(a) the establishment and operation of a single digital gateway to provide citizens and businesses with easy access to high quality information, to efficient procedures and to effective assistance and problem-solving services with regard to Union and national rules applicable to citizens and businesses exercising or intending to exercise their rights derived from Union law in the field of the internal market, within the meaning of Article 26(2) TFEU; (b) the use of procedures by cross-border users and the implementation of the "once-only" principle in connection with the procedures listed in Annex II to this Regulation and the procedures provided for in Directives 2005/36/EC, 2006/123/EC, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU; (c) the reporting on obstacles in the internal market based on the collection of user feedback and statistics from the services covered by the gateway.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (Text with EEA relevance.)
Modified by
- Regulation (EU) 2022/868 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 30 May 2022on European data governance and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 (Data Governance Act)(Text with EEA relevance), 32022R0868, June 3, 2022
- Regulation (EU) 2024/1252 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 April 2024establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) No 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, (EU) 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020(Text with EEA relevance), 32024R1252, May 3, 2024
- Regulation (EU) 2024/1735 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 13 June 2024on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology manufacturing ecosystem and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724(Text with EEA relevance), 32024R1735, June 28, 2024
(a) information on rights, obligations and rules laid down in Union and national law that are applicable to users exercising or intending to exercise their rights derived from Union law in the field of the internal market in the areas listed in Annex I; (b) information on online and offline procedures and links to online procedures, including procedures covered by Annex II, established at Union or national level in order to enable users to exercise the rights and to comply with the obligations and rules in the field of the internal market in the areas listed in Annex I; (c) information on, and links to, the assistance and problem-solving services listed in Annex III or referred to in Article 7 which citizens and businesses can refer to if they have questions or problems related to the rights, obligations, rules or procedures referred to in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph.
(1) "user" means either a citizen of the Union, a natural person residing in a Member State or a legal person having its registered office in a Member State, and who accesses the information, the procedures, or the assistance or problem-solving services, referred to in Article 2(2), through the gateway; (2) "cross-border user" means a user in a situation which is not confined in all respects within a single Member State; (3) "procedure" means a sequence of actions that must be taken by users to satisfy the requirements, or to obtain from a competent authority a decision, in order to be able to exercise their rights as referred to in point (a) of Article 2(2); (4) "competent authority" means any Member State authority or body established at national, regional or local level with specific responsibilities relating to the information, procedures, assistance and problem-solving services covered by this Regulation; (5) "evidence" means any document or data, including text or sound, visual or audiovisual recording, irrespective of the medium used, required by a competent authority to prove facts or compliance with procedural requirements referred to in point (b) of Article 2(2).
(a) information about those rights, obligations and rules referred to in point (a) of Article 2(2) that are derived from national law; (b) information about those procedures referred to in point (b) of Article 2(2) that are established at national level; (c) information about those assistance and problem-solving services referred to in point (c) of Article 2(2) that are provided at national level.
(a) information about those rights, obligations and rules referred to in point (a) of Article 2(2) that are derived from Union law; (b) information about those procedures referred to in point (b) of Article 2(2) that are established at Union level; (c) information about those assistance and problem-solving services referred to in point (c) of Article 2(2) that are provided at Union level.
(a) the identification of users, the provision of information and supporting evidence, signature and final submission can all be carried out electronically at a distance, through a service channel which enables users to fulfil the requirements related to the procedure in a user-friendly and structured way; (b) users are provided with an automatic acknowledgement of receipt, unless the output of the procedure is delivered immediately; (c) the output of the procedure is delivered electronically, or where necessary to comply with applicable Union or national law, delivered by physical means; and (d) users are provided with an electronic notification of completion of the procedure.
(a) they offer information or assistance within the areas, and for the purposes, covered by this Regulation and are complementary to services already included in the gateway; (b) they are offered free of charge or at a price which is affordable for micro-enterprises, non-profit organisations and citizens; and (c) they comply with the requirements laid down in Articles 8, 11 and 16.
(a) it is user-friendly, enabling users to easily find and understand the information and to easily identify which parts of the information are relevant to their particular situation; (b) it is accurate and sufficiently comprehensive to cover information that users need to know in order to exercise their rights in full compliance with applicable rules and obligations; (c) it includes references, links to legal acts, technical specifications and guidelines, where relevant; (d) it includes the name of the competent authority or entity responsible for the content of the information; (e) it includes the contact details of any relevant assistance or problem-solving services, such as a phone number, an email address, an online enquiry form or any other commonly used means of electronic communication that is most suitable for the type of service offered and for the target audience of that service; (f) it includes the date of the last update of the information, if any, or, where the information has not been updated, the date of publication of the information; (g) it is well-structured and presented, so that users can quickly find the information they need; (h) it is kept up-to-date; and (i) it is written in clear and plain language adapted to the needs of the target users.
(a) the relevant steps of the procedure to be taken by the user, including any exception, under Article 6(3), to the obligation of Member States to offer the procedure fully online; (b) the name of the competent authority responsible for the procedure, including its contact details; (c) the accepted means of authentication, identification and signature for the procedure; (d) the type and format of evidence to be submitted; (e) the means of redress or appeal which are generally available in the event of disputes with the competent authorities; (f) the applicable fees and the online methods of payment; (g) any deadlines to be respected by the user or by the competent authority and where no deadlines exist, the average, estimated or indicative time that the competent authority needs to complete the procedure; (h) any rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences thereof for the users, including tacit approval or administrative silence arrangements; (i) any additional languages in which the procedure can be carried out.
(a) the type, purpose and expected results of the service offered; (b) the contact details of the entities responsible for the service such as a phone number, an email address, an online enquiry form or any other commonly used means of electronic communication that is most suitable for the type of service offered and for the target audience of that service; (c) where relevant, the applicable fees and the online methods of payment; (d) any applicable deadlines to be respected and where none exist, an average, or estimated time required to deliver the service; (e) any additional languages in which the request can be submitted and which can be used in subsequent contacts.
(a) users are able to access the instructions for completing the procedure in an official language of the Union that is broadly understood by the largest possible number of cross-border users, in accordance with Article 12; (b) cross-border users are able to submit the required information, including where the structure of such information differs from similar information in the Member State concerned; (c) cross-border users are able to identify and authenticate themselves, sign or seal documents electronically, as provided for in Regulation (EU) No 910/2014, in all cases where this is also possible for non-crossborder users; (d) cross-border users are able to provide evidence of compliance with applicable requirements and to receive the outcome of the procedures in electronic format in all cases where this is also possible for non-crossborder users; (e) where the completion of a procedure requires a payment, users are able to pay any fees online through widely available cross-border payment services, without discrimination based on the place of establishment of the payment service provider, the place of issue of the payment instrument or the location of the payment account within the Union.
(a) enable the processing of requests for evidence at the explicit request of the user; (b) enable the processing of requests for evidence to be accessed or exchanged; (c) allow the transmission of evidence between competent authorities; (d) allow the processing of the evidence by the requesting competent authority; (e) ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the evidence; (f) enable the possibility for the user to preview the evidence to be used by the requesting competent authority and to choose whether or not to proceed with the exchange of evidence; (g) ensure an adequate level of interoperability with other relevant systems; (h) ensure a high level of security for the transmission and processing of evidence; (i) not process evidence beyond what is technically necessary for the exchange of evidence, and then only for the duration necessary for that purpose.
(a) they are provided within a reasonable timeframe taking into account the complexity of the request; (b) when deadlines are extended, users are informed in advance of the reasons thereof and of the new deadline given; (c) where the provision of a service requires a payment, users are able to pay any fees online through widely available cross-border payment services without discrimination based on the place of establishment of the payment service provider, the place of issue of the payment instrument or the location of the payment account within the Union.
(a) inform the relevant national coordinator and ask for remedial action; (b) submit for discussion in the gateway coordination group recommended actions to improve compliance with the quality requirements; (c) send a letter with recommendations to the Member State concerned; (d) temporarily disconnect the information, the procedure, or the assistance or problem-solving service from the gateway.
(a) it is easy to use; (b) it is accessible online through various electronic devices; (c) it is developed and optimised for different web browsers; (d) it meets the following web accessibility requirements: perceivability, operability, understandability and robustness.
(a) the Your Europe portal, referred to in Article 2(1); (b) the common user interface, referred to in Article 18(1), including the search engine or any other ICT tool that enables searchability of web information and services; (c) the repository for links, referred to in Article 19(1); (d) the common assistance service finder, referred to in Article 20(1); (e) the user feedback tools, referred to in Article 25(1) and point (a) of Article 26(1).
(a) data related to the number, origin and type of users of the gateway; (b) data related to the user preferences and user journeys; (c) data related to the usability, findability and quality of the information, procedures and assistance and problem-solving services.
(a) provide users of the gateway with a user-friendly tool to signal and give feedback anonymously on any obstacles encountered by them in exercising their internal market rights; (b) collect aggregated information from the assistance and problem-solving services that form part of the gateway about the subject matter of requests and responses.
(a) act as a contact point for their respective administrations for all matters relating to the gateway; (b) promote the uniform application of Articles 9 to 16 by their respective competent authorities; (c) ensure that the recommendations referred to in point (c) of Article 17(2) are properly implemented.
(a) facilitate the exchange and regular updating of best practices; (b) encourage the uptake of fully online procedures beyond those included in Annex II to this Regulation, and of online means of authentication, identification and signatures, in particular those provided for in Regulation (EU) No 910/2014; (c) discuss improvements to the user-friendly presentation of information within the areas listed in Annex I, in particular on the basis of the data collected in accordance with Articles 24 and 25; (d) assist the Commission in developing the common ICT solutions supporting the gateway; (e) discuss the draft annual work programme; (f) assist the Commission in monitoring the execution of the annual work programme; (g) discuss additional information provided in accordance with Article 5 with a view to encouraging other Member States to provide similar information, where relevant to the users; (h) assist the Commission in monitoring compliance with the requirements set out in Articles 8 to 16, in accordance with Article 17; (i) inform about the implementation of Article 6(1); (j) discuss and recommend actions to the competent authorities and the Commission with a view to avoiding or eliminating unnecessary duplication of the services available through the gateway; (k) provide opinions on procedures or measures to address efficiently any problems with the quality of the services raised by users or suggestions for its improvement; (l) discuss the application of the principles of security by design and privacy by design in the context of this Regulation; (m) discuss issues related to the collection of the user feedback and statistics referred to in Articles 24 and 25, so that the services offered at Union and national level are continuously improved; (n) discuss issues related to the quality requirements of the services offered through the gateway; (o) exchange best practices and assist the Commission in the organisation, structuring and presentation of services referred to in Article 2(2), to enable the proper functioning of the common user interface; (p) facilitate the development and implementation of the coordinated promotion; (q) cooperate with the governance bodies or networks of information services, and of assistance or problem-solving services; (r) provide guidance on the additional official language, or languages, of the Union to be used by competent authorities in accordance with Articles 9(2), 10(4) and 11(2), and point (a) of Article 13(2).
(a) actions to improve the presentation of specific information within the areas listed in Annex I and actions to facilitate the timely implementation, by competent authorities at all levels, including municipal level, of the requirement to provide information; (b) actions to facilitate compliance with Articles 6 and 13; (c) actions required to ensure the consistent compliance with the requirements set out in Articles 9 to 12; (d) activities related to the promotion of the gateway in accordance with Article 23.
(a) development and maintenance of the ICT tools supporting the implementation of this Regulation at Union level; (b) promotion of the gateway at Union level; (c) translation of information, explanations and instructions in accordance with Article 12 within a maximum annual volume per Member State, without prejudice to possible reallocation where this is necessary in order to enable full use of the available budget.
(1) Article 1 is replaced by the following: "Article 1 Subject matter This Regulation lays down rules for the use of an Internal Market Information System ("IMI") for administrative cooperation among the IMI actors, including the processing of personal data."; (2) in Article 3, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "1. IMI shall be used for exchanges of information, including of personal data, among the IMI actors and for the processing of that information for the purposes of either of the following: (a) administrative cooperation required in accordance with the acts listed in the Annex; (b) administrative cooperation subject to a pilot project carried out in accordance with Article 4.";
(3) in Article 5, the second paragraph is amended as follows: (a) point (a) is replaced by the following: "(a) "IMI" means the electronic tool provided by the Commission to facilitate administrative cooperation among the IMI actors;";
(b) point (b) is replaced by the following: "(b) "administrative cooperation" means the collaboration between IMI actors by exchanging and processing information for the purpose of better application of Union law;";
(c) point (g) is replaced by the following: "(g) "IMI actors" means the competent authorities, the IMI coordinators, the Commission and the Union bodies, offices and agencies;";
(4) in Article 8(1), the following point is added: "(f) ensuring coordination with Union bodies, offices and agencies and granting them access to IMI.";
(5) in Article 9, paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: "4. Appropriate means shall be put in place by the Member States, the Commission and Union bodies, offices and agencies to ensure that IMI users are allowed to access personal data processed in IMI only on a need-to-know basis and within the internal market area or areas for which they were granted access rights in accordance with paragraph 3."; (6) Article 21 is amended as follows: (a) paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: "2. The European Data Protection Supervisor shall be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the application of this Regulation when the Commission or Union bodies, offices and agencies, in their role as IMI actors, process personal data. The duties and powers referred to in Articles 57 and 58 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 shall apply accordingly.Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39 ).";----------------------Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39 ).";(b) paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: "3. The National Supervisory Authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor, each acting within the scope of their respective competences, shall cooperate with each other to ensure the coordinated supervision of IMI and its use by IMI actors in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725."; (c) paragraph 4 is deleted;
(7) in Article 29, paragraph 1 is deleted; (8) in the Annex, the following points are added: "11. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) : Article 56, Articles 60 to 66 and Article 70(1).OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1 .12. Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 : Articles 6(4), 15 and 19.OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39". ----------------------OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1 .OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39".
Life events | Procedures | Expected output subject to an assessment of the application by the competent authority in accordance with national law, where relevant |
Birth | Requesting proof of registration of birth | Proof of registration of birth or birth certificate |
Residence | Requesting proof of residence | Confirmation of registration at the current address |
Studying | Applying for a tertiary education study financing, such as study grants and loans from a public body or institution | Decision on the application for financing or acknowledgement of receipt |
Submitting an initial application for admission to public tertiary education institution | Confirmation of the receipt of application | |
Requesting academic recognition of diplomas, certificates or other proof of studies or courses | Decision on the request for recognition | |
Working | Request for determination of applicable legislation in accordance with Title II of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 | Decision on applicable legislation |
Notifying changes in the personal or professional circumstances of the person receiving social security benefits, relevant for such benefits | Confirmation of receipt of notification of such changes | |
Application for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) | European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) | |
Submitting an income tax declaration | Confirmation of the receipt of the declaration | |
Moving | Registering a change of address | Confirmation of deregistration at the previous address and of the registration of the new address |
Registering a motor vehicle originating from or already registered in a Member State, in standard procedures | Proof of registration of a motor vehicle | |
Obtaining stickers for the use of the national road infrastructure: time-based charges (vignette), distance-based charges (toll), issued by a public body or institution | Receipt of toll sticker or vignette or other proof of payment | |
Obtaining emission stickers issued by a public body or institution | Receipt of emission sticker or other proof of payment | |
Retiring | Claiming pension and pre-retirement benefits from compulsory schemes | Confirmation of the receipt of the claim or decision regarding the claim for a pension or pre-retirement benefits |
Requesting information on the data related to pension from compulsory schemes | Statement of personal pension data | |
Starting, running and closing a business | Notification of business activity, permission for exercising a business activity, changes of business activity and the termination of a business activity not involving insolvency or liquidation procedures, excluding the initial registration of a business activity with the business register and excluding procedures concerning the constitution of or any subsequent filing by companies or firms within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 54 TFEU | Confirmation of the receipt of notification or change, or of the request for permission for business activity |
Registration of an employer (a natural person) with compulsory pension and insurance schemes | Confirmation of registration or social security registration number | |
Registration of employees with compulsory pension and insurance schemes | Confirmation of registration or social security registration number | |
Submitting a corporate tax declaration | Confirmation of the receipt of the declaration | |
Notification to the social security schemes of the end of contract with an employee, excluding procedures for the collective termination of employee contracts | Confirmation of the receipt of the notification | |
Payment of social contributions for employees | Receipt or other form of confirmation of payment of social contributions for employees | |
Notification of a data intermediation services provider | Confirmation of the receipt of notification | |
Registration as a data altruism organisation recognised in the Union | Confirmation of the registration | |
Critical raw materials projects | Procedure related to all relevant permits to build and operate critical raw materials projects, including building, chemical and grid connection permits and environmental assessments and authorisations where these are required, and encompassing all applications and procedures from the acknowledgment that the application is complete to the notification of the comprehensive decision on the outcome of the procedure by the single point of contact concerned pursuant to Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1252. | All outputs pertaining to the procedures ranging from the acknowledgment of the completeness of the application to the notification of the comprehensive decision on the outcome of the procedure by the single point of contact concerned pursuant to Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1252. |
Net-zero technology manufacturing projects | Procedures for all relevant permits to build, expand, convert and operate net-zero technology manufacturing projects, and net-zero strategic projects, including building, chemical and grid connection permits, environmental assessments and authorisations where required, and encompassing all applications and procedures. | All outputs pertaining to the procedures ranging from the acknowledgement that the application is complete to the notification of the comprehensive decision on the outcome of the procedure by the designated contact point. |
(1) Points of single contact Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market (OJ L 376, 27.12.2006, p. 36 ).(2) Product Contact Points Regulation (EC) No 764/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 laying down procedures relating to the application of certain national technical rules to products lawfully marketed in another Member State and repealing Decision No 3052/95/EC (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 21 ).(3) Product Contact Points for Construction Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC (OJ L 88, 4.4.2011, p. 5 ).(4) National assistance centres for professional qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22 ).(5) National contact points for cross-border healthcare Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare (OJ L 88, 4.4.2011, p. 45 ).(6) European network of employment services (EURES) Regulation (EU) 2016/589 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2016 on a European network of employment services (EURES), workers’ access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets, and amending Regulations (EU) No 492/2011 and (EU) No 1296/2013 (OJ L 107, 22.4.2016, p. 1 ).(7) Online dispute resolution (ODR) Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on consumer ODR) (OJ L 165, 18.6.2013, p. 1 ).(8) Single points of contact established or designated, pursuant to Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1735 of the European Parliament and of the Council , including for the purposes of Article 18(1) of that Regulation and contact points established or designated pursuant to Article 33(1) thereofRegulation (EU) 2024/1735 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology manufacturing ecosystem and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 (OJ L, 2024/1735, 28.6.2024, ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2024/1735/oj ).(9) The single point of contact concerned pursuant to Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1252.