Commission Regulation (EC) No 738/2007 of 28 June 2007 adjusting the delivery obligations for cane sugar to be imported under the ACP Protocol and the Agreement with India for the 2006/2007 delivery period
Pays signataires du protocole ACP et de l’accord avec l’Inde | |
Barbade | |
Belize | |
Congo | |
Côte-d’Ivoire | |
Fidji | |
Guyana | |
Inde | |
Jamaïque | |
Kenya | |
Madagascar | |
Malawi | |
Maurice | |
Mozambique | |
Ouganda | |
Saint-Christophe-et-Nevis | |
Suriname | |
Swaziland | |
Tanzanie | |
Trinidad-et-Tobago | |
Zambie | |
Zimbabwe | |
Total |