Council Directive 93/38/EEC of 14 June 1993 coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31993L0038 Official Journal: JOL_1993_199_R_0084_010 Form: Directive Procedure number: -- Languages: cs da de el en et fi fr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt sk sl es sv Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: July 1, 1993 Entry into force - Date notif. Date of transposition: Date of end of validity: Modified by Corrected by: Modified by: Acte relatif aux conditions d'adhésion à l'Union européenne de la République tchèque, de la République d'Estonie, de la République de Chypre, de la République de Lettonie, de la République de Lituanie, de la République de Hongrie, de la République de Malte, de la République de Pologne, de la République de Slovénie et de la République slovaque, et aux adaptations des traités sur lesquels est fondée l'Union européenne - Annexe II: Liste visée à l'article 20 de l'acte d'adhésion - 1. Libre circulation des marchandises - I. Marchés publics
detail Directive 2001/78/CE de la Commission du 13 septembre 2001 portant modification de l'annexe IV de la directive 93/36/CEE du Conseil, des annexes IV, V et VI de la directive 93/37/CEE du Conseil, des annexes III et IV de la directive 92/50/CEE du Conseil, telles que modifiées par la directive 97/52/CE, ainsi que des annexes XII à XV et des annexes XVII et XVIII de la directive 93/38/CEE du Conseil, telle que modifiée par la directive 98/4/CE (Directive sur l'utilisation des formulaires standard pour la publication des avis de marchés publics) (Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE)
detail Directive 98/4/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 16 février 1998 modifiant la directive 93/38/CEE portant coordination des procédures de passation des marchés dans les secteurs de l'eau, de l'énergie, des transports et des télécommunications
detail ACTE relatif aux conditions d' adhésion du Royaume de Norvège, de la République d' Autriche, de la République de Finlande et du Royaume de Suède et aux adaptations des traités sur lesquels est fondée l' Union européenne, ANNEXE I - Liste prévue à l' article 29 de l' acte d' adhésion - XI. MARCHÉ INTÉRIEUR ET SERVICES FINANCIERS - E. MARCHÉS PUBLICS
detail All documents based on this document: Repealed by: Modifies Modifies: Repeal: Affected by case Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 3 March 2005. Fabricom SA v Belgian State. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Conseil d'État - Belgium. Public procurement - Works, supplies and services - Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors - Prohibition on participation in a procedure of submission of a tender by a person who has contributed to the development of the works, supplies or services concerned. Joined cases C-21/03 and C-34/03. Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber), 12 December 2013. Portgás — Sociedade de Produção e Distribuição de Gás SA v Ministério da Agricultura, do Mar, do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Território. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Administrativo e Fiscal do Porto. Procedures for awarding public contracts in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors — Directive 93/38/EEC — Directive not transposed into national law — Whether the State may rely on that directive against a body holding a public service concession in the case where that directive has not been transposed into national law. Case C‑425/12. Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 16 June 2005. Strabag AG (C-462/03) and Kostmann GmbH (C-463/03) v Österreichische Bundesbahnen. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesvergabeamt - Austria. Public procurement contracts - Directive 93/38/EEC - Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors - Concepts of "operation' and "provision' of networks providing a service to the public in the field of transport by railway - Railway infrastructure works. Joined cases C-462/03 and C-463/03. Judgment of the Court of 17 September 2002. Concordia Bus Finland Oy Ab, formerly Stagecoach Finland Oy Ab v Helsingin kaupunki and HKL-Bussiliikenne. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Korkein hallinto-oikeus - Finland. Public service contracts in the transport sector - Directives 92/50/EEC and 93/38/EEC - Contracting municipality which organises bus transport services and an economically independent entity of which participates in the tender procedure as a tenderer - Taking into account of criteria relating to theprotection of the environment to determine the economically most advantageous tender - Whether permissible when the municipal entity which is tendering meets those criteria more easily. Case C-513/99. A02P1LA A34P1 A02P4 A02P1LC Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 7 December 2000. Telaustria Verlags GmbH and Telefonadress GmbH v Telekom Austria AG, joined party: Herold Business Data AG. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Bundesvergabeamt - Austria. Public service contracts - Directive 92/50/EEC - Public service contracts in the telecommunications sector - Directive 93/38/EEC - Public service concession. Case C-324/98. Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 24 November 2005. ATI EAC Srl e Viaggi di Maio Snc, EAC Srl and Viaggi di Maio Snc v ACTV Venezia SpA, Provincia di Venezia and Comune di Venezia. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Consiglio di Stato - Italy. Public service contracts - Directives 92/50/EEC and 93/38/EEC - Award criteria - The economically most advantageous tender - Observance of award criteria set out in the contract documents or the contract notice - Establishment of subheadings for one of the award criteria in the contract documents or the contract notice - Decision to apply weighting - Principles of equal treatment of tenderers and transparency. Case C-331/04. Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 11 May 2006. Carbotermo SpA and Consorzio Alisei v Comune di Busto Arsizio and AGESP SpA. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunale amministrativo regionale per la Lombardia - Italy. Directive 93/36/EEC - Public supply contracts - Award of contract without a call for tenders - Award of the contract to an undertaking in which the contracting authority has a shareholding. Case C-340/04. Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART TWO - FOUNDATIONS OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE III - FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL, CHAPTER 3: SERVICES, ARTICLE 66 TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART TWO - FOUNDATIONS OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE III - FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL, CHAPTER 2: RIGHT OF ESTABLISHMENT, ARTICLE 57 undefined TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART FIVE - INSTITUTIONS OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE I - PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INSTITUTIONS, CHAPTER 1: THE INSTITUTIONS, SECTION 2: THE COUNCIL, ARTICLE 149 TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, PART THREE - POLICY OF THE COMMUNITY, TITLE II - ECONOMIC POLICY, CHAPTER 3: COMMERCIAL POLICY, ARTICLE 113 EuroVoc Vocabulary Means of public conveyance Energy distribution Energy production Public contract Freedom of establishment Public works contracts Telecommunications Public services contracts Energy transport Internal market - Principles Public supply contracts Approximation of laws Telecommunications