Parameter | Criterion |
Applicability | Foods specified in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 |
Specificity | Free from matrix or spectral interferences |
Repeatability (RSDr) | HORRATr less than 2 |
Reproducibility (RSDR) | HORRATR less than 2 |
Recovery | The provisions of point D.1.2. apply |
LOD | = three tenths of LOQ |
LOQ | Inorganic tin | ≤ 10 mg/kg |
Lead | ML ≤ 0,02 mg/kg | 0,02 < ML < 0,1 mg/kg | ML ≥ 0,1 mg/kg |
≤ ML | ≤ two thirds of the ML | ≤ one fifth of the ML |
Cadmium, mercury | ML ≤ 0,02 mg/kg | 0,02 < ML < 0,1 mg/kg | ML is ≥ 0,1 mg/kg |
≤ two fifths of the ML | ≤ two fifths of the ML | ≤ one fifth of the ML |
Inorganic arsenic and total arsenic | ML ≤ 0,03 mg/kg | 0,03 < ML < 0,1 mg/kg | ML is ≥ 0,1 mg/kg |
≤ ML | ≤ two thirds of the ML | ≤ two thirds of the ML" |