Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/2097 of 30 November 2016 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 as regards the trigger levels for additional duties on certain fruit and vegetables Basic information In force CELEX number: 32016R2097 Official Journal: JOL_2016_326_R_0003 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: bg cs da de el en et fi fr hr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt ro sk sl es sv Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: December 1, 2016 Entry into force - Date pub. See Art 2 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modifies Modifies: Affected by case Legal basis EuroVoc Vocabulary Food – ingredients, traces, residues, marketing standards Intellectual property Other CCT duties Common organisation of agricultural markets Fresh fruit and vegetables Pip fruit Fruit and vegetables Import (EU) Citrus fruit Stone fruit Fruit vegetable Grape Common organisation of markets Surveillance concerning imports Perennial vegetable