Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213 of 21 August 2020 concerning the phytosanitary measures for the introduction into the Union of certain plants, plant products and other objects which have been removed from the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2019
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  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1362of 30 September 2020amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213 concerning the phytosanitary measures for the introduction into the Union of certain plants for planting of Acer japonicum Thunberg, Acer palmatum Thunberg and Acer shirasawanum Koidzumi, originating in New Zealand, 32020R1362, October 1, 2020
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213of 21 August 2020concerning the phytosanitary measures for the introduction into the Union of certain plants, plant products and other objects which have been removed from the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2019
Article 1Subject matterThis Regulation sets out phytosanitary measures for the introduction from third countries into the Union of plants, plant products and other objects, which have been removed from the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2019.
Article 2Measures for introduction into the Union of certain plants, plant products and other objects, originating from third countriesThe plants, plant products and other objects, originating from the respective third countries of origin, as listed in the Annex, may only be introduced into the Union territory if they comply with the corresponding measures set out therein.
Article 3Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEXList of plants, plant products and other objects, originating from third countries, and the corresponding measures for their introduction into the Union territory, as referred to in Article 2
Plants, plant products or other objectsCN CodeThird countries of originMeasures
1.Bare rooted, dormant grafted plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 2,5 cm of Albizia julibrissin Durazzini;ex06029041ex06029045ex06029046ex06029048Israel(a)Official statement that:(i)The plants are free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae.(ii)the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin. That registration has included the respective production sites within the place of production.(iii)The plants fulfil one of the following requirements:1.The plants have a diameter of less than 2 cm at the base of the stem,or,2.The plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against the introduction of Euwallacea fornicatussensu lato at least during six months prior to export, which is subject to official inspections at appropriate times and has been found free from the pest, confirmed at least with traps which are checked at least every four weeks, including immediately prior to movement,or,3.The plants have been grown in a site of production which has been found free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, confirmed for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, at least with traps, during official inspections carried out at least every four weeks; in case of suspicion of the presence of either of the two pests at the site of production, appropriate treatments against the pests have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pests; a surrounding zone of 1 km is established, which is monitored at appropriate times for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae and where either of the two pests are found on any host plants, those plants should be immediately rogued out and destroyed.(iv)Immediately prior to export, consignments of plants with a diameter of 2 cm or wider at the base of the stem have been subjected to an official inspection for the presence of the pest, in particular in stems and branches of the plants, including destructive sampling. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %.(b)The phytosanitary certificates for those plants include, under the heading "Additional Declaration":(i)The following statement: "The consignment complies with the provisions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213".(ii)The specification of:which requirement of point (a) (iii) above in this entry has been fulfilled, andthe registered production site(s).
2.Bare rooted, dormant grafted plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 2,5 cm of Albizia julibrissin Durazzini;ex06029041ex06029045ex06029046ex06029048Israel(a)Official statement that:(i)The plants are free from Aonidiella orientalis,(ii)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin. That registration has included the respective productions sites within the place of production. That place of production has also fulfilled one of the following requirements:1.The plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against the introduction of Aonidiella orientalis at least during six months prior to export, which is subject to official inspections every three weeks and found free from the pest, including immediately prior to movement,or2.The site of production has been found free from Aonidiella orientalis since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation during official inspections carried out every three weeks; in case of suspicion of the presence of the pest at the site of production, appropriate treatments against the pest have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pest; a surrounding zone of 100m is established, which is monitored at appropriate times for Aonidiella orientalis, and where the pest is found on any plant, those plants should be immediately rogued out and destroyed.(iii)Immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Aonidiella orientalis, in particular in stems and branches of the plants. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %;(b)The phytosanitary certificates for those plants include under the heading "Additional Declaration":(i)The following statement: "The consignment complies with the provisions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213".(ii)The specification of:which requirement of point (a) (ii) above in this entry has been fulfilled, andthe registered production site(s).
3.Bare rooted, dormant grafted plants for planting with a maximum diameter of 2,5 cm of Robinia pseudoacacia L.;ex06029041ex06029045ex06029046ex06029048Israel(a)Official statement that:(i)The plants are free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae.(ii)The plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production which is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin. That registration has included the respective productions sites within the place of production(iii)The plants fulfil one of the following requirements:1.The plants have a diameter of less than 2 cm at the base of the stem,or,2.The plants have been grown in a site with complete physical protection against the introduction of Euwallacea fornicatussensu lato at least during six months prior to export, which is subject to official inspections at appropriate times and has been found free from the pest, confirmed at least with traps which are checked at least every four weeks, including immediately prior to movement,or,3.The plants have been grown in a site of production which has been found free from Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, confirmed for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato, at least with traps, during official inspections carried out at least every four weeks; in case of suspicion of the presence of either of the two pests at the site of production, appropriate treatments against the pests have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pests; a surrounding zone of 1 km is established, which is monitored at appropriate times for Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato and Fusarium euwallaceae and where either of the two pests are found on any host plants, those plants should be immediately rogued out and destroyed.(iv)Immediately prior to export, consignments of plants with a diameter of 2 cm or wider at the base of the stem have been subjected to an official inspection for the presence of the pest, in particular in stems and branches of the plants, including destructive sampling. The size of the sample for inspection shall be such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %.(b)The phytosanitary certificates for those plants include, under the heading "Additional Declaration":(i)The following statement: "The consignment complies with the provisions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1213".(ii)The specification of:which requirement of point (a) (iii) above in this entry has been fulfilled, andthe registered production site(s).
4.Bare rooted, dormant, free of leaves, grafted or budded, one- to three- year old plants for planting of Acer japonicum Thunberg, Acer palmatum Thunberg and Acer shirasawanum Koidzumiex06029041ex06029045ex06029046ex06029048ex06029050New Zealand(a)Official statement that:(i)the plants are free from Eotetranychus sexmaculatus;(ii)the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production, which, together with the sites of production that form part of it, is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin(iii)the site of production has been found free from Eotetranychus sexmaculatus during official inspections carried out at appropriate times, since the beginning of the complete production cycle; in case of suspicion of the presence of Eotetranychus sexmaculatus at the site of production, appropriate treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pest; a surrounding zone of 100 m has been established, which is subject to specific surveys at appropriate times to detect Eotetranychus sexmaculatus and where the pest has been found on any host plants, those plants have been rogued out and destroyed immediately;(iv)a system has been put in place to ensure that tools and machinery have been cleaned to be free from soil and plant debris and disinfected to be free from the Eotetranychus sexmaculatus, before they have been introduced into each site of production;(v)at harvest, the plants have been cleaned and trimmed and the plants have undergone an official phytosanitary inspection, consisting at least of a detailed visual examination, in particular of stems and branches of the plants to confirm the absence of the Eotetranychus sexmaculatus;(vi)immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Eotetranychus sexmaculatus, in particular of stems and branches of the plants, and the size of the sample for inspection has been such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %;(b)The phytosanitary certificates for those plants include under the heading "Additional Declaration":(i)the following statement: "The consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1362";(ii)the specification of the registered sites of production.
5.Bare rooted, dormant, free of leaves, grafted or budded one- to three- year old plants for planting of Acer japonicum Thunberg, Acer palmatum Thunberg and Acer shirasawanum Koidzumiex06029041ex06029045ex06029046ex06029048ex06029050New Zealand(a)Official statement that:(i)the plants are free from Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis;(ii)the plants have been grown throughout their life in a place of production, which, together with the sites of production that form part of it is registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin;(iii)the site of production has been found free from Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis during official inspections carried out at appropriate times, since the beginning of the complete production cycle; in case of suspicion of the presence of Oemona hirta or Platypus apicalis at the site of production, appropriate treatments have been carried out to ensure the absence of the pests;(iv)at harvest, the plants have been cleaned and have undergone an official inspection to confirm the absence of Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis;(v)immediately prior to export, consignments of the plants have been subjected to an official inspection for the presence of Oemona hirta and Platypus apicalis and the size of the sample for inspection has been such as to enable at least the detection of 1 % level of infestation with a level of confidence of 99 %;(b)the phytosanitary certificates for those plants include under the heading "Additional Declaration":(i)the following statement: "The consignment complies with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1362";(ii)the specification of the registered sites of production.

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