Commission Regulation (EU) No 88/2011 of 2 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning, as regards statistics on education and training systems Text with EEA relevance
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Commission Regulation (EU) No 519/2013of 21 February 2013adapting certain regulations and decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement for persons, right of establishment and freedom to provide services, company law, competition policy, agriculture, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, fisheries, transport policy, energy, taxation, statistics, social policy and employment, environment, customs union, external relations, and foreign, security and defence policy, by reason of the accession of Croatia, 32013R0519, June 10, 2013
Commission Regulation (EU) No 912/2013of 23 September 2013implementing Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning, as regards statistics on education and training systems(Text with EEA relevance), 32013R0912, September 24, 2013
Commission Regulation (EU) No 88/2011of 2 February 2011implementing Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning, as regards statistics on education and training systems(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learningOJ L 145, 4.6.2008, p. 227., and in particular Article 6 (1) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 establishes a common framework for the systematic production of European statistics in the field of education and lifelong learning in three specified domains to be implemented by statistical actions.(2)It is necessary to adopt measures to implement individual statistical actions for production of statistics on education and training systems as covered by Domain 1 in Regulation (EC) No 452/2008.(3)When producing and disseminating of European statistics on education and training systems, the national and European statistical authorities should take account of the principles set out in the European Statistics Code of Practice endorsed by the Commission Recommendation of 25 May 2005 on the independence, integrity and accountability of the national and Community statistical authoritiesCOM(2005) 217 final..(4)Implementing measures for production of statistics on education and training systems should take account of the potential burden on educational institutions and individuals and of the latest agreement between the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Commission (Eurostat) on concepts, definitions, data processing, periodicity and deadlines for transmission of results. This includes the data transmission format on education systems as specified in the latest version of the detailed guidelines for the UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat data collection.(5)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the European Statistical System Committee,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: