per round-trip depending on the one-way distance listed in the below table:
Distance (km)Amount (EUR)
10 – 9920
100 – 499180
500 – 1999275
8000 and above1500
(2)see table under Point 3In case accommodation and/or meals and/or local travel is provided by a third party, the amount of the daily allowance is reduced accordingly (accommodation: 60 %); meals (lunch or dinner): 15 % respectively; and local transport: 10 %).The amounts for travel days are established in the following way:
Departure time from place of work or home:Daily amount
before 13:00100 %
From 13:00 to 20:0085 %
After 20:0070 %
Arrival time to place of work or home
Before 13:0010 %
From 13:00 to 20:0025 %
After 20:0040 %
2.Adjustment of amountsUnit cost 1 may be adjusted in line with new data on amounts spent on training as reported in the Continuing Vocational Education Survey published by Eurostat (baseline: 2015).Unit cost 2 may be adjusted in line with new data on amounts spent on education published by Eurostat (baseline: 2016).Unit cost 3 may be adjusted in line with new data on amounts for travel and/or subsistence costs (Jean Monnet- D.3 – subsistence costs) published by Erasmus + Programme (baseline: 2020).3.Amounts for subsistence costs set out in unit cost 3According to the amounts set in the Jean Monnet programme (table D.3 – subsistence costs) for the countries listed below; for all other countries the amounts may be established by taking the amounts from the version of this table in force.
Czech Republic230
United Kingdom276
North Macedonia210

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