Regulation (EU) No 255/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 amending Council Regulations (EC) No 2008/97, (EC) No 779/98 and (EC) No 1506/98 in the field of imports of olive oil and other agricultural products from Turkey, as regards the delegated and implementing powers to be conferred on the Commission
Amendments and corrections
June 8, 2015 Modified by 32015R0756 - detail
June 8, 2015 Modified by 32015R0753 - detail
June 8, 2015 Partial end of validity Art. 3 Implicitly repealed by 32015R0756
Partial end of validity Art. 2 Implicitly repealed by 32015R0753
April 9, 2014 Entry into force - Date pub. +20 See Art 4
Consolidated texts
June 8, 2015 Modified by
March 20, 2014 Date of publication 32014R0255