Commission Regulation (EC) No 1597/2002 of 6 September 2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 1999/105/EC as regards the format of national lists of the basic material of forest reproductive material
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  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1324of 10 August 2021amending Regulation (EC) No 1597/2002 as regards the format for the submission of national lists of the basic material of forest reproductive material, 32021R1324, August 11, 2021
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1597/2002of 6 September 2002laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 1999/105/EC as regards the format of national lists of the basic material of forest reproductive material
Article 1The national list referred to in Article 10(2) of Directive 1999/105/EC shall be submitted by each Member State through and in accordance with the format of the Forest Reproductive Material Information System of the Commission
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.It shall apply from 1 January 2003.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEXStandardised form for the national lists of basic material approved by Member StatesPART AStructure of the national list of basic materialPART BGuidelines for filling in the different columns of the national list of basic material, as presented in Part A of this Annex1.The species should be listed in alphabetical order (column B) and within each species in the order of the categories (Article 2(l) of Directive 1999/105/EC) (column C) commencing with source identified, followed by selected, qualified and tested. Within qualified the order will be seed orchard, parents of family(ies), clone and clonal mixture while within tested, stand will precede seed orchard.2.The different columns shall be filled in accordance with the standardised order and coding of information as specified in Part B.4 of this Annex.3.Column B shall be filled in accordance with the abbreviations as specified in Part B.5 of this Annex.4.Standardised order and coding information for the different columns of the national list of basic material, as presented in Part A of this Annex
Where any column does not need to be completed, NA will be used to indicate not applicable, in order to distinguish it from the situation in which it is blank due to missing information.Columns F, G, H and J do not need to be completed for basic material of the type parents of family(ies), clone or clonal mixture.
Column of the national list as specified in Part AData typeInformation on completion
AAbbreviationEU Member State abbreviation
BAbbreviationSee Part B.5 of this Annex. Varieties of Pinus nigra and species of Populus to be indicated in Column N
CCodeSource identified:1
Tested (Genetically evaluated/comparatively tested/provisionally tested to be indicated in Column N):4
DIdentity codeFor seed sources and stands:
Region of provenance code and/or
national register reference
For Qualified and Tested entries:
National register reference only
ETextLocation name for seed source, stand, seed orchard, parents of family or where this is not appropriate, for example for a clone or clonal mixture, the approved name
FDegrees and minutesExpressed in sudo-decimal format — for example 56o31'N is written as 56.31N; exact or a range.
GDegrees and minutesExpressed in sudo-decimal format; exact or range; East or West of Greenwich.
HMetresExact or range
ICodeSeed source:1
Seed orchard:3
Parents of family(ies):4
Clonal mixture:6
JHectaresFor mixed stands, the effective area of the species in question.Where this is not appropriate, the number of trees followed by T shall be indicated
LTextOrigin of basic material to be stated if identified as non-autochthonous/non-indigenous in Column K
MCodeMultifunctional forestry:1
Other specific purpose (to be indicated in Column N):2
NTextOther information (see also Columns B, C and M)
5.Abbreviations of the botanical name of tree species and artificial hybrids thereof to be used for column B of the national list as presented in Part A of this Annex
Botanical namevar./sp.Abbreviation
Abies alba Mill.aal
Abies cephalonica Loud.ace
Abies grandis Lindl.agr
Abies pinsapo Boiss.api
Acer platanoides L.apl
Acer pseudoplatanus L.aps
Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.agl
Alnus incana Moench.ain
Betula pendula Roth.bpe
Betula pubescens Ehrh.bpu
Carpinus betulus L.cbe
Castanea sativa Mill.csa
Cedrus atlantica
Cedrus libani A. Richardcli
Fagus sylvatica L.fsy
Fraxinus angustifolia
Fraxinus excelsior L.fex
Larix decidua Mill.lde
Larix x eurolepis Henryleu
Larix kaempferi Carr.lka
Larix sibirica Ledeb.lsi
Picea abies Karst.pab
Picea sitchensis Carr.psi
Pinus brutia Ten.pbr
Pinus canariensis C. Smithpca
Pinus cembra L.pce
Pinus contorta Loud.pco
Pinus halepensis Mill.pha
Pinus leucodermis Antoineple
Pinus nigra Arnoldvar. austriacavar. calabricavar. corsicanavar. maritimavar. clusianapni
Pinus pinaster Ait.ppa
Pinus pinea L.ppe
Pinus radiata D. Donpra
Pinus sylvestris L.psy
Populus spp.and artificial hybrids between those speciesalbacanadensisnigratremulaetc.pop
Prunus avium L.pav
Pseudotsuga menziesii Francopme
Quercus cerris L.qce
Quercus ilex L.qil
Quercus petraea Liebl.qpe
Quercus pubescens Willd.qpu
Quercus robur L.qro
Quercus rubra L.qru
Quercus suber L.qsu
Robinia pseudoacacia L.rps
Tilia cordata Mill.tco
Tilia platyphyllos Scop.tpl

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