Member State | Species code | Area code | Species name | Area name | Initial quota 2019 (in kilograms) | Permitted landings 2019 (Total adapted quantity in kilograms) | Total catches 2019 (quantity in kilograms) | Quota consumption related to permitted landings | Overfishing related to permitted landing (quantity in kilograms) | Multiplying factor | Additional Multiplying factor, | Outstanding deductions from previous year(s) (quantity in kilograms) | Deductions to apply in 2020 (quantity in kilograms) |
DE | HER | 4AB. | Herring | Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53° 30′ N | 39404000 | 25460900 | 27182070 | 106,76 % | 1721170 | / | / | / | 1721170 |
DE | MAC | 2CX14- | Mackerel | 3a and 4; Union waters of 2a, 3b, 3c and Subdivisions 22-32 | 441000 | 14859024 | 15542581 | 104,60 % | 683557 | / | / | / | 683557 |
DK | MAC | 2CX14- | Mackerel | 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 2a, 12 and 14 | / | 2688463 | 2693920 | 100,20 % | 5457 | / | / | / | 5457 |
DK | MAC | 2A34. | Mackerel | 3a and 4; Union waters of 2a, 3b, 3c and Subdivisions 22-32 | 14480000 | 13330744 | 14022305 | 105,19 % | 691561 | / | / | / | 691561 |
DK | MAC | 2A4A-N | Mackerel | Norwegian waters of 2a and 4a | 10242000 | 10252106 | 11197228 | 109,22 % | 945122 | / | / | / | 945122 |
DK | POK | 1N2AB. | Saithe | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 17 000 | 50 968 | 299,81 % | 33 968 | 1,00 | / | / | 33968 |
ES | BET | ATLANT | Bigeye tuna | Atlantic Ocean | 9415300 | 8941151 | 9095090 | 101,72 % | 153939 | / | C | / | 153939 |
ES | COD | 1/2B. | Cod | 1 and 2b | 11562000 | 8455844 | 8463118 | 100,09 % | 7274 | / | / | / | 7274 |
ES | GHL | 1N2AB. | Greenland halibut | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 2000 | 14225 | 711,25 % | 12225 | 1,00 | A | / | 18338 |
ES | OTH | 1N2AB. | Other species | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 31800 | 35695 | 112,25 % | 3895 | 1,00 | / | / | 3895 |
ES | POK | 1N2AB. | Saithe | Norwegian waters of 1 and 2 | / | 196000 | 198607 | 101,33 % | 2607 | / | / | / | 2607 |
ES | RED | N3LN. | Redfish | NAFO 3LN | / | 515100 | 517806 | 100,53 % | 2706 | / | / | / | 2706 |
ES | RJU | 9-C. | Undulate ray | Union waters of 9 | 15000 | 15000 | 15511 | 103,41 % | 511 | N/A | N/A | 2067 | 2067 |
FR | BET | ATLANT | Bigeye tuna | Atlantic Ocean | 4167700 | 4167700 | 4687551 | 112,47 % | 519851 | 1,20 | C | / | 883747 |
FR | RJE | 7FG. | Small-eyed ray | Union waters of 7f and 7g | 79000 | 90399 | 91485 | 101,20 % | 1086 | / | / | / | 1086 |
FR | RJU | 7DE. | Undulate ray | Union waters of 7d and 7e | 103000 | 168000 | 177718 | 105,78 % | 9718 | / | / | / | 9718 |
FR | SWO | AS05N | Swordfish | Atlantic Ocean, South of 5° N | / | / | 3500 | N/A | 3500 | / | / | / | 3500 |
GB | COD | N1GL14 | Cod | Greenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of 5, 12 and 14 | 364000 | 353500 | 353500 | 100 % | 0 | / | / | 4167 | 4167 |
GB | HER | 4AB. | Herring | Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53° 30′ N | 55583000 | 62320196 | 62607628 | 100,46 % | 287432 | / | / | / | 287432 |
GB | MAC | 2CX14- | Mackerel | 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 2a, 12 and 14 | 152115000 | 145768635 | 154072694 | 105,70 % | 8304059 | / | A | / | 8304059 |
GB | RJU | 7DE. | Undulate ray | Union waters of 7d and 7e | 58000 | 61200 | 63133 | 103,16 % | 1933 | / | / | / | 1933 |
EL | BFT | AE45WM | Bluefin tuna | Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean | 285110 | 304110 | 312690 | 102,82 % | 8580 | / | C | / | 8580 |
IE | ALB | AN05N | Northern albacore | Atlantic Ocean, north of 5° N | 2854300 | 3115420 | 3213170 | 103,14 % | 97750 | / | C | / | 97750 |
NL | HER | 4CXB7D | Herring | 4c, 7d except Blackwater stock | 18162000 | 19497305 | 19512481 | 100,08 % | 15176 | / | / | / | 15176 |
NL | MAC | 2A34. | Mackerel | 3a and 4; Union waters of 2a, 3b, 3c and Subdivisions 22-32 | 1342000 | 1494000 | 2012324 | 134,69 % | 518324 | 1,40 | / | / | 725654 |
PT | ALB | AN05N | Northern albacore | Atlantic Ocean, north of 5° N | 1994200 | 1794200 | 2463161 | 137,28 % | 668961 | 1,40 | C | / | 1271026 |
PT | ALF | 3X14- | Alfonsinos | Union and international waters of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14 | 164000 | 149034 | 156756 | 105,18 % | 7722 | / | A | / | 7722 |
PT | BUM | ATLANT | Blue marlin | Atlantic Ocean | 50 440 | 7 076 | 18 016 | 254,61 % | 10 940 | 1,00 | A | / | 16410 |
PT | RJU | 9-C. | Undulate ray | Union waters of 9 | 15000 | 21705 | 24589 | 113,29 % | 2884 | 1,00 | / | / | 2884 |
PT | SWO | AN05N | Swordfish | Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N | 1010390 | 2410390 | 2414333 | 100,16 % | 3943 | / | / | / | 3943 |
SE | MAC | 2A34. | Mackerel | 3a and 4; Union waters of 2a, 3b, 3c and Subdivisions 22-32 | 4034000 | 2945203 | 3075839 | 104,44 % | 130636 | / | / | / | 130636 |