Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2014 establishing uniform rules and a uniform procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Resolution Fund and amending Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010
- In force
- CELEX number: 32014R0806
- Official Journal: JOL_2014_225_R_0001
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: 2013/0253(COD), 2013/0253/COD
- Languages:
- bg
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- en
- et
- fi
- fr
- ga
- hr
- hu
- it
- lv
- lt
- mt
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- sk
- sl
- es
- sv
Date of document: - July 15, 2014
- July 30, 2014
- August 19, 2014
- Entry into force - Date pub. +20 See Art 99.1
- Application - Partial application See Art 99.4
- November 1, 2014
- Application - Partial application See Art 99.5
- January 1, 2015
- Application - Partial application See Art 99.3
- January 1, 2016
- Application - Partial application See Art 99.2
- December 31, 2018
- Review
Modified by
Modified by:
- Directive (EU) 2024/1174 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 amending Directive 2014/59/EU and Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 as regards certain aspects of the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- Regulation (EU) 2021/23 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 on a framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties and amending Regulations (EU) No 1095/2010, (EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 600/2014, (EU) No 806/2014 and (EU) 2015/2365 and Directives 2002/47/EC, 2004/25/EC, 2007/36/EC, 2014/59/EU and (EU) 2017/1132 (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- Regulation (EU) 2019/877 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 as regards the loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms (Text with EEA relevance.) - detail
- Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on the prudential requirements of investment firms and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) No 575/2013, (EU) No 600/2014 and (EU) No 806/2014 (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
Amendment proposed by:
- Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 806/2014 in order to establish a European Deposit Insurance Scheme
- Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 as regards early intervention measures, conditions for resolution and funding of resolution action
All documents based on this document:
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1310/2014 of 8 October 2014 on the provisional system of instalments on contributions to cover the administrative expenditures of the Single Resolution Board during the provisional period Text with EEA relevance
- Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/81 of 19 December 2014 specifying uniform conditions of application of Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ex ante contributions to the Single Resolution Fund
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/451 of 16 December 2015 laying down general principles and criteria for the investment strategy and rules for the administration of the Single Resolution Fund
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/747 of 17 December 2015 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to the criteria relating to the calculation of ex ante contributions, and on the circumstances and conditions under which the payment of extraordinary ex post contributions may be partially or entirely deferred (Text with EEA relevance. )
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2361 of 14 September 2017 on the final system of contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Single Resolution Board
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/517 of 11 February 2021 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2361 as regards the arrangements for the payment of contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Single Resolution Board
Affected by case
- Case C-414/18: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per il Lazio (Italy) lodged on 22 June 2018 — Iccrea Banca SpA Istituto Centrale del Credito Cooperativo v Banca d’Italia
- Case T-384/21: Action brought on 7 July 2021 — Confédération nationale du Crédit Mutuel and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-444/20: Action brought on 8 July 2020 — Société générale and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-391/22: Action brought on 4 July 2022 — Société générale and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- Case T-385/21: Action brought on 7 July 2021 — BPCE and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
- Case T-445/20: Action brought on 8 July 2020 — Crédit agricole and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-392/22: Action brought on 4 July 2022 — Confédération nationale du Crédit mutuel and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- Case T-701/17: Action brought on 5 October 2017 — OCU v SRB
- article 18
- article 29
- Case T-700/17: Action brought on 5 October 2017 — Traviacar and Others v SRB
- article 18
- article 29
- Case T-631/17: Action brought on 19 September 2017 — Hola v Commission and SRB
- article 18
- article 20
- article 24
- article 15
- article 21
- article 22
- Case T-525/17: Action brought on 7 August 2017 — Taberna Ángel Sierra and Others v SRB
- article 18
- article 29
- Case T-446/20: Action brought on 8 July 2020 — Confédération nationale du Crédit mutuel and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- Case T-447/20: Action brought on 8 July 2020 — BNP Paribas v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 69 paragraph 1
- Case T-448/20: Action brought on 8 July 2020 — BPCE and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 1
- Case T-458/23: Action brought on 31 July 2023 — BPCE and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- Case T-510/17: Action brought on 4 August 2017 — Del Valle Ruiz and Others v Commission and SRB
- article 18
- article 22
- Case T-628/17: Action brought on 18 September 2017 — Aeris Invest v Commission and SRB
- article 22
- article 18
- article 21
- article 24
- article 15
- article 20
- Case T-638/17: Action brought on 21 September 2017 — Helibética v Commission and SRB
- article 22
- article 15
- article 20
- article 21
- article 24
- article 18
- Case T-630/17: Action brought on 19 September 2017 — Top Cable v Commission and SRB
- article 22
- article 15
- article 18
- article 21
- article 24
- article 20
- Case T-687/17: Action brought on 5 October 2017 — Vendrell Marti v SRB
- article 29
- article 18
- Case T-520/17: Action brought on 6 August 2017 — Gestvalor 2040 and Others v SRB
- article 18
- article 29
- Case T-449/20: Action brought on 8 July 2020 — Banque postale v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- Case T-456/23: Action brought on 31 July 2023 — Crédit Agricole and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-637/17: Action brought on 20 September 2017 — Policlínico Centro Médico de Seguros and Medicina Asturiana v Commission and SRB
- article 21
- article 22
- article 15
- article 24
- article 20
- article 18
- Case T-489/19: Action brought on 4 July 2019 — BPCE and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
- Case T-469/23: Action brought on 1 August 2023 — BNP Paribas v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- Case T-552/17: Action brought on 16 August 2017 — Maña and Others v SRB
- article 29
- article 18
- Case T-466/23: Action brought on 31 July 2023 — Confédération nationale du Crédit mutuel and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-512/17: Action brought on 7 August 2017 — OCU and Others v SRB
- article 19
- article 18
- Case T-526/17: Action brought on 7 August 2017 — Ruiz Jayo and Others v SRB
- article 24
- article 23
- article 18
- article 21
- article 22 paragraph 2 point (a)
- Case T-643/17: Action brought on 21 September 2017 — Euroways v Commission and SRB
- article 20
- article 18
- article 22
- article 21
- article 24
- article 15
- Case T-459/23: Action brought on 31 July 2023 — Société générale and SG Option Europe v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
- Case T-660/17: Action brought on 28 September 2017 — Miralla Inversiones v Commission and SRB
- article 24
- article 22
- article 18
- article 15
- article 21
- article 20
- Case T-383/21: Action brought on 7 July 2021 — Banque postale v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- Case T-460/23: Action brought on 31 July 2023 — Banque postale v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- Case T-488/19: Action brought on 4 July 2019 — Crédit agricole and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-705/17: Action brought on 5 October 2017 — Temes Rial and Others v SRB
- article 29
- article 18
- Case T-466/19: Action brought on 4 July 2019 — Société générale and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-467/19: Action brought on 4 July 2019 — BNP Paribas and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- Case T-420/22: Action brought on 7 July 2022 — BNP Paribas v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- Case T-468/19: Action brought on 4 July 2019 — Confédération nationale du Crédit mutuel and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- Case T-388/21: Action brought on 7 July 2021 — Crédit agricole and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-410/22: Action brought on 4 July 2022 — Crédit agricole and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- Case T-693/17: Action brought on 5 October 2017 — García Gómez and Others v SRB
- article 18
- article 22 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 21
- article 23
- article 24
- Case T-397/21: Action brought on 7 July 2021 — BNP Paribas v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- Case T-640/17: Action brought on 20 September 2017 — Escriba Serra and Others v Commission and SRB
- article 22
- article 20
- article 15
- article 24
- article 18
- article 21
- Case T-393/22: Action brought on 4 July 2022 — BPCE and Others v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-387/21: Action brought on 7 July 2021 — Société générale and Others v SRB
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 70 paragraph 1
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 69 paragraph 2
- Case T-394/22: Action brought on 4 July 2022 — Banque postale v SRB
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (a)
- article 70 paragraph 2 point (b)
- article 69 paragraph 1
- article 69 paragraph 2
- article 70 paragraph 1
Legal basis
- Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union PART SIX - INSTITUTIONAL AND FINANCIAL PROVISIONS TITLE I - INSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS Chapter 2 - Legal acts of the Union, adoption procedures and other provisions Section 2 - Procedures for the adoption of acts and other provisions Article 294 (ex Article 251 TEC)
- Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union PART THREE - UNION POLICIES AND INTERNAL ACTIONS TITLE VII - COMMON RULES ON COMPETITION, TAXATION AND APPROXIMATION OF LAWS Chapter 3 - Approximation of laws Article 114 (ex Article 95 TEC)
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Financial solvency
- Investment company
- Economic and Monetary Union
- Euro area
- Company in difficulties
- Banks
- Economic and monetary union
- Economic and Monetary Union
- Credit institution
- Financial control
- Aid to undertakings