Commission Regulation (EU) No 1299/2014 of 18 November 2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the ‘infrastructure’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union Text with EEA relevance
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  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/776of 16 May 2019amending Commission Regulations (EU) No 321/2013, (EU) No 1299/2014, (EU) No 1301/2014, (EU) No 1302/2014, (EU) No 1303/2014 and (EU) 2016/919 and Commission Implementing Decision 2011/665/EU as regards the alignment with Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the implementation of specific objectives set out in Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2017/1474(Text with EEA relevance), 32019R0776, May 27, 2019
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1299/2014of 18 November 2014on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the infrastructure subsystem of the rail system in the European Union(Text with EEA relevance)
Article 1Subject matterThe technical specification for interoperability (TSI) relating to the "infrastructure" subsystem of the rail system in the entire European Union, as set out in the Annex, is hereby adopted.
Article 2Scope1.The TSI shall apply to all new, upgraded or renewed "infrastructure" of the rail system in the European Union as defined in point 2.1 of Annex II to Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the interoperability of the rail system within the European Union (OJ L 138, 26.5.2016, p. 44)..2.Without prejudice to Articles 7 and 8 and point 7.2 of the Annex, the TSI shall apply to new railway lines in the European Union, which are placed in service from 1 January 2015.3.The TSI shall not apply to existing infrastructure of the rail system in the European Union, which is already placed in service on all or part of the network of any Member State on 1 January 2015, except when it is subject to renewal or upgrading in accordance with Article 18 of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and Section 7.3 of the Annex.4.The TSI shall apply to the network of the Union rail system as described in Annex I of Directive (EU) 2016/797 with the exclusion of cases referred to in Article 1(3) and (4) of Directive (EU) 2016/797.5.The TSI shall apply to networks with the following nominal track gauges: 1435 mm, 1520 mm, 1524 mm, 1600 mm and 1668 mm.6.Metric gauge is excluded from the technical scope of this TSI.7.The technical and geographical scope of this Regulation is set out in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the Annex.
Article 3Open points1.With regard to the aspects listed as "open points" in Appendix R to the Annex to this Regulation, the conditions to be complied with for verifying the essential requirements set out in Annex III to Directive (EU) 2016/797 shall be those laid down by national rules in force in the Member State which authorises the placing in service of the subsystem covered by this Regulation.2.Within six months of the entry into force of this Regulation, each Member State shall send to the other Member States and the Commission of the following information, unless such information has already been sent to them under Decisions 2008/217/EC or 2011/275/EU:(a)the national rules referred to in paragraph 1;(b)the conformity assessment and verification procedures to be carried out to apply the national rules referred to in paragraph 1;(c)the bodies designated to carry out the conformity assessment and verification procedures with respect to the open points.
Article 4Specific cases1.With regard to specific cases listed in Section 7.7 of the Annex, the conditions to be met for the verification of the essential requirements set out in Annex III to Directive (EU) 2016/797 shall be those laid down in Section 7.7 of the Annex or by national rules in force in the Member State which authorises the placing in service of the subsystem covered by this Regulation.2.Within six months of the entry into force of this Regulation, each Member State shall notify to the other Member States and the Commission the following information:(a)the national rules referred to in paragraph 1;(b)the conformity assessment and verification procedures to be carried out to apply the national rules referred to in paragraph 1;(c)the bodies designated to carry out the conformity assessment and verification procedures for the national rules relating to the specific cases set out in point 7.7 of the Annex.
Article 5Notification of bilateral agreements1.Member States shall notify the Commission, not later than 1 July 2015, any existing national, bilateral, multilateral or international agreements between Member States and railway undertaking(s), infrastructure managers or non-member countries which are required by the very specific or local nature of the intended rail service or which deliver significant levels of local or regional interoperability.2.That obligation does not apply to agreements which have already been notified under Decision 2008/217/EC.3.Member States shall forthwith notify to the Commission of any future agreements or amendments to existing agreements.
Article 6Projects at an advanced stage of developmentIn accordance with Article 9(3) of Directive 2008/57/EC, each Member State shall communicate to the Commission within one year of the entry into force of this Regulation the list of projects being implemented within its territory and are at an advanced stage of development.
Article 7"EC" certificate of verification1.An "EC" certificate of verification for a subsystem that contains interoperability constituents which do not have an "EC" declaration of conformity or suitability for use, may be issued during a transitional period ending on 31 May 2021 provided that the requirements laid down in point 6.5 of the Annex are met.2.The production, upgrade or renewal of the subsystem with use of the non-certified interoperability constituents shall be completed within the transitional period set out in paragraph 1, including its placing in service.3.During the transitional period set out in paragraph 1:(a)the reasons for non-certification of any interoperability constituents shall be properly identified by the notified body before granting the "EC" certificate pursuant to Article 15 of Directive (EU) 2016/797;(b)the national safety authorities, pursuant to Article 16(2)(d) of Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDirective (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on railway safety (OJ L 138, 26.5.2016, p. 102)., shall report on the use of non-certified interoperability constituents in the context of authorisation procedures in their annual report referred to in Article 19 of Directive (EU) 2016/798.4.From 1 January 2016, newly produced interoperability constituents shall be covered by the EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use.
Article 8Conformity assessment1.The procedures for assessment of conformity, suitability for use and "EC" verification set out in section 6 of the Annex shall be based on the modules established in Commission Decision 2010/713/EUCommission Decision 2010/713/EU of 9 November 2010 on modules for the procedures for assessment of conformity, suitability for use and EC verification to be used in the technical specifications for interoperability adopted under Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 319, 4.12.2010, p. 1.).2.The type or design examination certificate of interoperability constituents shall be valid for a seven year period. During that period, new constituents of the same type are permitted to be placed into service without a new conformity assessment.3.Certificates referred to in paragraph 2 which have been issued according to the requirements of Decision 2011/275/EU [TSI INF CR] or Decision 2008/217/EC [TSI INF HS] remain valid, without a need for a new conformity assessment, until the expiry date originally established. In order to renew a certificate the design or type shall be re-assessed only against new or modified requirements set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 9Implementation1.Section 7 of the Annex sets out the steps to be followed for the implementation of a fully interoperable infrastructure subsystem.Without prejudice to Article 20 of Directive 2008/57/EC, Member States shall prepare a national implementation plan, describing their actions to comply with this TSI, in accordance with section 7 of the Annex. Member States shall send their national implementation plan to the other Member States and the Commission by 31 December 2015. Member States that have already sent their implementation plan do not have to send it again.2.Pursuant to Article 20 of Directive 2008/57/EC, when a new authorisation is required and if the TSI is not fully applied, Member States shall notify the following information to the Commission:(a)the reason why the TSI is not fully applied;(b)the technical characteristics applicable instead of the TSI;(c)the bodies responsible for applying the verification procedure referred to in Article 18 of the Directive 2008/57/EC.3.Member States shall send to the Commission a report on the implementation of Article 20 of Directive 2008/57/EC three years after 1 January 2015. This report shall be discussed in the Committee set up by Article 29 of Directive 2008/57/EC and, where appropriate, the TSI in the Annex shall be adapted.
Article 10Innovative solutions1.In order to keep pace with technological progress, innovative solutions may be required, which do not comply with the specifications set out in the Annex or for which the assessment methods set out in the Annex cannot be applied.2.Innovative solutions may relate to the infrastructure subsystem, its parts and its interoperability constituents.3.If an innovative solution is proposed, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Union shall declare how it deviates from or complements to the relevant provisions of this TSI and submit the deviations to the Commission for analysis. The Commission may request the opinion of the Agency on the proposed innovative solution.4.The Commission shall deliver an opinion on the proposed innovative solution. If this opinion is positive, the appropriate functional and interface specifications and the assessment method, which need to be included in the TSI in order to allow the use of this innovative solution, shall be developed and subsequently integrated in the TSI during the revision process pursuant to Article 5 of Directive (EU) 2016/797. If the opinion is negative, the innovative solution proposed cannot be used.5.Pending the review of the TSI, the positive opinion delivered by the Commission shall be considered as an acceptable means of compliance with the essential requirements of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and may be used for the assessment of the subsystem.
Article 11RepealDecisions 2008/217/EC and 2011/275/EU are repealed with effect from 1 January 2015.They shall however continue to apply to:(a)subsystems authorised in accordance with those Decisions;(b)projects for new, renewed or upgraded subsystems which, at the date of publication of this Regulation, are at an advanced stage of development or are the subject of an on-going contract.
Article 12Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from 1 January 2015. However, an authorisation for placing in service may be granted in accordance with the TSI as set out in the Annex to this Regulation before 1 January 2015.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEXTABLE OF CONTENTS1.Introduction1.1.Technical Scope1.2.Geographical Scope1.3.Content of this TSI2.Definition and scope of subsystem2.1.Definition of the infrastructure subsystem2.2.Interfaces of this TSI with other TSIs2.3.Interfaces of this TSI with the Persons with Reduced Mobility TSI2.4.Interfaces of this TSI with the Safety in Railway Tunnels TSI2.5.Relation to the safety management system3.Essential requirements4.Description of the infrastructure subsystem4.1.Introduction4.2.Functional and technical specifications of subsystem4.2.1.TSI Categories of Line4.2.2.Basic parameters characterising the infrastructure subsystem4.2.3.Line layout4.2.4.Track parameters4.2.5.Switches and crossings4.2.6.Track resistance to applied loads4.2.7.Structures resistance to traffic loads4.2.8.Immediate action limits on track geometry defects4.2.9.Platforms4.2.10.Health, safety and environment4.2.11.Provision for operation4.2.12.Fixed installations for servicing trains4.3.Functional and technical specification of the interfaces4.3.1.Interfaces with the rolling stock subsystem4.3.2.Interfaces with the energy subsystem4.3.3.Interfaces with the control command and signalling subsystem4.3.4.Interfaces with the operation and traffic management subsystem4.4.Operating rules4.5.Maintenance rules4.5.1.Maintenance file4.5.2.Maintenance plan4.6.Professional qualifications4.7.Health and safety conditions5.Interoperability constituents5.1.Basis on which interoperability constituents have been selected5.2.List of constituents5.3.Constituents performances and specifications5.3.1.The rail5.3.2.The rail fastening systems5.3.3.Track sleepers6.Assessment of conformity of interoperability constituents and EC verification of the subsystems6.1.Interoperability Constituents6.1.1.Conformity assessment procedures6.1.2.Application of modules6.1.3.Innovative solutions for interoperability constituents6.1.4.EC declaration of conformity for interoperability constituents6.1.5.Particular assessment procedures for interoperability constituents6.2.Infrastructure subsystem6.2.1.General provisions6.2.2.Application of modules6.2.3.Innovative solutions6.2.4.Particular assessment procedures for infrastructure subsystem6.2.5.Technical solutions giving presumption of conformity at design stage6.3.EC Verification when speed is used as a migration criterion6.4.Assessment of maintenance file6.5.Subsystems containing Interoperability constituents not holding an EC declaration6.5.1.Conditions6.5.2.Documentation6.5.3.Maintenance of the subsystems certified according to containing serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for reuse6.6.1.Conditions6.6.2.Documentation6.6.3.Use of serviceable interoperability constituents in maintenance7.Implementation of the infrastructure TSI7.1.Application of this TSI to railway lines7.2.Application of this TSI to new railway lines7.3.Application of this TSI to existing railway lines7.3.1.Upgrading of a line7.3.2.Renewal of a line7.3.3.Substitution in the framework of maintenance7.3.4.Existing lines that are not subject to a renewal or upgrading project7.4.Application of this TSI to existing platforms7.5.Speed as an implementation criterion7.6.Ascertain Compatibility of infrastructure and rolling stock after authorisation of rolling stock7.7.Specific cases7.7.1.Particular features on the Austrian network7.7.2.Particular features on the Belgian network7.7.3.Particular features on the Bulgarian network7.7.4.Particular features on the Danish network7.7.5.Particular features on the Estonian network7.7.6.Particular features on the Finnish network7.7.7.Particular features on the French network7.7.8.Particular features on the German network7.7.9.Particular features on the Hellenic network7.7.10.Particular features on the Italian network7.7.11.Particular features on the Latvian network7.7.12.Particular features on the Polish network7.7.13.Particular features on the Portuguese network7.7.14.Particular features on the Ireland network7.7.15.Particular features on the Spanish network7.7.16.Particular features on the Swedish network7.7.17.Particular features on the UK network for Great Britain7.7.18.Particular features on the UK network for Northern Ireland7.7.19.Particular features on the Slovak networkAppendix A —Assessment of interoperability constituentsAppendix B —Assessment of the infrastructure subsystemAppendix C —Technical characteristics of track design and switches and crossings designAppendix D —Conditions of use of track design and switches and crossings designAppendix E —Capability requirements for structures according to traffic codeAppendix F —Capability requirements for structures according to traffic code in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandAppendix G —Speed conversion to miles per hour for Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandAppendix H —Structure gauge for the 1520 mm track gauge systemAppendix I —Reverse curves with radii in the range from 150 m up to 300 mAppendix J —Safety assurance over fixed obtuse crossingsAppendix K —Basis of minimum requirements for structures for passenger coaches and multiple unitsAppendix L —Definition of EN line category a12 for traffic code P6Appendix M —Specific case on the Estonian networkAppendix N —Specific cases of the Hellenic networkAppendix O —Specific case on the Ireland and United Kingdom of Northern Ireland networksAppendix P —Structure gauge for the lower parts for the 1668 mm track gauge on the Spanish networkAppendix Q —National technical rules for UK-GB Specific CasesAppendix R —List of open pointsAppendix S —GlossaryAppendix T —List of referenced standards1.INTRODUCTION1.1.Technical ScopeThis TSI concerns the infrastructure subsystem and part of the maintenance subsystem of the Union rail system in accordance with Article 1 of Directive (EU) 2016/797.The infrastructure and the maintenance subsystems are defined respectively in points 2.1 and 2.8 of Annex II to Directive (EU) 2016/797.The technical scope of this TSI is further defined in Article 2(1), 2(5) and 2(6) of this Regulation.1.2.Geographical ScopeThe geographical scope of this TSI is defined in Article 2(4) of this Regulation.1.3.Content of this TSI(1)In accordance with Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2016/797, this TSI:(a)indicates its intended scope (section 2);(b)lays down essential requirements for the infrastructure and part of the maintenance subsystems (section 3);(c)establishes the functional and technical specifications to be met by the infrastructure and part of the maintenance subsystems and its interfaces vis-à-vis other subsystems (section 4);(d)specifies the interoperability constituents and interfaces which must be covered by European specifications, including European standards, which are necessary to achieve interoperability within the Union rail system (section 5);(e)states, in each case under consideration, which procedures are to be used in order to assess the conformity or the suitability for use of the interoperability constituents, on the one hand, or the EC verification of the subsystems, on the other hand (section 6);(f)indicates the strategy for implementing this TSI (section 7);(g)indicates, for the staff concerned, the professional qualifications and health and safety conditions at work required for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure subsystem, as well as for the implementation of this TSI (section 4);(h)indicates the provisions applicable to the existing infrastructure subsystem, in particular in the event of upgrading and renewal and, in such cases, the modification work which requires an application for a new authorisation;(i)indicates the parameters of infrastructure subsystem to be checked by the railway undertaking and the procedures to be applied to check those parameters after the delivery of the vehicle authorisation for placing on the market and before the first use of the vehicle to ensure compatibility between vehicles and the routes on which they are to be operated.In accordance with Article 4(5) of the Directive (EU) 2016/797, provisions for specific cases are indicated in section 7.(2)Requirements in this TSI are valid for all track gauge systems within the scope of this TSI, unless a paragraph refers to specific track gauge systems or to specific nominal track gauges.2.DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF SUBSYSTEM2.1.Definition of the infrastructure subsystemThis TSI covers:(a)the infrastructure structural subsystem(b)the part of the maintenance functional subsystem relating to the infrastructure subsystem (that is: washing plants for external cleaning of trains, water restocking, refuelling, fixed installations for toilet discharge and electrical shore supplies).The elements of the infrastructure subsystem are described in point 2.1 of Annex II to Directive (EU) 2016/797.The elements of the maintenance subsystem are described in point 2.8 of Annex II to Directive (EU) 2016/797.The scope of this TSI therefore includes the following aspects of the infrastructure subsystem:(a)Line layout,(b)Track parameters,(c)Switches and crossings,(d)Track resistance to applied loads,(e)Structures resistance to traffic loads,(f)Immediate action limits on track geometry defects,(g)Platforms,(h)Health, safety and environment,(i)Provision for operation,(j)Fixed installations for servicing trains.Further details are set out in point 4.2.2 of this TSI.2.2.Interfaces of this TSI with other TSIsPoint 4.3 of this TSI sets out the functional and technical specification of the interfaces with the following subsystems, as defined in the relevant TSIs:(a)Rolling stock subsystem,(b)Energy subsystem,(c)Control command and signalling subsystem,(d)Traffic operation and management subsystem.Interfaces with the Persons with Reduced Mobility TSI (PRM TSI) are described in point 2.3 below.Interfaces with the Safety in Railway Tunnels TSI (SRT TSI) are described in point 2.4 below.2.3.Interfaces of this TSI with the Persons with Reduced Mobility TSIAll requirements relating to the infrastructure subsystem for the access of persons with reduced mobility to the railway system are set out in the Persons with Reduced Mobility TSI.2.4.Interfaces of this TSI with the Safety in Railway Tunnels TSIAll requirements relating to the infrastructure subsystem for safety in railway tunnels are set out in the Safety in Railway Tunnels TSI.2.5.Relation to the safety management systemNecessary processes to manage safety according to the requirements in the scope of this TSI, including interfaces to humans, organisations or other technical systems, shall be designed and implemented in the infrastructure manager's safety management system as required by Directive (EU) 2016/798.3.ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTSThe following table indicates basic parameters of this TSI and their correspondence to the essential requirements as set out and numbered in Annex III to Directive (EU) 2016/797.
Table 1Basic Parameters of the infrastructure subsystem corresponding to the essential requirements
TSI pointTitle of TSI pointSafetyReliability AvailabilityHealthEnviron-mental protectionTechnical compatibilityAccessibility gauge1.1.1, between track centres1.1.1, gradients1.1.11.5 radius of horizontal curve1.1.31.5 radius of vertical curve1.1.31.5 track gauge1.5, deficiency1.1.11.5 change of cant deficiency2.1.1 conicity1.1.1, profile for plain line1.1.1, inclination1.1.1, geometry of switches and crossings1.1.1, 1.1.2, of swing nose crossings1.1.2, 1.1.3 unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings1.1.1, resistance to vertical loads1.1.1, 1.1.2, track resistance1.1.1, 1.1.2, track resistance1.1.1, 1.1.2, of new bridges to traffic loads1.1.1, vertical loading for new earthworks and earth pressure effects imposed on new structures1.1.1, of new structures over or adjacent to tracks1.1.1, of existing bridges and earthworks to traffic loads1.1.1, immediate action limit for alignment1.1.1, immediate action limit for longitudinal level1.1.1, immediate action limit for track twist1.1.1, immediate action limit of track gauge as isolated defect1.1.1, immediate action limit for cant1.1.1, immediate action limit for switches and crossings1.1.1, length of platforms1.1.1, height1.1.1, offset1.1.1, layout alongside platforms1.1.1, pressure variations in tunnels1.1.1, of cross winds1.1.1, effect on ballasted track1. markers1.1.11.2 conicity in service1.1.1, discharge1. external cleaning facilities1.21.5 restocking1. shore supply1.
4.4Operating rules1.2
4.5Maintenance rules1.2
4.6Professional qualifications1.1.51.2
4.7Health and safety conditions1.
4.DESCRIPTION OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM4.1.Introduction(1)The Union rail system, to which Directive (EU) 2016/797 applies and of which the infrastructure and maintenance subsystems are parts, is an integrated system whose consistency needs to be verified. This consistency must be checked in particular with regard to the specifications of the infrastructure subsystem, its interfaces in relation to the other subsystems of the Union rail system in which it is integrated, as well as the operating and maintenance rules.(2)The limiting values set out in this TSI are not intended to be imposed as usual design values. However the design values must be within the limits set out in this TSI.(3)The functional and technical specifications of the infrastructure and part of the maintenance subsystems and their interfaces, as described in points 4.2 and 4.3, do not impose the use of specific technologies or technical solutions, except where this is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the Union rail system.(4)Innovative solutions for interoperability which do not fulfil the requirements specified in this TSI and/or which are not assessable as stated in this TSI require new specifications and/or new assessment methods. In order to allow technological innovation, these specifications and assessment methods shall be developed by the process for innovative solutions described in Article 10.(5)Where reference is made to EN standards, any variations called "national deviations" in the EN do not apply, unless otherwise specified in this TSI.(6)Where line speeds are stated in [km/h] as a category or performance parameter in this TSI, it shall be allowed to translate the speed to equivalent [mph] as in Appendix G, for Ireland and for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland networks.4.2.Functional and technical specifications of the infrastructure subsystem4.2.1.TSI Categories of Line(1)The elements of the Union's rail network are set out in point 1 of Annex I to Directive (EU) 2016/797. In order to deliver interoperability cost-effectively, each element of the Union's rail network shall be assigned a "TSI category of line".(2)The TSI category of line shall be a combination of traffic codes. For lines where only one type of traffic is carried (for example, a freight only line), a single code may be used to describe the performances; where mixed traffic runs the category will be described by one or more codes for passenger and freight. The combined traffic codes describe the envelope within which the desired mix of traffic can be accommodated.(3)These TSI categories of line shall be used for the classification of existing lines to define a target system so that the relevant performance parameters will be met.(4)For the purpose of TSI categorisation, lines are classified generically based on the type of traffic (traffic code) characterised by the following performance parameters:gauge,axle load,line speed,train lengthusable length of platform.The columns for "gauge" and "axle load" shall be treated as minimum requirements as they directly control the trains that may run. The columns for "line speed", "usable length of platform" and "train length" are indicative of the range of values that are typically applied for different traffic types and they do not directly impose restrictions on the traffic that may run over the line.(5)The performance parameters listed in Table 2 and Table 3 are not intended to be used to directly ascertain the compatibility between rolling stock and infrastructure.(6)Information defining the relation between maximum axle load and maximum speed according to type of vehicle is given in Appendix E and Appendix F.(7)The performance levels for types of traffic are set out in Table 2 and Table 3 here-under.
Table 2Performance parameters for passenger trafficAxle load is based on design mass in working order for power heads (and for P2 locomotives) and operational mass under normal payload for vehicles capable of carrying a payload of passengers or luggage as defined in point 2.1 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010. The corresponding ** axle load values for vehicles capable of carrying a payload for passengers or luggage are 21,5 t for P1 and 22,5 t for P2 as defined in Appendix K to this TSI.Axle load is based on design mass in working order for power heads and locomotives as defined in point 2.1 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010 and design mass under exceptional payload for other vehicles as defined in Appendix K to this TSI.
Traffic codeGaugeAxle load [t]Line speed [km/h]Usable length of platform [m]
Table 3Performance parameters for freight trafficAxle load is based on design mass in working order for power heads and locomotives as defined in point 2.1 of EN 15663:2009+AC:2010 and design mass under normal payload for other vehicles in accordance with point 6.3 of EN15663:2009+AC:2010.
Traffic codeGaugeAxle load [t]Line speed [km/h]Train length [m]
(8)For structures, axle load by itself is not sufficient to define the requirements for infrastructure. Requirements are specified for new structures in point and for existing structures in point hubs, freight hubs and connecting lines are included in the above traffic codes, as appropriate.(10)In accordance with Article 4(7) of Directive (EU) 2016/797 which provides that TSIs shall not prevent the Member States from deciding on the use of infrastructures for the movement of vehicles not covered by the TSIs, it is allowed to design new and upgraded lines able to accommodate:gauges larger,axle loads higher,speeds greater,usable length of platform greater,trains longer.than those specified in Table 2 and Table 3.(11)Without prejudice to Section 7.6 and point, when categorising a new line as P1, it shall be ensured that "Class I" trains, according to the HS RST TSI (Commission Decision 2008/232/ECCommission Decision 2008/232/EC of 21 February 2008 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the rolling stock sub-system of the trans-European high-speed rail system (OJ L 84, 26.3.2008, p. 132).), for a speed greater than 250 km/h, can run on that line up to the maximum speed.(12)It is permissible for specific locations on the line to be designed for any or all of the performance parameters line speed, usable length of platform and train length less than those set out in Table 2 and Table 3, where duly justified to meet geographical, urban or environmental constraints.
4.2.2.Basic parameters characterising the infrastructure subsystem4.2.2.1.List of Basic ParametersThe Basic Parameters characterising the infrastructure subsystem, grouped according to the aspects listed in point 2.1, are:A.Line layout:(a)Structure gauge (,(b)Distance between track centres (,(c)Maximum gradients (,(d)Minimum radius of horizontal curve (,(e)Minimum radius of vertical curve (,B.Track parameters:(a)Nominal track gauge (,(b)Cant (,(c)Cant deficiency (,(d)Abrupt change of cant deficiency (,(e)Equivalent conicity (,(f)Railhead profile for plain line (,(g)Rail inclination (,C.Switches and crossings(a)Design geometry of switches and crossings (,(b)Use of swing nose crossings (,(c)Maximum unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings (,D.Track resistance to applied loads(a)Track resistance to vertical loads (,(b)Longitudinal track resistance (,(c)Lateral track resistance (,E.Structures resistance to traffic loads(a)Resistance of new bridges to traffic loads (,(b)Equivalent vertical loading for new earthworks and earth pressure effects imposed on new structures (,(c)Resistance of new structures over or adjacent to tracks (,(d)Resistance of existing bridges and earthworks to traffic loads (,F.Immediate action limits on track geometry defects(a)The immediate action limit for alignment (,(b)The immediate action limit for longitudinal level (,(c)The immediate action limit for track twist (,(d)The immediate action limit of track gauge as isolated defect (,(e)The immediate action limit for cant (,(f)The immediate action limits for switches and crossings (,G.Platforms(a)Usable length of platforms (,(b)Platform height (,(c)Platform offset (,(d)Track layout alongside platforms (,H.Health, safety and environment(a)Maximum pressure variation in tunnels (,(b)Effect of crosswinds (,(c)Aerodynamic effect on ballasted track (,I.Provision for operation(a)Location markers (,(b)Equivalent conicity in service ( installations for servicing trains(a)General (,(b)Toilet discharge (,(c)Train external cleaning facilities (,(d)Water restocking (,(e)Refuelling (,(f)Electric shore supply (,K.Maintenance rules(a)Maintenance file (4.5.1),(b)Maintenance plan (4.5.2). for Basic Parameters(1)These requirements are described in the following paragraphs, together with any particular conditions that may be allowed in each case for the basic parameters and interfaces concerned.(2)The values of basic parameters specified are only valid up to a maximum line speed of 350 km/h.(3)For Ireland and for the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland network the values of basic parameters specified are only valid up to a maximum line speed of 165 km/h.(4)In case of multi-rail track, requirements of this TSI are to be applied separately to each pair of rails designed to be operated as separate track.(5)Requirements for lines representing specific cases are described under point 7.7.(6)A short section of track with devices to allow transition between different nominal track gauges is allowed.(7)Requirements are described for the subsystem under normal service conditions. Consequences, if any, of the execution of works, which may require temporary exceptions as far as the subsystem performance is concerned, are dealt with in point 4.4.(8)The performance levels of trains can be enhanced by adopting specific systems, such as vehicle body tilting. Special conditions are allowed for running such trains, provided they do not entail restrictions for other trains not equipped with such systems.4.2.3.Line layout4.2.3.1.Structure gauge(1)The upper part of the structure gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according to point 4.2.1. Those gauges are defined in Annex C and in Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-3:2013.(2)The lower part of the structure gauge shall be GI2 as defined in Annex C of EN 15273-3:2013. Where tracks are equipped with rail brakes, structure gauge GI1 as defined in Annex C of EN 15273-3:2013 shall apply for the lower part of the gauge.(3)Calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using the kinematic method in accordance with the requirements of sections 5, 7, 10 and the Annex C and Annex D, point D.4.8 of EN 15273-3:2013.(4)Instead of points (1) to (3), for the 1520 mm track gauge system, all traffic codes selected according to point 4.2.1 are applied with the uniform structure gauge "S" as defined in Appendix H to this TSI.(5)Instead of points (1) to (3), for the 1600 mm track gauge system, all traffic codes selected according to point 4.2.1 are applied with the uniform structure gauge IRL1 as defined in Appendix O to this TSI. between track centres(1)The distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according to point 4.2.1.(2)The nominal horizontal distance between track centres for new lines shall be specified for the design and shall not be smaller than the values from the Table 4; it considers margins for aerodynamic effects.
Table 4Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres
Maximum allowed speed [km/h]Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres [m]
160 < v ≤ 2003,80
200 < v ≤ 2504,00
250 < v ≤ 3004,20
v > 3004,50
(3)The distance between track centres shall at least satisfy the requirements for the limit installation distance between track centres, defined according section 9 of EN 15273-3:2013.(4)Instead of points (1) to (3), for the 1520 mm track gauge system, the nominal horizontal distance between track centres shall be specified for the design and shall not be smaller than the values from the Table 5; it considers margins for aerodynamic effects.
Table 5Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres for the 1520 mm track gauge system
Maximum allowed speed [km/h]Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres [m]
v ≤ 1604,10
160 < v ≤ 2004,30
200 < v ≤ 2504,50
v > 2504,70
(5)Instead of point (2), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the nominal horizontal distance between track centres for new lines shall be specified for the design and shall not be smaller than the values from the Table 6, it considers margins for aerodynamic effects.
Table 6Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres for the 1668 mm track gauge system
Maximum allowed speed [km/h]Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres [m]
160 < v ≤ 2003,92
200 < v < 2504,00
250 ≤ v ≤ 3004,30
300 < v ≤ 3504,50
(6)Instead of points (1) to (3), for the 1600 mm track gauge system, the distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according to point 4.2.1. The nominal horizontal distance between track centres shall be specified for the design and shall not be less than 3,57 m for gauge IRL1; it considers margins for aerodynamic effects. gradients(1)Gradients of tracks through passenger platforms of new lines shall not be more than 2,5 mm/m, where vehicles are intended to be regularly attached or detached.(2)Gradients of new stabling tracks intended for parking rolling stock shall not be more than 2,5 mm/m unless specific provision is made to prevent the rolling stock from running away.(3)Gradients as steep as 35 mm/m are allowed for main tracks on new P1 lines dedicated to passenger traffic at the design phase provided the following "envelope" requirements are observed:(a)the slope of the moving average profile over 10 km is less than or equal to 25 mm/m.(b)the maximum length of continuous 35 mm/m gradient does not exceed 6 km. radius of horizontal curveThe minimum design radius of horizontal curve shall be selected with regard to the local design speed of the curve.(1)The minimum horizontal design curve radius for new lines shall not be less than 150 m.(2)Reverse curves (other those in marshalling yards where wagons are shunted individually) with radii in the range from 150 m up to 300 m for new lines shall be designed to prevent buffer locking. For straight intermediate track elements between the curves, Table 43 and Table 44 of Appendix I shall apply. For non-straight intermediate track elements, a detailed calculation shall be made in order to check the magnitude of the end throw differences.(3)Instead of point (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system, reverse curves with radii in the range from 150 m up to 250 m shall be designed with a section of straight track of at least 15 m between the curves. radius of vertical curve(1)The radius of vertical curves (except for humps in marshalling yards) shall be at least 500 m on a crest or 900 m in a hollow.(2)For humps in marshalling yards the radius of vertical curves shall be at least 250 m on a crest or 300 m in a hollow.(3)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the radius of vertical curves (except the marshalling yards) shall be at least 5000 m both on a crest and in a hollow.(4)Instead of point (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system and for humps in marshalling yards the radius of vertical curves shall be at least 350 m on a crest and 250 m in a hollow.
4.2.4.Track parameters4.2.4.1.Nominal track gauge(1)European standard nominal track gauge shall be 1435 mm.(2)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the nominal track gauge shall be 1520 mm.(3)Instead of point (1), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the nominal track gauge shall be 1668 mm.(4)Instead of point (1), for the 1600 mm track gauge system the nominal track gauge shall be 1600 mm. design cant for lines shall be limited as defined in Table 7.
Table 7Design cant [mm]
Freight and mixed trafficPassenger traffic
Ballasted track160180
Non ballasted track170180
(2)The design cant on tracks adjacent to station platforms where trains are intended to stop in normal service shall not exceed 110 mm.(3)New lines with mixed or freight traffic on curves with a radius less than 305 m and a cant transition steeper than 1 mm/m, the cant shall be restricted to the limit given by the following formulaD ≤ (R – 50)/1,5where D is the cant in mm and R is the radius in m.(4)Instead of points (1) to (3), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the design cant shall not exceed 150 mm.(5)Instead of point (1), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the design cant shall not exceed 185 mm.(6)Instead of point (2), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the design cant on tracks adjacent to station platforms where trains are intended to stop in normal service shall not exceed 125 mm.(7)Instead of point (3), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, for new lines with mixed or freight traffic on curves with a radius less than 250 m, the cant shall be restricted to the limit given by the following formula:D ≤ 0,9 * (R – 50)where D is the cant in mm and R is the radius in m.(8)Instead of point (1), for the 1600 mm track gauge system the design cant shall not exceed 185 mm. deficiency(1)The maximum values for cant deficiency are set out in Table 8.
Table 8Maximum cant deficiency [mm]
Design speed [km/h]v ≤ 160160 < v ≤ 300v > 300
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Locomotives and Passenger TSI153100
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Freight Wagons TSI130
(2)It is permissible for trains specifically designed to travel with higher cant deficiency (for example multiple units with axle loads lower than set out in table 2; vehicles with special equipment for the negotiation of curves) to run with higher cant deficiency values, subject to a demonstration that this can be achieved safely.(3)Instead of point (1), for all types of rolling stock of the 1520 mm track gauge system the cant deficiency shall not exceed 115 mm. This is valid for speeds up to 200 km/h.(4)Instead of point (1), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the maximum values for cant deficiency are set out in Table 9.
Table 9Maximum cant deficiency for the 1668 mm track gauge system [mm]
Design speed [km/h]v ≤ 160160 < v ≤ 300v > 300
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Locomotives and Passenger TSI175115
For operation of rolling stock conforming to the Freight Wagons TSI150 change of cant deficiency(1)The maximum values of abrupt change of cant deficiency shall be:(a)130 mm for v ≤ 60 km/h,(b)125 mm for 60 km/h < v ≤ 200 km/h,(c)85 mm for 200 km/h < v ≤ 230 km/h(d)25 mm for v > 230 km/h.(2)Where v ≤ 40 km/h and cant deficiency ≤ 75 mm both before and after an abrupt change of curvature, the value of abrupt change of cant deficiency may be raised to 150 mm.(3)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the maximum values of abrupt change of cant deficiency shall be:(a)115 mm for v ≤ 200 km/h,(b)85 mm for 200 km/h < v ≤ 230 km/h,(c)25 mm for v > 230 km/h.(4)Instead of point (1), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the maximum design values of abrupt change of cant deficiency shall be:(a)150 mm for V ≤ 45 km/h,(b)115 mm for 45 km/h < V ≤ 100 km/h,(c)(399-V)/2.6 [mm] for 100 km/h < V ≤ 220 km/h,(d)70 mm for 220 km/h < V ≤ 230 km/h,(e)Abrupt change of cant deficiency is not allowed for speeds of more than 230 km/h. conicity(1)The limiting values for equivalent conicity quoted in Table 10 shall be calculated for the amplitude (y) of the wheelset's lateral displacement:
y = 3 mm,if (TG – SR) ≥ 7mm
02014R1299-20190616_en_img_1,if 5mm ≤ (TG – SR) < 7 mm
y = 2 mm,if (TG – SR) < 5 mm
where TG is the track gauge and SR is the distance between the flange contact faces of the wheelset.
(2)No assessment of equivalent conicity is required for switches and crossings.(3)Design track gauge, rail head profile and rail inclination for plain line shall be selected to ensure that the equivalent conicity limits set out in Table 10 are not exceeded.
Table 10Equivalent conicity design limit values
Wheel profile
Speed range [km/h]S1002, GV1/40
v ≤ 60Assessment not required
60 < v ≤ 2000,25
200 < v ≤ 2800,20
v > 2800,10
(4)The following wheelsets shall be modelled passing over the designed track conditions (simulated by calculation according to EN 15302:2008+A1:2010):(a)S 1002 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.(b)S 1002 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR2.(c)GV 1/40 as defined in Annex B of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.(d)GV 1/40 as defined in Annex B of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR2.For SR1 and SR2 the following values apply:(a)For the 1435 mm track gauge system SR1 = 1420 mm and SR2 = 1426 mm.(b)For the 1524 mm track gauge system SR1 = 1505 mm and SR2 = 1511 mm.(c)For the 1600 mm track gauge system SR1 = 1585 mm and SR2 = 1591 mm.(d)For the 1668 mm track gauge system SR1 = 1653 mm and SR2 = 1659 mm.(5)Instead of points (1) to (4), for the 1520 mm track gauge system, no assessment of equivalent conicity is required. profile for plain line(1)The railhead profile shall be selected from the range set out in Annex A of EN 13674-1:2011, Annex A of EN13674-4:2006+A1:2009 or shall be in accordance with as defined in point (2).(2)The design of railhead profiles for plain line shall comprise:(a)a lateral slope on the side of the railhead angled to between vertical and 1/16 with reference to the vertical axis of the railhead;(b)the vertical distance between the top of this lateral slope and the top of the rail shall be less than 20 mm;(c)a radius of at least 12 mm at the gauge corner;(d)the horizontal distance between the crown of the rail and the tangent point shall be between 31 and 37,5 mm.Figure 1Railhead profile02014R1299-20190616_en_img_2(3)These requirements are not applicable to expansion devices. inclination4. line(1)The rail shall be inclined towards the centre of the track.(2)For tracks intended to be operated at speeds greater than 60 km/h, the rail inclination for a given route shall be selected from the range 1/20 to 1/40.(3)For sections of not more than 100 m between switches and crossings without inclination where the running speed is no more than 200 km/h, the laying of rails without inclination is allowed. for switches and crossings(1)The rail shall be designed to be either vertical or inclined.(2)If the rail is inclined, the designed inclination shall be selected from the range 1/20 to 1/40.(3)The inclination can be given by the shape of the active part of the rail head profile.(4)Within switches and crossings where the running speed is more than 200 km/h and no more than 250 km/h, the laying of rails without inclination is allowed provided that it is limited to sections not exceeding 50 m.(5)For speeds of more than 250 km/h the rails shall be inclined.
4.2.5.Switches and crossings4.2.5.1.Design geometry of switches and crossingsPoint of this TSI defines immediate action limits for switches and crossings that are compatible with geometrical characteristics of wheelsets as defined in the rolling stock TSIs. It will be the task of the infrastructure manager to decide geometrical design values appropriate to its maintenance plan. of swing nose crossingFor speeds higher than 250 km/h switches and crossings shall be equipped with swing-nose crossings. unguided length of fixed obtuse crossingsThe design value of the maximum unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings shall be in accordance with the requirements set out in Appendix J to this TSI.4.2.6.Track resistance to applied loads4.2.6.1.Track resistance to vertical loadsThe track design, including switches and crossings, shall take into account at least the following forces:(a)the axle load selected according to point 4.2.1;(b)maximum vertical wheel forces. Maximum wheel forces for defined test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point quasi-static wheel forces. Maximum quasi-static wheel forces for defined test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 points track resistance4. forcesThe track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to withstand longitudinal forces equivalent to the force arising from braking of 2,5 m/s2 for the performance parameters chosen in accordance with point with braking systems(1)The track, including switches and crossings, shall be designed to be compatible with the use of magnetic braking systems for emergency braking.(2)Provisions for the use of eddy current braking systems on track shall be defined at operational level by the infrastructure manager on the basis of the specific characteristics of the track, including switches and crossings. The conditions of use of this braking system are registered in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/777Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/777 of 16 May 2019 on the common specifications for the register of railway infrastructure and repealing Implementing Decision 2014/880/EU (OJ L 139 I, 27.5.2019, p. 312). (RINF).(3)For the 1600 mm track gauge system it shall be allowed not to apply point (1). track resistanceThe track design, including switches and crossings, shall take into account at least the following forces:(a)lateral forces; Maximum lateral forces exerted by a wheel set on the track for defined test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point guiding forces; Maximum quasi-static guiding forces Yqst for defined radii and test conditions are defined in EN 14363:2005 point resistance to traffic loadsThe requirements of EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 and Annex A2 to EN 1990:2002 issued as EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 specified in this section of the TSI are to be applied in accordance with the corresponding points in the national annexes to these standards if they exist. of new bridges to traffic loads4. loads(1)Structures shall be designed to support vertical loads in accordance with the following load models, defined in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010:(a)Load Model 71, as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 point 6.3.2 (2)P(b)In addition, for continuous bridges, Load Model SW/0, as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 point 6.3.3 (3)P(2)The load models shall be multiplied by the factor alpha (a) as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 points 6.3.2 (3)P and 6.3.3 (5)P.(3)The value of factor alpha (a) shall be equal to or greater than the values set out in Table 11.
Table 11Factor alpha (α) for the design of new structures
Type of trafficMinimum factor alpha (α)
P1, P2, P3, P41,0
F1, F2, F31,0
F16001,1 for dynamic effects of vertical loads(1)The load effects from the Load Model 71 and Load Model SW/0 shall be enhanced by the dynamic factor phi (Φ) as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 points 6.4.3 (1)P and (2).(2)For bridges for speeds over 200 km/h where EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraph 6.4.4 requires a dynamic analysis to be carried out the structure shall additionally be designed for HSLM defined in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraphs (3) to (6) inclusive.(3)It is permissible to design new bridges such that they will also accommodate an individual passenger train with higher axle loads than covered by HSLM. The dynamic analysis shall be undertaken using the characteristic value of the loading from the individual train taken as the design mass under normal payload in accordance with Appendix K with an allowance for passengers in standing areas in accordance with Note 1 of Appendix K. forcesWhere the track on a bridge is curved over the whole or part of the length of the bridge, the centrifugal force shall be taken into account in the design of structures as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraphs 6.5.1 (2), (4)P and (7). forcesThe nosing force shall be taken into account in the design of structures as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 point due to traction and braking (longitudinal loads)Traction and braking forces shall be taken into account in the design of structures as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraphs 6.5.3 (2)P, (4), (5), (6).and (7)P. track twist due to rail traffic actionsThe maximum total design track twist due to rail traffic actions shall not exceed the values set out in paragraph A2. in Annex A2 to EN 1990:2002 issued as EN 1990:2002/A1:2005. vertical loading for new earthworks and earth pressure effects(1)Earthworks shall be designed and earth pressure effects shall be specified taking into account the vertical loads produced by the Load Model 71, as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraph 6.3.2(2).(2)The equivalent vertical loading shall be multiplied by the factor alpha (a) as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraph 6.3.2 (3)P. The value of a shall be equal to or greater than the values set out in Table of new structures over or adjacent to tracksAerodynamic actions from passing trains shall be taken into account as set out in EN 1991-2:2003/AC:2010 paragraphs 6.6.2 to 6.6.6 inclusive. of existing bridges and earthworks to traffic loads(1)Bridges and earthworks shall be brought to a specified level of interoperability according to the TSI category of line as defined in point 4.2.1.(2)The minimum capability requirements for structures for each traffic code are given in Appendix E. The values represent the minimum target level that structures must be capable of for the line to be declared interoperable.(3)The following cases are relevant:(a)Where an existing structure is replaced by a new structure then the new structure shall be in accordance with the requirements of point or point the minimum capability of the existing structures expressed by the published EN line category in combination with the allowed speed satisfies the requirements in Appendix E then the existing structures satisfy the relevant interoperability requirements.(c)Where the capability of an existing structure does not satisfy the requirements in Appendix E and works (e.g. strengthening) are being carried out to raise the capability of the structure to meet the requirements of this TSI (and the structure is not to be replaced by a new structure) then the structure shall be brought into conformity with the requirements in Appendix E.(4)For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland networks, in paragraphs (2) and (3) above the EN line category may be replaced by Route Availability (RA) number (delivered in accordance with the national technical rule notified for this purpose) and consequently reference to Appendix E are replaced by reference to Appendix F.
4.2.8.Immediate action limits on track geometry defects4.2.8.1.The immediate action limit for alignment(1)The immediate action limits for isolated defects in alignment are set out in point 8.5 of EN 13848-5:2008+A1:2010. Isolated defects shall not exceed the limits of wavelength range D1 as set out in Table 6 of the EN Standard(2)The immediate action limits for isolated defects in alignment for speeds of more than 300 km/h are an open point. immediate action limit for longitudinal level(1)The immediate action limits for isolated defects in longitudinal level are set out in point 8.3 of EN 13848-5:2008+A1:2010. Isolated defects shall not exceed the limits of wavelength range D1 as set out in table 5 of the EN Standard(2)The immediate action limits for isolated defects in longitudinal level for speeds of more than 300 km/h are an open point. immediate action limit for track twist(1)The immediate action limit for track twist as an isolated defect is given as a zero to peak value. Track twist is defined in EN 13848-1:2003+A1:2008 point 4.6.(2)The track twist limit is a function of the measurement base applied according to EN 13848-5:2008+A1:2010 point 8.6.(3)The infrastructure manager shall set out in the maintenance plan the base-length on which it will measure the track in order to check compliance with this requirement. The base-length of measurement shall include at least one base between 2 and 5 m.(4)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the track twist, for a base length of 10 m, shall be not more than:(a)16 mm for passenger lines with v > 120 km/h or freight lines with v > 80 km/h(b)20 mm for passenger lines with v ≤ 120 km/h or freight lines with v ≤ 80 km/h(5)Instead of point (3), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the Infrastructure Manager shall set out in the maintenance plan the base-length on which it will measure the track in order to check compliance with this requirement. The base-length of measurement shall include at least one base of 10 m.(6)Instead of point (2), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the track twist limit is a function of the measurement base applied according to one of the following equations depending on the cant:(a)Twist limit = (20/l + 3) for u ≤ 0,67 × (r – 100) with a maximum value of:7 mm/m for speeds v ≤ 200 km/h, 5 mm/m for speed v > 200 km/h(b)Twist limit = (20/l + 1,5) for 0,67 × (r – 100) < u < 0,9 × (r – 50) with a maximum value of:6 mm/m for l ≤ 5 m, 3 mm/m for l > 13 mu = cant (mm), l = twist base length (m), r = horizontal curve radius (m) immediate action limit of track gauge as an isolated defect(1)The immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defect are set out in Table 12.
Table 12Immediate action limits of track gauge
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v ≤ 12014261470
120 < v ≤ 16014271470
160 < v ≤ 23014281463
v > 23014301463
(2)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 track gauge system the immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defect are set out in Table 13.
Table 13Immediate action limits of track gauge for 1520 mm track gauge system
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v ≤ 14015121548
v > 14015121536
(3)Instead of point (1), for the 1600 track gauge system the immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defect are:(a)minimum track gauge: 1591 mm(b)maximum track gauge: 1635 mm. immediate action limit for cant(1)The maximum cant allowed in service is 180 mm.(2)The maximum cant allowed in service is 190 mm for dedicated passenger traffic lines.(3)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system, the maximum cant allowed in service is 150 mm.(4)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1600 mm track gauge system, the maximum cant allowed in service is 185 mm.(5)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1668 mm track gauge system, the maximum cant allowed in service is 200 mm. immediate action limits for switches and crossingsFigure 2Point retraction in fixed common crossings02014R1299-20190616_en_img_3(1)The technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1380 mm.This value can be increased if the infrastructure manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheelset.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1392 mm.This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the infrastructure manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1356 mm.(d)Maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry: 1380 mm.(e)Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.(f)Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.(g)Maximum height of check rail: 70 mm.(2)All relevant requirements for switches and crossings are also applicable to other technical solutions using switch rails, for example side modifiers used in multi-rail track.(3)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Minimum value of bypass at the narrowest location between open switch rail and stock rail is 65 mm.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings is 1472 mm(c)This value is measured 13 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2. For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the Infrastructure Manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(d)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose is 1435 mm(e)Minimum flangeway width is 42 mm(f)Minimum flangeway depth is 40 mm(g)Maximum height of check rail is 50 mm(4)Instead of point (1), for the 1600 mm track gauge system the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1546 mm.This value can be increased if the infrastructure manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheelset.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1556 mm.This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the infrastructure manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1520 mm.(d)Maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry: 1546 mm.(e)Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.(f)Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.(g)Maximum height of check rail above head of running rail: 25 mm.
4.2.9.Platforms(1)The requirements of this point are only applicable to passenger platforms where trains are intended to stop in normal service.(2)For the requirements of this point it is permissible to design platforms required for the current service requirement provided provision is made for the reasonably foreseeable future service requirements. When specifying the interfaces with trains intended to stop at the platform, consideration shall be given to both the current service requirements and the reasonably foreseeable service requirements at least 10 years following the bringing into service of the platform. length of platformsThe usable length of a platform shall be defined according to point height(1)The nominal platform height shall be 550 mm or 760 mm above the running surface for radii of 300 m or more.(2)For smaller radii the nominal platform height may be adjusted depending on the platform offset to minimise the stepping distance between the train and the platform.(3)For platforms where trains, which are outside the scope of the LOC&PAS TSI, are intended to stop, different provisions for the nominal platform height might apply.(4)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the nominal platform height shall be 200 mm or 550 mm above the running surface.(5)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1600 mm track gauge system the nominal platform height shall be 915 mm above the running surface. offset(1)The distance between the track centre and the platform edge parallel to the running plane (bq), as defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be set on the basis of the installation limit gauge (bqlim). The installation limit gauge shall be calculated on the basis of the gauge G1.(2)The platform shall be built close to the gauge within a maximum tolerance of 50 mm. The value for bq shall therefore respond to:bqlim ≤ bq ≤ bqlim + 50 mm.(3)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system the platform offset shall be:(a)1920 mm for platforms with heights of 550 mm and(b)1745 mm for platforms with height of 200 mm.(4)Instead of points (1) and (2), for the 1600 mm track gauge system the platform offset shall be 1560 mm. layout alongside platforms(1)Track adjacent to the platforms for new lines shall preferably be straight, but shall nowhere have a radius of less than 300 m.(2)No values are specified for an existing track alongside new, renewed or upgraded platforms.4.2.10.Health, safety and environment4.2.10.1.Maximum pressure variations in tunnels(1)Any tunnel or underground structure intended to be operated at speeds greater than or equal to 200 km/h has to provide that maximum pressure variation, caused by the passage of a train running at the maximum allowed speed in the tunnel, do not exceed 10 kPa during the time taken for the train to pass through the tunnel.(2)Above requirement has to be fulfilled along the outside of any train complying with the Locomotives and Passenger TSI. of crosswinds(1)A line is interoperable from the cross wind point of view if safety is ensured for a reference train running along that line under the most critical operational conditions.(2)The rules for proving conformity shall take into account the characteristic wind curves of the reference trains defined in the LOC&PAS TSI.(3)If safety cannot be achieved without mitigating measures, either due to the geographic situation or to other specific features of the line, the infrastructure manager shall take the necessary measures to maintain the safety, for example by:locally reducing train speeds, possibly temporarily during periods at risk of storms,installing equipment to protect the track section concerned from cross winds,other appropriate means.(4)It shall be demonstrated that safety is achieved after measures taken. effect on ballasted track(1)The aerodynamic interaction between rolling stock and infrastructure may cause the lifting and further blowing away of ballast stones from the track bed in plain line and switches and crossings (Ballast pick up). This risk shall be mitigated.(2)The requirements for the infrastructure subsystem aimed at mitigating the risk for "ballast pick up" apply only to lines intended to be operated at speed greater than 250 km/h.(3)The requirements of point (2) above are an open point.4.2.11.Provision for operation4.2.11.1.Location markersLocation markers shall be provided at nominal intervals along the track of not more than 1000 m. conicity in service(1)If ride instability is reported, the railway undertaking and the infrastructure manager shall localise the section of the line in a joint investigation according paragraphs (2) and (3) hereafter.Note: This joint investigation is also specified in point of TSI LOC & PAS for action on rolling stock.(2)The infrastructure manager shall measure the track gauge and the railhead profiles at the site in question at a distance of approximate 10 m. The mean equivalent conicity over 100 m shall be calculated by modelling with the wheelsets (a) – (d) mentioned in paragraph of this TSI in order to check for compliance, for the purpose of the joint investigation, with the limit equivalent conicity for the track specified in Table 14.
Table 14Equivalent conicity in service limit values for the track (for the purpose of joint investigation)
Speed range [km/h]Maximum value of mean equivalent conicity over 100 m
v ≤ 60assessment not required
60 < v ≤ 1200,40
120 < v ≤ 1600,35
160 < v ≤ 2300,30
v > 2300,25
(3)If the mean equivalent conicity over 100 m complies with the limit values in Table 14, a joint investigation by the railway undertaking and the infrastructure manager shall be undertaken to specify the reason for the instability.
4.2.12.Fixed installations for servicing trains4.2.12.1.GeneralThis point 4.2.12 sets out the infrastructure elements of the maintenance subsystem required for servicing trains. dischargeFixed installations for toilet discharge shall be compatible with the characteristics of the retention toilet system specified in the LOC & PAS TSI. external cleaning facilities(1)Where a washing plant is provided it shall be able to clean the outer sides of single or double-deck trains between a height of:(a)500 to 3500 mm for a single-deck train,(b)500 to 4300 mm for double-deck trains.(2)The washing plant shall be designed so that trains can be driven through it at any speed between 2 km/h and 5 km/h. restocking(1)Fixed equipment for water restocking shall be compatible with the characteristics of the water system specified in the LOC & PAS TSI.(2)Fixed equipment for drinking water supply on the interoperable network shall be supplied with drinking water meeting the requirements of Council Directive 98/83/ECCouncil Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption (OJ L 330, 5.12.1998, p. 32).. equipment shall be compatible with the characteristics of the fuel system specified in the LOC & PAS TSI. shore supplyWhere provided, electrical shore supply shall be by means of one or more of the power supply systems specified in the LOC & PAS TSI.
4.3.Functional and technical specification of the interfacesFrom the standpoint of technical compatibility, the interfaces of the infrastructure subsystem with the other subsystems are like described in the following points.4.3.1.Interfaces with the rolling stock subsystem
Table 15Interfaces with the rolling stock subsystem, "Locomotives and Passenger Rolling Stock TSI"
InterfaceReference Infrastructure TSIReference Locomotives and Passenger Rolling Stock TSI
Track gauge4.2.4.1Nominal track gauge4.2.5.1Design geometry of switches and crossings4.2.8.6The immediate action limits for switches and crossings4. and geometrical characteristics of wheelset4. gauge wheelsets
Gauge4.2.3.1Structure gauge4.2.3.2Distance between track centres4.2.3.5Minimum radius of vertical curve4.2.9.3Platform offset4.2.3.1Gauging
Axle load and axle spacing4.2.6.1Track resistance to vertical loads4.2.6.3Lateral track resistance4.2.7.1Resistance of new bridges to traffic loads4.2.7.2Equivalent vertical loading for new earthworks and earth pressure effects imposed on new structures4.2.7.4Resistance of existing bridges and earthworks to traffic loads4.2.2.10Load conditions and weighed mass4. load parameter
Running characteristics4.2.6.1Track resistance to vertical loads4.2.6.3Lateral track resistance4. forces4. values for running safely4. loading limit values
Ride stability4.2.4.4Equivalent conicity4.2.4.6Railhead profile for plain line4.2.11.2Equivalent conicity in service4. conicity4. and geometrical characteristics of wheels
Longitudinal actions4.2.6.2Longitudinal track resistance4. due to traction and braking (longitudinal loads) performance
Minimum horizontal curve radius4.2.3.4Minimum radius of horizontal curve4.2.3.6Minimum curve radiusAnnex A, A.1 Buffers
Running dynamic behaviour4.2.4.3Cant deficiency4. dynamic behaviour
Maximum deceleration4.2.6.2Longitudinal track resistance4. due to traction and braking4.2.4.5Braking performance
Aerodynamic effect4.2.3.2Distance between track centres4.2.7.3Resistance of new structures over or adjacent to tracks4.2.10.1Maximum pressure variations in tunnels4.2.10.3Aerodynamic effect on ballasted track4. effects on passengers on platforms and on trackside workers4. pressure pulse4. pressure variations in tunnels4. effect on ballasted tracks
Crosswind4.2.10.2Effect of crosswinds4.
Installations for servicing trains4.2.12.2Toilet discharge4.2.12.3Train external cleaning facilities4.2.12.4Water restocking4.2.12.5Refuelling4.2.12.6Electric shore supply4.2.11.3Toilet discharge system4. cleaning through a washing plant4.2.11.4Water refilling equipment4.2.11.5Interface for water refilling4.2.11.7Refuelling equipment4.2.11.6Special requirements for stabling of trains
Table 16Interfaces with the rolling stock subsystem, "Freight Wagons TSI"
InterfaceReference Infrastructure TSIReference Freight wagons TSI
Track gauge4.2.4.1Nominal track gauge4.2.4.6Railhead profile for plain line4.2.5.1Design geometry of switches and crossings4.2.8.6The immediate action limits for switches and crossings4. of wheelsets4. of wheels
Gauge4.2.3.1Structure gauge4.2.3.2Distance between track centres4.2.3.5Minimum radius of vertical curve4.2.9.3Platform offset4.2.3.1Gauging
Axle load and axle spacing4.2.6.1Track resistance to vertical loads4.2.6.3Lateral track resistance4.2.7.1Resistance of new bridges to traffic loads4.2.7.2Equivalent vertical loading for new earthworks and earth pressure effects imposed on new structures4.2.7.4Resistance of existing bridges and earthworks to traffic loads4.2.3.2Compatibility with load carrying capacity of lines
Running dynamic behaviour4.2.8Immediate action limits on track geometry defects4. dynamic behaviour
Longitudinal actions4.2.6.2Longitudinal track resistance4. due to traction and braking (longitudinal loads) performance
Minimum curve radius4.2.3.4Minimum radius of horizontal curve4.2.2.1Mechanical interface
Vertical curve4.2.3.5Minimum radius of vertical curve4.2.3.1Gauging
4.3.2.Interfaces with the energy subsystem
Table 17Interfaces with the energy subsystem
InterfaceReference Infrastructure TSIReference Energy TSI
Gauge4.2.3.1Structure gauge4.2.10Pantographs gauge
4.3.3.Interfaces with the control command and signalling subsystem
Table 18Interfaces with the control command and signalling subsystem
InterfaceReference Infrastructure TSIReference Control Command and Signalling TSI
Structure gauge set for CCS installations.Visibility of track-side CCS objects. gauge4.2.5.2Eurobalise communication (space for installation) communication (space for installation)4.2.10Train detection systems (space for installation)4.2.15Visibility of track-side control-command and signalling objects
4.3.4.Interfaces with the operation and traffic management subsystem
Table 19Interfaces with the operation and traffic management subsystem
InterfaceReference Infrastructure TSIReference Operation and Traffic Management TSI
Ride stability4.2.11.2Equivalent conicity in service4. quality
Use of eddy current brakes4.2.6.2Longitudinal track resistance4. performance
Crosswinds4.2.10.2Effect of crosswinds4. arrangements
Operating rules4.4Operating rules4. to information contained in the route book4.2.3.6Degraded operation
Staff competences4.6Professional competences2.2.1Staff and trains
4.4.Operating rules(1)Operating rules are developed within the procedures described in the infrastructure manager's safety management system. These rules take into account the documentation related to operation which forms a part of the technical file as required in Article 15(4) and set out in Annex IV (point 2.4) of Directive (EU) 2016/797.(2)In certain situations involving pre-planned works, it may be necessary to temporarily suspend the specifications of the infrastructure subsystem and its interoperability constituents defined in sections 4 and 5 of this TSI.4.5.Maintenance rules(1)Maintenance rules are developed within the procedures described in the infrastructure manager's safety management system.(2)The maintenance file shall be prepared before placing a line into service as the part of the technical file accompanying the declaration of verification(3)The maintenance plan shall be drawn up for the subsystem to ensure that the requirements set out in this TSI are maintained during its lifetime.4.5.1.Maintenance fileA maintenance file shall contain at least:(a)a set of values for immediate action limits,(b)the measures taken (for example speed restriction, repair time) when prescribed limits are not met,related to track geometric quality and limits on isolated defects.4.5.2.Maintenance planThe infrastructure manager shall have a maintenance plan containing the items listed in point 4.5.1 together with at least the following:(a)a set of values for intervention limits and alert limits,(b)a statement about the methods, professional competences of staff and personal protective safety equipment necessary to be used,(c)the rules to be applied for the protection of people working on or near the track,(d)the means used to check that in-service values are respected,(e)the measures taken, for speed greater than 250 km/h, to mitigate the risk of ballast pick up.4.6.Professional qualificationsThe professional qualifications of staff required for operation and maintenance of the infrastructure subsystem are not set out in this TSI but are described in the infrastructure manager's safety management system.4.7.Health and safety conditions(1)The health and safety conditions of staff required for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure subsystem shall be compliant with the relevant European and national legislation.(2)The issue is covered by the procedures described in the infrastructure manager's safety management system.
5.INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTS5.1.Basis on which interoperability constituents have been selected(1)The requirements of point 5.3 are based on a traditional design of ballasted track with Vignole (flat-bottom) rail on concrete or wooden sleepers and fastening providing resistance to longitudinal slip by bearing on the rail foot.(2)Components and subassemblies used for the construction of other designs of track are not considered to be interoperability constituents.5.2.List of constituents(1)For the purposes of this technical specification for interoperability, only the following elements, whether individual components or subassemblies of the track are declared to be "interoperability constituents":(a)the rail (5.3.1),(b)the rail fastening systems (5.3.2),(c)track sleepers (5.3.3).(2)The following points describe the specifications applicable to each of these constituents.(3)Rails, fastenings and sleepers used for short length of track for specific purposes, for example in switches and crossings, at expansion devices, transition slabs and special structures, are not considered to be interoperability constituents.5.3.Constituents performances and specifications5.3.1.The railThe specifications of the "rail" interoperability constituent concern the following parameters:(a)railhead profile,(b)rail steel. profileThe rail head profile shall fulfil the requirements of point "Railhead profile for plain line". steel(1)The rail steel is relevant to the requirements of point 4.2.6 "Track resistance to applied loads".(2)The rail steel shall meet the following requirements:(a)The rail hardness shall be at least 200 HBW.(b)The tensile strength shall be at least 680 MPa.(c)Minimum number of cycles at fatigue test without failure shall be at least 5 × rail fastening systems(1)The rail fastening system is relevant to the requirements of point for "Track resistance to vertical loads", point for "Longitudinal track resistance" and point for "Lateral track resistance".(2)The rail fastening system shall comply in laboratory test conditions with the following requirements:(a)the longitudinal force required to cause the rail to begin to slip (i.e. move in an inelastic way) through a single rail fastening assembly shall be at least 7 kN and for speeds of more than 250 km/h shall be at least 9 kN,(b)the rail fastening shall resist application of 3000000 cycles of the typical load applied in a sharp curve, such that the change in performance of the fastening system shall not exceed:20 % in terms of clamping force,25 % in terms of vertical stiffness,a reduction of more than 20 % in terms of longitudinal restraint.The typical load shall be appropriate to:the maximum axle load the rail fastening system is designed to accommodate,the combination of rail, rail inclination, rail pad and type of sleepers with which the fastening system may be used.5.3.3.Track sleepers(1)Track sleepers shall be designed such that when they are used with a specified rail and rail fastening system they will have properties that are consistent with the requirements of point for "Nominal track gauge", point for "Rail inclination" and point 4.2.6 for "Track resistance to applied loads".(2)For the nominal track gauge system of 1435 mm, the design track gauge for track sleepers shall be 1437 mm.6.ASSESSMENT OF CONFORMITY OF INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTS AND EC VERIFICATION OF THE SUBSYSTEMSModules for the procedures for assessment of conformity and suitability for use and EC verification are defined in Article 8 of this Regulation.6.1.Interoperability Constituents6.1.1.Conformity assessment procedures(1)The conformity assessment procedure of interoperability constituents as defined in section 5 of this TSI shall be carried out by application of the relevant modules.(2)Serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for reuse are not subject to the conformity assessment procedures.6.1.2.Application of modules(1)The following modules for conformity assessment of interoperability constituents are used:(a)CA "Internal production control"(b)CB "EC type examination"(c)CC "Conformity to type based on internal production control"(d)CD "Conformity to type based on quality management system of the production process"(e)CF "Conformity to type based on product verification"(f)CH "Conformity based on full quality management system"(2)The modules for conformity assessment of interoperability constituents shall be chosen from those shown in Table 20.
Table 20Modules for conformity assessment to be applied for interoperability constitunents
ProceduresRailRail fastening systemTrack sleepers
Placed on the EU market before entry into force of relevant TSIsCA or CHCA or CH
Placed on the EU market after entry into force of relevant TSIsCB + CC orCB + CD orCB + CF orCH
(3)In the case of products placed on the market before the publication of relevant TSIs, the type is considered to have been approved and therefore EC type examination (module CB) is not necessary, provided that the manufacturer demonstrates that tests and verification of interoperability constituents have been considered successful for previous applications under comparable conditions and are in conformity with the requirements of this TSI. In this case these assessments shall remain valid in the new application. If it is not possible to demonstrate that the solution is positively proven in the past, the procedure for interoperability constituents placed on the EU market after publication of this TSI applies.(4)The conformity assessment of interoperability constituents shall cover the phases and characteristics as indicated in Table 36 of Appendix A to this TSI.
6.1.3.Innovative solutions for interoperability constituentsIf an innovative solution is proposed for an interoperability constituent, the procedure described in Article 10 shall apply.6.1.4.EC declaration of conformity for interoperability constituents6.1.4.1.Interoperability constituents subject to other European Union Directives(1)in accordance with Article 10(3) of Directive (EU) 2016/797, for interoperability constituents that are the subject of other legal acts of the Union covering other matters, the EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use shall state that the interoperability constituents also meet the requirements of those other legal acts;(2)in accordance with Annex I to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/250Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/250 of 12 February 2019 on the templates for "EC" declarations and certificates for railway interoperability constituents and subsystems, on the model of declaration of conformity to an authorised railway vehicle type and on the "EC" verification procedures for subsystems in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 201/2011 (OJ L 42, 13.2.2019, p. 9)., the EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use shall include a list of restrictions or conditions of use. declaration of conformity for railsNo statement setting out the conditions of use is required. declaration of conformity for rail fastening systemsThe EC declaration of conformity shall be accompanied by statement setting out:(a)the combination of rail, rail inclination, rail pad and type of sleepers with which the fastening system may be used(b)the maximum axle load the rail fastening system is designed to accommodate. declaration of conformity for track sleepersThe EC declaration of conformity shall be accompanied by statement setting out:(a)the combination of rail, rail inclination and type of rail fastening system with which the sleeper may be used,(b)the nominal and design track gauge,(c)the combinations of axle load and train speed the track sleeper is designed to accommodate.6.1.5.Particular assessment procedures for interoperability constituents6.1.5.1.Assessment of railsAssessment of rail steel shall be done according to the following requirements:(a)Rail hardness shall be tested for position RS according to EN 13674-1:2011 paragraph 9.1.8, measured using one specimen (control sample out of production).(b)Tensile strength shall be tested according to EN 13674-1:2011 paragraph 9.1.9, measured using one specimen (control sample out of production).(c)Fatigue test shall be done according to EN 13674-1:2011 paragraph 8.1 and paragraph of sleepers(1)Until 31 May 2021 a design track gauge for track sleepers below 1437 mm shall be allowed.(2)For polyvalent gauge and multiple gauge track sleepers it is allowed not to assess the design track gauge for the nominal track gauge of 1435 mm.
6.2.Infrastructure subsystem6.2.1.General provisions(1)At the request of the applicant, the notified body carries out the EC verification of the infrastructure subsystem in accordance with Article 15 of Directive (EU) 2016/797 and in accordance with the provisions of the relevant modules.(2)If the applicant demonstrates that tests or assessments of an infrastructure subsystem or parts of the subsystem are the same as have been successful for previous applications of a design, the notified body shall consider the results of these tests and assessments for the EC verification.(3)The EC verification of the infrastructure subsystem shall cover the phases and characteristics indicated in Table 37 in Appendix B to this TSI.(4)Performance parameters as set out in point 4.2.1 of this TSI are not subject to the EC verification of the subsystem.(5)Particular assessment procedures for specific basic parameters of infrastructure subsystem are set out in point 6.2.4.(6)The applicant shall draw up the EC declaration of verification for the infrastructure subsystem in accordance with Article 15 of Directive (EU) 2016/797.6.2.2.Application of modulesFor the EC verification procedure of the infrastructure subsystem, the applicant may choose either:(a)Module SG: EC verification based on unit verification, or(b)Module SH1: EC verification based on full quality management system plus design examination. of module SGIn the case where EC verification is most effectively undertaken by using information collected by the infrastructure manager, contracting entity or the main contractors involved (for example data obtained using track recording vehicle or other measuring devices), the notified body shall take this information into account to assess conformity. of module SH1The SH1 module may be chosen only where the activities contributing to the proposed subsystem to be verified (design, manufacturing, assembling, installation) are subject to a quality management system for design, production, final product inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a notified body.6.2.3.Innovative solutionsIf an innovative solution is proposed for the infrastructure subsystem, the procedure described in Article 10 shall apply.6.2.4.Particular assessment procedures for infrastructure subsystem6.2.4.1.Assessment of Structure gauge(1)Assessment of structure gauge as a design review shall be done against characteristic cross sections using the results of calculations made by infrastructure manager or the contracting entity on the basis of sections 5, 7, 10, Annex C and point D.4.8 of Annex D of EN 15273-3:2013.(2)Characteristic cross sections are:(a)track without cant,(b)track with maximum cant,(c)track with a civil engineering structure over the line(d)any other location where the designed installation limit gauge is approached by less than 100 mm or the installation nominal gauge or uniform gauge is approached by less than 50 mm.(3)After assembly before putting into service clearances shall be verified at locations where the designed installation limit gauge is approached by less than 100 mm or the installation nominal gauge or uniform gauge is approached by less than 50 mm.(4)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 mm track gauge system assessment of structure gauge as a design review is to be made against characteristic cross sections using the uniform structure gauge "S" as defined in Appendix H to this TSI.(5)Instead of point (1), for the 1600 mm track gauge system assessment of structure gauge as a design review is to be made against characteristic cross sections using the structure gauge "IRL1" as defined in Appendix O to this TSI. of distance between track centres(1)A design review for assessment of the distance between track centres shall be done using the results of calculations made by the Infrastructure Manager or the contracting entity on the basis of chapter 9 of EN 15273-3:2013. The nominal distance between track centres shall be checked at the line layout where distances are given in parallel to the horizontal plane. The limit installation distance between track centres shall be checked with the radius and relevant cant.(2)After assembly before putting into service, distance between track centres shall be verified at critical locations where the limit installation distance between track centres as defined according chapter 9 of EN 15273-3:2013 is approached by less than 50 mm.(3)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 mm track gauge system a design review for assessment of the distance between track centres is to be made using the results of calculations made by the infrastructure manager or the contracting entity. The nominal distance between track centres shall be checked at the line layout where distances are given in parallel to the horizontal plane. The limit installation distance between track centres shall be checked with the radius and relevant cant.(4)Instead of point (2), for the 1520 mm track gauge system after assembly before putting into service, distance between track centres shall be verified at critical locations where the limit installation distance between track centres is approached by less than 50 mm. of nominal track gauge(1)Assessment of the nominal track gauge at design review shall be done by checking the self-declaration of the applicant.(2)Assessment of the nominal track gauge at assembly before putting into service shall be done by checking the interoperability constituent sleeper's certificate. For non-certified interoperability constituents assessment of the nominal track gauge shall be done by checking the self-declaration of the applicant. of track layout(1)At design review the curvature, cant, cant deficiency and abrupt change of cant deficiency shall be assessed against the local design speed.(2)Assessment of switches and crossings layout is not required. of cant deficiency for trains designed to travel with higher cant deficiencyPoint states that "It is permissible for trains specifically designed to travel with higher cant deficiency (for example multiple units with lower axle loads; vehicles with special equipment for the negotiation of curves) to run with higher cant deficiency values, subject to a demonstration that this can be achieved safely". This demonstration is outside the scope of this TSI and thus not subject to a notified body verification of the infrastructure subsystem. The demonstration shall be undertaken by the RU, if necessary in cooperation with the IM. of design values for equivalent conicityAssessment of design values for equivalent conicity shall be done using the results of calculations made by the infrastructure manager or the contracting entity on the basis of EN 15302:2008+A1:2010. of railhead profile(1)The design profile of new rails shall be checked against point serviceable rails shall not be subject to the requirements for railhead profile as set out in point of switches and crossingsAssessment of switches and crossings related to points to shall be done by checking that a self-declaration of the infrastructure manager or contracting entity exists. of new structures, earthworks and earth pressure effects(1)Assessment of new structures shall be done by checking the traffic loads and the track twist limit used for design against the minimum requirements of points and The notified body is not required to review the design nor carry out any calculations. When reviewing the value of factor alpha used in the design according to point it is only necessary to check that the value of factor alpha satisfies Table 11.(2)Assessment of new earthworks and earth pressure effects shall be done by checking the vertical loads used for design according to requirements of point When reviewing the value of factor alpha used in the design according to point it is only necessary to check that the value of factor alpha satisfies Table 11. The notified body is not required to review the design nor carry out any calculations. of existing structures(1)Assessment of existing structures against the requirements of point (b) and (c) shall be done by one of the following methods:(a)check that the values of EN line categories, in combination with the allowed speed published or intended to be published for the lines containing the structures, is in line with the requirements of Appendix E of this TSI,(b)check that the values of EN line categories, in combination with the allowed speed specified for the structures or for the design, is in line with the requirements of Appendix E of this TSI,(c)check the traffic loads specified for the structures or for the design against the minimum requirements of points and When reviewing the value of factor alpha according to point it is only necessary to check that the value of factor alpha is in line with the value of factor alpha mentioned in Table 11.(2)It is not required to review the design nor carry out any calculations.(3)For existing structures assessment point applies respectively. of platform offset(1)Assessment of the distance between the track centre and the platform edge as a design review shall be done using the results of calculations made by the Infrastructure Manager or the contracting entity on the basis of chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013.(2)After assembly before putting into service clearances shall be verified. The offset is checked at the ends of the platform and every 30 m in straight track and every 10 m in curved track.(3)Instead of point (1), for the 1520 mm track gauge system assessment of the distance between the track centre and the platform edge as a design review shall be done against requirements of point Point (2) applies accordingly.(4)Instead of point (1), for the 1600 mm track gauge system assessment of the distance between the track centre and the platform edge as a design review shall be done against requirements of point Point (2) applies accordingly. of maximum pressure variations in tunnels(1)Assessment of maximum pressure variation in the tunnel (10 kPa criterion) shall be done using the results of numerical simulations according to chapters 4 and 6 of EN 14067-5:2006+A1:2010 made by the infrastructure manager or the contracting entity on the basis of all expected operational conditions with the trains complying with the Locomotives and Passengers TSI and intended to run at speeds greater than or equal to 200 km/h in the specific tunnel to be assessed.(2)The input parameters to be used are to be such that the reference characteristic pressure signature of the trains set out in the locomotives and passenger rolling stock TSI is fulfilled.(3)The reference cross section areas of the interoperable trains (constant along a train) to be considered is to be, independently to each motor or trailer vehicle:(a)12 m2 for vehicles designed for GC and DE3 reference kinematic profile,(b)11 m2 for vehicles designed for GA and GB reference kinematic profile,(c)10 m2 for vehicles designed for G1 reference kinematic profiles.The vehicle gauge to be considered shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according to point 4.2.1.(4)The assessment may take into account construction features which reduce the pressure variation if any, as well as the tunnel length.(5)The pressure variations due to atmospheric or geographical conditions can be neglected. of effect of crosswindsThis demonstration of the safety is outside the scope of this TSI and thus not subject to a notified body verification. The demonstration shall be undertaken by the infrastructure manager, if necessary in cooperation with the railway undertaking. of fixed installations for servicing trainsAssessment of fixed installations for servicing trains is in the responsibility of the Member State concerned. of compatibility with braking systemsThe assessment of the requirements laid down in point is not required.6.2.5.Technical solutions giving presumption of conformity at design stagePresumption of conformity at design stage for technical solutions may be assessed prior and independent from a specific project. of track resistance for plain line(1)The demonstration of conformity of the track to the requirements of point 4.2.6 may be done by reference to an existing track design which meets the operating conditions intended for the subsystem concerned.(2)A track design shall be defined by the technical characteristics as set out in Appendix C.1 to this TSI and by its operating conditions as set out in Appendix D.1 to this TSI.(3)A track design is considered to be existing, if both of the following conditions are met:(a)the track design has been in normal operation for at least one year and(b)the total tonnage over the track was at least 20 million gross tons for the period of normal operation.(4)The operating conditions for an existing track design refer to conditions which have been applied in normal operation.(5)The assessment to confirm an existing track design shall be performed by checking that the technical characteristics as set out in Appendix C.1 to this TSI and conditions of use as set out in Appendix D.1 to this TSI are specified and that the reference to the previous use of the track design is available.(6)When a previously assessed existing track design is used in a project, the notified body shall only assess that the conditions of use are respected.(7)For new track designs that are based on existing track designs, a new assessment can be performed by verifying the differences and evaluating their impact on the track resistance. This assessment may be supported for example by computer simulation or by laboratory or in situ testing.(8)A track design is considered to be new, if at least one of the technical characteristics set out in Appendix C to this TSI or one of conditions of use set out in Appendix D to this TSI is changed. for switches and crossing(1)The provisions as set out in point are applicable for the assessment of track resistance for switches and crossings. Appendix C.2 sets out the technical characteristics of switches and crossings design and Appendix D.2 sets out the conditions of use of switches and crossings design.(2)Assessment of design geometry of switches and crossings shall be done according to point of this TSI.(3)Assessment of maximum unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings shall be done according to point of this TSI.6.3.EC Verification when speed is used as a migration criterion(1)Point 7.5 allows a line to be put into service at a lower speed than the ultimate intended speed. This point sets out requirements for EC verification in this case.(2)Some limiting values set out in section 4 depend on the intended speed of the route. Conformity should be assessed at the intended ultimate speed; however it is permissible to assess speed dependant characteristics at the lower speed at the time of placing in service.(3)The conformity of the other characteristics for the intended speed of the route remains valid.(4)To declare the interoperability at this intended speed, it is only necessary to assess the conformity of the characteristics temporarily not respected, when they are brought up to the required level.6.4.Assessment of maintenance file(1)Point 4.5 requires the infrastructure manager to have for each interoperable line a maintenance file for the infrastructure subsystem.(2)The notified body shall confirm that the maintenance file exists and contains the items listed in point 4.5.1. The notified body is not responsible for assessing the suitability of the detailed requirements set out in the maintenance file.(3)The notified body shall include a reference to the maintenance file required by point 4.5.1 of this TSI in the technical file referred to in Article 15(4) of Directive (EU) 2016/797.6.5.Subsystems containing Interoperability constituents not holding an EC declaration6.5.1.Conditions(1)Until 31 May 2021, a notified body is allowed to issue an EC certificate of verification for a subsystem even if some of the interoperability constituents incorporated within the subsystem are not covered by the relevant EC declarations of conformity and/or suitability for use according to this TSI, if the following criteria are complied with:(a)the conformity of the subsystem has been checked against the requirements of section 4 and in relation to sections 6.2 to 7 (except point 7.7 "Specific Cases") of this TSI by the notified body. Furthermore the conformity of the ICs to section 5 and 6.1 does not apply, and(b)the interoperability constituents, which are not covered by the relevant EC declaration of conformity and/or suitability for use, have been used in a subsystem already approved and put in service in at least one of the Member State before the entry in force of this TSI.(2)EC declarations of conformity and/or suitability for use shall not be drawn up for the interoperability constituents assessed in this manner.6.5.2.Documentation(1)The EC certificate of verification of the subsystem shall indicate clearly which interoperability constituents have been assessed by the notified body as part of the subsystem verification.(2)The EC declaration of verification of the subsystem shall indicate clearly:(a)Which interoperability constituents have been assessed as part of the subsystem;(b)Confirmation that the subsystem contains the interoperability constituents identical to those verified as part of the subsystem;(c)For those interoperability constituents, the reason(s) why the manufacturer did not provide an EC Declaration of conformity and/or suitability for use before its incorporation into the subsystem, including the application of national rules notified under Article 14 of Directive (EU) 2016/797.6.5.3.Maintenance of the subsystems certified according to 6.5.1.(1)During and after the transition period and until the subsystem is upgraded or renewed (taking into account the decision of Member State on application of TSIs), the interoperability constituents which do not hold an EC Declaration of conformity and/or suitability for use and are of the same type are allowed to be used as maintenance related replacements (spare parts) for the subsystem, under the responsibility of the body responsible for maintenance.(2)In any case the body responsible for maintenance must ensure that the components for maintenance related replacements are suitable for their applications, are used within their area of use and enable interoperability to be achieved within the rail system while at the same time meeting the essential requirements. Such components must be traceable and certified in accordance with any national or international rule or any code of practice widely acknowledged in the railway domain.6.6.Subsystem containing serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for reuse6.6.1.Conditions(1)A notified body is allowed to issue an EC certificate of verification for a subsystem even if some of the interoperability constituents incorporated within the subsystem are serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for reuse, if the following criteria are complied with:(a)the conformity of the subsystem has been checked against the requirements of section 4 and in relation to sections 6.2 to 7 (except point 7.7 "Specific Cases") of this TSI by the notified body. Furthermore the conformity of the ICs to 6.1 does not apply, and(b)the interoperability constituents are not covered by the relevant EC declaration of conformity and/or suitability for use.(2)EC declarations of conformity and/or suitability for use shall not be drawn up for the interoperability constituents assessed in this manner.6.6.2.Documentation(1)The EC certificate of verification of the subsystem shall indicate clearly which interoperability constituents have been assessed by the notified body as part of the subsystem verification.(2)The EC declaration of verification of the subsystem shall indicate clearly:(a)Which interoperability constituents are serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for reuse;(b)Confirmation that the subsystem contains the interoperability constituents identical to those verified as part of the subsystem.6.6.3.Use of serviceable interoperability constituents in maintenance(1)Serviceable interoperability constituents that are suitable for reuse are allowed to be used as maintenance related replacements (spare parts) for the subsystem, under the responsibility of the body responsible for maintenance.(2)In any case the body responsible for maintenance must ensure that the components for maintenance related replacements are suitable for their applications, are used within their area of use, and enable interoperability to be achieved within the rail system while at the same time meeting the essential requirements. Such components must be traceable and certified in accordance with any national or international rule, or any code of practice widely acknowledged in the railway domain.
7.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE TSIMember States shall develop a national plan for the implementation of this TSI, considering the coherence of the entire rail system of the European Union. This plan shall include all projects regarding new, renewal and upgrading of infrastructure subsystem, in line with the details mentioned in points 7.1 to 7.7 here below.7.1.Application of this TSI to railway linesSections 4 to 6 and any specific provisions in points 7.2 to 7.6 here below apply in full to the lines within the geographical scope of this TSI, which will be placed in service as interoperable lines after this TSI enters into force.7.2.Application of this TSI to new railway lines(1)For the purpose of this TSI a "new line" means a line that creates a route where none currently exists.(2)The following situations, for example to increase speed or capacity, may be considered as an upgraded line rather than a new line:(a)the realignment of part of an existing route,(b)the creation of a bypass,(c)the addition of one or more tracks on an existing route, regardless of the distance between the original tracks and the additional tracks.7.3.Application of this TSI to existing railway lines7.3.1.Upgrading or renewal of a line(1)In accordance with Article 2(14) of Directive (EU) 2016/797, "upgrading" means any major modification work on a subsystem or part of it which results in a change in the technical file accompanying the "EC" declaration of verification, if that technical file exists, and which improves the overall performance of the subsystem.(2)The infrastructure subsystem of a line is considered to be upgraded in the context of this TSI when at least the performance parameters axle load or gauge, as defined in point 4.2.1 are improved in order to meet the requirements of another traffic code.(3)In accordance with Article 2(15) of Directive (EU) 2016/797, "renewal" means any major substitution work on a subsystem or part of it which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem.(4)For this purpose, major substitution should be interpreted as a project undertaken to systematically replace elements of a line or a section of a line. Renewal differs from a substitution in the framework of maintenance, referred to in point 7.3.3 below, since it gives the opportunity to achieve a TSI compliant line. A renewal is the same case as upgrading, but without a change in performance parameters.(5)The scope of the upgrading or renewal of the infrastructure subsystem may cover the entire subsystem on a given line or only certain parts of the subsystem. According to Article 18(6) of Directive (EU) 2016/797, the national safety authority shall examine the project and decide whether a new authorisation for placing in service is needed.(6)Where a new authorisation is required, parts of the infrastructure subsystem falling under the scope of the upgrading or renewal shall comply with this TSI and shall be subject to the procedure established in Article 15 of Directive (EU) 2016/797, unless a permission for non-application of TSI is granted according to Article 7 of Directive (EU) 2016/797.(7)Where a new authorisation for placing in service is not required, compliance with this TSI is recommended. Where compliance is not possible, the contracting entity shall inform the Member State of the reasons thereof.7.3.2.Renewal of a line(1)In accordance with Article 2(n) of Directive 2008/57/EC, "renewal" means any major substitution work on a subsystem or part subsystem which does not change the overall performance of the subsystem.(2)For this purpose major substitution should be interpreted as a project undertaken to systematically replace elements of a line or a section of a line. Renewal differs from a substitution in the framework of maintenance, referred to in point 7.3.3 below, since it gives the opportunity to achieve a TSI compliant route. A renewal is the same case as upgrading, but without a change in performance parameters.(3)Where article 20(2) of Directive 2008/57/EC applies because the renewal is subject of an authorisation of placing into service, Member States shall decide which requirements of the TSI must be applied.(4)Where article 20(2) of Directive 2008/57/EC does not apply because the renewal is not subject of an authorisation of placing into service, the conformity with this TSI is recommended. Where compliance is not possible to reach, the contracting entity informs the Member State of the reasons thereof.(5)For a project including elements not being TSI compliant, the procedures for the assessment of conformity and EC verification to be applied should be agreed with the Member State.7.3.3.Substitution in the framework of maintenance(1)Where the parts of a subsystem on a line are maintained, the formal verification and authorisation for placing into service is not required in accordance with this TSI. However, maintenance replacements should be, as far as it is reasonably practicable, undertaken in accordance with the requirements of this TSI.(2)The objective should be that maintenance replacements progressively contribute the development of an interoperable line.(3)In order to bring progressively an important part of the infrastructure subsystem in a process towards interoperability, the following group of basic parameters should be adapted together:(a)Line layout,(b)Track parameters,(c)Switches and crossings,(d)Track resistance to applied loads,(e)Structures resistance to traffic loads,(f)Platforms.(4)In such cases, it is noted that each of the above elements taken separately cannot ensure compliance of the whole subsystem. The conformity of a subsystem can only be stated when all the elements are compliant with the TSI.7.3.4.Existing lines that are not subject to a renewal or upgrading projectThe demonstration of the level of compliance of existing lines with the basic parameters of the TSI is voluntary. The procedure for this demonstration shall be in accordance with Commission Recommendation 2014/881/EU of 18 November 2014Commission Recommendation 2014/881/EU of 18 November 2014 on the procedure for demonstrating the level of compliance of existing railway lines with the basic parameters of the technical specifications for interoperability (See page 520 of this Official Journal)..7.4.Application of this TSI to existing platformsIn case of upgrade or renewal of the infrastructure subsystem, the following conditions related to platform height governed by point of this TSI, shall apply:(a)It shall be allowed to apply other nominal platform heights for consistency with a particular upgrade or renewal programme of a line or a section of a line.(b)It shall be allowed to apply other nominal platform heights, if the work requires structural alterations to any load bearing element.7.5.Speed as an implementation criterion(1)It is permissible to bring a line into service as an interoperable line at a lower speed than its intended ultimate line speed. However, when it is the case the line should not be constructed in a way that inhibits future adoption of the intended ultimate line speed.(2)For example the distance between track centres shall be suitable for the intended ultimate line speed but the cant will need to be appropriate to the speed at the time the line is brought into service.(3)Requirements for assessment of conformity in this case are set out in section compatibility checks before the use of authorised vehiclesThe procedure to be applied and the parameters of the infrastructure subsystem to be used by the railway undertaking, for the purpose of route compatibility check are described in point and appendix D1 of the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/773Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/773 of 16 May 2019 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the operation and traffic management subsystem of the rail system within the European Union and repealing Decision 2012/757/EU (OJ L 139 I, 27.5.2019, p. 5)..7.7.Specific casesThe following specific cases may be applied on particular networks. The specific cases are classified as:(a)"P" casespermanent cases;(b)"T" casestemporary cases, where it is recommended that the target system is reached by 2020 (an objective set out in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and CouncilDecision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (OJ L 228, 9.9.1996, p. 1), as amended by Decision No 884/2004/EC (OJ L 167, 30.4.2004, p. 1).).All specific cases and their relevant dates shall be re-examined in the course of future revisions of the TSI with a view to limiting their technical and geographical scope based on an assessment of their impact on safety, interoperability, cross border services, TEN-T corridors, and the practical and economic impacts of retaining or eliminating them. Special account shall be given to availability of EU funding.Specific cases shall be limited to the route or network where they are strictly necessary and taken account of through route compatibility procedures.7.7.1.Particular features on the Austrian network7.7.1.1.Platform height ( casesFor other parts of the Union rail network as set out in Article 2(4) of this Regulation, for renewal and upgrading, the nominal platform height of 380 mm above the running surface shall be allowed.7.7.2.Particular features on the Belgian network7.7.2.1.Platform offset ( casesFor platform heights of 550 mm and 760 mm, the conventional value bq0 of platform offset shall be calculated according to the following formulas:
02014R1299-20190616_en_img_4In curve with a radius 1000 ≤ R ≤ ∞ (m)
02014R1299-20190616_en_img_5In curve with a radius R < 1000 (m)
7.7.3.Particular features on the Bulgarian network7.7.3.1.Platform height ( casesFor upgraded or renewed platforms, the nominal platform height of 300 mm and 1100 mm above the running surface shall be allowed. offset ( casesInstead of points and, the platform offset shall be:(a)1650 mm for platforms with heights of 300 mm and(b)1750 mm for platforms with height of 1100 mm.7.7.4.Particular features on the Danish network7.7.4.1.Platform height ( casesFor S-Tog services the nominal platform height of 920 mm above the running surface shall be allowed.7.7.5.Particular features on the Estonian network7.7.5.1.Nominal track gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system the nominal track gauge shall be either 1520 mm or 1524 mm. of new bridges to traffic loads ( casesFor the 1520 mm track gauge system, for lines with an axle load of 30 t, it shall be allowed to design structures to support vertical loads in accordance with the load model set out in Appendix M to this TSI. immediate action limit for switches and crossing ( casesInstead of sub-point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, the minimum value of bypass at the narrowest location between open switch rail and stock rail is 54 mm.7.7.6.Particular features on the Finnish network7.7.6.1.TSI Categories of line (4.2.1)P casesInstead of gauges specified in the columns "Gauge" in Table 2 and Table 3 of point 4.2.1(6), for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, it shall be allowed to use gauge FIN1. gauge ( cases(1)Instead of points and, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, both the upper and lower part of the structure gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauge FIN1. Those gauges are defined in Annex D, section D4.4 of EN 15273-3:2013.(2)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using the static method in accordance with the requirements of sections 5, 6, 10 and Annex D Section D.4.4 of EN 15273-3:2013. between track centres ( cases(1)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of the gauge FIN1.(2)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the nominal horizontal distance between track centres for new lines shall be specified for the design and shall not be smaller than the values mentioned in Table 21; it considers margins for aerodynamic effects.
Table 21Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres
Maximum allowed speed [km/h]Minimum nominal horizontal distance between track centres [m]
v ≤ 1204,10
120 < v ≤ 1604,30
160 < v ≤ 2004,50
200 < v ≤ 2504,70
v > 2505,00
(3)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the distance between track centres shall at least satisfy the requirements for the limit installation distance between track centres, defined according Annex D, Section D4.4.5 of EN 15273-3:2013. radius of horizontal curve ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, reverse curves (other than reverse curves in marshalling yards where wagons are shunted individually) with radii in the range from 150 m up to 275 m for new lines shall be designed in accordance with Table 22 to prevent buffer locking.
Table 22Limits for the length of a straight intermediate element between two long circular curves in the opposite directions [m]Note: For reverse curves with different radii the radius of the smaller curve shall be used when designing straight element between the curves.
Alignment chainLimits for tracks for mixed traffic [m]
R = 150 m — straight — R = 150 m16,9
R = 160 m — straight — R = 160 m15,0
R = 170 m — straight — R = 170 m13,5
R = 180 m — straight — R = 180 m12,2
R = 190 m — straight — R = 190 m11,1
R = 200 m — straight — R = 200 m10,00
R = 210 m — straight — R = 210 m9,1
R = 220 m — straight — R = 220 m8,2
R = 230 m — straight — R = 230 m7,3
R = 240 m — straight — R = 240 m6,4
R = 250 m — straight — R = 250 m5,4
R = 260 m — straight — R = 260 m4,1
R = 270 m — straight — R = 270 m2,0
R = 275 m — straight — R = 275 m0 track gauge ( casesInstead of point, the nominal track gauge shall be 1524 mm. ( cases(1)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the design cant shall not exceed 180 mm for ballasted or non-ballasted track.(2)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, new lines with mixed or freight traffic on curves with a radius less than 320 m and a cant transition steeper than 1 mm/m, the cant shall be restricted to the limit given by the following formulaD ≤ (R – 50) × 0,7where D is the cant in mm and R is the radius in m. unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings ( casesIn paragraph (1) of Appendix J, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm:(a)Instead of subparagraph (J.1)(b), the minimum radius through obtuse crossing shall be 200 m; for radius between 200-220 m small radius shall be compensated with track gauge widening(b)Instead of subparagraph (J.1)(c), the minimum check rail height shall be 39 mm7.7.6.8.The immediate action limit of track gauge as an isolated defect ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defect are set out in Table 23.
Table 23Immediate action limits of track gauge for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v ≤ 6015151554
60 < v ≤ 12015161552
120 < v ≤ 16015171547
160 < v ≤ 20015181543
200 < v ≤ 25015191539
v > 25015201539 immediate action limit of cant ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the maximum cant allowed in service is 190 mm. immediate action limits for switches and crossings ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1469 mm.This value can be increased if the Infrastructure Manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheel set.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1476 mm.This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the Infrastructure Manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1440 mm.(d)Maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry: 1469 mm.(e)Minimum flangeway width: 42 mm.(f)Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.(g)Maximum excess height of check rail: 55 mm. offset ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, the distance between the track centre and the platform edge, parallel to the running plane, shall be set on the basis of the installation limit gauge and is defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013. The instllation limit gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauge FIN1. The minimum distance of bq, calculated as in chapter 13 of EN15273-3:2013 is herafter refered to as bqlim. external cleaning facilities ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, where a washing plant is provided it shall be able to clean the outer sides of single or double-deck trains between a height of:(a)330 to 4367 mm for a single-deck train,(b)330 to 5300 mm for double-deck trains. of structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1524 mm, assessment of structure gauge as a design review shall be done against characteristic cross sections using the results of calculations made by the Infrastructure Manager or the contracting entity on the basis of sections 5, 6, 10 and Annex D, Section D.4.4 of EN 15273-3:2013.
7.7.7.Particular features on the French network7.7.7.1.Platform height ( casesFor the rail network of Ile-de-France the nominal platform height of 920 mm above the running surface shall be allowed.7.7.8.Particular features on the German network7.7.8.1.Platform height ( casesFor S-Bahn services the nominal platform height of 960 mm above the running surface shall be allowed.7.7.9.Particular features on the Hellenic network7.7.9.1.Platform height ( casesThe nominal platform height shall be allowed to be 300 mm above the running surface.7.7.10.Particular features on the Italian network7.7.10.1.Platform offset ( casesInstead of point, for the platforms with the height of 550 mm, the distance bqlim [mm] between the the track centre and the platform edge, parallel to the running plane, shall be calculated from the formula:(a)on straight track and inside the curves:bqlim = 1650 + 3750/R + (g – 1435)/2 + 11,5(b)outside the curves:bqlim = 1650 + 3750/R + (g – 1435)/2 + 11,5 + 220 * tanδwhere R is the radius of the track, in metres, g is the track gauge, δ is the angle of the cant with the horizontal line. conicity ( cases(1)Instead of point design values of track gauge, rail head profile and rail inclination for plain line shall be selected to ensure that the equivalent conicity limits set out in Table 24 are not exceeded.
Table 24Equivalent conicity design limit values
Wheel profile
Speed range [km/h]S1002, GV1/40EPS
v ≤ 60Assessment not required
60 < v ≤ 2000,250,30
200 < v ≤ 2800,20N.A.
v > 2800,10N.A.
(2)Instead of point (4) the following wheelsets shall be modelled passing over the designed track conditions (simulated by calculation according to EN 15302:2008+A1:2010):(a)S 1002 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.(b)S 1002 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR2.(c)GV 1/40 as defined in Annex B of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.(d)GV 1/40 as defined in Annex B of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR2.(e)EPS as defined in Annex D of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.For SR1 and SR2 the following values apply:(f)For the 1435 mm track gauge system SR1 = 1420 mm and SR2 = 1426 mm. conicity in service ( casesInstead of point the infrastructure manager shall measure the track gauge and the railhead profiles at the site in question at a distance of approximate 10 m. The mean equivalent conicity over 100 m shall be calculated by modelling with the wheelsets (a) – (e) mentioned in paragraph (2) of this TSI in order to check for compliance, for the purpose of the joint investigation, with the limit equivalent conicity for the track specified in Table 14.
7.7.11.Particular features on the Latvian network7.7.11.1.Resistance of new bridges to traffic loads — vertical loads ( cases(1)For sub-point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, load model 71 shall be applied with a distributed load qvk of 100 kN/m.(2)Instead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, the value of factor alpha (α) shall in all cases be equal to 1, features on the Polish network7.7.12.1.TSI Categories of line (4.2.1)P casesIn point 4.2.1(7), Table 2 line P3, instead of gauge DE3, on upgraded or renewed railway lines in Poland gauge G2 is allowed. between track centres ( casesInstead of point, for 1520 mm track gauge, for station tracks for direct reloading of goods from wagon to wagon the nominal horizontal minimum distance of 3,60 m shall be allowed. radius of horizontal curve ( casesInstead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge, on tracks other than main tracks, reverse curves with radii in the range from 150 m up to 250 m shall be designed with a section of straight track of at least 10 m between the curves. radius of vertical curve ( casesInstead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge, the radius of vertical curves (except the marshalling yards) shall be at least 2000 m both on a crest and in a hollow. deficiency ( casesInstead of point, for all types of rolling stock of the 1520 mm track gauge the cant deficiency shall not exceed 130 mm. change of cant deficiency ( casesInstead of point, for 1520 mm track gauge, requirements of points and shall be applied. immediate action limit for track twist ( casesInstead of point and, for 1520 mm track gauge points from to shall be applied. immediate action limit of track gauge as an isolated defect ( casesInstead of requirements of Table 13 in point the limit values for 1520 mm track gauge in Poland are given in following table:
Table 25Immediate action limits of track gauge for 1520 mm track gauge in Poland
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v < 5015111548
50 ≤ v ≤ 14015121548
v > 14015121536 immediate action limits for switches and crossings ( cases(1)Instead of sub-point, for certain types of switches of R = 190 m and crossings with slants of 1:9 and 1:4,444 the maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry of 1385 mm shall be allowed.(2)Instead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1460 mm.This value can be increased if the Infrastructure Manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheelset.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1472 mm.This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the Infrastructure Manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1436 mm.(d)Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.(e)Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.(f)Maximum excess height of check rail: 55 mm. height ( cases(1)For platforms used for urban or suburban railway services the nominal platform height of 960 mm above running surface shall be allowed.(2)For upgraded or renewed lines with maximum speed of no more than 160 km/h the nominal platform height from 220 mm to 380 mm above running surface shall be allowed. conicity in service ( casesUntil introduction of equipment for measurement of elements required for calculation of equivalent conicity in service, it is allowed in Poland not to assess this parameter. sleepers (5.3.3)P casesThe requirement of point 5.3.3(2) shall be applied for speeds above 250 km/h.
7.7.13.Particular features on the Portuguese network7.7.13.1.Structure gauge ( cases(1)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the upper part of the structure gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauges set out in Table 26 and Table 27, which are defined in Annex D Section D.4.3 of EN 15273-3:2013.
Table 26Portuguese gauges for passenger traffic
Traffic codeGauge
Table 27Portuguese gauges for freight traffic
Traffic codeGauge
(2)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm the lower part of the structure gauge shall be in accordance with Annex D Section D.4.3.4 of EN 15273-3:2013.(3)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using the kinematic method in accordance with the requirements of Annex D Section D.4.3. of EN 15273-3:2013. between track centres ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of the reference contours PTb, PTb+ or PTc, which are defined in Annex D Section D.4.3 of EN 15273-3:2013. immediate action limit of track gauge as an isolated defect ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defect are set out in Table 28.
Table 28Immediate action limits of Portuguese track gauge
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v ≤ 12016571703
120 < v ≤ 16016581703
160 < v ≤ 23016611696
v > 23016631696 immediate action limit for switches and crossings ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1618 mm.This value can be increased if the Infrastructure Manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheelset.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1625 mm.This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the Infrastructure Manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1590 mm.(d)Maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry: 1618 mm.(e)Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.(f)Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.(g)Maximum excess height of check rail: 70 mm. height ( casesFor the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, for upgraded or renewed platforms the nominal platform height of 685 mm (general use) or 900 mm (urban and suburban traffic) above the running surface for radii of more than 300 m or 350 m respectively shall be allowed. offset ( cases(1)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the distance between the track centre and the platform edge parallel to the running plane (bq), as defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be set on the basis of the installation limit gauge (bqlim). The installation limit gauge shall be calculated on the basis of the gauge PTb+ defined in Annex D, Section D 4.3 of EN 15273-3:2013.(2)For a three-rail track, the installation limit gauge shall be the outside envelope resultant from the overlaying of the installation gauge centred on the track gauge 1668 mm, and the installation gauge set in centred on the track gauge 1435 mm. of structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, assessment of structure gauge as a design review shall be done against characteristic cross sections using the results of calculations made by the Infrastructure Manager or the contracting entity on the basis of chapters 5, 7, 10 and section D.4.3 of EN 15273-3:2013. of maximum pressure variations in tunnels ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the reference cross section area (constant along a train) to be considered is to be, independently to each motor or trailer vehicle:(a)12 m2 for vehicles designed for PTc reference kinematic profile,(b)11 m2 for vehicles designed for PTb and PTb+ reference kinematic profile.The vehicle gauge to be considered shall be set on the basis of the gauge selected according to point
7.7.14.Particular features on the Ireland network7.7.14.1.Structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1600 mm, it shall be allowed to apply the uniform structure gauge IRL2 as set out in Appendix O to this TSI. between track centres ( casesInstead of point, for the 1600 mm track gauge, the distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according to point The nominal horizontal distance between track centres shall be specified for the design and shall not be less than 3,47 m for gauge IRL2; it considers margins for aerodynamic effects. of structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the 1600 mm track gauge, assessment of structure gauge as a design review is to be made against characteristic cross sections using the structure gauge "IRL2" as defined in Appendix O to this TSI.7.7.15.Particular features on the Spanish network7.7.15.1.Structure gauge ( cases(1)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the upper part of the structure gauge for new lines shall be set on the basis of the gauges set out in Table 29 and Table 30 which are defined in Annex D, Section D.4.11 of EN 15273-3:2013.
Table 29Gauges for passenger traffic on the Spanish network
Traffic codeGauge of upper parts
Table 30Gauges for freight traffic on the Spanish network
Traffic codeGauge of upper parts
For renewed or upgraded lines the upper part of the structure gauge shall be set on the basis of the gauge GHE16 which is defined in Annex D, Section D.4.11 of EN 15273-3:2013.
(2)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm the lower part of the structure gauge shall be GEI2 as set out in Appendix P to this TSI. Where tracks are equipped with rail brakes, structure gauge GEI1 shall be applied for the lower part of the gauge, as set out in Appendix P to this TSI.(3)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm calculations of the structure gauge shall be done using the kinematic method in accordance with the requirements of Annex D, Section D.4.11 of EN 15273-3:2013 for the upper parts and Appendix P to this TSI for the lower parts. between track centres ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of gauges of upper parts GHE16, GEB16 or GEC16, which are defined in Annex D, Section D.4.11 of EN 15273-3:2013. track twist due to rail traffic actions ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the maximum total design track twist due to rail traffic actions shall not exceed 8mm/3m. immediate action limit of track gauge as an isolated defect ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defect are set out in Table 31.
Table 31Immediate action limits of 1668 mm track gauge
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v ≤ 8016591698
80 < v ≤ 12016591691
120 < v ≤ 16016601688
160 < v ≤ 20016611686
200 < v ≤ 24016631684
240 < v ≤ 28016631682
280 < v ≤ 32016641680
320 < v ≤ 35016651679 immediate action limits for switches and crossings ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Maximum value of free wheel passage in switches: 1618 mm.This value can be increased if the Infrastructure Manager demonstrates that the actuation and locking system of the switch is able to resist the lateral impact forces of a wheelset.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings: 1626 mm.This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2.For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the Infrastructure Manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose: 1590 mm.(d)Maximum value of free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry: 1620 mm.(e)Minimum flangeway width: 38 mm.(f)Minimum flangeway depth: 40 mm.(g)Maximum height of check rail: 70 mm. height ( casesThe nominal platform height dedicated for:(a)commuter or regional traffic or(b)commuter and long-distance traffic(c)regional traffic and long-distance trafficstopping in normal service, shall be allowed to be 680 mm for radii of 300 m and more above the running surface. offset ( cases(1)Instead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the distance between the track centre and the platform edge, parallel to the running plane (bq), as defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be set on the basis of the installation limit gauge (bqlim). The installation limit gauge shall be calculated on the basis of the gauges of upper parts GHE16 or GEC16 defined in Annex D, Section D.4.11 of EN 15273-3:2013.(2)For a three-rail track, the installation limit gauge shall be the outside envelope resultant from the overlaying of the installation limit gauge centred on the track gauge 1668 mm, and the installation limit gauge set in centred on the track gauge 1435 mm. of structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, assessment of structure gauge as a design review shall be done against characteristic cross sections using the results of calculations made by the Infrastructure Manager or the contracting entity on the basis of chapters 5, 7, 10 and Annex D, Section D.4.11 of EN 15273-3:2013 for the upper parts and Appendix P to this TSI for the lower parts. of maximum pressure variations in tunnels ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1668 mm, the reference cross section area to be considered is to be, independently to each motor or trailer vehicle:(a)12 m2 for vehicles designed for GEC16 reference kinematic profile,(b)11 m2 for vehicles designed for GEB16, and GHE16 reference kinematic profile.The vehicle gauge to be considered shall be set on the basis of the gauge selected according to point
7.7.16.Particular features on the Swedish network7.7.16.1.GeneralP casesOn infrastructure with direct connection to the Finnish network and for infrastructure in harbours, the particular features of the Finnish network as specified in point 7.7.6 of this TSI may be applied on tracks, which are dedicated for 1524 mm nominal track gauge vehicles. offset ( casesAs set out in point, the distance between the track centre and the platform edge parallel to the running plane (bq), as defined in chapter 13 of EN 15273-3:2013, shall be calculated with the following values for allowed additional overthrow (Skin):(a)on the inside of the curve: Skin = 40,5/R,(b)on the outside of the curve: Skin = 31,5/R.7.7.17.Particular features on the UK network for Great Britain7.7.17.1.TSI categories of line (4.2.1)P cases(1)Where line speeds are stated in kilometres per hour [km/h] as a category or performance parameter in this TSI, it shall be allowed to translate the speed to equivalent miles per hour [mph] as in Appendix G, for the United Kingdom national network in Great Britain.(2)Instead of the column "Gauge" in Table 2 and Table 3 of point 4.2.1(7), for the gauge of all lines except new, dedicated high speed lines of traffic code P1, it shall be allowed to use national technical rules as set out in Appendix Q. gauge ( casesInstead of point, for national gauges selected according to point, the structure gauge shall be set according to Appendix Q. between track centres ( cases(1)Instead of point, the nominal distance between track centres shall be 3400 mm on straight track and curved track with a radius of 400 m or greater.(2)Where topographical constraints prevent a nominal distance of 3400 mm between track centres being achieved, it is permissible to reduce the distance between track centres provided special measures are put in place to ensure a safe passing clearance between trains.(3)Reduction in the distance between track centres shall be in accordance with the national technical rule set out in Appendix Q. conicity ( cases(1)Instead of point design values of track gauge, rail head profile and rail inclination for plain line shall be selected to ensure that the equivalent conicity limits set out in Table 32 are not exceeded
Table 32Equivalent conicity design limit values
Wheel profile
Speed range [km/h]S1002, GV1/40EPS
v ≤ 60Assessment not required
60 < v ≤ 2000,250,30
200 < v ≤ 2800,200,20
v > 2800,100,15
(2)Instead of point (4) the following wheelsets shall be modelled passing over the designed track conditions (simulated by calculation according to EN 15302:2008+A1:2010):(a)S 1002 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.(b)S 1002 as defined in Annex C of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR2.(c)GV 1/40 as defined in Annex B of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.(d)GV 1/40 as defined in Annex B of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR2.(e)EPS as defined in Annex D of EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 with SR1.For SR1 and SR2 the following values apply:(f)For the 1435 mm track gauge system SR1 = 1420 mm and SR2 = 1426 mm. unguided length of fixed obtuse crossings ( casesInstead of point, the design value of the maximum unguided length of fixed obtuse crossing shall be in accordance with the national technical rule set out in Appendix Q. immediate action limits for switches and crossings ( casesInstead of point, for the "CEN56 Vertical" design of switches and crossings, a minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings of 1388 mm is allowed (measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2). height ( casesInstead of point, for platform height, national technical rules as set out in Appendix Q shall be allowed. offset ( casesInstead of point, for platform offset, national technical rules as set out in Appendix Q shall be allowed. conicity in service ( casesInstead of point the infrastructure manager shall measure the track gauge and the railhead profiles at the site in question at a distance of approximate 10 m. The mean equivalent conicity over 100 m shall be calculated by modelling with the wheelsets (a) — (e) mentioned in paragraph of this TSI in order to check for compliance, for the purpose of the joint investigation, with the limit equivalent conicity for the track specified in Table of structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, it shall be allowed to assess structure gauge in accordance with the national technical rules as set out in Appendix Q. of distance between track centres ( casesInstead of point, it shall be allowed to assess distance between track centres in accordance with the national technical rules as set out in Appendix Q. of platform offset ( casesInstead of point, it shall be allowed to assess platform offset in accordance with the national technical rules as set out in Appendix Q.
7.7.18.Particular features on the UK network for Northern Ireland7.7.18.1.Structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the nominal track gauge of 1600 mm, it shall be allowed to apply the uniform structure gauge IRL3 as set out in Appendix O to this TSI. between track centres ( casesInstead of point, for the 1600 mm track gauge, the distance between track centres shall be set on the basis of the gauges selected according to point The nominal horizontal distance between track centres shall be specified for the design and shall consider margins for aerodynamic effects. The minimum allowed value for the uniform structure gauge IRL3 is an open point. of structure gauge ( casesInstead of point, for the 1600 mm track gauge, assessment of structure gauge as a design review is to be made against characteristic cross sections using the structure gauge "IRL3" as defined in Appendix O to this TSI.7.7.19.Particular features on the Slovak network7.7.19.1.TSI categories of line (4.2.1)P casesFor the Traffic Code F1520 as defined in Table 3 of point 4.2.1(7), for the 1520 mm track gauge system, it shall be allowed to use axle load 24,5 t and train length in the range from 650 m up to 1050 m. radius of horizontal curve ( cases(1)Instead of point, reverse curves (other than reverse curves in marshalling yards where wagons are shunted individually) with radii in the range from 150 m up to 300 m for new lines shall be designed in accordance with Table 33 and Table 34 to prevent buffer locking.(2)Instead of paragraph, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, for main tracks, reverse curves with radii in the range from 150 m up to 250 m shall be designed with a section of straight track of at least 15 m between the curves.(3)Instead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, for tracks other than main tracks, reverse curves with radii in the range from 150 m up to 250 m shall be designed in accordance with Table 33 and Table 34.
Table 33Limits for length of a straight intermediate element between two long circular curves in the opposite directions (m)
Table 34Limits for length of a straight intermediate element between two long circular curves in the opposite directions (m); for passenger trains with speeds up to 40 km/h for other tracks than main tracks
6004,04,04,04,04,04,04,04,04,0 radius of vertical curve ( cases(1)Instead of point, only for side track with maximum speed up to 10 km/h, the radius of vertical curves (except for humps in marshalling yards) shall be at least 500 m in both in a crest and in a hollow.(2)Instead of point, for 1520 mm track gauge system, the radius of vertical curves (except the marshalling yards) shall be at least 2000 m both on a crest and in a hollow, in cramped conditions (e.g. insufficient space) at least 1000 m both on a crest and in hollow.(3)For side track with maximum speed up to 10 km/h, it shall be allowed to use the radius of vertical curves at least 500 m both on a crest and in a hollow.(4)Instead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system for humps in marshalling yards the radius of vertical curves shall be at least 300 m on a crest and 250 m in a hollow. deficiency ( casesInstead of point, for all types of rolling stock of the 1520 mm track gauge system the cant deficiency shall not exceed 137 mm. For passenger traffic, this limit is valid for speeds up to 230 km/h. For mixed traffic, this limit is valid for speed up to 160 km/h. immediate action limit for track twist ( casesInstead of point and, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, points from to shall be applied. immediate action limit of track gauge as an isolated defect ( casesInstead of point, for 1520 mm track gauge system, the immediate action limits of track gauge as an isolated defects are set out in Table 35.
Table 35Immediate action limits of track gauge for 1520 mm track gauge system in Slovak republic
Speed [km/h]Dimensions [mm]
Minimum track gaugeMaximum track gauge
v ≤ 8015111555
80 < v ≤ 12015121550
120 < v ≤ 16015131545
160 < v ≤ 23015141540 immediate action limit for cant ( casesInstead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, the maximum cant allowed in service is 170 mm. immediate action limits for switches and crossings ( casesInstead of point, for the 1520 mm track gauge system, the technical characteristics of switches and crossings shall comply with the following in-service values:(a)Minimum value of bypass at the narrowest location between open switch rail and stock rail is 60 mm.(b)Minimum value of fixed nose protection for common crossings is 1472 mm. This value is measured 14 mm below the running surface, and on the theoretical reference line, at an appropriate distance back from the actual point (RP) of the nose as indicated in Figure 2. For crossings with point retraction, this value can be reduced. In this case the Infrastructure Manager shall demonstrate that the point retraction is sufficient to guarantee that the wheel will not hit the nose at the actual point (RP).(c)Maximum value of free wheel passage at crossing nose is 1436 mm(d)Minimum flangeway width is 40 mm(e)Minimum flangeway depth is 40 mm(f)Maximum excess height of check rail is 54 mm7.7.19.9.Platform height ( casesFor renewed lines with maximum speed of no more than 120 km/h the nominal platform height shall be allowed from 200 mm to 300 mm above the running surface. conicity in service ( casesUntil introduction of equipment for measurement of elements required for calculation of equivalent conicity in service, it is allowed in Slovak republic not to assess this parameter. sleepers (5.3.3)P casesThe requirement of point 5.3.3(2) shall be applied for speeds above 250 km/h.

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