Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/2035 of 18 October 2018 specifying details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2019-2021
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- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/906of 13 March 2019amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/2035 specifying details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2019-2021, 32019R0906, June 4, 2019
(1) "Seltra panel" means a selectivity device which: consists of a top panel of at least 270 mm mesh size (diamond mesh) placed in a four-panel section and mounted with a joining ratio of three meshes of 90 mm to one mesh of 270 mm, or of a top panel of at least 140 mm mesh size (square mesh), is at least 3 metres long, is positioned no more than 4 metres from the cod line, and is the full width of the top sheet of the trawl (i.e. from selvedge to selvedge);
(2) "Netgrid selectivity device" means a selectivity device consisting of a four panel section inserted into a two-panel trawl with an inclined sheet of diamond mesh netting with a mesh size of at least 200 mm, leading to an escape hole in the top of the trawl; (3) "Flemish Panel" means the last tapered netting section of a beam trawl whose: posterior is directly attached to the cod-end, upper and lower netting sections are constructed of at least 120 mm mesh as measured between the knots, stretched length is at least 3 m;
(4) "SepNep" means an otter trawl which: is constructed within the mesh size range of 80 to 99 + ≥ 100 mm, is fitted with multiple cod-ends of mesh sizes ranging from at least 80 to 120 mm attached to a single extension piece, the uppermost cod-end being constructed with a mesh size of at least 120 mm and fitted with a separation panel with a maximum mesh size of 105 mm, and may furthermore be fitted with an optional selection grid with a bar spacing of at least 17 mm provided it is constructed in such a way so as to allow the escape of small Norway lobster.
(a) catches with pots (FPO );Gear codes used in this Regulation refer to those codes in Annex XI to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 of 8 April 2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common fisheries policy (OJ L 112, 30.4.2011, p. 1 ). For the vessels whose LOA is less than 10 metres gear codes used in this table refer to the codes from the FAO gear classification.(b) catches with bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, TBN) fitted with: (1) a cod-end larger than 80 mm; or (2) a cod-end with a mesh size of at least 70 mm equipped with a species selective grid with a bar spacing of maximum 35 mm; or (3) a cod-end of at least 35 mm equipped with a species selective grid with a bar spacing of maximum 19 mm.
(a) plaice caught with nets (GNS, GTR, GTN, GEN); (b) plaice caught with Danish seines; (c) plaice caught with bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB) with a mesh size of at least 120 mm when targeting flatfish or roundfish in winter months (from 1 November to 30 April).
(a) in fisheries for common sole by vessels using trammel nets and gill nets (GN, GNS, GND, GNC, GTN, GTR, GEN, GNF) in Union waters of ICES divisions 2a and 3a, and ICES subarea 4: a quantity of common sole below and above the minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 3 % of the total annual catches of that species; (b) in fisheries for common sole by vessels using beam trawl (TBB) of mesh size 80-119 mm equipped with a Flemish panel, in Union waters of ICES subarea 4: a quantity of common sole below minimum conservation reference sizes, which shall not exceed 6 % of the total annual catches of that species in 2019 and 5 % the rest of the period; (c) in the fishery for Norway lobster by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, TBN) with a mesh size equal to or larger than 70 mm equipped with a species-selective grid with a bar spacing of maximum 35 mm in Union waters of ICES division 3a: a combined quantity of common sole, haddock, whiting, cod, saithe and hake below the minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 4 % of the total annual catches of Norway lobster, common sole, haddock, whiting and Northern prawn, cod, saithe and hake; (d) in the fishery for Northern prawn by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT) with a mesh size equal to or larger than 35 mm equipped with a species selective grid with a bar spacing of maximum 19 mm, and with unblocked fish outlet, in Union waters of ICES division 3a: a combined quantity of common sole, haddock, whiting, cod, plaice, saithe, herring, Norway pout, greater silver smelt and blue whiting below minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 5 % of the total annual catches of Norway lobster, common sole, haddock, whiting, cod, saithe, plaice, Northern prawn, hake, Norway pout, greater silver smelt, herring and blue whiting; (e) in the mixed demersal fisheries by vessels using bottom trawls or seines (OTB, OTT, SDN, SSC) with a mesh size of 70-99 mm (TR2) in Union waters of ICES division 4c: a combined quantity of whiting and cod below minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 6 % in 2019 and 5 % in 2020 and 2021 of the total annual catches of whiting and cod; the maximum amount of cod that may be discarded shall be limited to 2 % of those total annual catches; (f) in the mixed demersal fisheries by vessels using bottom trawls or seines (OTB, OTT, SDN, SSC) with a mesh size of 70-99 mm (TR2) in Union waters of ICES divisions 4a and 4b: a combined quantity of whiting and cod below minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 6 % in 2019 of the total annual catches of whiting and cod; the maximum amount of cod that may be discarded shall be limited to 2 % of those total annual catches; (g) in fisheries by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, TBN, PTB) with a mesh size of 90-119 mm, equipped with Seltra panel, or bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, TBN, PTB) with a mesh size equal to or larger than 120 mm, in Union waters of ICES division 3a: a quantity of whiting below minimum conservation reference sizes, up to a maximum of 2 % of the total annual catches of Norway lobster, cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, common sole, plaice and hake; (h) in the fisheries for Norway lobster by vessels using bottom trawls with a mesh size of 80-99 mm, equipped with a SepNep, in Union waters of ICES subarea 4: a quantity of plaice below the minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 3 % of the total annual catches of saithe, plaice, haddock, whiting, cod, Northern prawn, common sole and Norway lobster; (i) in the fisheries for brown shrimp by vessels using beam trawls in Union waters of ICES divisions 4b and 4c: a quantity of all species subject to catch limits, which shall not exceed 7 % in 2019 and 2020, 6 % in 2021 of the total annual catches of all species subject to catch limits; (j) in the demersal fisheries by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB) with a mesh size between 100 and 119 mm catching ling in Union waters of ICES subarea 4: a quantity of ling below minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 3 % of the total annual catches of ling in that fishery; the de minimis exemption set out in this point (j) shall be provisionally applicable until31 December 2019 . Member States having a direct management interest shall submit before31 May 2019 , additional scientific information supporting that exemption. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) shall assess the provided scientific information before1 August 2019 ;
(k) in the demersal fisheries by vessels using bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB) with a mesh size equal to or greater than 120 mm catching ling in Union waters of ICES subarea 4: a quantity of ling below minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 3 % of the total annual catches of ling in that fishery; (l) in the demersal mixed fishery by vessels using beam trawls with a mesh size of 80-119 mm in Union waters of ICES subarea 4: a quantity of whiting below minimum conservation reference size, which shall not exceed 2 % of the total annual catches of plaice and sole; Member States having a direct management interest shall submit every year, as soon as possible before 31 May, additional scientific information supporting the exemption. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) shall assess the provided scientific information before 1 August every year;
(m) in the demersal mixed fishery with bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBB) with a mesh size between 80 and 99 mm in ICES subarea 4: a quantity of horse mackerel, which shall not exceed 7 % in 2019 of the total annual catches in that fishery of horse mackerel; the de minimis exemption set out in this point (m) shall be provisionally applicable until31 December 2019 . Member States having a direct management interest shall submit as soon as possible before31 May 2019 , additional scientific information supporting the exemption. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) shall assess the provided scientific information before1 August 2019 ;
(n) in the demersal mixed fishery with bottom trawls (OTB, OTT, PTB, TBB) with a mesh size between 80 and 99 mm in ICES subarea 4: a quantity of mackerel, which shall not exceed 7 % in 2019 of the total annual catches in that fishery of mackerel; the de minimis exemption set out in this point (n) shall be provisionally applicable until31 December 2019 . Member States having a direct management interest shall submit as soon as possible before31 May 2019 , additional scientific information supporting the exemption. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) shall assess the provided scientific information before1 August 2019 .
(a) trawls with a cod-end having a mesh size of at least 90 mm, provided they are equipped with a seltra panel or a sorting grid with no more than 35 mm bar spacing. (b) trawls with a cod-end having a mesh size of at least 70 mm (square mesh), equipped with a sorting grid with no more than 35 mm bar spacing; (c) trawls with a minimum mesh sizes of less than 70 mm when fishing for pelagic or industrial species, provided the catch contains more than 80 % of one or more pelagic or industrial species; (d) trawls with a cod-end of at least 35 mm mesh size when fishing for Northern prawn, provided the trawl is equipped with a sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 19 mm.
(a) constructed with a top panel with a minimum mesh size of 120 mm square mesh; (b) at least 3 metres long; and (c) at least as wide as the sorting grid.
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