Regulation (EEC) No 2101/75 of the Commission of 11 August 1975 on a standing invitation to tender in order to determine a levy and/or refund on exports of white sugar
Amendments and corrections
July 28, 1977 Repealed by 31977R1634
June 9, 1977 Modified by 31977R1227 - detail
December 2, 1976 Modified by 31976R2924 - detail
August 19, 1976 Modified by 31976R2042 - detail
June 22, 1976 Modified by 31976R1406 - detail
March 28, 1976 Modified by 31976R0606 - detail
February 5, 1976 Modified by 31976R0247 - detail
October 21, 1975 Modified by 31975R2665 - detail
August 28, 1975 Corrected by 31975R2101R(01)
August 12, 1975 Entry into force - See Art 14
Consolidated texts