(a) the structure and content of the electronic messages exchanged through the computerised system referred to in Article 21(2) of Directive 2008/118/EC for the purposes of Articles 21 to 25 of that Directive; (b) the rules and procedures to be followed on the exchange of the messages referred to in point (a); (c) the structure of the paper documents referred to in Articles 26 and 27 of Directive 2008/118/EC.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 684/2009 of 24 July 2009 implementing Council Directive 2008/118/EC as regards the computerised procedures for the movement of excise goods under suspension of excise duty
Modified by
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1221/2012of 12 December 2012amending Regulation (EC) No 684/2009 as regards the data to be submitted under the computerised procedure for the movement of excise goods under suspension of excise duty, 32012R1221, December 19, 2012
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 519/2013of 21 February 2013adapting certain regulations and decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement for persons, right of establishment and freedom to provide services, company law, competition policy, agriculture, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, fisheries, transport policy, energy, taxation, statistics, social policy and employment, environment, customs union, external relations, and foreign, security and defence policy, by reason of the accession of Croatia, 32013R0519, June 10, 2013
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 76/2014of 28 January 2014amending Regulation (EC) No 684/2009 as regards the data to be submitted under the computerised procedure for the movement of excise goods under suspension of excise duty, 32014R0076, January 29, 2014
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/379of 11 March 2016amending Regulation (EC) No 684/2009 as regards the data to be submitted under the computerised procedure for the movement of excise goods under suspension of excise duty, 32016R0379, March 17, 2016
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/503of 7 March 2018amending Regulation (EC) No 684/2009 implementing Council Directive 2008/118/EC as regards the computerised procedures for the movement of excise goods under suspension of excise duty, 32018R0503, March 28, 2018
(a) add the date and time of validation and a sequence number to the change of destination message and inform the consignor thereof; (b) update the original electronic administrative document according to the information in the change of destination message.
(a) generate a new electronic administrative document for each destination, which shall replace the original electronic administrative document; (b) generate for the original electronic administrative document a "notification of splitting", which shall comply with the requirements set out in Table 4 of Annex I to this Regulation; (c) send the notification of splitting to the consignor and to the competent authorities of the Member State of destination mentioned in the original electronic administrative document.
(a) column A provides the numeric code (number) attributed to each data group and data subgroup; each subgroup follows the sequence number of the data (sub)group of which it forms part (for example: where the data group number is 1, one data subgroup of this group is 1.1 and one data subgroup of this subgroup is 1.1.1); (b) column B provides the alphabetic code (letter) attributed to each data element in a data (sub)group; (c) column C identifies the data (sub)group or data element; (d) column D provides each data (sub)group or data element with a value indicating whether the insertion of the corresponding data is: "R" (Required), meaning that the data must be provided. When a data (sub)group is "O" (Optional) or "C" (Conditional), data elements within that group can still be "R" (Required) when the competent authorities of the Member State have decided that the data in this (sub)group must be completed or when the condition applies, "O" (Optional), meaning that the insertion of the data is optional for the person submitting the message (the consignor or consignee) except where a Member State has stipulated that the data are required in accordance with the option provided for in column E for some of the optional data (sub)groups or data elements, "C" (Conditional), meaning that the use of the data (sub)group or data element depends on other data (sub)groups or data elements in the same message, "D" (Dependent), meaning that the use of the data (sub)group or data element depends on a condition which cannot be checked by the computerised system, as provided for in columns E and F.
(e) column E provides the condition(s) for data whose insertion is conditional, specifies the use of the optional and dependent data where applicable and indicates which data must be provided by the competent authorities; (f) column F provides explanations, where necessary, concerning the completion of the message; (g) column G provides: for some data (sub)groups a number followed by the character "x" indicating how many times the data (sub)group can be repeated in the message (default = 1), and for each data element, except for data elements indicating the time and/or the date, the characteristics identifying the data type and the data length. The codes for the data types are as follows: a alphabetic n numeric an alphanumeric
The number following the code provides the admissible data length for the data element concerned. The optional two dots before the length indicator mean that the data have no fixed length, but can have up to a number of digits, as specified by the length indicator. A comma in the data length means that the data can hold decimals, the digit before the comma provides the total length of the attribute, the digit after the comma provides the maximum number of digits after the decimal point. for data elements indicating the time and/or date, the mention "date", "time" or "dateTime", meaning that the date, the time or the date and time must be given using the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and time.
e-AD: electronic administrative document, ARC: administrative reference code, SEED: System for Exchange of Excise Data (the electronic database referred to in Article 22(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2073/2004 ,OJ L 359, 4.12.2004, p. 1 .CN Code: Combined Nomenclature Code.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Message Type | R | n1 | ||||
Deferred Submission Flag | D | "R" for submission of an e-AD for a movement that has begun under cover of the paper document referred to in Article 8(1) | n1 | |||
R | ||||||
Destination Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
Journey Time | R | Provide the normal period of time necessary for the journey taking into account the means of transport and the distance involved, expressed in hours (H) or days (D) followed by a two-digit number (examples: H12, or D04). Indication for "H" should be less or equal to 24. Indication for "D" should be less or equal to the possible values of Maximum Journey Time per Transport Mode Code presented in Code list 13 of Annex II. | an3 | |||
Transport Arrangement | R | n1 | ||||
ARC | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD | See Code list 2 of Annex II. | an21 | ||
Date and Time of Validation of e-AD | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
Sequence Number | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD and for each change of destination | Set to 1 at initial validation and then incremented by 1 in each e-AD generated by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon each change of destination. | n..2 | ||
Date and Time of Validation of Update | C | The date and time of validation of the change of destination message in Table 3, to be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch in case of change of destination | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
Trader Excise Number | R | Provide a valid SEED registration number of the authorised warehousekeeper or registered consignor. | an13 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
C | "R" if Origin Type Code in box 9d is "1" | |||||
Tax Warehouse Reference | R | Provide a valid SEED registration number of the tax warehouse of dispatch. | an13 | |||
Trader Name | O | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | O | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | O | an..10 | ||||
City | O | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | "R" if Origin Type Code in box 9d is "2" | |||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the customs office responsible for release for free circulation. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
C | ||||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
EORI Number | C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC. | an..17 | ||
C | ||||||
Member State Code | R | Provide the Member State of destination using the Member State Code in Code list 3 of Annex II. | a2 | |||
Serial Number of Certificate of Exemption | D | "R" if a serial number is mentioned on the excise duty exemption certificate established in Commission Regulation (EC) No 31/96 | an..255 | |||
C |
| ||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the office of export at which the export declaration will be lodged. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
R | ||||||
Local Reference Number | R | A unique serial number assigned to the e-AD by the consignor which identifies the consignment in the records of the consignor. | an..22 | |||
Invoice Number | R | Provide the number of the invoice relating to the goods. If the invoice has not yet been prepared, the number of the delivery note or any other transport document should be given. | an..35 | |||
Invoice Date | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | The date of the document shown in box 9b | Date | ||
Origin Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
Date of Dispatch | R | The date at which the movement begins in accordance with Article 20(1) of Directive 2008/118/EC. This date cannot be later than 7 days after the date of submission of the draft e-AD. The date of dispatch can be a date in the past in the case referred to of Article 26 of Directive 2008/118/EC. | Date | |||
Time of Dispatch | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | The time at which the movement begins in accordance with Article 20(1) of Directive 2008/118/EC. The addressed time is local time. | Time | ||
Upstream ARC | D | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of new e-ADs following the validation of the message "Splitting operation" (Table 5) | The ARC to be provided is the ARC of the replaced e-AD. | an21 | ||
C | "R" if Origin Type Code in box 9d is "2" (import) | |||||
Import SAD Number | R | The SAD Number shall be provided either by the consignor at the time of submission of the draft e-AD or by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD | Provide the number(s) of the single administrative document(s) used for the release for free circulation of the goods concerned. | an..21 | ||
R | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the office of the competent authorities in the Member State of dispatch responsible for excise control at the place of dispatch. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
R | ||||||
Guarantor Type Code | R | Identify the person(s) responsible for providing the guarantee using guarantor type code in Code list 6 of Annex II. | n..4 | |||
C | Identify the transporter and/or the owner of the goods if they provide the guarantee. | |||||
Trader Excise Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | Provide a valid SEED registration number or VAT identification number of the transporter or owner of the excise goods. | an13 | ||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | C | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | C | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Transport Mode Code | R | n..2 | ||||
Complementary Information | C | Provide a textual description of the mode of transport. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code, see Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | "R" to identify the person responsible for arranging the first transport if value in box 1c is "3" or "4" | |||||
VAT Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | an..14 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | Identify the person carrying out the first transport. | ||||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide language code, see Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
R | ||||||
Transport Unit Code | R | n..2 | ||||
Identity of Transport Units | C | Enter the registration number of the transport unit(s) when the Transport Unit Code is other than 5. | an..35 | |||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the transport unit. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Complementary Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the transport, e.g. identity of any subsequent transporter, information concerning subsequent transport units. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | A separate data group must be used for each product composing the consignment. | |||||
Body Record Unique Reference | R | Provide a unique sequential number, starting with 1. | n..3 | |||
Excise Product Code | R | an4 | ||||
CN Code | R | n8 | ||||
Quantity | R | n..15,3 | ||||
Gross Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Net Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Alcoholic strength by Volume in Percentage | C | "R" if applicable for the excise good in question | n..5,2 | |||
Degree Plato | D | "R" if the Member State of dispatch and/or the Member State of destination tax beer on the basis of degree Plato | n..5,2 | |||
Fiscal Mark | O | Provide any additional information concerning the fiscal marks required by the Member State of destination. | an..350 | |||
Fiscal Mark_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Fiscal Mark Used flag | D | "R" if fiscal marks are used | Provide "1" if the goods carry or contain fiscal marks or "0" if the goods do not carry or contain fiscal marks. | n1 | ||
Designation of Origin | O |
| an..350 | |||
Designation of Origin_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Size of Producer | O | n..15 | ||||
Density | C | "R" if applicable for the excise good in question | n..5,2 | |||
Commercial Description | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data required | an..350 | |||
Commercial Description_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Brand Name of Products | D | "R" if the excise goods have a brand name. The Member State of dispatch may decide that the brand name of the products transported must not be provided if it is given in the invoice or other commercial document referred to in box 9b | Provide the brand name of the goods, if applicable. | an..350 | ||
Brand Name of Products_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Kind of Packages Code | R | Provide the kind of package using one of the codes in Code list 9 of Annex II. | an2 | |||
Number of Packages | C | "R" if marked "Countable" | Provide the number of packages if the packages are countable in accordance with Code list 9 of Annex II. | n..15 | ||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the packages. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
D | "R" for wine products included in Part XII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 | |||||
Category of Wine Product | R | n1 | ||||
Wine-Growing Zone Code | D | "R" for wine products in bulk (nominal volume of more than 60 litres) | Provide the wine-growing zone in which the product transported originates in accordance with Appendix 1 of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013. | n..2 | ||
Third Country of Origin | C | "R" if Category of Wine Product in box 17.2a is "4" (imported wine) | Provide a "Country Code" listed in Code list 4 of Annex II, but not listed in Code list 3 of Annex II and except "Country Code" "GR". | a2 | ||
Other Information | O | an..350 | ||||
Other Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
D | "R" for wine products in bulk (nominal volume of more than 60 litres) | |||||
Wine Operation Code | R | Provide one or several "Wine operation Code(s)" in accordance with the list in point 1.4(b) of part B of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 436/2009.) | n..2 | |||
O | ||||||
Short Description of Document | C | "R", unless data field 18c is used | Provide a description of any certificate that relates to the transported goods, for instance certificates related to the Designation of Origin referred to in box 17l. | an..350 | ||
Short Description of Document_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Reference of Document | C | "R", unless data field 18a is used | Provide a reference to any certificate that relates to the transported goods. | an..350 | ||
Reference of Document_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Date and Time of Validation of Cancellation | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft cancellation message | The addressed time is local time | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
ARC | R | Provide the ARC of the e-AD for which cancellation is requested | an21 | |||
R | ||||||
Cancellation Reason | R | Provide the reason for cancelling the e-AD, using the codes in Annex II, Code list 10 | n1 | |||
Complementary Information | C |
| Provide any additional information concerning the cancellation of the e-AD | an..350 | ||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Annex II, Code list 1 to define the language used in this data group | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Date and Time of Validation of Change of Destination | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft change of destination message | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
Sequence Number | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft change of destination message | Set to 1 at initial validation of the e-AD and then incremented by 1 upon each change of destination. | n..2 | ||
ARC | R | Provide the ARC of the e-AD of which the destination is changed. | an21 | |||
Journey time | D | "R" when the journey time changes following the change of destination | Provide the normal period of time necessary for the journey taking into account the means of transport and the distance involved, expressed in hours (H) or days (D) followed by a two-digit number (examples: H12, or D04). Indication for "H" should be less or equal to 24. Indication for "D" should be less or equal to the possible values of Maximum Journey Time per Transport Mode Code presented in Code list 13 of Annex II. | an3 | ||
Changed Transport Arrangement | D | "R" when the person responsible for arranging the transport changes following the change of destination | n1 | |||
Invoice Number | D | "R" when the invoice changes following the change of destination | Provide the number of the invoice relating to the goods. If the invoice has not yet been prepared, the number of the delivery note or any other transport document should be given. | an..35 | ||
Invoice Date | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" when the Invoice Number changes following the change of destination | The date of the document shown in box 2e. | date | ||
Transport Mode Code | C | n..2 | ||||
Complementary Information | C | "R" if Transport Mode Code is given and is "Other" | Provide a textual description of the mode of transport. | an..350 | ||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Destination Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
D | "R" when the consignee changes following the change of destination | |||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC | an..17 | |||
C |
| ||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | an8 | ||||
O | ||||||
Guarantor Type Code | R | n..4 | ||||
C | Identify the transporter and/or the owner of the goods if they provide the guarantee. | 2X | ||||
Trader Excise Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | Provide a valid SEED registration number or VAT identification number of the transporter or owner of the excise goods. | an13 | ||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | C | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | C | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | "R" to identify the person responsible for arranging the transport if the value in box 2d is "3" or "4" | |||||
VAT Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | an..14 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" when the transporter changes following the change of destination | Identify the new person carrying out the transport. | ||||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
D | "R" when the transport details have changed following the change of destination | 99x | ||||
Transport Unit Code | R | Provide Transport Unit Code(s) related to the transport mode indicated in box 2g, see Code list 8 of Annex II. | n..2 | |||
Identity of Transport Units | C | Enter the registration number of the transport unit(s) when the Transport Unit Code is other than 5. | an..35 | |||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the transport unit. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code, see Code list 1 of Annex II. | a2 | ||
Complementary Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the transport, e.g. identity of any subsequent transporter, information concerning subsequent transport units. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Notification Type | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | n1 | |||
Notification Date and Time | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | The addressed time is local time | dateTime | ||
ARC | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | Provide the ARC of the e-AD for which the notification is provided | an21 | ||
Sequence Number | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | n..2 | |||
C | ||||||
ARC | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch | an21 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Upstream ARC | R | an21 | ||||
R | ||||||
Member State Code | R | Provide the Member State in the territory of which is carried out the splitting of the movement using the Member State code in Code list 3 of Annex II. | a2 | |||
R | Splitting is achieved by fully replacing the concerned e-AD by two or several new ones. | 9x | ||||
Local Reference Number | R | A unique serial number assigned to the e-AD by the consignor which identifies the consignment in the records of the consignor. | an..22 | |||
Journey Time | D | "R" when the journey time changes following the splitting operation | Provide the normal period of time necessary for the journey taking into account the means of transport and the distance involved, expressed in hours (H) or days (D) followed by a two-digit number (examples: H12, or D04). Indication for "H" should be less or equal to 24. Indication for "D" should be less or equal to the possible values of Maximum Journey Time per Transport Mode Code presented in Code list 13 of Annex II. | an3 | ||
Changed Transport Arrangement | D | "R" when the person responsible for arranging the transport changes following the splitting operation | n1 | |||
R | ||||||
Destination Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
C | ||||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
EORI Number | C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC | an..17 | ||
C |
| |||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | an8 | ||||
C | "R" to identify the person responsible for arranging the transport if the value in box 3 | |||||
VAT Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | an..14 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" when the transporter changes following the splitting operation | Identify the person carrying out the new transport. | ||||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
D | "R" when the transport details have changed following the splitting operation | |||||
Transport Unit Code | R | Provide the Transport Unit Code(s). See Code list 8 of Annex II . | n..2 | |||
Identity of Transport Units | C | Enter the registration number of the transport unit(s) when the Transport Unit Code is other than 5. | an..35 | |||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the transport unit. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Complementary Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the transport, e.g. identity of any subsequent transporter, information concerning subsequent transport units. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | A separate data group must be used for each product composing the consignment. | |||||
Body Record Unique Reference | R | n..3 | ||||
Excise Product Code | R | Provide the applicable excise product code, see Code list 11 of Annex II. | an..4 | |||
CN Code | R | n8 | ||||
Quantity | R | n..15,3 | ||||
Gross Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Net Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Fiscal Mark | O | Provide any additional information concerning the fiscal marks required by the Member State of destination. | an..350 | |||
Fiscal Mark_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 in Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Fiscal Mark Used flag | D | "R" if fiscal marks are used | Provide "1" if the goods contain or carry fiscal marks or "0" if the goods do not contain or carry fiscal marks. | n1 | ||
Density | C | "R" if applicable for the excise good in question | n..5,2 | |||
Commercial Description | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data required | Provide the commercial description of the goods in order to identify the products transported. | an..350 | ||
Commercial Description_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Brand Name of Products | D | "R" if the excise goods have a brand name | Provide the brand name of the goods, if applicable. | an..350 | ||
Brand Name of Products_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Kind of Packages Code | R | Provide the kind of package, using one of the codes in Code list 9 of Annex II. | an2 | |||
Number of Packages | C | "R" if marked "Countable" | Provide the number of packages if the packages are countable in accordance with Code list 9 of Annex II. | n..15 | ||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the packages. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Date and Time of Validation of Report of Receipt/Export | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination/export upon validation of the Report of receipt/Report of export | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
ARC | R | Provide the ARC of the e-AD. See Code list 2 of Annex II. | an21 | |||
Sequence Number | R | n..2 | ||||
C | "R", except where Message Type data element in the corresponding electronic administrative document is set to "2 — Submission for export with local clearance" | |||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
EORI Number | C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC | an..17 | ||
C |
| Provide the actual place of delivery of the excise goods. | ||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the office of the competent authorities in the Member State of destination responsible for excise control at the place of destination. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
R | ||||||
Date of Arrival of the Excise Goods | R | The date at which the movement ends in accordance with Article 20(2) of Directive 2008/118/EC. | Date | |||
Global Conclusion of Receipt | R | n..2 | ||||
Complementary information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the receipt of the excise goods. | an..350 | |||
Complementary information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Body Record Unique Reference | R | n..3 | ||||
Indicator of Shortage or Excess | D | "R" when a shortage or excess is detected for the body record concerned | a1 | |||
Observed Shortage or Excess | C | "R" if indicator in box 7b is given | n..15,3 | |||
Excise Product Code | R | Provide the applicable excise product code, see Code list 11 of Annex II. | an4 | |||
Refused Quantity | C | n..15,3 | ||||
D | ||||||
Unsatisfactory Reason | R | n1 | ||||
Complementary Information | C |
| Provide any additional information concerning the receipt of the excise goods. | an..350 | ||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
bt — Bulgarian (Latin character) gr — Greek (Latin character)
Code | Description |
bg | Bulgarian |
bt | Bulgarian (Latin character) |
hr | Croatian |
cs | Czech |
da | Danish |
nl | Dutch |
en | English |
et | Estonian |
fi | Finnish |
fr | French |
ga | Gaelic |
gr | Greek (Latin character) |
de | German |
el | Greek |
hu | Hungarian |
it | Italian |
lv | Latvian |
lt | Lithuanian |
mt | Maltese |
pl | Polish |
pt | Portuguese |
ro | Romanian |
sk | Slovak |
sl | Slovenian (Slovene) |
es | Spanish |
sv | Swedish |
Field | Content | Field type | Examples |
1 | Year | Numeric 2 | 05 |
2 | Identifier of the MS where the e-AD was initially submitted | Alphabetic 2 | ES |
3 | Nationally assigned, unique code | Alphanumeric 16 (digits and capital letters) | 7R19YTE17UIC8J45 |
4 | Check digit | Numeric 1 | 9 |
For Greece, where EL instead of GR must be used. For the United Kingdom, where GB instead of UK must be used.
Code | Description |
1 | Consignor |
2 | Transporter |
3 | Owner of the Excise products |
4 | Consignee |
5 | No guarantee is provided according to Article 18(4)(b) of Directive 2008/118/EC |
12 | Joint guarantee of the consignor and of the transporter |
13 | Joint guarantee of the consignor and of the owner of the Excise products |
14 | Joint guarantee of the consignor and of the consignee |
23 | Joint guarantee of the transporter and of the owner of the Excise products |
24 | Joint guarantee of the transporter and of the consignee |
34 | Joint guarantee of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
123 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the transporter and of the owner of the Excise products |
124 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the transporter and of the consignee |
134 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
234 | Joint guarantee of the transporter, of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
1234 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the transporter, of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
Code | Description |
0 | Other |
1 | Sea Transport |
2 | Rail transport |
3 | Road transport |
4 | Air transport |
5 | Postal consignment |
7 | Fixed transport installations |
8 | Inland waterway transport |
Code | Description |
1 | Container |
2 | Vehicle |
3 | Trailer |
4 | Tractor |
5 | Fixed transport installation |
Code | Description |
0 | Other |
1 | Typing error |
2 | Commercial transaction interrupted |
3 | Duplicate e-AD |
4 | The movement has not begun at the date of dispatch |
EPC | CAT | UNIT | Description | A | P | D |
T200 | T | 4 | Cigarettes, as defined in Article 3 of Council Directive 2011/64/EU | N | N | N |
T300 | T | 4 | Cigars and cigarillos, as defined in Article 4 of Directive 2011/64/EU | N | N | N |
T400 | T | 1 | Fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes, as defined in Article 5(2) of Directive 2011/64/EU | N | N | N |
T500 | T | 1 | Smoking tobacco, as defined in Article 5(1) of Directive 2011/64/EU, other than fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes, as defined in Article 5(2) of that Directive, and products treated as smoking tobacco other than fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes in accordance with Article 2(2) of that Directive | N | N | N |
B000 | B | 3 | Beer, as defined in Article 2 of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | Y | N |
W200 | W | 3 | Still wine and still fermented beverages other than wine and beer, as defined in Articles 8(1) and 12(1) of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
W300 | W | 3 | Sparkling wine and sparkling fermented beverages other than wine and beer, as defined in Article 8(2) and 12(2) of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
I000 | I | 3 | Intermediate products, as defined in Article 17 of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
S200 | S | 3 | Spirituous beverages, as defined in Article 20, first, second and third indent of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
S300 | S | 3 | Ethyl alcohol, as defined in Article 20, first indent of Directive 92/83/EEC, falling within CN codes | Y | N | N |
S400 | S | 3 | Partially denatured alcohol, falling within Article 20 of Directive 92/83/EEC, being alcohol which has been denatured but which does not yet fulfil the conditions to benefit from the exemption foreseen in Article 27(1)(a) or (b) of that Directive, other than spirituous beverages (S200) | Y | N | N |
S500 | S | 3 | Products containing ethyl alcohol, as defined in Article 20, first indent of Directive 92/83/EEC, falling within CN codes other than | Y | N | N |
E200 | E | 2 | Vegetable and animal oils — Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E300 | E | 2 | Mineral oils (energy products) — Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E410 | E | 2 | Leaded petrol falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E420 | E | 2 | Unleaded petrol falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E430 | E | 2 | Gasoil, unmarked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E440 | E | 2 | Gasoil, marked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E450 | E | 2 | Kerosene, unmarked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E460 | E | 2 | Kerosene, marked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E470 | E | 1 | Heavy fuel oil falling within CN codes | N | N | N |
E480 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E490 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E500 | E | 1 | Liquefied petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons (LPG) of CN codes | N | N | N |
E600 | E | 1 | Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons falling within CN code | N | N | N |
E700 | E | 2 | Cyclic hydrocarbons falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E800 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN code | N | N | Y |
E910 | E | 2 | Fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters, containing by volume 96,5 % or more of esters (FAMAE) falling within CN code | N | N | Y |
E920 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN code | N | N | Y |
E930 | E | 2 | Additives falling within CN codes | N | N | N |
Unit of measurement code | Description |
1 | Kg |
2 | Litre (temperature of 15 °C) |
3 | Litre (temperature of 20 °C) |
4 |
Transport Mode Code | Maximum Journey Time |
0 | D45 |
1 | D45 |
2 | D35 |
3 | D35 |
4 | D20 |
5 | D30 |
7 | D15 |
8 | D35 |
(a) the structure and content of the electronic messages exchanged through the computerised system referred to in Article 21(2) of Directive 2008/118/EC for the purposes of Articles 21 to 25 of that Directive; (b) the rules and procedures to be followed on the exchange of the messages referred to in point (a); (c) the structure of the paper documents referred to in Articles 26 and 27 of Directive 2008/118/EC.
(a) add the date and time of validation and a sequence number to the change of destination message and inform the consignor thereof; (b) update the original electronic administrative document according to the information in the change of destination message.
(a) generate a new electronic administrative document for each destination, which shall replace the original electronic administrative document; (b) generate for the original electronic administrative document a "notification of splitting", which shall comply with the requirements set out in Table 4 of Annex I to this Regulation; (c) send the notification of splitting to the consignor and to the competent authorities of the Member State of destination mentioned in the original electronic administrative document.
(a) column A provides the numeric code (number) attributed to each data group and data subgroup; each subgroup follows the sequence number of the data (sub)group of which it forms part (for example: where the data group number is 1, one data subgroup of this group is 1.1 and one data subgroup of this subgroup is 1.1.1); (b) column B provides the alphabetic code (letter) attributed to each data element in a data (sub)group; (c) column C identifies the data (sub)group or data element; (d) column D provides each data (sub)group or data element with a value indicating whether the insertion of the corresponding data is: "R" (Required), meaning that the data must be provided. When a data (sub)group is "O" (Optional) or "C" (Conditional), data elements within that group can still be "R" (Required) when the competent authorities of the Member State have decided that the data in this (sub)group must be completed or when the condition applies, "O" (Optional), meaning that the insertion of the data is optional for the person submitting the message (the consignor or consignee) except where a Member State has stipulated that the data are required in accordance with the option provided for in column E for some of the optional data (sub)groups or data elements, "C" (Conditional), meaning that the use of the data (sub)group or data element depends on other data (sub)groups or data elements in the same message, "D" (Dependent), meaning that the use of the data (sub)group or data element depends on a condition which cannot be checked by the computerised system, as provided for in columns E and F.
(e) column E provides the condition(s) for data whose insertion is conditional, specifies the use of the optional and dependent data where applicable and indicates which data must be provided by the competent authorities; (f) column F provides explanations, where necessary, concerning the completion of the message; (g) column G provides: for some data (sub)groups a number followed by the character "x" indicating how many times the data (sub)group can be repeated in the message (default = 1), and for each data element, except for data elements indicating the time and/or the date, the characteristics identifying the data type and the data length. The codes for the data types are as follows: a alphabetic n numeric an alphanumeric
The number following the code provides the admissible data length for the data element concerned. The optional two dots before the length indicator mean that the data have no fixed length, but can have up to a number of digits, as specified by the length indicator. A comma in the data length means that the data can hold decimals, the digit before the comma provides the total length of the attribute, the digit after the comma provides the maximum number of digits after the decimal point. for data elements indicating the time and/or date, the mention "date", "time" or "dateTime", meaning that the date, the time or the date and time must be given using the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and time.
e-AD: electronic administrative document, ARC: administrative reference code, SEED: System for Exchange of Excise Data (the electronic database referred to in Article 22(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2073/2004 ,OJ L 359, 4.12.2004, p. 1 .CN Code: Combined Nomenclature Code.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Message Type | R | n1 | ||||
Deferred Submission Flag | D | "R" for submission of an e-AD for a movement that has begun under cover of the paper document referred to in Article 8(1) | n1 | |||
R | ||||||
Destination Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
Journey Time | R | Provide the normal period of time necessary for the journey taking into account the means of transport and the distance involved, expressed in hours (H) or days (D) followed by a two-digit number (examples: H12, or D04). Indication for "H" should be less or equal to 24. Indication for "D" should be less or equal to the possible values of Maximum Journey Time per Transport Mode Code presented in Code list 13 of Annex II. | an3 | |||
Transport Arrangement | R | n1 | ||||
ARC | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD | See Code list 2 of Annex II. | an21 | ||
Date and Time of Validation of e-AD | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
Sequence Number | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD and for each change of destination | Set to 1 at initial validation and then incremented by 1 in each e-AD generated by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon each change of destination. | n..2 | ||
Date and Time of Validation of Update | C | The date and time of validation of the change of destination message in Table 3, to be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch in case of change of destination | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
Trader Excise Number | R | Provide a valid SEED registration number of the authorised warehousekeeper or registered consignor. | an13 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
C | "R" if Origin Type Code in box 9d is "1" | |||||
Tax Warehouse Reference | R | Provide a valid SEED registration number of the tax warehouse of dispatch. | an13 | |||
Trader Name | O | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | O | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | O | an..10 | ||||
City | O | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | "R" if Origin Type Code in box 9d is "2" | |||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the customs office responsible for release for free circulation. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
C | ||||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
EORI Number | C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC. | an..17 | ||
C | ||||||
Member State Code | R | Provide the Member State of destination using the Member State Code in Code list 3 of Annex II. | a2 | |||
Serial Number of Certificate of Exemption | D | "R" if a serial number is mentioned on the excise duty exemption certificate established in Commission Regulation (EC) No 31/96 | an..255 | |||
C |
| ||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the office of export at which the export declaration will be lodged. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
R | ||||||
Local Reference Number | R | A unique serial number assigned to the e-AD by the consignor which identifies the consignment in the records of the consignor. | an..22 | |||
Invoice Number | R | Provide the number of the invoice relating to the goods. If the invoice has not yet been prepared, the number of the delivery note or any other transport document should be given. | an..35 | |||
Invoice Date | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | The date of the document shown in box 9b | Date | ||
Origin Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
Date of Dispatch | R | The date at which the movement begins in accordance with Article 20(1) of Directive 2008/118/EC. This date cannot be later than 7 days after the date of submission of the draft e-AD. The date of dispatch can be a date in the past in the case referred to of Article 26 of Directive 2008/118/EC. | Date | |||
Time of Dispatch | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | The time at which the movement begins in accordance with Article 20(1) of Directive 2008/118/EC. The addressed time is local time. | Time | ||
Upstream ARC | D | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of new e-ADs following the validation of the message "Splitting operation" (Table 5) | The ARC to be provided is the ARC of the replaced e-AD. | an21 | ||
C | "R" if Origin Type Code in box 9d is "2" (import) | |||||
Import SAD Number | R | The SAD Number shall be provided either by the consignor at the time of submission of the draft e-AD or by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft e-AD | Provide the number(s) of the single administrative document(s) used for the release for free circulation of the goods concerned. | an..21 | ||
R | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the office of the competent authorities in the Member State of dispatch responsible for excise control at the place of dispatch. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
R | ||||||
Guarantor Type Code | R | Identify the person(s) responsible for providing the guarantee using guarantor type code in Code list 6 of Annex II. | n..4 | |||
C | Identify the transporter and/or the owner of the goods if they provide the guarantee. | |||||
Trader Excise Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | Provide a valid SEED registration number or VAT identification number of the transporter or owner of the excise goods. | an13 | ||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | C | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | C | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Transport Mode Code | R | n..2 | ||||
Complementary Information | C | Provide a textual description of the mode of transport. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code, see Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | "R" to identify the person responsible for arranging the first transport if value in box 1c is "3" or "4" | |||||
VAT Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | an..14 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | Identify the person carrying out the first transport. | ||||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide language code, see Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
R | ||||||
Transport Unit Code | R | n..2 | ||||
Identity of Transport Units | C | Enter the registration number of the transport unit(s) when the Transport Unit Code is other than 5. | an..35 | |||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the transport unit. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Complementary Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the transport, e.g. identity of any subsequent transporter, information concerning subsequent transport units. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | A separate data group must be used for each product composing the consignment. | |||||
Body Record Unique Reference | R | Provide a unique sequential number, starting with 1. | n..3 | |||
Excise Product Code | R | an4 | ||||
CN Code | R | n8 | ||||
Quantity | R | n..15,3 | ||||
Gross Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Net Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Alcoholic strength by Volume in Percentage | C | "R" if applicable for the excise good in question | n..5,2 | |||
Degree Plato | D | "R" if the Member State of dispatch and/or the Member State of destination tax beer on the basis of degree Plato | n..5,2 | |||
Fiscal Mark | O | Provide any additional information concerning the fiscal marks required by the Member State of destination. | an..350 | |||
Fiscal Mark_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Fiscal Mark Used flag | D | "R" if fiscal marks are used | Provide "1" if the goods carry or contain fiscal marks or "0" if the goods do not carry or contain fiscal marks. | n1 | ||
Designation of Origin | O |
| an..350 | |||
Designation of Origin_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Size of Producer | O | n..15 | ||||
Density | C | "R" if applicable for the excise good in question | n..5,2 | |||
Commercial Description | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data required | an..350 | |||
Commercial Description_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Brand Name of Products | D | "R" if the excise goods have a brand name. The Member State of dispatch may decide that the brand name of the products transported must not be provided if it is given in the invoice or other commercial document referred to in box 9b | Provide the brand name of the goods, if applicable. | an..350 | ||
Brand Name of Products_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Kind of Packages Code | R | Provide the kind of package using one of the codes in Code list 9 of Annex II. | an2 | |||
Number of Packages | C | "R" if marked "Countable" | Provide the number of packages if the packages are countable in accordance with Code list 9 of Annex II. | n..15 | ||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the packages. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
D | "R" for wine products included in Part XII of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 | |||||
Category of Wine Product | R | n1 | ||||
Wine-Growing Zone Code | D | "R" for wine products in bulk (nominal volume of more than 60 litres) | Provide the wine-growing zone in which the product transported originates in accordance with Appendix 1 of Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013. | n..2 | ||
Third Country of Origin | C | "R" if Category of Wine Product in box 17.2a is "4" (imported wine) | Provide a "Country Code" listed in Code list 4 of Annex II, but not listed in Code list 3 of Annex II and except "Country Code" "GR". | a2 | ||
Other Information | O | an..350 | ||||
Other Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
D | "R" for wine products in bulk (nominal volume of more than 60 litres) | |||||
Wine Operation Code | R | Provide one or several "Wine operation Code(s)" in accordance with the list in point 1.4(b) of part B of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 436/2009.) | n..2 | |||
O | ||||||
Short Description of Document | C | "R", unless data field 18c is used | Provide a description of any certificate that relates to the transported goods, for instance certificates related to the Designation of Origin referred to in box 17l. | an..350 | ||
Short Description of Document_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Reference of Document | C | "R", unless data field 18a is used | Provide a reference to any certificate that relates to the transported goods. | an..350 | ||
Reference of Document_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Date and Time of Validation of Cancellation | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft cancellation message | The addressed time is local time | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
ARC | R | Provide the ARC of the e-AD for which cancellation is requested | an21 | |||
R | ||||||
Cancellation Reason | R | Provide the reason for cancelling the e-AD, using the codes in Annex II, Code list 10 | n1 | |||
Complementary Information | C |
| Provide any additional information concerning the cancellation of the e-AD | an..350 | ||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Annex II, Code list 1 to define the language used in this data group | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Date and Time of Validation of Change of Destination | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft change of destination message | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
Sequence Number | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch upon validation of the draft change of destination message | Set to 1 at initial validation of the e-AD and then incremented by 1 upon each change of destination. | n..2 | ||
ARC | R | Provide the ARC of the e-AD of which the destination is changed. | an21 | |||
Journey time | D | "R" when the journey time changes following the change of destination | Provide the normal period of time necessary for the journey taking into account the means of transport and the distance involved, expressed in hours (H) or days (D) followed by a two-digit number (examples: H12, or D04). Indication for "H" should be less or equal to 24. Indication for "D" should be less or equal to the possible values of Maximum Journey Time per Transport Mode Code presented in Code list 13 of Annex II. | an3 | ||
Changed Transport Arrangement | D | "R" when the person responsible for arranging the transport changes following the change of destination | n1 | |||
Invoice Number | D | "R" when the invoice changes following the change of destination | Provide the number of the invoice relating to the goods. If the invoice has not yet been prepared, the number of the delivery note or any other transport document should be given. | an..35 | ||
Invoice Date | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" when the Invoice Number changes following the change of destination | The date of the document shown in box 2e. | date | ||
Transport Mode Code | C | n..2 | ||||
Complementary Information | C | "R" if Transport Mode Code is given and is "Other" | Provide a textual description of the mode of transport. | an..350 | ||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Destination Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
D | "R" when the consignee changes following the change of destination | |||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC | an..17 | |||
C |
| ||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | an8 | ||||
O | ||||||
Guarantor Type Code | R | n..4 | ||||
C | Identify the transporter and/or the owner of the goods if they provide the guarantee. | 2X | ||||
Trader Excise Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | Provide a valid SEED registration number or VAT identification number of the transporter or owner of the excise goods. | an13 | ||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | C | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | C | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | "R" to identify the person responsible for arranging the transport if the value in box 2d is "3" or "4" | |||||
VAT Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | an..14 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" when the transporter changes following the change of destination | Identify the new person carrying out the transport. | ||||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
D | "R" when the transport details have changed following the change of destination | 99x | ||||
Transport Unit Code | R | Provide Transport Unit Code(s) related to the transport mode indicated in box 2g, see Code list 8 of Annex II. | n..2 | |||
Identity of Transport Units | C | Enter the registration number of the transport unit(s) when the Transport Unit Code is other than 5. | an..35 | |||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the transport unit. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide language code, see Code list 1 of Annex II. | a2 | ||
Complementary Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the transport, e.g. identity of any subsequent transporter, information concerning subsequent transport units. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Notification Type | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | n1 | |||
Notification Date and Time | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | The addressed time is local time | dateTime | ||
ARC | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | Provide the ARC of the e-AD for which the notification is provided | an21 | ||
Sequence Number | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination (in the case of Notification of Change of Destination) or of the Member State of dispatch (in the case of Notification of splitting) | n..2 | |||
C | ||||||
ARC | R | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch | an21 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Upstream ARC | R | an21 | ||||
R | ||||||
Member State Code | R | Provide the Member State in the territory of which is carried out the splitting of the movement using the Member State code in Code list 3 of Annex II. | a2 | |||
R | Splitting is achieved by fully replacing the concerned e-AD by two or several new ones. | 9x | ||||
Local Reference Number | R | A unique serial number assigned to the e-AD by the consignor which identifies the consignment in the records of the consignor. | an..22 | |||
Journey Time | D | "R" when the journey time changes following the splitting operation | Provide the normal period of time necessary for the journey taking into account the means of transport and the distance involved, expressed in hours (H) or days (D) followed by a two-digit number (examples: H12, or D04). Indication for "H" should be less or equal to 24. Indication for "D" should be less or equal to the possible values of Maximum Journey Time per Transport Mode Code presented in Code list 13 of Annex II. | an3 | ||
Changed Transport Arrangement | D | "R" when the person responsible for arranging the transport changes following the splitting operation | n1 | |||
R | ||||||
Destination Type Code | R | n1 | ||||
C | ||||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
EORI Number | C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC | an..17 | ||
C |
| |||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | an8 | ||||
C | "R" to identify the person responsible for arranging the transport if the value in box 3 | |||||
VAT Number | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" | an..14 | |||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data "R" when the transporter changes following the splitting operation | Identify the person carrying out the new transport. | ||||
VAT Number | O | an..14 | ||||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
D | "R" when the transport details have changed following the splitting operation | |||||
Transport Unit Code | R | Provide the Transport Unit Code(s). See Code list 8 of Annex II . | n..2 | |||
Identity of Transport Units | C | Enter the registration number of the transport unit(s) when the Transport Unit Code is other than 5. | an..35 | |||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the transport unit. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Complementary Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the transport, e.g. identity of any subsequent transporter, information concerning subsequent transport units. | an..350 | |||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | A separate data group must be used for each product composing the consignment. | |||||
Body Record Unique Reference | R | n..3 | ||||
Excise Product Code | R | Provide the applicable excise product code, see Code list 11 of Annex II. | an..4 | |||
CN Code | R | n8 | ||||
Quantity | R | n..15,3 | ||||
Gross Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Net Weight | R | n..15,2 | ||||
Fiscal Mark | O | Provide any additional information concerning the fiscal marks required by the Member State of destination. | an..350 | |||
Fiscal Mark_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 in Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Fiscal Mark Used flag | D | "R" if fiscal marks are used | Provide "1" if the goods contain or carry fiscal marks or "0" if the goods do not contain or carry fiscal marks. | n1 | ||
Density | C | "R" if applicable for the excise good in question | n..5,2 | |||
Commercial Description | O | The Member State of dispatch may decide to make this data required | Provide the commercial description of the goods in order to identify the products transported. | an..350 | ||
Commercial Description_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
Brand Name of Products | D | "R" if the excise goods have a brand name | Provide the brand name of the goods, if applicable. | an..350 | ||
Brand Name of Products_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
R | ||||||
Kind of Packages Code | R | Provide the kind of package, using one of the codes in Code list 9 of Annex II. | an2 | |||
Number of Packages | C | "R" if marked "Countable" | Provide the number of packages if the packages are countable in accordance with Code list 9 of Annex II. | n..15 | ||
Identity of Commercial Seal | D | "R" if commercial seals are used | Provide the identification of the commercial seals, if used to seal the packages. | an..35 | ||
Seal Information | O | Provide any additional information concerning those commercial seals (e.g. type of seals used). | an..350 | |||
Seal Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
R | ||||||
Date and Time of Validation of Report of Receipt/Export | C | To be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination/export upon validation of the Report of receipt/Report of export | The addressed time is local time. | dateTime | ||
R | ||||||
ARC | R | Provide the ARC of the e-AD. See Code list 2 of Annex II. | an21 | |||
Sequence Number | R | n..2 | ||||
C | "R", except where Message Type data element in the corresponding electronic administrative document is set to "2 — Submission for export with local clearance" | |||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | R | an..182 | ||||
Street Name | R | an..65 | ||||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | R | an..10 | ||||
City | R | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | R | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | |||
EORI Number | C |
| Provide the EORI number of the person responsible for lodging the export declaration as set out in Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/118/EC | an..17 | ||
C |
| Provide the actual place of delivery of the excise goods. | ||||
Trader Identification | C |
| an..16 | ||
Trader Name | C |
| an..182 | |||
Street Name | C |
| an..65 | |||
Street Number | O | an..11 | ||||
Postcode | C | an..10 | ||||
City | C | an..50 | ||||
NAD_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Office Reference Number | R | Provide the code of the office of the competent authorities in the Member State of destination responsible for excise control at the place of destination. See Code list 5 of Annex II. | an8 | |||
R | ||||||
Date of Arrival of the Excise Goods | R | The date at which the movement ends in accordance with Article 20(2) of Directive 2008/118/EC. | Date | |||
Global Conclusion of Receipt | R | n..2 | ||||
Complementary information | O | Provide any additional information concerning the receipt of the excise goods. | an..350 | |||
Complementary information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 | ||
C | ||||||
Body Record Unique Reference | R | n..3 | ||||
Indicator of Shortage or Excess | D | "R" when a shortage or excess is detected for the body record concerned | a1 | |||
Observed Shortage or Excess | C | "R" if indicator in box 7b is given | n..15,3 | |||
Excise Product Code | R | Provide the applicable excise product code, see Code list 11 of Annex II. | an4 | |||
Refused Quantity | C | n..15,3 | ||||
D | ||||||
Unsatisfactory Reason | R | n1 | ||||
Complementary Information | C |
| Provide any additional information concerning the receipt of the excise goods. | an..350 | ||
Complementary Information_LNG | C | "R" if corresponding text field is used | Provide the language code presented in Code list 1 of Annex II to define the language used in this data group. | a2 |
bt — Bulgarian (Latin character) gr — Greek (Latin character)
Code | Description |
bg | Bulgarian |
bt | Bulgarian (Latin character) |
hr | Croatian |
cs | Czech |
da | Danish |
nl | Dutch |
en | English |
et | Estonian |
fi | Finnish |
fr | French |
ga | Gaelic |
gr | Greek (Latin character) |
de | German |
el | Greek |
hu | Hungarian |
it | Italian |
lv | Latvian |
lt | Lithuanian |
mt | Maltese |
pl | Polish |
pt | Portuguese |
ro | Romanian |
sk | Slovak |
sl | Slovenian (Slovene) |
es | Spanish |
sv | Swedish |
Field | Content | Field type | Examples |
1 | Year | Numeric 2 | 05 |
2 | Identifier of the MS where the e-AD was initially submitted | Alphabetic 2 | ES |
3 | Nationally assigned, unique code | Alphanumeric 16 (digits and capital letters) | 7R19YTE17UIC8J45 |
4 | Check digit | Numeric 1 | 9 |
For Greece, where EL instead of GR must be used. For the United Kingdom, where GB instead of UK must be used.
Code | Description |
1 | Consignor |
2 | Transporter |
3 | Owner of the Excise products |
4 | Consignee |
5 | No guarantee is provided according to Article 18(4)(b) of Directive 2008/118/EC |
12 | Joint guarantee of the consignor and of the transporter |
13 | Joint guarantee of the consignor and of the owner of the Excise products |
14 | Joint guarantee of the consignor and of the consignee |
23 | Joint guarantee of the transporter and of the owner of the Excise products |
24 | Joint guarantee of the transporter and of the consignee |
34 | Joint guarantee of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
123 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the transporter and of the owner of the Excise products |
124 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the transporter and of the consignee |
134 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
234 | Joint guarantee of the transporter, of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
1234 | Joint guarantee of the consignor, of the transporter, of the owner of the Excise products and of the consignee |
Code | Description |
0 | Other |
1 | Sea Transport |
2 | Rail transport |
3 | Road transport |
4 | Air transport |
5 | Postal consignment |
7 | Fixed transport installations |
8 | Inland waterway transport |
Code | Description |
1 | Container |
2 | Vehicle |
3 | Trailer |
4 | Tractor |
5 | Fixed transport installation |
Code | Description |
0 | Other |
1 | Typing error |
2 | Commercial transaction interrupted |
3 | Duplicate e-AD |
4 | The movement has not begun at the date of dispatch |
EPC | CAT | UNIT | Description | A | P | D |
T200 | T | 4 | Cigarettes, as defined in Article 3 of Council Directive 2011/64/EU | N | N | N |
T300 | T | 4 | Cigars and cigarillos, as defined in Article 4 of Directive 2011/64/EU | N | N | N |
T400 | T | 1 | Fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes, as defined in Article 5(2) of Directive 2011/64/EU | N | N | N |
T500 | T | 1 | Smoking tobacco, as defined in Article 5(1) of Directive 2011/64/EU, other than fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes, as defined in Article 5(2) of that Directive, and products treated as smoking tobacco other than fine-cut tobacco for the rolling of cigarettes in accordance with Article 2(2) of that Directive | N | N | N |
B000 | B | 3 | Beer, as defined in Article 2 of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | Y | N |
W200 | W | 3 | Still wine and still fermented beverages other than wine and beer, as defined in Articles 8(1) and 12(1) of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
W300 | W | 3 | Sparkling wine and sparkling fermented beverages other than wine and beer, as defined in Article 8(2) and 12(2) of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
I000 | I | 3 | Intermediate products, as defined in Article 17 of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
S200 | S | 3 | Spirituous beverages, as defined in Article 20, first, second and third indent of Directive 92/83/EEC | Y | N | N |
S300 | S | 3 | Ethyl alcohol, as defined in Article 20, first indent of Directive 92/83/EEC, falling within CN codes | Y | N | N |
S400 | S | 3 | Partially denatured alcohol, falling within Article 20 of Directive 92/83/EEC, being alcohol which has been denatured but which does not yet fulfil the conditions to benefit from the exemption foreseen in Article 27(1)(a) or (b) of that Directive, other than spirituous beverages (S200) | Y | N | N |
S500 | S | 3 | Products containing ethyl alcohol, as defined in Article 20, first indent of Directive 92/83/EEC, falling within CN codes other than | Y | N | N |
E200 | E | 2 | Vegetable and animal oils — Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E300 | E | 2 | Mineral oils (energy products) — Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E410 | E | 2 | Leaded petrol falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E420 | E | 2 | Unleaded petrol falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E430 | E | 2 | Gasoil, unmarked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E440 | E | 2 | Gasoil, marked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E450 | E | 2 | Kerosene, unmarked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E460 | E | 2 | Kerosene, marked falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E470 | E | 1 | Heavy fuel oil falling within CN codes | N | N | N |
E480 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E490 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E500 | E | 1 | Liquefied petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons (LPG) of CN codes | N | N | N |
E600 | E | 1 | Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons falling within CN code | N | N | N |
E700 | E | 2 | Cyclic hydrocarbons falling within CN codes | N | N | Y |
E800 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN code | N | N | Y |
E910 | E | 2 | Fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters, containing by volume 96,5 % or more of esters (FAMAE) falling within CN code | N | N | Y |
E920 | E | 2 | Products falling within CN code | N | N | Y |
E930 | E | 2 | Additives falling within CN codes | N | N | N |
Unit of measurement code | Description |
1 | Kg |
2 | Litre (temperature of 15 °C) |
3 | Litre (temperature of 20 °C) |
4 |
Transport Mode Code | Maximum Journey Time |
0 | D45 |
1 | D45 |
2 | D35 |
3 | D35 |
4 | D20 |
5 | D30 |
7 | D15 |
8 | D35 |