Regulation (EU) No 38/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2014 amending certain regulations relating to the common commercial policy as regards the granting of delegated and implementing powers for the adoption of certain measures
Modified by
- Regulation (EU) 2015/936 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 9 June 2015on common rules for imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements, protocols or other arrangements, or by other specific Union import rules(recast), 32015R0936, June 25, 2015
- Regulation (EU) 2016/793 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 May 2016to avoid trade diversion into the European Union of certain key medicines(codification), 32016R0793, May 24, 2016
Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 ,Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 of 12 October 1993 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries (OJ L 275, 8.11.1993, p. 1 ).Council Regulation (EC) No 517/94 ,Council Regulation (EC) No 517/94 of 7 March 1994 on common rules for imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements, protocols or other arrangements, or by other specific Community import rules (OJ L 67, 10.3.1994, p. 1 ).Council Regulation (EC) No 953/2003 ,Council Regulation (EC) No 953/2003 of 26 May 2003 to avoid trade diversion into the European Union of certain key medicines (OJ L 135, 3.6.2003, p. 5 ).Council Regulation (EC) No 673/2005 ,Council Regulation (EC) No 673/2005 of 25 April 2005 establishing additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the United States of America (OJ L 110, 30.4.2005, p. 1 ).Council Regulation (EC) No 1528/2007 ,Council Regulation (EC) No 1528/2007 of 20 December 2007 applying the arrangements for products originating in certain states which are part of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States provided for in agreements establishing, or leading to the establishment of, Economic Partnership Agreements (OJ L 348, 31.12.2007, p. 1 ).Council Regulation (EC) No 55/2008 ,Council Regulation (EC) No 55/2008 of 21 January 2008 introducing autonomous trade preferences for the Republic of Moldova and amending Regulation (EC) No 980/2005 and Commission Decision 2005/924/EC (OJ L 20, 24.1.2008, p. 1 ).Council Regulation (EC) No 1340/2008 .Council Regulation (EC) No 1340/2008 of 8 December 2008 on trade in certain steel products between the European Community and the Republic of Kazakhstan (OJ L 348, 24.12.2008, p. 1 ).
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