Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 of 9 July 2015 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States
Modified by
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/812of 18 March 2016amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32016R0812, May 24, 2016
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/90of 31 October 2016amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195 on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States, 32017R0090, January 19, 2017
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2195of 9 July 2015on supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Social Fund, regarding the definition of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums for reimbursement of expenditure by the Commission to Member States
Article 1Subject matter and scopeThis Regulation establishes the standard scales of unit costs and lump sums that may be used by the Commission for reimbursing expenditure to Member States.
Article 2Types of operationsThe types of operations covered by the reimbursement on the basis of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums in accordance with Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 are set out in the Annexes.
Article 3Definition of standard scales of unit costs and lumps sums and their amountsThe definition and the amounts of standard scales of unit costs and lump sums in accordance with Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 for each type of operations are set out in the Annexes.
Article 4Adjustment of amounts1.The amounts set out in the Annexes shall be adjusted in accordance with the methods set out in the Annexes.2.The amounts adjusted in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be applied when reimbursing expenditure related to those parts of the operations which are carried out on and after the date of adjustment.
Article 5Entry in forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX IConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Sweden1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
The amounts of standard scales of unit costs shall apply only to the parts of operations that cover the categories of costs set out in this Annex.The total number of hours declared in a year may not be higher than the standard number of annual hours worked in Sweden, which is equal to 1862 hours.Professional code applicable in Sweden.Currency in Sweden.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts
1.Operations supported under priority axis 1 "Supply of skills" of the Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI-2014SE05M9OP001)Hours workedWage of staff working on the operationNumber of hours workedWage group(SSYK code)Region: Stockholm (SE 11)(unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)All regions except Stockholm (SE 12-33)(unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)
1 (912 – 913 -919 -921)229234
2 (414 – 415 – 421 – 422 -512 – 513 – 514 – 515 – 522 – 611 – 612 -613 – 614 -826)257254
3 (331 – 348 – 411 – 412 – 413 – 419 – 711 – 712 – 713 – 714 – 721 – 722 – 723 – 724 – 731 – 732 – 734 – 741 – 742 – 743 – 811 – 812 – 813 – 814 – 815 – 816 – 817 – 821 – 822 – 823 -824 – 825 – 827 – 828 – 829 -831 – 832 – 833 – 834 – 914 – 915 – 931 – 932 – 933)297282
4 (223 – 232 – 233 – 234 – 235 – 243 – 249 – 313 – 322 – 323 – 324 – 332 – 342 – 343 – 344 – 345 – 346 – 347 – 511 – 011)338313
5 (213 – 221 – 231 – 241 – 244 – 245 – 246 – 247 – 248 – 311 – 312 – 315 – 321 – 341)419366
6 (211 – 212 – 214 – 222 – 242 – 314)554517
7 A (121)739739
7 B (111-123)801625
7 C (131-122)525429
2.Operations supported under priority axis 1 "Supply of skills" of the Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020)(CCI-2014SE05M9OP001)Hours participated in the operationParticipant's wageNumber of hours participatedRegion: Stockholm (SE 11)(unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)All regions except Stockholm (SE 12-33)(unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)
3.Operations supported under priority axis 2 "Increased transition to work" and priority axis 3 "Youth Employment Initiative" of Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI-2014SE05M9OP001)Hours workedWage of staff working on the operationNumber of hours workedOccupational categoryRegion: Stockholm (SE 11)(unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)All regions except Stockholm (SE 12-33)(unit cost per hour — amount in SEK)
Project leader for operations where the total eligible expenditure as stated in the document setting out the conditions for support is above 20 million in SEK)535435
Project leader for operations where the total eligible expenditure as stated in the document setting out the conditions for support is below or equal to 20 million in SEK)/assistant project leader for operations where the total eligible expenditure as stated in the document setting out the conditions for support is above 20 million in SEK)478405
Project worker331300
Project economist427363
4.Operations supported under priority axis 2 "Increased transition to work" and priority axis 3 "Youth Employment Initiative" of Operational Programme (Nationellt socialfondsprogram för investering för tillväxt och sysselsättning 2014-2020) (CCI- 2014SE05M9OP001)Hours participated in the operationParticipant's allowanceNumber of hours participatedFinancial assistance (unit cost per hour)
18-24 years32
25-29 years40
30-64 years46
Activity grant and development allowance (unit cost per hour)
15-19 years17
20-24 years33
25-29 years51
30-44 years55
45-69 years68
Social security and sickness benefit (unit cost per hour)
19-29 years (social security benefit)51
30-64 years (sickness benefit)58
Sickness benefit, rehabilitation benefit, and work and professional injury benefit (unit cost per hour)
– 19 years48
20-64 years68
2.Adjustment of amountsThe unit costs in the table shall apply to the hours worked or participated in 2015. Except for the unit costs relating to participant's allowances, referred to in point 4 of the table, which will not be adjusted, these values shall be automatically increased on the 1st of January each year as from 2016 until 2023 by 2 %.
ANNEX IIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to France1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Young person not in employment, education or training that participates in an operation supported by the "PROGRAMME OPÉRATIONNEL NATIONAL POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE L'INITIATIVE POUR L'EMPLOI DES JEUNES EN METROPOLE ET OUTRE-MER"
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts (in EUR)
"Garantie Jeunes" supported under priority axis 1 "Accompagner les jeunes NEET vers et dans l'emploi" of the operational programme "PROGRAMME OPÉRATIONNEL NATIONAL POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE L'INITIATIVE POUR L'EMPLOI DES JEUNES EN METROPOLE ET OUTRE-MER" (CCI-2014FR05M9OP001)Young NEET with a positive result under "Garantie Jeunes" at the latest 12 months following the start of coachingallowances paid to the participant;activation costs incurred by the "missions locales"Number of young NEETs who have one of the following results at the latest 12 months following the start of the coaching:entered vocational skills training leading to a certification, whether by:entering training in lifelong learning; orentering basic training;orstarted a company; orfound a job; orhas spent at least 80 working days in a (paid or not) professional environment3600
2.Adjustment of amountsThe standard scale of unit cost in the table is based partly on a standard scale of unit cost funded entirely by France. Out of the 3600 EUR, 1600 EUR correspond to the standard scale of unit cost set out by the "instruction ministérielle du 11 octobre 2013 relative à l'expérimentation Garantie Jeunes prise pour l'application du décret 2013-80 du 1er octobre 2013 ainsi que par l'instruction ministérielle du 20 mars 2014" to cover the costs borne by the Youth Public Employment Services "Missions Locales" to coach each NEET entering the "Garantie Jeunes".The standard scale of unit cost defined in section 1 shall be updated by the Member State in line with adjustments under national rules to the standard scale of unit cost of EUR 1600 mentioned in paragraph 1 above that covers the costs borne by the Youth Public Employment Services.
ANNEX IIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to the Czech Republic1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
In each case listed below, the categories of costs mentioned cover all costs associated with that operation, except for types of operations 1 and 2, which may also include other categories of costs.Meaning a new place which is included in the capacity of the new childcare facility as recorded by national regulations, and which has proof of equipment for each new place provided.A children's group means it has been registered as a children's group pursuant to national legislation on the provision of childcare services in a children's group.Meaning a place in an existing facility which is newly registered as a children's group in accordance with national legislation and inlcuded in the official capacity of that group, and which has proof of equipment for each place.The occupancy rate is defined as the number of children attending the childcare facility per half day during 6 months divided by the maximum capacity of the facility per half day during 6 months, multiplied by 100.This amount shall be paid for each 1 % point of occupancy per place up to a maximum of 75 % points for a period of 6 months. If the occupancy rate is less than 20 % there shall be no reimbursement.The occupancy rate is defined as the number of children attending the childcare facility per half day during 6 months divided by the maximum capacity of the facility per half day during 6 months, multiplied by 100.This amount shall be paid for each 1 % point of occupancy per place up to a maximum of 75 % points for a period of 6 months. If the occupancy rate is less than 20 % there shall be no reimbursement.i.e. provided by an internal trainer.Tandem lesson is to be understood as two pedagogues cooperating to mutually strengthen their professional development by jointly planning, implementing and reflecting on teaching methods in a class.
Type of operationsIndicator nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorAmounts(in national currency CZK)
1.Establishment of a new childcare facility under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 "Education and learning and support of Employment" of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Newly created place in a new childcare facilitypurchase of equipment for a childcare facility;purchase of equipment necessary for the upbringing and education of children (gaming and didactic needs);management of project phase focused on creating the facility.Number of newly created places in a new childcare facility,20053 incl. VAT, or 16992 excl. VAT
2.Transformation of an existing facility to a children's group under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 "Education and learning and support of Employment" of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Transformed place in a children's grouppurchase of equipment for a transformed facility;purchase of teaching aids;management of project phase focused on transforming the facilityNumber of transformed places in a children's group.9518 incl. VAT, or 8279 excl. VAT
3.Operating a childcare facility under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 "Education and learning and support of Employment" of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Occupancy per place in a childcare facilitysalaries of teaching and non-teaching staff,operation of the childcare facility,management of the operationOccupancy rate628
4.Upskilling of caregivers under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and Priority Axis 4 "Education and learning and support of Employment" of Operational Programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Achievement of a qualification as caregiver in a childcare facilitytraining and examination for professional qualificationNumber of persons who obtain a certification of professional qualification as caregiver in a childcare facility14178
5.Lease of premises for childcare facilities under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment (2014CZ05M9OP001) and operational programme Prague Growth Pole (2014CZ16M2OP001)Occupancy per place in a childcare facilityRent of the premises for a childcare facilityOccupancy rate.56
6.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in an external training course on general information technologies (IT)All eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee.324
7.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in an external training course on soft and managerial skillsAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee.593
8.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)A period (45 minutes) of participation of an employee in external language training coursesAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed periods per employee173
9.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in a training course in specialised ITAll eligible costs, inlcuding:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee609
10.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in an external training course in accountancy, economy and lawAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee436
11.Further external professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in external technical and other professional trainingAll eligible costs, including:Direct costs of providing training;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee252
12.Further internal professional training of employees under Priority Axis 1 "Supporting employment and workforce adaptability" (Prioritní osa 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly) of the Operational Programme Employment, specific objectives 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 (2014CZ05M9OP001)One hour (60 minutes) of participation of an employee in a training course provided by an internal trainer in any of the following areas:general information technologies (IT)soft and managerial skillslanguagesspecialised ITaccountancy, economy and lawtechnical and other professional.All eligible costs, including:Direct staff costs;Indirect costs;Wages for participants.Number of completed hours per employee144
13.Support provided by non-permanent personnel to school/educational facility under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 full-time equivalent (FTE) worked as a school psychologist and/or a specialised school pedagogue per monthAll eligible costs, including, direct staff costsNumber of 0,1 FTE worked per month5607
14.Support provided by non-permanent personnel to school/educational facility under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 FTE worked by a school assistant and/or social pedagogue per month.All eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of 0,1 FTE worked per monthSchool assistant: 3502Social pedagogue: 4695
15.Support provided by non-permanent personnel to school/educational facility under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)0,1 FTE worked by a nanny per monthAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of 0,1 FTE worked per month3227
16.Provision of extracurricular activity for children/pupils at risk of school failure under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Provision of a block of 16 lessons of extracurricular activities with a duration of 90 minutes per lesson provided to a group of at least 6 children/pupils of which 2 are at risk of school failureAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed blocks of 16 lessons with a duration of 90 minutes per lesson provided to a group of at least 6 children/pupils of which 2 are at risk of school failure.17277
17.Supporting pupils at the risk of school failure through tutoring under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Provision of a block of 16 hours of tutoring to a group of at least 3 registered pupils at risk of school failureAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed blocks of 16 hours provided to a goup of at least 3 registered pupils at risk of school failure.8523
18.Professional development of pedagogues through structured training courses under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Hours of professional training provided to pedagoguesAll eligible costs, including direct costs of providing training.Number of completed hours of training per pedagogue422
19.Provision of information to parents through meetings under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Thematic meeting with a minimum of eight parents for a minimum duration of two hours (120 minutes).All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of thematic meetings with a minimum of eight parents for a minimum duration of two hours (120 minutes)3676
20.Professional development of pedagogues through professionally guided mentoring/coaching in schools and educational facilities under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Block of 30 hours of external mentoring/coaching to a group of between 3 and 8 pedagoguesAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed blocks of 30 hours mentoring/coaching to a group of between 3 and 8 pedagogues.29698
21.Strengthen professional competence of pedagogues of school/educational facility through the sharing of experiences, peer support and transfer of good practices under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Training cycle of 15 hours of structured job-shadowing by a pedagogueAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed training cycles of 15 hours per pedagogue undertaking a structured visit to another pedagogue in another school.4246
22.Support the development of pedagogues of school/educational facility through joint planning and evaluation of teaching, with the possibility of mutual visits under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Cycle of 10 hours of training through mutual cooperation involving a group of at least 3 pedagoguesAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed training cycles of 10 hours involving a group of at least 3 pedagogues.8068
23.Strengthen professional competence of teaching staff of school/educational facility through joint planning, realisation and evaluation of teaching (Tandem Teaching) under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Tandem lesson of 2,75 hoursAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed tandem lessons778
24.Strengthen professional competence of pedagogues of school/educational facility by learning new teaching methods under Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Priority axis 3 (2014CZ05M2OP001)Cycle of 19 hours of mutual cooperation and learning involving an expert and 2 pedagogues.All eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of completed cycles of 19 hours involving an expert and 2 other pedagogues.5377
2.Adjustments of amounts.(a)The rate for unit costs 6 – 11 may be adjusted by replacing the initial minimum wage rate in the calculation method that consists of the minimum wage, the cost for provision of training and indirect costs.The rate for unit cost 12 may be adjusted by replacing the initial direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, and/or the wages for participants, including social security and health contributions in the calculation method that consists of direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions and/or the wages for participants, including social security and health contributions.Adjustments shall be based on the updated data as follows:For the minimum wage, amendments to the minimum wage as set by government decree no. 567/2006 Coll,For social security contributions, amendments to Employers' contributions to social security, defined in Act no. 589/1992 Coll., on social security, andFor health contributions, amendments to Employers' contributions to health insurance, defined in Act no. 592/1992 Coll., on premiums for health insurance.(b)The rate for unit costs 13 – 17 and 19 – 24 may be adjusted by replacing the initial direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, in the calculation method that consists of direct staff costs, including social security and health contributions, plus indirect costs.The rate for unit cost 18 may be adjusted by replacing the wages for participants, including social security and health contributions in the calculation method that consists of the cost for provision of training plus wages for participants, including social security and health contributions, plus indirect costs.Adjustments shall be based on the updated data as follows:1)For average salaries to determine wages/staff costs, changes to the latest annual published data for relevant categories from the average earnings informational system ( social security contributions, changes to Employers' contributions to social security, defined in Act no. 589/1992 Coll., on social security, and3)For health contributions, changes to Employers' contributions to health insurance, defined in Act no. 592/1992 Coll., on premiums for health insurance.
ANNEX IVConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Belgium1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Where applicable, this amount shall be reduced by the support from other ESI Funds and other Union instruments.The training in the sections "target group specific development tracks" and "language support" is not considered relevant.
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Individual vocational training (IBO) supported under priority axis 1 (investment priority 8.1) or priority axis 3 (investment priority 9.1) of ESF operational programme(2014BE05SFOP002)Participants successfully completing the individual vocational training (IBO)All categories of eligible costs for the business process of IBONumber of participants with one (or more) individual vocational training(s) (registered with a unique contract number in the IBO online application), that is:coupled with an IBO guidance (registered with a unique serial number in the MLP-client file), andof which the individual vocational training has ended (as was registered in the IBO online application) in the calendar year, andof which the person has been working (as an employee and/or an independent worker) at a given moment within the period of three months starting at the end of the (last finished) individual vocational training.1439,55
2.VDAB vocational training (VT) supported under priority axis 1 (investment priority 8.1) or priority axis 3 (investment priority 9.1) of ESF operational programme(2014BE05SFOP002)Participants successfully completing the vocational trainingAll categories of eligible costs for the business process of VDAB vocational training (VT)Number of participants with one (or more) vocational training(s) (registered with a unique serial number in the MLP client file), and:of which the vocational training was ended (and registered in the MLP client file) in the calendar year, andof which the participant is working according to Dimona and RSVZ files (as an employee and/or an independent worker) at a given moment within the period of three months starting after the end of the (last ended) training8465,80
2.Adjustment of amountsNot applicable.
ANNEX VConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Malta1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
As defined in Regulation (EU) No 651/2014.
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Employment Aid (A2E Scheme) under Priority axis 1 of the ESF Operational Programme II — Investing in the employability and adaptability of human capital (2014MT05SFOP001)Employment aid paid per week to workers who are disadvantaged, severely disadvantaged or with disabilities.All costs related to the Employment SubsidyNumber of weeks in employment per employee.1.Disadvantaged worker — EUR 85 per week for a maximum of 52 weeks2.Severely disadvantaged worker — EUR 85 per week for a maximum of 104 weeks3.Worker with disabilities — EUR 125 per week for a maximum of 156 weeks.
2.Adjustment of amountsThe unit cost may be adjusted by replacing the initial minimum wage and/or the statutory bonus and/or social security contributions in the calculation method that consists of the lowest weekly rate of national minimum wage, the statutory bonus and social security contributions, and dividing this result by 2.The national minimum wage is specified in national Subsidiary Legislation 452.71 (National Minimum Wage Standing Order).The statutory bonuses and social security contributions emanate from Chapter 452 of the Maltese legislation on the Employment and Indistrial relations Act.
ANNEX VIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Italy1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
For unit cost number 3 relating to training for self-employment and self-entrepreneurship, the amount will be reimbursed only in the case of group formation of 4 or more students.The definition of the classes is in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Circular no. 2 of 2 February 2009. This Circular defines the classes according to the type of teachers providing training.The young person will be profiled according to one of the four classes (low, medium, high, very high) provided on the basis of the following variables:Age;Gender;Education;Employment status one year before;Region and Province where the competent body which took in charge the young is based;Language skills (only for non-nationals who have not obtained the educational qualification in Italy), for the evaluation of which will be used the already developed methodology for the issuance of an EC residence permit for long-term residents.Based on the variables identified for the young, a "disadvantage coefficient" is calculated, with a value between 0 and 1.For unit cost number 8 relating to support for self-employment and self-entrepreneurship, the amount will be reimbursed only in the case of individual or individualised training (meaning a maximum of 3 students)The amounts in table 3.4 are the maximum allowance payable. Where an employer provides an allowance to cover travel, accommodation or meals, the allowance mentioned in point 3.4 will be reduced by:the amount mentioned in point 3.1 for travel (depending on location)the amount mentioned in point 3.2 for accommodation (depending on location)the amount mentioned in point 3.3 for meals (depending on location).The amounts mentioned in tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. will also be payable in a situation where the beneficiary pays only the categories of allowances mentioned in those tables.
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Measure 1.B of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001Hourly rate for 1st guidance level supportAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of hours providing 1st guidance level support34,00
2.Measure 1.C of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001Hourly rate for specialist or 2nd guidance level supportAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs.Number of hours providing specialist or 2nd guidance level support35,50
3.Measures 2.A, 2.B, 4.A, 4.C and 7.1 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001A.Hourly rate for the following tranings:1.Training focused on integration in the labour market;2.Reintegration in the schooling and training system for young people between 15 and 18 years Old;3.Apprenticeship for qualification and professional diploma;4.Apprenticeship for higher training and research5.Training for self-employment and self-entrepreneurshipThis hourly rate depends on the type of class (A, B or C)B.Hourly rate per student participating in the trainingAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs and excluding any allowance paid to participantsNumber of hours per training course differentiated by type of class, and the number of hours per student.Type of classHourly rate per courseHourly rate per student
4.Measure 3 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001New employment contracts as a result of job coachingAll eligible costs, including direct staff costsNumber of new employment contracts, differentiated by type of contract and profile classification (from low to very high)Profile ClassificationLowMediumHighVery high
Open-ended contract and 1st and 3rd level apprenticeship contract1500200025003000
2nd level apprenticeship, fixed-term and temporary contract ≥ 12 months1000130016002000
fixed-term and temporary contract 6-12 months60080010001200
5.Measure 5 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001New regional/interregional/transnational traineeshipsAll eligible costs including direct staff costs for providing a traineeship.Number of traineeships, differentiated by profile classification.LowMediumHighVery high
6.Measure 5 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001.Traineeships under interregional mobilityFor interregional mobility: all eligible costs, including travel, accomodation and meal, but excluding participant allowancesNumber of traineeships, differentiated by location and, for inter-regional mobility, the length of traineeshipInter-regional mobility as per the rates set out in point 3.4Trans-national mobility as per the rates set in point 3.5
Traineeships under transnational mobilityFor transnational mobility: all eligible costs.
7.NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP00130 hour block of general preparatory training for access to the Civil ServiceAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs, excluding allowances and insurance.Number of participants completing the 30 hour block of training.90
8.Measure 7.1 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001Hourly rate of support for self-employment and self-entrepreneurshipAll eligible costs, including direct staff costs., but excluding any allowance.Number of hours of support provided to participants40
9.Measure 8 of NOP YEI 2014IT05M9OP001A.Employment contracts following professional interregional mobility or professional transnational mobility;B.Job interview under professional transnational mobilityAll eligible costs (one off subsidy for travel, accommodation and meals, and an interview allowance), not including any additional allowances for disadvantaged people and any allowances for travel, accommodation or meals under inter-regional mobility provided by employer.Number of employment contracts or job interviews, differentiated by locationProfessional interregional mobility as per the amounts for more than 600 hours set out in Table in point 3.4Professional transnational mobility for interview purposes as per the amounts set out in point 3.6Professional transnational mobility as per the amounts set out in point 3.7
10.Operations increasing the number of Industrial PhD positions under the following Operational Programmes:PON Ricerca 2014 IT16M20P005POR Basilicata FSE 2014IT05SFOP016POR Campania FSE 2014IT05SFOP020POR Puglia FESR FSE 2014IT16M2OP002POR Calabria FESR FSE 2014IT16M2OP006POR Abruzzo FSE 2014IT05SFOP009POR Sardegna FSE 2014IT05SFOP021POR Molise FESR FSE 2014IT16M2OP001POR Friuli Venezia Giulia FSE 2014IT05SFOP004POR Liguria FSE 2014IT05SFOP006POR Lombardia FSE 2014IT05SFOP007POR Valle d'Aosta FSE 2014IT05SFOP011POR Toscana FSE 2014IT05SFOP015PA Bolzano FSE 2014IT05SFOP017POR Sicilia FSE 2014IT05SFOP014POR Umbria FSE 2014IT05SFOP010Months spent working on PhDAll eligible costs for the participant (salary and associated social secutiy contributions) and the institution providing the PhD (direct and indirect costs).Number of months spent working on PhD, according to location in Italy or abroad.Without a period spent abroad: 1927,63 per monthWith a period spent abroad: 2891,45 per month
2.Adjustment of amounts(a)For standard scale of unit costs 1-9, the amounts may be adjusted where the FOI index (consumer price index for blue and white collar worker households, excluding tobacco products) shows a monetary revaluation equal to or exceeding 5 %. In particular, having considered a given year y, the adjustment is made in case in a period y + t the difference between the benchmarking coefficients shown by the FOI index for such years is equal to or higher than 5 %. The base year taken into consideration — and on the basis of which the amounts were adjusted — is 2014. Where this rate is equal to or higher than 5 %, each unit cost may be adjusted accordingly.(b)For standard Scale of Unit Cost 10, the rate may be adjusted by replacing the montly scholarship and/or social security contributions in the calculation method that consists of monthly scholarship plus social security contributions plus an amount for all other costs. Updated data can be found in amendments to Minister's Decree of 18.6.2008 (which defines the total gross annual amount of PhD scholarships) and biannual adjustment of the rate of social security contributions (Circular letter No 13 of 29.1.2016 of the Director-General of INPS, the National Institute for Social Security).3.1Inter-regional Travel Costs
Region of originTravel costs
Destination region
Valle d'AostaPA BolzanoPA TrentoLiguriaPiemonteLombardiaVenetoFriuli Venezia GiuliaEmilia-RomagnaToscanaMarcheAbruzzoUmbriaLazioCampaniaMoliseBasilicataPugliaCalabriaSiciliaSardegna
Friuli Venezia Giulia129,05103,2482,30120,22175,5299,6237,360,0055,4770,18163,01226,34162,50113,20302,24218,87264,89241,12304,39325,00279,13
PA Bolzano118,580,0036,22113,94151,3597,3596,22103,2481,50110,9484,9067,92127,01172,06271,68196,06236,02138,10285,04310,17273,47
PA Trento112,2436,220,00105,11147,2276,4719,0282,3074,7199,6276,98198,50120,44160,74259,06194,31227,31132,44273,72308,24247,26
Valle d'Aosta0,00118,58112,2453,6617,4359,37155,03129,05146,48169,12200,25269,30199,18230,31253,00259,51271,11275,59369,32350,35205,36
3.2Inter-regional Accommodation Costs (for more than 600 hours)
Region of originAccomodation costs
Destination region
Valle d'AostaPA BolzanoPA TrentoLiguriaPiemonteLombardiaVenetoFriuli Venezia GiuliaEmilia-RomagnaToscanaMarcheAbruzzoUmbriaLazioCampaniaMoliseBasilicataPugliaCalabriaSiciliaSardegna
Friuli Venezia Giulia803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
PA Bolzano803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
PA Trento803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
Valle d'Aosta803,841153,94788,70741,25695,621229,98700,07703,65967,411227,68601,19578,51628,231229,68930,19519,08684,62607,95575,50988,35600,62
3.3Inter-regional Subsistence Costs (for more than 600 hours)
Region of originMeal costs
Destination region
Valle d'AostaPA BolzanoPA TrentoLiguriaPiemonteLombardiaVenetoFriuli Venezia GiuliaEmilia-RomagnaToscanaMarcheAbruzzoUmbriaLazioCampaniaMoliseBasilicataPugliaCalabriaSiciliaSardegna
Friuli Venezia Giulia482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
PA Bolzano482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
PA Trento482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
Valle d'Aosta482,30252,45320,93407,41521,52502,26416,04616,19514,94200,21480,95433,27641,87596,60298,90638,86205,47440,97487,71359,11256,27
3.4Inter-regional allowances for Traineeships
No. of training hoursAbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaUmbriaValle d'AostaVeneto
Region where the training is taking placeValle d'Aosta160611,70613,51711,72595,40488,88471,45572,71396,06401,77542,65601,91460,98454,64359,83617,99547,76692,75511,52541,58497,43
> 6001555,441557,251655,461539,141432,621415,191516,451339,801345,511486,391545,651404,721398,381303,571561,731491,501636,491455,261485,321441,17
> 6001617,571642,411691,431678,071487,901509,631578,461520,331503,741491,291602,451442,621557,741544,501679,861716,561517,331533,401524,971502,61
> 6001308,131336,931383,351368,691184,341191,931270,371214,741186,101186,611303,941145,851256,851242,071356,891417,871209,251230,071221,871128,65
> 6001297,291385,471390,681261,861186,921268,881277,711198,471266,731300,691262,591253,761184,881398,831372,811380,271216,131224,161202,321255,07
> 6001448,981511,691568,461463,921346,191392,661427,691253,371285,061337,131450,111368,491364,361408,451405,071490,751364,301398,881234,571320,15
> 6001964,981972,232072,751954,111825,071831,861933,741782,051840,911956,151829,591808,711800,161912,231911,752067,311845,441817,141791,611801,29
> 6001318,061375,341420,391281,951179,511153,471281,391222,521185,171186,301310,591212,331135,131219,131280,821364,681419,491211,201241,261271,14
Friuli Venezia Giulia160577,72616,26655,77653,62406,84464,57471,59450,99514,38570,24454,61433,67526,89592,49630,50676,37421,56513,87480,42388,73
> 6001546,181584,731624,241622,091375,311433,041440,061419,461482,851538,711423,081402,141495,361560,961598,971644,841390,031482,341448,891357,20
No. of training hoursAbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaUmbriaValle d'AostaVeneto
Region where the training is taking placeEmilia Romagna160562,62596,13664,95573,49450,10525,95432,89487,46456,89555,15476,14469,35523,68535,00583,58686,69448,97446,71541,11458,03
> 6001650,331683,841752,661661,201537,811613,651520,601575,161544,601642,861563,841557,051611,391622,711671,281774,401536,681534,411628,821545,73
> 6001496,481604,481666,511588,631482,221498,071527,501495,351541,081535,991554,441538,821527,501575,041640,701617,291701,831464,111597,011522,97
> 6001141,121179,491325,291251,991144,401245,151152,321200,211190,811158,101167,041159,111202,131189,681333,341298,351190,241126,061282,391152,32
> 6001095,771176,601137,211179,771238,121037,591160,411244,521070,761057,571079,701210,281243,611104,831194,241176,941080,381035,101281,081213,73
> 6001293,421412,841448,271421,111322,171432,591324,431345,601355,001314,021376,841397,111390,541451,841426,881481,081459,591306,321469,271395,24
> 6001852,091894,201965,291925,891957,591939,481955,332027,771896,461855,481998,341987,022036,831939,481982,931964,381925,891880,612056,581991,55
> 6001354,521263,051319,431407,951531,341328,711342,291450,961398,951250,371500,771488,151475,871318,291419,311342,291389,841380,101482,091394,93
> 6001203,731189,181243,521179,221318,461376,811187,141309,971381,851233,901354,001352,251390,901228,241343,791298,421284,501264,691417,451352,42
No. of training hoursAbruzzoBasilicataCalabriaCampaniaEmilia RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioLiguriaLombardiaMarcheMolisePA BolzanoPA TrentoPiemontePugliaSardegnaSiciliaToscanaUmbriaValle d'AostaVeneto
Region where the training is taking placeBasilicata160320,95308,39270,92438,46501,85304,88473,77476,94334,31268,20472,98464,27531,51292,43461,14351,29413,55379,71508,07496,19
> 600974,08961,51924,041091,581154,97958,001126,901130,07987,43921,331126,101117,391184,63945,551114,261004,411066,671032,831161,201149,31
> 6001141,971104,381117,971138,121189,281290,031162,111299,091228,901156,451119,211187,021181,361240,221328,341196,531261,731205,701324,501213,62
> 6001228,031134,641153,541333,531367,611202,221305,231403,721306,361148,791348,251336,931414,531132,261343,771138,831301,841241,391432,531367,49
> 6001512,621461,791423,081460,661639,521672,461485,571579,071682,531563,671487,941657,631655,711621,071495,081533,281621,411536,961697,821650,84
> 6001039,351081,071137,451047,111045,831136,021013,541081,041036,401108,091042,741130,361104,151044,811136,311042,711046,301067,871062,251105,46
3.5Allowances for Traineeships under Transnational Mobility
SAAdditional WeekMAAdditional MonthGAAdditional Day
Czech Republic136518762522336940184564136,5546,1719,51
United Kingdom197228203668495057376525196,9787,6728,13
3.6Allowance for interview(s)
Place or country of DestinationDistance (KM)Amount (EUR)
Travel and AccommodationDaily Subsistence Allowance (DSA)
Any EU-28 and EFTA/EEA country (Iceland and Norway)0 - 50050/day (> 12 hours) 25/02015R2195-20170208_en_img_1 Day (> 6 - 12 hours) Max 3 Days
> 50 - 250100
> 250 - 500250
> 500350
3.7Allowance to move to another Member State (work placement)
Country of DestinationAmount (EUR)
Czech Republic750
United Kingdom1060
ANNEX VIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Slovakia1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
There are two possible modules — 1) Base/Standard and 2) Advanced.
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Supporting professional development of employees in foreign language skills under the Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001), Priority axes: 2. Youth Employment Initiative, 3. Employment and 4. Social inclusion45-minute period of foreign language training per employeeAll eligible costs of the operation, including direct costs of providing trainingNumber of completed 45-minute periods per employee.8,53
2.European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL certification under Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001), Priority Axis 1. Education 2. Youth Employment Initiative 3. EmploymentECDL certificationAll eligible costs of the operation, including direct cost of sitting examination and issuing certificateNumber of ECDL certificates awarded, differentiated by profile and moduleCertificate NamePrice
ECDL Profile — 1 Base/Standard exam31,50
ECDL Profile — 2 Base/Standard exams59,00
ECDL Profile — 3 Base/Standard exams76,50
ECDL Profile — 4 Base/Standard exams92,00
ECDL Profile — 5 Base/Standard exams111,50
ECDL Profile — 6 Base/Standard exams127,00
ECDL Profile — 7 Base/Standard exams142,50
ECDL Profile — 8 Base/Standard exams163,00
ECDL Profile — 1 Advanced exam39,10
ECDL Profile — 2 Advanced exams74,30
ECDL Profile — 3 Advanced exams99,40
ECDL Profile — 4 Advanced exams122,50
3.Supporting inclusion in elementary schools under Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001), Priority Axis EducationCreation and occupation of new posts in inclusive teamsDirect wage costsIndirect costsNumber of months during which a newly created post in an inclusive team is occupiedSchool psychologist — 1235 per monthSpecial pedagogue/social pedagogue — 1440 per month
4.Supporting inclusion in kindergartens and elementary schools under Operational Programme Human Resources (2014SK05M0OP001), Priority Axis EducationCreation and occupation of new posts for pedagogical assistantsDirect wage costsIndirect costsNumber of months during which a newly created post for a pedagogical assistant is occupied1005 per month
2.Adjustment of amountsNot Applicable.
ANNEX VIIIConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to Germany1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for teachers with management responsibilities.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours (in events requiring attendance and in process support at the schools) andhave received a certificate on this basis.4702,60
2.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Training for the assembly of teachers.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who attend the workshop on inclusive school development.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who have participated in the eight-hour workshop and have received a certificate on this basis.33,32
3.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further class teacher training.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 153 of the scheduled 180 hours andhave received a certificate on this basis.11474,14
4.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training in practical learningPriority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 26 of the scheduled 30 hours andhave received a certificate on this basis.1698,24
5.Training in the field of inclusive school development:Further training for educators.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 36 of the scheduled 42 hours (at input events and process support) andhave received a certificate on this basis.246,20
6.Training for teachers at vocational schools:Technical and special didactic trainingPriority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 104 of the scheduled 120 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours of work in small groups andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling the three criteria set out above.14678,40
7.Training for teachers at vocational schools:Training in giving support to young people of immigrant background in acquiring the German language.Priority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 80 of the scheduled 96 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated for six hours in individual advisory sessions andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling the three criteria set out above.7268,34
8.Training for teachers at vocational schools:Training for individual assistance to young people in strongly heterogeneous learning groupsPriority axis BOP 2014DE05SFOP009(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Participants who successfully complete the training.All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of participants who:have participated in at least 104 of the scheduled 120 hours in the events that require attendance andhave participated in at least 51 of the scheduled 60 hours of work in small groups andhave successfully completed all of the scheduled tasks in the self-study curriculum andhave received a certificate on the basis of fulfilling the three criteria set out above.14105,51
2.Adjustment of amountsNot applicable.
ANNEX IXConditions for reimbursement of expenditure on the basis of standard scales of unit costs to the Netherlands1.Definition of standard scales of unit costs
For the purpose of types of operations 1 to 3 the period of intervention is the period between the date of intake and the date of exiting the reintegration activity.
Type of operationsIndicators nameCategory of costsMeasurement unit for the indicatorsAmounts(in EUR)
1.Re-integration activities for detainees in the sector Prison ServicesPriority Axis 1OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionCalendar days of participation of a detainee during the period of intervention, in the sector Prison Services (GW).All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of calendar days of participation of a detainee in the period of intervention14,50
2.Re-integration activities for detainees in forensic care (Forzo)Priority Axis 1OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionCalendar days of participation of a detainee during the period of intervention in the sector forensic care (Forzo)All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of calendar days of participation of a detainee in the period of intervention.21,00
3.Re-integration activities for juvenile offenders and youth in institutions placed under supervision based on a court judgment under civil lawPriority Axis 1OP 2014NL05SFOP001Investment priority: 9i — Active inclusionCalendar days of participation of a juvenile offender and a young person during the period of intervention in the sector Juvenile offenders and youth in custodial institutions under civil law (JI)All eligible costs (personnel costs, other direct and indirect costs).Number of calendar days of participation of a juvenile offender and a young person in the period of intervention.26,50
2.Adjustment of amountsThe amounts of standard scales of unit costs (SCO) set out for types of operation 1 to 3 shall be adjusted yearly in line with the Dutch consumer price index (CPI): Index figures can be found on CBS Statline.The first indexation shall be calculated in 2017. The baseline year for the amounts of SCO set out in this annex is 2015. (CPI 2015 = 100).Every year (N), as from 2017, the amounts shall be indexed by applying the CPI of the year N-1 with the year 2015 as baseline. The following formula shall be used for calculating the amounts of SCO to be applied in a given year:SCO amounts in year N = SCO amounts included in this annex * CPI in year N-1 (with baseline 2015 = 100)/100

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