Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1446 of 12 July 2023 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval periods of the active substances 2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid methylester, acetic acid, aluminium ammonium sulphate, aluminium phosphide, aluminium silicate, calcium carbide, cymoxanil, dodemorph, ethylene, extract from tea tree, fat distillation residues, fatty acids C7-C20, flonicamid (IKI-220), gibberellic acid, gibberellins, halosulfuron-methyl, hydrolysed proteins, iron sulphate, magnesium phosphide, maltodextrin, metamitron, plant oils/clove oil, plant oils/rape seed oil, plant oils/spear mint oil, pyrethrins, sulcotrione, tebuconazole and urea (Text with EEA relevance)
Basic information - In force
- CELEX number: 32023R1446
- Official Journal: JOL_2023_178_R_0001
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- bg
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- en
- et
- fi
- fr
- ga
- hr
- hu
- it
- lv
- lt
- mt
- nl
- pl
- pt
- ro
- sk
- sl
- es
- sv
Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: - August 2, 2023
- Entry into force - Date pub. +20 See Art 2
Modified by
Affected by case
Legal basis
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Plant health product
- Plant health legislation
- Plant health control
- Market approval
- Plant health
- Pesticides, biocides