Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2206 of 30 November 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 as regards the fees payable to the Community Plant Variety Office
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2206of 30 November 2015amending Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 as regards the fees payable to the Community Plant Variety OfficeTHE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on Community Plant Variety RightsOJ L 227, 1.9.1994, p. 1. ("the Basic Regulation"), and in particular Article 113 thereof,After consulting the Administrative Council of the Community Plant Variety Office,Whereas:(1)Article 3(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1238/95Commission Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 of 31 May 1995 establishing implementing rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 as regards the fees payable to the Community Plant Variety Office (OJ L 121, 1.6.1995, p. 31). provides that the President of the Community Plant Variety Office (the Office) may allow alternative forms of payment of fees and surcharges, including by the delivery or remittance of certified cheques. However, it is considered too burdensome to holders to require certified cheques as a means of payment. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure payments via electronic means.(2)Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 requires a person making a payment of fees or surcharges to indicate his name and the purpose of such payment. Taking into account that a payment may arrive to the Office for which it may be impossible to establish the identity of the person making the payment and to refund to this person, it would be appropriate that this money is retained by the Office as other revenue.(3)Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 sets out provisions concerning the level of the application fee payable to the Office for the processing of applications for grant of a Community plant variety right. In order to provide an effective, efficient and expeditious examination of applications, it is important to encourage the filing of applications by electronic means via web form. For this reason, it would be appropriate to reduce the fee paid for processing of the application in case of filing and submission of an application by electronic means.(4)The wording in Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 with regard to designation and entrustments of sub-offices and national agencies needs to be aligned with the Basic Regulation.(5)Article 7(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 regulates the refund of application fees for the applications which are not valid under Article 50 of the Basic Regulation. Based on the experience gained by the Office concerning the cost linked with the processing of applications for grant of Community plant variety rights which are not valid, it is appropriate to reduce the amount of the application fee retained by the Office.(6)Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 concerns fees for the technical examination of a variety. In case of an examination report on the result of a technical examination which has already been carried out by an entrusted Examination Office prior to the date of application for Community Plant Variety Right referred to in Article 8(5), it is appropriate to specify that the fee should be determined by the President of the Office after consultation of the Administrative Council of the Office.(7)Article 12(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 provides that the President of the Office is to fix the fees in respect of the Official Gazette of the Office. The periodical publication of the Official Gazette of the Office is only published in electronic version and no longer in print and it reflects the content of the databases of the Office. Such a publication does not require any additional particular and thus a specific fee should be abolished.(8)Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 concerns surcharges. Experience has shown that additional work of the Office, referred to in Article 13(1) and (2)(b), on variety denominations, due to their initial non-compliance to requirements laid down or on amendments in the event of prior conflicting right of a third party, is habitual and does not require increased resources. Therefore, any surcharges for that additional work are not justified.(9)Article 13(2)(a) provides that the Office may levy a surcharge to the annual fee if the holder has failed to pay the annual fee. In such cases the Office may initiate a procedure for cancellation of the protection. Experience has shown that the Office does not levy a surcharge for the failure to pay the annual fee and therefore this provision should be deleted.(10)Articles 93(3) and 94 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1239/95Commission Regulation (EC) No 1239/95 of 31 May 1995 establishing implementing rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 as regards proceedings before the Community Plant Variety Office (OJ L 121, 1.6.1995, p. 37). have not been taken over by Commission Regulation (EC) No 874/2009Commission Regulation (EC) No 874/2009 of 17 September 2009 establishing implementing rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 as regards proceedings before the Community Plant Variety Office (OJ L 251, 24.9.2009, p. 3).. Therefore, paragraphs (3) and (4) of Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 which refer to those provisions should be deleted.(11)Regulation (EC) No 1238/95 should therefore be amended accordingly.(12)It would be appropriate that the proposed amendments apply as from 1 January 2016, to align with the beginning of the new financial year for the budget of the Office.(13)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Community Plant Variety Rights,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: