Regulation (EEC) No 2300/73 of the Commission of 23 August 1973 on detailed rules for applying the differential amounts for colza and rape seed and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1464/73
Amendments and corrections
July 1, 1984 Repealed by 31984R1813
March 17, 1984 Modified by 31984R0699 - detail
October 24, 1983 Modified by 31983R2937 - detail
August 10, 1983 Modified by 31983R2258 - detail
August 1, 1982 Modified by 31982R2136 - detail
January 1, 1981 Modified by 31980R3476 - detail
May 12, 1980 Modified by 31980R1162 - detail
February 17, 1980 Modified by 31980R0336 - detail
July 1, 1977 Modified by 31977R1234 - detail
March 16, 1975 Modified by 31975R0632 - detail
March 3, 1975 Modified by 31975R0541 - detail
December 21, 1974 Modified by 31974R3182 - detail
February 25, 1974 Modified by 31974R0456 - detail
January 26, 1974 Modified by 31974R0214 - detail
August 27, 1973 Entry into force - See Art 19
August 27, 1973 Modified by 31973R2588 - detail
Consolidated texts