Regulation (EU) 2016/1627 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2016 on a multiannual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 302/2009
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  • Regulation (EU) 2019/833 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 20 May 2019laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation, amending Regulation (EU) 2016/1627 and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2115/2005 and (EC) No 1386/2007, 32019R0833, May 28, 2019
Regulation (EU) 2016/1627 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 14 September 2016on a multiannual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 302/2009 CHAPTER IGENERAL PROVISIONS
Article 1Subject matter and scope1.This Regulation lays down the general rules for the application by the Union of the recovery plan as defined in point (1) of Article 3.2.This Regulation applies to bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
Article 2ObjectiveThe objective of this Regulation, in accordance with the recovery plan as defined in point (1) of Article 3, is to achieve a biomass of bluefin tuna corresponding to the maximum sustainable yield by 2022 with at least a 60 % probability of achieving that objective.
Article 3DefinitionsFor the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions apply:(1)"recovery plan" means the multiannual recovery plan for bluefin tuna, which applies from 2007 to 2022 and was recommended by ICCAT;(2)"fishing vessel" means any powered vessel used or intended for use for the purposes of the commercial exploitation of bluefin tuna resources, including catching vessels, processing vessels, support vessels, towing vessels, vessels engaged in transhipment and transport vessels equipped for the transportation of tuna products and auxiliary vessels, except container vessels;(3)"catching vessel" means a vessel used for the purposes of the commercial capture of bluefin tuna resources;(4)"processing vessel" means a vessel on board of which fisheries products are subject to one or more of the following operations, prior to their packaging: filleting or slicing, freezing and/or processing;(5)"auxiliary vessel" means any vessel used to transport dead bluefin tuna (not processed) from a transport/farming cage, a purse seine net or a trap to a designated port and/or to a processing vessel;(6)"towing vessel" means any vessel used for towing cages;(7)"support vessel" means any other fishing vessel referred to under point (2);(8)"fishing actively" means, for any catching vessel and trap, the fact that it targets bluefin tuna during a given fishing season;(9)"joint fishing operation" means any operation between two or more purse seiners where the catch of one purse seiner is attributed to one or more other purse seiners in accordance with an allocation key;(10)"transfer operations" means:(i)any transfer of live bluefin tuna from the catching vessel's net to the transport cage;(ii)any transfer of live bluefin tuna from the transport cage to another transport cage;(iii)any transfer of the cage with bluefin tuna from a towing vessel to another towing vessel;(iv)any transfer of live bluefin tuna from one farm to another;(v)any transfer of live bluefin tuna from the trap to the transport cage;(11)"control transfer" means any additional transfer being implemented at the request of the fishing/farming operators or the control authorities for the purpose of verifying the number of fish being transferred;(12)"trap" means fixed gear anchored to the bottom, usually containing a guide net that leads bluefin tuna into an enclosure or series of enclosures where it is kept prior to harvesting;(13)"caging" means the transfer of live bluefin tuna from the transport cage or trap to the farming cages;(14)"farming" means caging of bluefin tuna in farms and subsequent feeding aiming to fatten and increase their total biomass;(15)"farm" means an installation used for the farming of bluefin tuna caught by traps and/or purse seiners;(16)"harvesting" means the killing of bluefin tuna in farms or traps;(17)"transhipment" means the unloading of all or any of the fish on board a fishing vessel to another fishing vessel. Unloading of dead bluefin tuna from the purse seiner net or the towing vessel to an auxiliary vessel shall not be considered as a transhipment;(18)"sport fishery" means non-commercial fisheries whose members adhere to a national sport organisation or are issued with a national sport licence;(19)"recreational fishery" means non-commercial fisheries whose members do not adhere to a national sport organisation and are not issued with a national sport licence;(20)"stereoscopic camera" means a camera with two or more lenses, with a separate image sensor or film frame for each lens, enabling the taking of three-dimensional images;(21)"control camera" means a stereoscopic camera and/or conventional video camera for the purpose of the controls provided for in this Regulation;(22)"BCD" or "electronic BCD" means a bluefin catch document for bluefin tuna. As appropriate, the reference to BCD shall be replaced by eBCD;(23)"responsible Member State" or "Member State responsible" means the flag Member State or the Member State in whose jurisdiction the trap or farm is located or, if the farm or trap is located on the high seas, the Member State where the trap or farm operator is established;(24)"Task II" means Task II as defined by ICCAT in the "Field manual for statistics and sampling Atlantic tunas and tuna-like fish" (third edition, ICCAT, 1990);(25)"CPC" means Contracting Parties to the Convention and cooperating non-contracting parties, entities or fishing entities;(26)"Convention area" means the geographical area covered by ICCAT measures as set out in Article 1 of the Convention;(27)"large-scale pelagic longline vessel" means a pelagic longline vessel greater than 24 metres in length overall;(28)"purse seines" means any encircling net the bottom of which is drawn together by means of a purse line at the bottom of the net, which passes through a series of rings along the ground rope, enabling the net to be pursed and closed.
Article 4Length of vesselsLengths of vessels referred to in this Regulation shall be understood as overall lengths.

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