- 1.Document number
| - 2.(choose as appropriate)
- □Operator
- □Group of operators – see point 10
- □Exporter
- 3.Name and address of the operator, group of operators or exporter:
| - 4.Name, address and code number of the control authority or control body of the operator, group of operators or exporter:
- 5.Activity or activities of the operator, group of operators or exporter (choose as appropriate):
- □Production
- □Preparation
- □Distribution
- □Storing
- □Import
- □Export
- 6.Category or categories of products as referred to in Article 35(7) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council and production methods (choose as appropriate):
- (a)unprocessed plants and plant products, including seeds and other plant reproductive materialProduction method:
- □organic production excluding during the conversion period
- □production during the conversion period
- □organic production with non-organic production
- (b)livestock and unprocessed livestock productsProduction method:
- □organic production excluding during the conversion period
- □production during the conversion period
- □organic production with non-organic production
- (c)algae and unprocessed aquaculture productsProduction method:
- □organic production excluding during the conversion period
- □production during the conversion period
- □organic production with non-organic production
- (d)processed agricultural products, including aquaculture products, for use as foodProduction method:
- □production of organic products
- □production of in-conversion products
- □organic production with non-organic production
- (e)feedProduction method:
- □production of organic products
- □production of in-conversion products
- □organic production with non-organic production
- (f)wineProduction method:
- □production of organic products
- □production of in-conversion products
- □organic production with non-organic production
- (g)other products listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2018/848 or not covered by the previous categoriesProduction method:
- □production of organic products
- □production of in-conversion products
- □organic production with non-organic production
- 7.Directory of products:
Name of the product and/or Combined Nomenclature (CN) code as referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 for products within the scope of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 | - □Organic
- □In-conversion
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This document has been issued in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1378 to certify that the operator, group of operators or exporter (choose as appropriate) complies with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 |
- 8.Date, place
Name and signature on behalf of the issuing control authority or control body, or qualified electronic seal: | 9.Certificate valid from… [insert date] to… [insert date] |