Commission Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 of 16 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 936/2008of 24 September 2008correcting Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat, 32008R0936, September 25, 2008
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 508/2009of 15 June 2009amending Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat, 32009R0508, June 16, 2009
  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 557/2010of 24 June 2010amending Regulations (EC) No 1518/2003, (EC) No 596/2004, (EC) No 633/2004, (EC) No 1345/2005, (EC) No 2014/2005, (EC) No 239/2007, (EC) No 1299/2007, (EC) No 543/2008, (EC) No 589/2008, (EC) No 617/2008 and (EC) No 826/2008 as regards the notification obligations within the common organisation of agricultural markets, 32010R0557, June 25, 2010
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 576/2011of 16 June 2011amending Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat, 32011R0576, June 17, 2011
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 652/2012of 13 July 2012correcting Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeatCorrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 652/2012 of 13 July 2012 correcting Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat(Official Journal of the European Union L 190 of 19 July 2012), 32012R065232012R0652R(01), July 19, 2012
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1239/2012of 19 December 2012amending Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat, 32012R1239, December 20, 2012
  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 519/2013of 21 February 2013adapting certain regulations and decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement for persons, right of establishment and freedom to provide services, company law, competition policy, agriculture, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, fisheries, transport policy, energy, taxation, statistics, social policy and employment, environment, customs union, external relations, and foreign, security and defence policy, by reason of the accession of Croatia, 32013R0519, June 10, 2013
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 of 16 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat, 32008R0543R(02), January 13, 2009
  • Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 652/2012 of 13 July 2012 correcting Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat, 32012R0652R(01), April 23, 2018
Commission Regulation (EC) No 543/2008of 16 June 2008laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards the marketing standards for poultrymeat
Article 1The products referred to in Article 121(e)(ii) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 are hereby defined as follows:1.Poultry carcases(a)DOMESTIC FOWL (Gallus domesticus)chicken, broiler: fowl in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),cock, hen, casserole or boiling fowl: fowl in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified),capon: male fowl castrated surgically before reaching sexual maturity and slaughtered at a minimum age of 140 days: after castration the capons must be fattened for at least 77 days,poussin, coquelet: chicken of less than 650 g carcase weight (expressed without giblets, head and feet); chicken of 650 g to 750 g may be called "poussin" if the age at slaughter does not exceed 28 days. Member States may apply Article 12 for the checking of this slaughter age,young cock: male chicken of laying strains in which the tip of the sternum is rigid but not completely ossified and of which the age at slaughter is at least 90 days;(b)TURKEYS (Meleagris gallopavo dom.)(young) turkey: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),turkey: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified);(c)DUCKS (Anas platyrhynchos dom., Cairina muschata), Mulard ducks (Cairina muschata x Anas platyrhynchos)young duck or duckling, (young) Muscovy duck, (young) Mulard duck: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),duck, Muscovy duck, Mulard duck: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified);(d)GEESE (Anser anser dom.)(young) goose or gosling: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified). The fat layer all over the carcase is thin or moderate; the fat of the young goose may have a colour indicative of a special diet,goose: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified); a moderate to thick fat layer is present all over the carcase;(e)GUINEA FOWL (Numida meleagris domesticus)(young) guinea fowl: bird in which the tip of the sternum is flexible (not ossified),guinea fowl: bird in which the tip of the sternum is rigid (ossified).For the purpose of this Regulation, variants of the terms used in (a) to (e) relating to sex shall be construed as equivalent.2.Poultry cuts(a)half: half of the carcase, obtained by a longitudinal cut in a plane along the sternum and the backbone;(b)quarter: leg quarter or breast quarter, obtained by a transversal cut of a half;(c)unseparated leg quarters: both leg quarters united by a portion of the back, with or without the rump;(d)breast: the sternum and the ribs, or part thereof, distributed on both sides of it, together with the surrounding musculature. The breast may be presented as a whole or a half;(e)leg: the femur, tibia and fibula together with the surrounding musculature. The two cuts shall be made at the joints;(f)chicken leg with a portion of the back: the weight of the back does not exceed 25 % of that of the whole cut;(g)thigh: the femur together with the surrounding musculature. The two cuts shall be made at the joints;(h)drumstick: the tibia and fibula together with the surrounding musculature. The two cuts shall be made at the joints;(i)wing: the humerus, radius, and ulna, together with the surrounding musculature. In the case of turkey wings, humerus or radius/ulna together with the surrounding musculature may be presented separately. The tip, including the carpal bones, may or may not have been removed. The cuts shall be made at the joints;(j)unseparated wings: both wings united by a portion of the back, where the weight of the latter does not exceed 45 % of that of the whole cut;(k)breast fillet: the whole or half of the breast deboned, i.e. without sternum and ribs. In the case of turkey breast, the fillet may comprise the deep pectoral muscle only;(l)breast fillet with wishbone: the breast fillet without skin with the clavicle and the cartilaginous point of the sternum only, the weight of clavicle and cartilage not to exceed 3 % of that of the cut;(m)magret, maigret: breast fillet of ducks and geese referred to in point (3) comprising skin and subcutaneous fat covering the breast muscle, without the deep pectoral muscle;(n)deboned turkey leg meat: turkey thighs and/or drumsticks, deboned, i.e. without femur, tibia and fibula, whole, diced or cut into strips.For the products listed under (e), (g) and (h) the wording "cuts shall be made at the joints" is to mean cuts made within the two lines delineating the joints as shown in the graphical presentation in Annex II.Products listed under (d) to (k) may be presented with or without skin. The absence of the skin in the case of products listed under (d) to (j) or the presence of the skin in the case of the product listed under (k) shall be mentioned on the labelling within the meaning of Article 1(3)(a) of Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilOJ L 109, 6.5.2000, p. 29..3.Foie grasThe livers of geese, or of ducks of the species Cairina muschata or Cairina muschata x Anas platyrhynchos which have been fed in such a way as to produce hepatic fatty cellular hypertrophy.The birds from which such livers are removed shall have been completely bled, and the livers shall be of a uniform colour.The livers shall be of the following weight:duck livers shall weigh at least 300 g net,goose livers shall weigh at least 400 g net.
Article 2For the purposes of this Regulation:(a)"carcase" means the whole body of a bird of the species referred to in Article 1(1) after bleeding, plucking and evisceration; however, removal of the kidneys shall be optional; an eviscerated carcase may be presented for sale with or without giblets, meaning heart, liver, gizzard and neck, inserted into the abdominal cavity;(b)"cuts thereof" means poultrymeat which owing to the size and the characteristics of the coherent muscle tissue is identifiable as having been obtained from a particular part of the carcase;(c)"pre-packaged poultrymeat" means poultrymeat presented in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 1(3)(b) of Directive 2000/13/EC;(d)"poultrymeat without pre-packaging" means poultrymeat presented for sale to the final consumer without pre-packaging or else packed at the place of sale at the latter’s request;(e)"marketing" means holding or displaying for sale, offering for sale, selling, delivery or any other form of marketing;(f)"batch" means poultrymeat of the same species and type, the same class, the same production run, from the same slaughterhouse or cutting plant, situated in the same place, which is to be inspected. For the purposes of Article 9 and Annexes V and VI, a batch shall only comprise pre-packages of the same nominal weight category.
Article 31.Poultry carcases shall, in order to be marketed in accordance with this Regulation, be presented for sale in one of the following forms:partially eviscerated ("effilé", "roped"),with giblets,without giblets.The word "eviscerated" may be added.2.Partially eviscerated carcases are carcases from which the heart, liver, lungs, gizzard, crop, and kidneys have not been removed.3.For all carcase presentations, if the head is not removed, trachea, oesophagus and crop may remain in the carcase.4.Giblets shall comprise only the following:The heart, neck, gizzard and liver, and all other parts considered as edible by the market on which the product is intended for final consumption. Livers shall be without gall bladders. The gizzard shall be without the horned membrane, and the contents of the gizzard shall have been removed. The heart may be with or without the pericardial sac. If the neck remains attached to the carcase, it is not considered as one of the giblets.Where one of these four organs is customarily not included with the carcase for sale, its absence shall be mentioned on the labelling.5.In addition to complying with national legislation adopted in accordance with Directive 2000/13/EC, the following further indications shall be shown on the accompanying commercial documents within the meaning of Article 13(1)(b) of that Directive:(a)the class as referred to in point III(1) of Part B of Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007;(b)the condition in which the poultrymeat is marketed in accordance with point III(2) of Part B of Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and the recommended storage temperature.
Article 41.The names under which the products covered by this Regulation are sold, within the meaning of Article 3(1)(1) of Directive 2000/13/EC, shall be those enumerated in Article 1 of this Regulation and the corresponding terms in the other Community languages listed in Annex I to this Regulation, qualified in the case of:whole carcases, by reference to one of the forms of presentation as laid down in Article 3(1) of this Regulation,poultry cuts, by reference to the respective species.2.The names defined in points (1) and (2) of Article 1 may be supplemented by other terms provided that the latter do not mislead the consumer to a material degree and in particular do not allow confusion with other products listed in points (1) and (2) of Article 1 or with indications provided for in Article 11.
Article 51.Products other than those defined in Article 1 may be marketed in the Community only under names which do not mislead the consumer to a material degree by allowing confusion with those referred to in Article 1 or with indications provided for in Article 11.2.In addition to complying with national legislation adopted in accordance with Directive 2000/13/EC, the labelling, presentation and advertising of poultrymeat intended for the final consumer shall comply with the additional requirements set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article.3.In the case of fresh poultrymeat, the date of minimum durability shall be replaced by the "use by" date in accordance with Article 10 of Directive 2000/13/EC.4.In the case of pre-packaged poultrymeat, the following particulars shall also appear on the pre-packaging or on a label attached thereto:(a)the class as referred to in point III(1) of Part B of Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007;(b)in the case of fresh poultrymeat, the total price and the price per weight unit at the retail stage;(c)the condition in which the poultrymeat is marketed in accordance with point III(2) of Part B of Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and the recommended storage temperature;(d)the registered number of the slaughterhouse or cutting plant in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilOJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55. Corrigendum published in OJ L 226, 25.6.2004, p. 22., except in the case of cutting and boning at the place of sale as provided for in Article 4(2)(d) of that Regulation;(e)in the case of poultrymeat imported from third countries, an indication of the country of origin.5.Where poultrymeat is offered for sale without pre-packaging, except where cutting and boning take place at the place of sale as provided for in Article 4(2)(d) of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, provided such cutting and boning is carried out at the request and in the presence of the consumer, Article 14 of Directive 2000/13/EC shall apply to the indications referred to in paragraph 4.6.By way of derogation from Article 3(5) and paragraphs 2 to 5 of this Article, it shall not be necessary to classify poultrymeat or to indicate the additional particulars referred to in those Articles in the case of deliveries to cutting or processing establishments.
Article 6The following additional provisions shall apply to frozen poultrymeat as defined in point II(3) of Part B of Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007:The temperature of frozen poultrymeat concerned by this Regulation must be stable and maintained, at all points in the product, at – 12 °C or lower, with brief upward fluctuations of no more than 3 °C. These tolerances in the temperature of the product shall be permitted in accordance with good storage and distribution practice during local distribution and in retail display cabinets.
Article 71.In order to be graded as classes A and B, poultry carcases and cuts covered by this Regulation shall meet the following minimum requirements, i.e. they shall be:(a)intact, taking into account the presentation;(b)clean, free from any visible foreign matter, dirt or blood;(c)free of any foreign smell;(d)free of visible bloodstains except those which are small and unobtrusive;(e)free of protruding broken bones;(f)free of severe contusions.In the case of fresh poultry, there shall be no traces of prior chilling.2.In order to be graded as class A, poultry carcases and cuts shall in addition satisfy the following criteria:(a)they shall be of good conformation. The flesh shall be plump, the breast well developed, broad, long and fleshy, and the legs shall be fleshy. On chickens, young ducks or ducklings and turkeys, there shall be a thin regular layer of fat on the breast, back and thighs. On cocks, hens, ducks and young geese a thicker layer of fat is permissible. On geese a moderate to thick fat layer shall be present all over the carcase;(b)a few small feathers, stubs (quill ends) and hairs (filoplumes) may be present on the breast, legs, back, footjoints and wing tips. In the case of boiling fowl, ducks, turkeys and geese, a few may also be present on other parts;(c)some damage, contusion and discoloration is permitted provided that it is small and unobtrusive and not present on the breast or legs. The wing tip may be missing. A slight redness is permissible in wing tips and follicles;(d)in the case of frozen or quick-frozen poultry there shall be no traces of freezer-burnFreezer-burn: (in the sense of a reduction in quality) is the local or area-type irreversible drying up of skin and/or flesh which may produce changes:in the original colour (mostly getting paler), orin flavour and smell (flavourless or rancid), orin texture (dry, spongy). except those that are incidental, small and unobtrusive and not present on the breast or legs.
Article 81.Decisions arising from failure to comply with Articles 1, 3 and 7 may only be taken for the whole of the batch which has been checked in accordance with the provisions of this Article.2.A sample consisting of the following numbers of individual products as defined in Article 1 shall be drawn at random from each batch to be inspected in slaughterhouses, cutting plants, wholesale and retail warehouses or at any other stage of marketing, including during transport or, in the case of imports from third countries, at the time of customs clearance:
Tolerance within each species, not from one species to another.
Batch sizeSample sizeTolerable number of defective units
TotalFor points (1) and (3) of Article 1, and Article 7(1)
100 to 5003052
501 to 32005073
> 320080104
3.In the checking of a batch of class A poultrymeat, the total tolerable number of defective units referred to in column 3 of the table in paragraph 2 is allowed. These defective units may also comprise, in the case of breast fillet, fillets with up to 2 % in weight of cartilage (flexible tip of sternum).However, the number of defective units not complying with the provisions of points (1) and (3) of Article 1, nor Article 7(1), shall not exceed the figures shown in column 4 of the table in paragraph 2.As regards point (3) of Article 1, no defective unit shall be considered tolerable unless it be of a weight of at least 240 g in the case of duck livers and of at least 385 g in the case of goose livers.4.In the checking of a batch of class B poultrymeat, the tolerable number of defective units shall be doubled.5.Where the checked batch does not comply, the supervising agency shall prohibit its marketing or, if the batch comes from a third country, its import, unless and until proof is forthcoming that it has been made to comply with Articles 1 and 7.
Article 91.Frozen or quick-frozen poultrymeat pre-packaged within the meaning of Article 2 of Directive 76/211/EEC may be classified by weight category in accordance with point III(3) of Part B of Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007. The pre-packages may contain:one poultry carcase, orone or more poultry cuts of the same type and species, as defined in Article 1.2.All pre-packages shall in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 bear an indication of the weight of the product, known as "nominal weight", which they are required to contain.3.Pre-packages of frozen or quick-frozen poultrymeat may be classified by categories of nominal weights as follows:(a)carcases:< 1100 g: classes of 50 g (10501000 — 950, etc.),1100 — < 2400 g: classes of 100 g (110012001300, etc.),2400 g: classes of 200 g (240026002800, etc.);(b)cuts:< 1100 g: classes of 50 g (10501000 — 950, etc.),1100 g: classes of 100 g (110012001300, etc.).4.Pre-packages referred to in paragraph 1 shall be made up in such a way that they satisfy the following requirements:(a)the actual contents shall not be less, on average, than the nominal weight;(b)the proportion of pre-packages having a negative error greater than the tolerable negative error laid down in paragraph 9 shall be sufficiently small for batches of pre-packages to satisfy the requirements of the tests specified in paragraph 10;(c)no pre-package having a negative error greater than twice the tolerable negative error given in paragraph 9 shall be marketed.For the purpose of applying this Regulation, the definitions of nominal weight, actual content and negative error laid down in Annex I to Directive 76/211/EEC shall apply.5.Regarding responsibility of the packer or importer of frozen or quick-frozen poultrymeat and checks to be carried out by competent authorities, points 4, 5 and 6 of Annex I to Directive 76/211/EEC apply mutatis mutandis.6.The checking of pre-packages shall be carried out by sampling and shall be in two parts:a check covering the actual content of each pre-package in the sample,a check on the average actual contents of the pre-packages in the sample.A batch of pre-packages shall be considered acceptable if the results of both these checks satisfy the acceptance criteria referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11.7.A batch shall be made up of all the pre-packages of the same nominal weight, the same type and the same production run, packed in the same place, which are to be inspected.The batch size shall be limited to the quantities laid down below:where pre-packages are checked at the end of the packing line, the number in each batch shall be equal to the maximum hourly output of the packing line, without any restriction as to batch size,in other cases the batch size shall be limited to 10000.8.A sample consisting of the following numbers of pre-packages shall be drawn at random from each batch to be inspected:
Batch sizeSample size
100 to 50030
501 to 320050
> 320080
For batches of fewer than 100 pre-packages, the non-destructive test, within the meaning of Annex II to Directive 76/211/EEC, where carried out, shall be 100 %.
9.In the case of pre-packaged poultrymeat the following tolerable negative errors are permitted:
Nominal weightTolerable negative error
less than 11002525
1100 to < 24005050
2400 and more10050
10.For the checking of the actual content of each pre-package in the sample, the minimum acceptable content shall be calculated by subtracting the tolerable negative error for the contents concerned from the nominal weight of the pre-package.The pre-packages in the sample whose actual contents are less than the minimum acceptable content shall be considered defective.The batch of pre-packages checked shall be considered acceptable or rejected, if the number of defective units found in the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance criterion or equal to or greater than the criterion for rejection shown below:
Sample sizeNumber of defective units
Acceptance criterionRejection criterion
11.For the checking of the average actual contents, a batch of pre-packages shall be considered acceptable if the average actual content of the pre-packages forming the sample is greater than the acceptance criterion shown below:
Sample sizeAcceptance criterion for average actual content
30x— ≥ Qn – 0,503 s
50x— ≥ Qn – 0,379 s
80x— ≥ Qn – 0,295 s
xaverage actual content of pre-packagesQnnominal weight of the pre-packagesstandard deviation of the actual contents of the pre-packages in the batch
The standard deviation shall be estimated as set out under point of Annex II to Directive 76/211/EEC.
12.For so long as Council Directive 80/181/EECOJ L 39, 15.2.1980, p. 40. authorises the use of supplementary indications, the indication of the nominal weight of pre-packages to which this Article applies may be accompanied by a supplementary indication.13.In respect of poultrymeat entering the United Kingdom from other Member States, checks shall be carried out on a random basis and shall not be made at the border.
Article 10An indication of the use of one of the methods of chilling defined hereafter and the corresponding terms in the other Community languages listed in Annex III may appear on the labelling within the meaning of Article 1(3)(a) of Directive 2000/13/EC:air chilling: chilling of poultry carcases in cold air,air-spray chilling: chilling of poultry carcases in cold air interspersed with waterhaze or fine water spray,immersion chilling: chilling of poultry carcases in tanks of water or of ice and water, in accordance with the counterflow process.
Article 111.In order to indicate types of farming with the exception of organic or biological farming, no other terms except those set out hereunder and the corresponding terms in the other Community languages listed in Annex IV may appear on the labelling within the meaning of Article 1(3)(a) of Directive 2000/13/EC, and in any case they may appear only if the relevant conditions specified in Annex V to this Regulation are fulfilled:(a)"Fed with … % …";(b)"Extensive indoor" ("Barn-reared");(c)"Free range";(d)"Traditional free range";(e)"Free range — total freedom".These terms may be supplemented by indications referring to the particular characteristics of the respective types of farming.When free-range production (points (c), (d) and (e)) is indicated on the label for meat from ducks and geese kept for the production of foie gras, the term "from foie gras production" shall also be indicated.2.Mention of the age at slaughter or length of fattening period shall be permitted only when use is made of one of the terms referred to in paragraph 1 and for an age of not less than that indicated in Annex V(b), (c) or (d). However, this provision does not apply to animals covered by the fourth indent of point 1(a) of Article 1.3.Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply without prejudice to national technical measures going beyond the minimum requirements given in Annex V, which are applicable only to producers of the Member State concerned, provided that they are compatible with Community law and are in conformity with the common marketing standards for poultrymeat.4.The national measures referred to in paragraph 3 shall be communicated to the Commission.5.At any time, and at the request of the Commission, Member States shall provide all the information necessary for assessing the compatibility of the measures referred to in this Article with Community law and their conformity with the common marketing standards for poultrymeat.
Article 121.Slaughterhouses authorised to use the terms referred to in Article 11 shall be subject to special registration. They shall keep a separate record, by type of farming of:(a)the names and addresses of the producers of such birds, who shall be registered following an inspection by the competent authority of the Member State;(b)at the request of this authority, the number of birds kept by each producer per turnround;(c)the number and total live or carcase weight of such birds delivered and processed;(d)details of sales, including names and addresses of purchasers, for a minimum of six months following dispatch.2.The producers referred to in paragraph 1 shall subsequently be inspected regularly. They shall keep up-to-date records, for a minimum of six months following dispatch, of the number of birds by type of farming showing also the number of birds sold, the name and addresses of the purchasers, and quantities and source of feed supply.In addition producers using free-range systems shall also keep records of the date when birds were first given access to range.3.Feed manufacturers and suppliers shall keep records for at least six months after dispatch showing that the composition of the feed supplied to the producers for the type of farming referred to in Article 11(1)(a) complies with the indications given in respect of feeding.4.Hatcheries shall keep records of birds of the strains recognised as slow growing supplied to the producers for the types of farming referred to in Article 11(1)(d) and (e) for at least six months after dispatch.5.Regular inspections regarding compliance with Article 11 and paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article shall be carried out at:(a)the farm: at least once per turnround;(b)the feed manufacturer and supplier: at least once a year;(c)the slaughterhouse: at least four times per year;(d)the hatchery: at least once per year for the types of farming referred to in Article 11(1)(d) and (e).6.Each Member State shall make available to the other Member States and to the Commission, by every appropriate means, including publication on the Internet, the updated list of the approved slaughterhouses registered in accordance with paragraph 1, showing their name and address and the number allotted to each of them.
Article 13In the case of supervision of the indication of the type of farming used as referred to in Article 121(e)(v) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, bodies designated by the Member States shall comply with the criteria set out in European Norm No EN/45011 of 26 June 1989, and as such shall be licensed and supervised by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned.
Article 14Poultrymeat imported from third countries may bear one or more of the optional indications provided for in Articles 10 and 11 if it is accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin attesting to the compliance of the products in question with the relevant provisions of this Regulation.On receipt of a request from a third country, the Commission shall establish a list of such authorities.
Article 151.Without prejudice to Article 16(5) and Article 17(3), frozen and quick-frozen chickens may be marketed by way of business or trade within the Community only if the water content does not exceed the technically unavoidable values determined by the method of analysis described in Annex VI (drip method) or that in Annex VII (chemical method).2.The competent authorities designated by each Member State shall ensure that the slaughterhouses adopt all measures necessary to comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 and in particular that:samples for monitoring water absorption during chilling and water content of frozen and quick-frozen chickens are taken,results of the checks are recorded and kept for a period of one year,each batch is marked in such a way that its date of production can be identified; this batch mark must appear on the production record.
Article 161.Regular checks in accordance with Annex IX on the water absorbed or checks in accordance with Annex VI shall be carried out in the slaughterhouses at least once each working period of eight hours.Where these checks reveal that the amount of water absorbed is greater than the total water content permitted under the terms of this Regulation, account being taken of the water absorbed by the carcases during the stages of processing which are not subject to checking, and where, in any case, the amount of water absorbed is greater than the levels referred to in point 10 of Annex IX, or in point 7 of Annex VI, the necessary technical adjustments shall be made immediately by the slaughterhouse to the process.2.In all cases referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 and in any case at least once every two months, checks on water content referred to in Article 15(1) shall be carried out, by sampling, on frozen and quick-frozen chickens from each slaughterhouse in accordance with Annex VI or VII, to be chosen by the competent authority of the Member State. These checks shall not be conducted for carcases in respect of which proof is provided to the satisfaction of the competent authority that they are intended exclusively for export.3.The checks referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be carried out by or under the responsibility of the competent authorities. The competent authorities may, in specific cases, apply the provisions of paragraph 1, and in particular of points 1 and 10 of Annex IX, and of paragraph 2 more stringently in respect of a given slaughterhouse, where this proves necessary to ensure compliance with the total water content permitted under this Regulation.They shall, in all cases where a batch of frozen or quick-frozen chickens was deemed not to comply with this Regulation, resume testing at the minimum frequency of checks referred to in paragraph 2 only after three successive checks according to Annex VI or VII, to be carried out by sampling from three different days of production within a maximum of four weeks, have shown negative results. The costs of these checks shall be paid by the slaughterhouse concerned.4.Where, in the case of air chilling, the results of checks referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 show compliance with the criteria laid down in Annexes VI to IX during a period of six months, the frequency of the checks referred to in paragraph 1 may be reduced to once every month. Any failure to comply with the criteria laid down in these Annexes shall result in reinstatement of checks as referred to in paragraph 1.5.If the result of the checks referred to in paragraph 2 is in excess of the admissible limits, the batch concerned shall be deemed not to comply with this Regulation. In that event, however, the slaughterhouse concerned may request that a counter-analysis be carried out in the reference laboratory of the Member State, using a method to be chosen by the competent authority of the Member State. The costs of this counter-analysis shall be borne by the holder of the batch.6.Where the batch in question is deemed after such counter-analysis not to comply with this Regulation, the competent authority shall take the appropriate measures aimed at allowing it to be marketed as such within the Community only on condition that both individual and bulk packaging of the carcases concerned shall be marked by the slaughterhouse under the supervision of the competent authority with a tape or label bearing, in red capital letters, at least one of the indications set out in Annex X.The batch referred to in the first subparagraph shall remain under the supervision of the competent authority until it is dealt with in accordance with this paragraph or otherwise disposed of. If it is certified to the competent authority that the batch referred to in the first subparagraph is to be exported, the competent authority shall take all necessary measures to prevent the batch in question from being marketed within the Community.The indications provided for in the first subparagraph shall be marked in a conspicuous place so as to be easily visible, clearly legible and indelible. They shall not in any way be hidden, obscured or interrupted by other written or pictorial matter. The letters shall be at least 1 cm high on the individual packaging and 2 cm on bulk packaging.
Article 171.The Member State of destination may, where there are serious grounds for suspecting irregularities, carry out non-discriminatory random checks of frozen or quick-frozen chickens in order to verify that a consignment meets the requirements of Articles 15 and 16.2.The checks referred to in paragraph 1 shall be carried out at the place of destination of the goods or at another suitable place, provided that in the latter case the choice of the places is not at the border and interferes as little as possible with the routing of the goods and that the goods may proceed normally to their destination once the appropriate sample has been taken. However, the products concerned shall not be sold to the final consumer until the result of the check is available.Such checks shall be carried out as quickly as possible so as not unduly to delay their placing on the market, or cause delays which might impair their quality.Results of these checks and any subsequent decisions and the grounds for taking them shall be notified at the latest two working days after sampling to the consignor, the consignee or their representative. Decisions taken by the competent authority of the Member State of destination and the reasons for such decisions shall be notified to the competent authority of the Member State of dispatch.If the consignor or his representative so requests, the said decisions and reasons shall be forwarded to him in writing with details of the rights of appeal which are available to him under the law in force in the Member State of destination and of the procedure and time limits applicable.3.If the result of the checks referred to in paragraph 1 is in excess of the admissible limits, the holder of the batch concerned may request that a counter-analysis be carried out in one of the reference laboratories listed in Annex XI, using the same method as for the initial test. The expenses occasioned by this counter-analysis shall be borne by the holder of the batch. The tasks and competencies of reference laboratories are set out in Annex XII.4.If, after a check carried out in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 and, if requested, after a counter-analysis, it is found that the frozen or quick-frozen chickens do not comply with Articles 15 and 16, the competent authority of the Member State of destination shall apply the procedures provided for in Article 16(6).5.In the cases provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4, the competent authority of the Member State of destination shall contact the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch without delay. The latter authorities shall take all necessary measures and notify the competent authority of the first Member State of the nature of the checks carried out, the decisions taken and the reasons for such decisions.Where the checks referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 show repeated irregularities, or where such checks, in the view of the Member State of dispatch, are being carried out without sufficient justification, the competent authorities of the Member States concerned shall inform the Commission.To the extent necessary to ensure uniform application of this Regulation or at the request of the competent authority of the Member State of destination, and taking into account the nature of the infringements, the Commission may:send a mission of experts to the establishment concerned and, in conjunction with the competent national authorities, carry out on-the-spot inspections, orrequest the competent authority of the Member State of dispatch to intensify its sampling of the products of the establishment concerned and if necessary to apply sanctions in accordance with Article 194 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.The Commission shall inform the Member States of its findings. Member States in whose territory an inspection is carried out shall give the experts all the assistance necessary for the performance of their tasks.Pending the Commission’s findings, the Member State of dispatch must, at the request of the Member State of destination, intensify checks on products coming from the establishment in question.Where these measures are taken to deal with repeated irregularities on the part of an establishment, the Commission shall charge any expenses occasioned by the application of the provisions of the indents of the third subparagraph to the establishment involved.
Article 181.The competent authorities of the Member States shall inform the respective national reference laboratory without delay about the results of the checks referred to in Articles 15, 16 and 17, carried out by them or under their responsibility.By 30 June each year, the national reference laboratories shall notify the Commission of the results of checks mentioned in the first subparagraph. The findings shall be presented for consideration to the Management Committee referred to in Article 195(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.2.The Member States shall adopt the practical measures for the checks provided for in Articles 15, 16 and 17 at all stages of marketing, including checks on imports from third countries at the time of customs clearance in accordance with Annexes VI and VII. They shall inform the other Member States and the Commission of these measures. Any changes to the measures shall be communicated immediately to the other Member States and to the Commission.
Article 19A board of experts in monitoring water content in poultrymeat shall act as a coordinating body for the testing activities of the national reference laboratories. It shall consist of representatives of the Commission and national reference laboratories. The tasks of the board and of national reference laboratories, as well as the organisational structure of the board, are set out in Annex XII.Financial assistance shall be paid to the reference laboratory under the terms of a contract concluded between the Commission, on behalf of the Community, and that laboratory.The Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development is authorised to sign the contract on behalf of the Commission.
Article 201.The following fresh, frozen and quick-frozen poultry cuts may be marketed by way of business or trade within the Community only if the water content does not exceed the technically unavoidable values determined by the method of analysis described in Annex VIII (chemical method):(a)chicken breast fillet, with or without wishbone, without skin;(b)chicken breast, with skin;(c)chicken thighs, drumsticks, legs, legs with a portion of the back, leg quarters, with skin;(d)turkey breast fillet, without skin;(e)turkey breast, with skin;(f)turkey thighs, drumsticks, legs, with skin;(g)deboned turkey leg meat, without skin.2.The competent authorities designated by each Member State shall ensure that the slaughterhouses and cutting plants, whether or not attached to slaughterhouses, adopt all measures necessary to comply with the provisions of paragraph 1 and in particular that:(a)regular checks on water absorbed are carried out in the slaughterhouses in accordance with Article 16(1) also for chicken and turkey carcases intended for the production of the fresh, frozen and quick-frozen cuts listed in paragraph 1 of this Article. These checks shall be carried out at least once each working period of eight hours. However, in the case of air chilling of turkey carcases, regular checks on water absorbed need not be carried out. The limit values fixed in point 10 of Annex IX shall also apply for turkey carcases;(b)results of the checks are recorded and kept for a period of one year;(c)each batch is marked in such a way that its date of production can be identified; this batch mark must appear on the production record.Where, in the case of air chilling of chickens, the results of checks referred to in point (a) and in paragraph 3 show compliance with the criteria laid down in Annexes VI to IX during a period of six months, the frequency of the checks referred to in point (a) may be reduced to once every month. Any failure to comply with the criteria laid down in Annexes VI to IX shall result in reinstatement of checks as referred to in point (a).3.At least once every three months, checks on the water content referred to in paragraph 1 shall be carried out, by sampling, on frozen and quick-frozen poultry cuts from each cutting plant producing such cuts, in accordance with Annex VIII. These checks do not have to be conducted for poultry cuts in respect of which proof is provided to the satisfaction of the competent authority that they are intended exclusively for export.After one year of compliance with the criteria laid down in Annex VIII in a particular cutting plant, the frequency of tests shall be reduced to once every six months. Any failure to comply with these criteria shall result in reinstatement of checks as referred to in the first subparagraph.4.Article 16(3) to (6) and Articles 17 and 18 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, for poultry cuts referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 20aThe notifications to the Commission referred to in Articles 11(4), 11(5), 17(5), 18(1) and 18(2) shall be made in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 792/2009OJ L 228, 1.9.2009, p. 3..
Article 21Regulation (EEC) No 1538/91 is hereby repealed as from 1 July 2008.References to the repealed Regulation and to Regulation (EEC) No 1906/90 shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex XIII.
Article 22This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from 1 July 2008.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX IArticle 1(1) —Names of poultry carcases
1.Пиле, бройлерPollo (de carne)Kuře, brojlerKylling, slagtekyllingHähnchenMasthuhnTibud, broilerΚοτόπουλοΠετετνοί και κότες (κρεατοπαραγωγής)Chicken, broilerPoulet (de chair)Tovljeno pile, brojlerPollo, "Broiler"Cālis, broilers
2.Петел, кокошкаGallo, gallinaKohout, slepice, drůbež na pečení, nebo vařeníHane, høne, suppehøneSuppenhuhnKuked, kanad, hautamiseks või keetmiseks mõeldud kodulinnudΠετεινοί και κότες (για βράοιμο)Cock, hen, casserole, or boiling fowlCoq, poule (à bouillir)Pijetao, kokoš, kokoš za pečenje ili kuhanjeGallo, gallinaPollame da brodoGailis, vista (sautēšanai vai vārīšanai)
3.Петел (угоен, скопен)CapónKapounKapunKapaunKohikukkΚαπόνιαCaponChaponKopunCapponeKapauns
4.Ярка, петлеPollueloKuřátko, kohoutekPoussin, CoqueletStubenkükenKana- ja kukepojadΝεοσσός, πετεινάριPoussin, CoqueletPoussin, coqueletMlado pile i mladi pijetaoGallettoCālītis
5.Млад петелGallo jovenMladý kohoutUnghaneJunger HahnNoor kukkΠετεινάριYoung cockJeune coqMladi pijetaoGiovane galloJauns gailis
1.(Млада) пуйкаPavo (joven)(Mladá) krůta(Mini) kalkun(Junge) Pute, (Junger) Truthahn(Noor) kalkun(Νεαροί) γάλοι και γαλοπούλες(Young) turkeyDindonneau, (jeune) dinde(Mladi) puran(Giovane) tacchino(Jauns) tītars
2.ПуйкаPavoKrůtaAvlskalkunPute, TruthahnKalkunΓάλοι και γαλοπούλεςTurkeyDinde (à bouillir)PuranTacchino/aTītars
1.(Млада) патица, пате (млада) мускусна патица, (млад) мюларPato (joven o anadino), pato de Barbaria (joven), pato cruzado (joven)(Mladá) kachna, kachnê, (mladá) Pižmová kachna, (mladá) kachna Mulard(Ung) and (Ung) berberiand(Ung) mulardandFrühmastente, Jungente, (Junge) Barbarieente (Junge Mulardente)(Noor) part, pardipoeg. (noor) muskuspart, (noor) mullard(Νεαρές) πάπιες ή παπάκια, (νεαρές) πάπιες Βαρβαρίας, (νεαρές) παπιες mulard(Young) duck, duckling, (Young) Muscovy duck (Young) Mulard duck(Jeune) canard, caneton, (jeune) canard de Barbarie, (jeune) canard mulard(Mlada) patka, (mlada) mošusna patka, (mlada) patka mulard(Giovane) anatra (Giovane) Anatra muta (Giovane) Anatra "mulard"(Jauna) pīle, pīlēns, (jauna) muskuspīle, (jauna) Mulard pīle
2.Патица, мускусна патица, мюларPato, pato de Barbaria, pato cruzadoKachna, Pižmová kachna, kachna MulardAvlsand Avlsberberiand AvlsmulardandEnte, Barbarieente MulardentePart, muskuspart, mullardΠάτιες, πάτιες Βαρβαρίας πάτιες mulardDuck, Muscovy duck, Mulard duckCanard, canard de Barbarie (à bouillir), canard mulard (à bouillir)Patka, mošusna patka, patka mulardAnatra Anatra muta Anatra "mulard"Pīle, muskuspīle, Mulard pīle
1.(Млада) гъска, гъсеOca (joven), ansarónMladá husa, house(Ung) gåsFrühmastgans, (Junge) Gans, Jungmastgans(Noor) hani, hanepoeg(Νεαρές) χήνες ή χηνάκια(Young) goose, gosling(Jeune) oie ou oison(Mlada) guska(Giovane) oca(Jauna) zoss, zoslēns
1.(Млада) токачкаPintada (joven)Mladá perlička(Ung) perlehøne(Junges) Perlhuhn(Noor) pärlkana(Νεαρές) φραγκόκοτες(Young) guinea fowl(Jeune) pintade Pintadeau(Mlada) biserka(Giovane) faraona(Jauna) pērļu vistiņa
2.ТокачкаPintadaPerličkaAvlsperlehønePerlhuhnPärlkanaΦραγκόκοτεςGuinea fowlPintadeBiserkaFaraonaPērļu vistiņa
1.Viščiukas, viščiukas broilerisCsirke, brojlercsirkeFellus, brojlerKuiken, braadkuikenKurczę, broilerFrangoPui de carne, broilerKurča, brojlerPitovni piščanec – brojlerBroileriKyckling, slaktkyckling (broiler)
2.Gaidys, višta, gaidys (arba višta) troškinti arba virtiKakas, tyúk, sütésre vagy főzésre szánt szárnyasSerduk, tiġieġa(tal-brodu)Haan, hen soep- of stoofkipKura rosołowaGalo, galinhaCocoș, găină sau carne de pasăre pentru fiertKohút, sliepkaPetelin, kokoš, perutnina za pečenje ali kuhanjeKukko, kanaTupp, höna, gryt-, eller kokhöna
3.KaplūnasKappanĦasiKapoenKapłonCapãoClaponKapúnKopunChapon (syöttökukko)Kapun
4.Viščiukas tabaka (arba poussin (coquelet) tipo viščiukas)CsibeGħattuqa, coqueletPiepkuikenKurczątkoFranguitosPui tineriKurčiatkoMlad piščanec, mlad petelin(kokelet)Kananpoika, kukonpoikaPoussin, Coquelet
5.GaidžiukasFiatal kakasSerduk żgħir fl-etaJonge haanMłody kogutGalo jovemCocoș tânărMladý kohútMlad petelinNuori kukkoUng tupp
1.Kalakučiukas(Fiatal) pulykaDundjan (żgħir fl-eta)(Jonge) kalkoen(Młody) indykPeruCurcan (tânăr)Mladá morka(Mlada) pura(Nuori) kalkkuna(Ung) kalkon
2.KalakutasPulykaDundjanKalkoenIndykPeru adultoCurcanMorkaPuraKalkkunaKalkon
1.Ančiukas, muskusinis ančiukas, mulardinis ančiukasFiatal kacsa, (fiatal) pézsmakacsa, (fiatal) Mulard-kacsaPapra (żgħira fl-eta), papra żgħira (fellus ta’ papra) muskovy (żgħira fl-eta), papra mulard(Jonge) eend, (Jonge) Barbarijse eend (Jonge) "Mulard"-eend(Młoda) kaczka tuczona, (Młoda) kaczka piżmova, (Młoda) kaczka mulardPato, Pato Barbary, Pato MulardRață (tânără), rață (tânără) din specia Cairina moschata, rață (tânără) Mulard(Mladá kačica), káča, (Mladá) pižmová kačica, (Mladý) mulard(Mlada) raca, račka, (mlada) muškatna raca, (mlada) mulard raca(Nuori) ankka, (Nuori) myskiankka(Ung) anka, ankunge (ung) mulardand (ung) myskand
2.Antis, muskusinė antis, mulardinė antisKacsa, pézsmakacsa, Mulard-kacsaPapra, papra muscovy, papra mulardEend Barbarijse eend "Mulard"-eendKaczka, Kaczka piżmowa, Kaczka mulardPato adulto, pato adulto Barbary, pato adulto MulardRață, rață din specia Cairina moschata, rață MulardKačica, Pyžmová kačica, MulardRaca, muškatna raca, mulard racaAnkka, myskiankkaAnka, mulardand, myskand
1.Žąsiukas(Fiatal) libaWiżża (żgħira fl-eta), fellusa ta’ wiżża(Jonge) gansMłoda gęśGansoGâscă (tânără)(Mladá) hus, húsa(Mlada) gos, goska(Nuori) hanhi(Ung) gås, gåsunge
2.ŽąsisLibaWiżżaGansGęśGanso adultoGâscăHusGosHanhiGås
1.Perlinis viščiukas(Fiatal) gyöngytyúkFarghuna (żgħira fl-eta)(Jonge) parelhoen(Młoda) perliczkaPintadaBibilică adultă(Mladá) perlička(Mlada) pegatka(Nuori) helmikana(Ung) pärlhöna
2.Perlinė vištaGyöngytyúkFargħunaParelhoenPerlicaPintada adultaBibilicăPerličkaPegatkaHelmikanaPärlhöna
Article 1(2) —Names of poultry cuts
(a)ПоловинкаMedioPůlkaHalvtHälfte oder HalbesPoolΜισάHalfDemi ou moitiéPolovicaMetàPuse
(b)ЧетвъртинкаChartoČtvrtkaKvart(Vorder-, Hinter-) ViertelVeerandΤεταρτημόριοQuarterQuartČetvrtQuartoCeturtdaļa
(c)Неразделени четвъртинки с бутчетатаCuartos traseros unidosNeoddělená zadní čtvrtkaSammenhængende lårstykkerHinterviertel am StückLahtilõikamata koivadΑδιαχώριστα τεταρτημόρια ποδιώνUnseparated leg quartersQuarts postérieurs non séparésNeodvojene stražnje četvrtiCosciottoNesadalītas kāju ceturtdaļas
(d)Гърди, бяло месо или филе с костPechugaPrsaBrystBrust, halbe Brust, halbierte BrustRindΣτήθοςBreastPoitrine, blanc ou filet sur osPrsaPetto con ossoKrūtiņa
(e)БутчеMuslo y contramusloStehnoHelt lårSchenkel, KeuleKoibΠόδιLegCuisseBatak sa zabatkomCosciaKāja
(f)Бутче с част от гърба, прикрепен към негоCharto trasero de polloStehno kuřete s částí zadKyllingelår med en del af ryggenHähnchenschenkel mit Rückenstück, Hühnerkeule mit RückenstückKoib koos seljaosagaΠόδι από κοτόπουλο με ένα κομμάτι της ράχηςChicken leg with a portion of the backCuisse de poulet avec une portion du dosPileći batak sa zabatkom s dijelom leđaCoscettaCāļa kāja ar muguras daļu
(g)БедроContramusloHorní stehnoOverlårOberschenkel, OberkeuleKintsΜηρός (μπούτι)ThighHaut de cuisseZabatakSovraccosciaciska jeb šķiņķis
(h)ПодбедрицаMusloDolní stehno (Palička)UnderlårUnterschenkel, UnterkeulepoolkoibΚνήμηDrumstickPilonBatakFusoStilbs
(j)Неразделени крилаAlas unidasNeoddělená křídlaSammenhængende vingerBeide Flügel, ungetrenntLahtilõikamata tiivadΑδιαχώριστες φτερούγεςUnseparated wingsAiles non séparéesNeodvojena krilaAli non separateNesadalīti spārni
(k)Филе от гърдите, бяло месоFilete de pechugaPrsní řízekBrystfiletBrustfilet, Filet aus der Brust, FiletRinnafileeΦιλέτο στήθουςBreast filletFilet de poitrine, blanc, filet, noixFile od prsaFiletto, fesa (tacchino)Krūtiņas fileja
(l)Филе от гърдите с "ядеца"Filete de pechuga con clavículaFilety z prsou (Klíční kost s chrupavkou prsní kosti včetně svaloviny v přirozené souvislosti, klíč. kost a chrupavka max. 3 % z cel. hmotnosti)Brystfilet med ønskebenBrustfilet mit SchlüsselbeinRinnafilee koos harkluugaΦιλέτο στήθους με κλειδοκόκαλοBreast fillet with wishboneFilet de poitrine avec claviculeFile od prsa s prsnom kostiPetto (con forcella), fesa (con forcella)Krūtiņas fileja ar atslēgas kaulu
(m)Нетлъсто филеMagret, maigretMagret, maigret (Filety z prsou kachen a hus s kůží a podkožním tukem pokrývajícím prsní sval, bez hlubokého svalu prsního)Magret, maigretMagret, MaigretRinnaliha ("magret" või "maigret")Maigret, magretMagret, maigretMagret, maigretMagretMagret, maigretMagret, maigret
(n)Oбезкостен пуешки бутCarne de muslo y contramuslo de pavo deshuesadaU vykostěných krůtích stehenUdbenet kød af hele kalkunlårEntbeintes Fleisch von PutenschenkelnKalkuni konditustatud koivalihaΚρέας ποδιού γαλοπούλας χωρίς κόκαλοDeboned turkey leg meatCuisse désossée de dindeMeso purećih bataka i zabataka bez kostiCarne di coscia di tacchino disossataAtkaulota tītara kāju gaļa
(a)PusėFélNofsHelftPołówkaMetadeJumătățiPolená hydinaPolovicaPuolikasHalva
(b)KetvirtisNegyedKwartKwartĆwiartkaQuartoSferturiŠtvrťka hydinyČetrtNeljännesKvart
(c)Neatskirti ketvirčiai su šlaunelėmisÖsszefüggő combnegyedekIl-kwarti ta’ wara tas-saqajn, mhux separatiNiet-gescheiden achterkwartenĆwiartka tylna w całościQuartos da coxa não separadosSferturi posterioare neseparateNeoddelené hydinové stehnáNeločene četrti nogTakaneljännesBakdelspart
(d)KrūtinėlėMellSidraBorstPierś, połówka piersiPeitoPieptPrsiaPrsiRintaBröst
(e)KulšelėCombKoxxaHele poot, hele dijNogaPerna inteiraPulpăHydinové stehnoBedroKoipireisiKlubba
(f)Viščiuko kulšelė su nugarėlės dalimiCsirkecomb a hát egy részévelKoxxa tat-tiġieġa b’porzjon tad-daharPoot/dij met rugdeel (bout)Noga kurczęca z częścią grzbietuPerna inteira de frango com uma porção do dorsoPulpă de pui cu o porțiune din spate atașatăKuracie stehno s panvouPiščančja bedra z delom hrbtaKoipireisi, jossa selkäosaKycklingklubba med del av ryggben
(g)ŠlaunelėFelsőcombIl-biċċa ta’ fuq tal-koxxaBovenpoot, bovendijUdoCoxaPulpă superioarăHorné hydinové stehnoStegnoReisiLår
(h)BlauzdelėAlsócombIl-biċċa t’isfel tal-koxxa (drumstick)Onderpoot, onderdij (Drumstick)PodudziePernaPulpă inferioarăDolné hydinové stehnoKračaKoipiBen
(i)SparnelisSzárnyĠewnaħVleugelSkrzydłoAsaAripiHydinové krídelkoPerutiSiipiVinge
(j)Neatskirti sparneliaiÖsszefüggő szárnyakĠwienaħ mhux separateNiet-gescheiden vleugelsSkrzydła w całościAsas não separadasAripi neseparateNeoddelené hydinové krídlaNeločene perutiSiivet kiinni toisissaanSammanhängande vingar
(k)Krūtinėlės filėMellfiléFlett tas-sidraBorstfiletFilet z piersiCarne de peitoPiept dezosatHydinový rezeňPrsni fileRintafileeBröstfilé
(l)Krūtinėlės filė su raktikauliuMellfilé villacsonttalFlett tas-sidra bil-wishboneBorstfilet met vorkbeenFilet z piersi z obojczykiemCarne de peito com fúrculaPiept dezosat cu osul iadeșHydinový rezeň s kosťouPrsni file s prsno kostjoRintafilee solisluineenBröstfilé med nyckelben
(m)Magret, maigret tipo anties (arba žąsies) krūtinėlės filėBőrös kacsamellfilé vagy bőrös libamellfilé (magret, maigret)Magret, maigretMagretMagretMagret, maigretTacâm de pasăre, Spinări de pasăreMagretMagretMagret, maigretMagret, maigret
(n)Kalakuto kulšelių mėsaKicsontozott pulykacombLaħam tas-saqajn tad-dundjan dissussatVlees van hele poten/hele dijen van kalkoenen, zonder beenPozbawione kości mięso z nogi indykaCarne desossada da perna inteira de peruPulpă dezosată de curcanVykostené morčacie stehnoPuranje bedro brez kostiKalkkunan luuton koipi-reisilihaUrbenat kalkonkött av klubba
ANNEX IICut separating thigh/leg and backdelineation of hip joint02008R0543-20130701_en_img_1Cut separating thigh and drumstickdelineation of knee joint02008R0543-20130701_en_img_2ANNEX IIIArticle 10 —Chilling methods
1.Въздушно охлажданеRefrigeración por aireVzduchem (Chlazení vzduchem)LuftkølingLuftkühlungŌhkjahutusΨύξη με αέραAir chillingRefroidissement à l'airHlađenje strujanjem zrakaRaffreddamento ad ariaDzesēšana ar gaisu
2.Въздушно-душово охлажданеRefrigeración por aspersión ventiladaVychlazeným proudem vzduchu s postřikemLuftspraykølingLuft-SprühkühlungŌhkpiserdusjahutusΨύξη με ψεκασμόAir spray chillingRefroidissement par aspersion ventiléeHlađenje raspršivanjem zrakaRaffreddamento per aspersione e ventilazioneDzesēšana ar gaisu un smidzināšanu
3.Охлаждане чрез потапянеRefrigeración por immersiónVe vodní lázni ponořenímNeddypningskølingGegenstrom-TauchkühlungSukeljahutusΨύξη με βύθισηImmersion chillingRefroidissement par immersionHlađenje uranjanjem u voduRaffreddamento per immersioneDzesēšana iegremdējot
1.Atšaldymas oruLevegős hűtésTkessih bl-arjaLuchtkoelingOwiewowaRefrigeração por ventilaçãoRefrigerare în aerChladené vzduchomZračno hlajenjeIlmajäähdytysLuftkylning
2.Atšaldymas drėgnu oruPermetezéses hűtésTkessih b'air sprayLucht-sproeikoelingOwiewowo-natryskowaRefrigeração por aspersão e ventilaçãoRefrigerare prin dușare cu aerChladené sprejovanímHlajenje s pršenjemIlmasprayjäähdytysEvaporativ kylning
3.Atšaldymas panardinantBemerítéses hűtésTkessiħ b’immersjoniDompelkoelingZanurzeniowaRefrigeração por imersãoRefrigerare prin imersiuneChladené vo vodeHlajenje s potapljanjemVesijäähdytysVattenkylning
ANNEX IVArticle 11(1) —Types of farming
a)Хранен с … % …гъска, хранена с овесAlimentado con … % de …Oca engordada con avenaKrmena z … % (čím) …Husa krmená ovsemFodret med … % …Havrefodret gåsGefüttert mit … % …HafermastgansSöödetud …, mis sisaldab … % …Kaeraga toidetud haniΈχει τραφεί με … % …Χήνα που παχαίνεται με βρώμηFed with … % of …Oats fed gooseAlimenté avec … % de …Oie nourrie à l'avoineHranjeno s … % …Guska hranjena zobiAlimentato con il … % di …Oca ingrassata con avenaBaroti ar … % …ar auzām barotas zosis
b)Екстензивно закрито(отгледан на закрито)Sistema extensivo en gallineroExtenzivní v haleEkstensivt staldopdræt(skrabe …)Extensive BodenhaltungEkstensiivne seespidamine(lindlas pidamine)Εκτατικής εκτροφήςExtensive indoor(barnreared)Élevé à l'intérieur:système extensifEkstenzivan uzgoj u zatvorenim objektimaEstensivo al copertoTurēšana galvenokārt telpās("Audzēti kūtī")
c)Свободен начин на отглежданеGallinero con salida libreVolný výběhFritgåendeFreilandhaltungVabapidamineΕλεύθερης βοσκήςFree rangeSortant à l'extérieurSlobodan uzgojAll'apertoBrīvā turēšana
d)Традиционен свободен начин на отглежданеGranja al aire libreTradiční volný výběhFrilands …Bäuerliche FreilandhaltungTraditsiooniline vabapidamineΠαραδοσιακής ελεύθερης βοσκήςTraditional free rangeFermier-élevé en plein airTradicionalni slobodan uzgojRurale all'apertoTradicionālā brīvā turēšana
e)Свободен начин на отглеждане – пълна свободаGranja de cría en libertadVolný výběh – úplná volnostFrilands … opdrættet i fuld frihedBäuerliche FreilandhaltungUnbegrenzter AuslaufTäieliku liikumisvabadusega traditsiooniline vabapidamineΑπεριόριστης ελεύθερης βοσκήςFree-range — total freedomFermier-élevé en libertéSlobodan uzgoj – neograničeni ispustRurale in libertàBrīvā turēšana – pilnīgā brīvībā
a)Lesinta … % …Avižomis penėtos žąsys… %-ban …-val/vel etetveZabbal etetett libaMitmugħa bi … % ta’ …Wiżża mitmugħa bilħafurGevoed met … % …Met haver vetgemeste gansŻywione z udziałem … % …tucz owsiany (gęsi)Alimentado com … % de …Ganso engordado com aveiaFurajate cu … % de …Gâște furajate cu ovăzKŕmené … % …husi kŕmené ovsomKrmljeno z … %gos, krmljena z ovsomRuokittu rehulla, joka sisältää … %Kauralla ruokittu hanhiUtfodrad med … % …Havreutfodrad gås
b)Ekstensyvus paukščių auginimas patalpose(tvartuose)Istállóban külterjesen tartottImrobbija ġewwa: sistema estensivaScharrel … binnengehoudenEkstensywny chów ściółkowyProdução extensiva em interiorCrescute în spații închise – sistem extensivChované na hlbokej podstielke (chov v hale)Ekstenzivna zaprta rejaLaajaperäinen sisäkasvatusExtensivt uppfödd inomhus
c)Laisvai auginami paukščiaiSzabadtartásTrobbija fil-beraħ(free range)Scharrel … met uitloopChów wybiegowyProdução em semiliberdadeCreștere liberăVýbehový chov (chov v exteriéri)Prosta rejaVapaa laidunTillgång till utomhusvistelse
d)Tradiciškai laisvai auginami paukščiaiHagyományos szabadtartásTrobbija fil-beraħ tradizzjonaliBoerenscharrel … met uitloopHoeve … met uitloopTradycyjny chów wybiegowyProdução ao ar livreCreștere liberă tradiționalăChované navol'noTradicionalna prosta rejaVapaa laidun – perinteinen kasvatustapaTraditionell utomhusvistelse
e)Visiškoje laisvėje auginami paukščiaiTeljes szabadtartásTrobbija fil-beraħ – libertà totaliBoerenscharrel … met vrije uitloopHoeve … met vrije uitloopChów wybiegowy bez ograniczeńProdução em liberdadeCreștere liberă totalăÚplne vol'ný chovProsta reja – neomejen izpustVapaa laidun – täydellinen liikkumavapausUppfödd i full frihet
ANNEX VThe conditions referred to in Article 11 are as follows:(a)Fed with …% of …Reference to the following particular feed ingredients may only be made where:in the case of cereals, they account for at least 65 % by weight of the feed formula given during the greater part of the fattening period, which may not include more than 15 % of cereal by-products; however, where reference is made to one specific cereal, it shall account for at least 35 % of the feed formula used, and for at least 50 % in the case of maize,in the case of pulses or green vegetables they account for at least 5 % by weight of the feed formula given during most of the fattening period,in the case of dairy products, they account for at least 5 % by weight of the feed formula given during the finishing stage.The term "Oats-fed goose" may however be used where the geese are fed during the finishing stage of three weeks not less than 500 g of oats per day.(b)Extensive indoor (barn-reared)This term may only be used where:(i)the stocking rate per m2 floor space does not exceed, in the case of:chickens, young cocks, capons: 15 birds but not more than 25 kg liveweight,ducks, guinea fowl, turkeys: 25 kg liveweight,geese: 15 kg liveweight,(ii)the birds are slaughtered, in the case of:chickens at 56 days or later,turkeys at 70 days or later,geese at 112 days or later,Peking ducks: 49 days or later,Muscovy ducks: 70 days or later for females, 84 days or later for males,female Mulard ducks: 65 days or later,guinea fowl: 82 days or later,young geese (goslings): 60 days or later,young cocks: 90 days or later,capons: 140 days or later.(c)Free rangeThis term may only be used where:(i)the stocking rate in the house and the age of slaughter are in accordance with the limits fixed under (b), except for chickens, for which the stocking rate may be increased to 13, but not more than 27,5 kg liveweight per m2 and for capons, for which the stocking rate shall not exceed 7,5 m2, and not more than 27,5 kg liveweight per m2,(ii)the birds have had during at least half their lifetime continuous daytime access to open-air runs comprising an area mainly covered by vegetation of not less than:1 m2 per chicken or guinea fowl,2 m2 per duck or per capon,4 m2 per turkey or goose.In the case of guinea fowls, open-air runs may be replaced by a perchery having a floor surface of at least that of the house and a height of at least 2 m. Perches of at least 10 cm length are available per bird in total (house and perchery),(iii)the feed formula used in the fattening stage contains at least 70 % of cereals,(iv)the poultryhouse is provided with popholes of a combined length at least equal to 4 m per 100 m2 surface of the house.(d)Traditional free rangeThis term may only be used where:(i)the indoor stocking rate per m2 does not exceed in the case of:chickens: 12 but not more than 25 kg liveweight; however, in the case of mobile houses not exceeding 150 m2 floor space and which remain open at night, the stocking rate may be increased to 20, but not more than 40 kg liveweight per m2,capons: 6,25 (up to 91 days of age: 12) but not more than 35 kg liveweight,Muscovy and Peking ducks: 8 males but not more than 35 kg liveweight, 10 females but not more than 25 kg liveweight,Mulard ducks: 8 but not more than 35 kg liveweight,guinea fowl: 13 but not more than 25 kg liveweight,turkeys: 6,25 (up to seven weeks of age: 10) but not more than 35 kg liveweight,geese: 5 (up to six weeks of age: 10), 3 during last three weeks of fattening if kept in claustration, but not more than 30 kg liveweight,(ii)the total usable area of poultryhouses at any single production site does not exceed 1600 m2,(iii)each poultryhouse does not contain more than:4800 chickens,5200 guinea fowl,4000 female Muscovy or Peking ducks or 3200 male Muscovy or Peking ducks or 3200 Mulard ducks,2500 capons, geese and turkeys,(iv)the poultryhouse is provided with popholes of a combined length at least equal to 4 m per 100 m2 surface of the house,(v)there is continuous daytime access to open-air runs at least as from the age of:six weeks in the case of chickens, and capons,eight weeks in the case of ducks, geese, guinea fowl and turkeys,(vi)open-air runs comprise an area mainly covered by vegetation amounting to at least:2 m2 per chicken or Muscovy or Peking duck or guinea fowl,3 m2 per Mulard duck,4 m2 per capon, as from 92 days (2 m2 up to 91st day),6 m2 per turkey,10 m2 per goose.In the case of guinea fowls, open-air runs may be replaced by a perchery having a floor surface of at least double that of the house and a height of at least 2 m. Perches of at least 10 cm length are available per bird in total (house and perchery),(vii)the birds fattened are of a strain recognised as being slow growing,(viii)the feed formula used in the fattening stage contains at least 70 % of cereals,(ix)the minimum age at slaughter is:81 days for chickens,150 days for capons,49 days for Peking ducks,70 days for female Muscovy ducks,84 days for male Muscovy ducks,92 days for Mulard ducks,94 days for guinea fowl,140 days for turkeys and geese marketed whole for roasting,98 days for female turkeys intended for cutting up,126 days for male turkeys intended for cutting up,95 days for geese intended for the production of foie gras and magret,60 days for young geese (goslings),(x)finition in claustration does not exceed:for chickens after 90 days of age: 15 days,for capons: four weeks,for geese and Mulard ducks intended for the production of foie gras and magret, after 70 days of age: 4 weeks.(e)Free range — total freedomThe use of this term shall require conformity with the criteria set out under (d), except that the birds shall have continuous daytime access to open-air runs of unlimited area.In the event of restrictions, including veterinary restrictions adopted under Community law to protect public and animal health, having the effect of restricting the access of poultry to open-air runs, poultry reared in accordance with the production methods described in points (c), (d) and (e) of the first subparagraph, with the exception of guinea fowls reared in percheries, may continue to be marketed with a special reference to the method of rearing for the duration of the restriction but under no circumstances for more than 12 weeks.ANNEX VIDETERMINATION OF THAW LOSS(Drip test)1.Object and scopeThis method shall be used to determine the amount of water lost from frozen or quick-frozen chickens during thawing. If this drip loss, expressed as a percentage by weight of the carcase (including all the edible offal contained in the pack) exceeds the limit value laid down in point 7, it is considered that excess water has been absorbed during processing.2.DefinitionDrip loss determined by this method shall be expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the frozen or quick-frozen carcase, including edible offal.3.PrincipleThe frozen or quick-frozen carcase, including edible offal present, is allowed to thaw under controlled conditions which allow the weight of water lost to be calculated.4.Apparatus4.1.Scales capable of weighing up to 5 kg and accurate to at least 1 g.4.2.Plastic bags large enough to hold the carcase and having a secure means of fixing the bag.4.3.Thermostatically controlled water-bath with equipment capable of holding the carcases as described in points 5.5 and 5.6. The water-bath shall contain a volume of water not less than eight times that of the poultry to be checked and shall be capable of maintaining the water at a temperature of 42 ± 2 °C.4.4.Filter paper or other absorbent paper towels.5.Method5.1.Twenty carcases are removed at random from the quantity of poultry to be checked. Until each can be tested as described in points 5.2 to 5.11, they are kept at a temperature no higher than – 18 °C.5.2.The outside of the pack is wiped to remove superficial ice and water. The pack and its content are weighed to the nearest gram: this weight is M0.5.3.The carcase, together with any edible offal sold with it, is removed from the outer wrap, which is dried and weighed to the nearest gram: this weight is M1.5.4.The weight of frozen carcase plus offal is calculated by subtracting M1 from M0.5.5.The carcase, including the edible offal, is placed in a strong, waterproof plastic bag with the abdominal cavity facing towards the bottom, closed end of the bag. The bag must be of sufficient length so as to ensure that it can be fixed securely when in the water-bath but not so wide as to allow the carcase to move from the vertical position.5.6.The part of the bag containing the carcase end edible offal is completely immersed in a water-bath and remains open, enabling as much air as possible to escape. It is held vertically, if necessary by guide bars or by extra weights put in the bag, so that water from the bath cannot enter it. The individual bags must not touch each other.5.7.The bag is left in the water-bath, maintained at 42 ± 2 °C throughout, with continuous movement of the bag or continuous agitation of the water, until the thermal centre of the carcase (the deepest part of the breast muscle close to the breast bone, in chickens without giblets, or the middle of the giblets in chickens with giblets) reaches at least 4 °C, measured in two randomly chosen carcases. The carcases should not remain in the water bath for longer than is necessary to reach 4 °C. The required period of immersion, for carcases stored at – 18 °C is of the order of:
Weight class (g)Weight of carcase + offal (g)Indicative immersion time in minutes
Chickens without offalChickens with offal
< 800< 8257792
850825 — 8748297
900875 — 92485100
950925 — 97488103
1000975 — 102492107
For carcases over 1400 g, an increase of seven minutes for each additional 100 g is required. If the suggested period of immersion is passed without reaching + 4 °C, in the two carcases which are checked, the thawing process is continued until they do reach + 4 °C in the thermal centre.
5.8.The bag and its content are removed from the water-bath; the bottom of the bag is pierced to allow any water produced on thawing to drain. The bag and its content are allowed to drip for one hour at an ambient temperature of between + 18 °C and + 25 °C.5.9.The thawed carcase is removed from the bag and the pack containing offal (if present) is removed from the abdominal cavity. The carcase is dried inside and out with filter paper or paper towels. The bag containing the offal is pierced and, once any water has drained away, the bag and thawed offal are dried as carefully as possible.5.10.The total weight of thawed carcase, offal and pack is determined to the nearest gram and expressed as M2.5.11.The weight of the pack which contained the offal is determined to the nearest gram and expressed as M3.
6.Calculation of resultThe amount of water lost through thawing as a percentage by weight of the frozen or quick-frozen carcase (including offal) is given by:((M0 – M1 – M2)/(M0 – M1 – M3)) × 1007.Evaluation of resultIf the average water loss on thawing for the 20 carcases in the sample exceeds the percentages given below, it is considered that the amount of water absorbed during processing exceeds the permissible limit.The percentages are, in the case of:air chilling: 1,5 %,air spray chilling: 3,3 %,immersion chilling: 5,1 %.other chilling method or a combination of two or more of the methods defined in Article 10: 1,5 %.
ANNEX VIIDETERMINATION OF THE TOTAL WATER CONTENT OF CHICKENS(Chemical test)1.Object and scopeThis method is used to determine the total water content of frozen and quick-frozen chickens. The method involves determination of the water and protein contents of samples from homogenised poultry carcases. The total water content as determined is compared with the limit value given by the formulae indicated in point 6.4, to determine whether or not excess water has been taken up during processing. If the analyst suspects the presence of any substance which may interfere with the assessment, it is for him or her to take the necessary appropriate precautions.2.Definitions"Carcase": the poultry carcase with bones, cartilage and any additional offal."Offal": liver, heart, gizzard and neck.3.PrincipleWater and protein contents are determined in accordance with recognised ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) methods or other methods of analysis approved by the Council.The maximum total water content of the carcase is determined from the protein content of the carcase, which can be related to the physiological water content.4.Apparatus and reagents4.1.Scales for weighing the carcase and wrappings, accurate to at least 1 g.4.2.Meat-axe or saw for cutting carcases into pieces of appropriate size for the mincer.4.3.Heavy-duty mincing machine and blender capable of homogenising complete frozen or quick-frozen poultry pieces.NB:No special mincer is recommended. It should have sufficient power to mince frozen or quick-frozen meat and bones to produce a homogeneous mixture corresponding to that obtained from a mincer fitted with a 4-mm hole disc.4.4.Apparatus as specified in ISO 1442, for the determination of water content.4.5.Apparatus as specified in ISO 937, for the determination of protein content.5.Method5.1.Seven carcases are taken at random from the quantity of poultry to be checked and in each case kept frozen until analysis in accordance with points 5.2 to 5.6 begins.The analysis may concern either each of the seven carcases separately or a composite sample of the seven carcases.5.2.The preparation is commenced within the hour following the removal of the carcases from the freezer.5.3.(a)The outside of the pack is wiped to remove superficial ice and water. Each carcase is weighed and removed from any wrapping material. After cutting up of the carcase into smaller pieces, any wrapping material around the edible offal is removed. The total weight of the carcase, including the edible offal and ice adhering to the carcase, is determined to the nearest gram after deduction of the weight of any wrapping material removed, to give "P1".(b)In the case of a composite sample analysis, the total weight of the seven carcases, prepared in accordance with point 5.3(a), is determined to give "P7".5.4.(a)The whole carcase of which the weight is P1 is minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which a sample representative of each carcase may then be taken.(b)In the case of a composite sample analysis, all seven carcases of which the weight is P7 is minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which two samples representative of the seven carcases may then be taken. The two samples are analysed as described in points 5.5 and sample of the homogenised material is taken and used immediately to determine the water content in accordance with ISO 1442 to give the water content "a %".5.6.A sample of the homogenised material is also taken and used immediately to determine the nitrogen content in accordance with ISO 937. This nitrogen content is converted to crude protein content "b %" by multiplying it by the factor 6,25.6.Calculation of results6.1.(a)The weight of water (W) in each carcase is given by aP1/100 and the weight of protein (RP) by bP1/100, both of which are expressed in grams. The sums of the weights of water (W7) and the weights of protein (RP7) in the seven carcases analysed are determined.(b)In the case of a composite sample analysis, the average content of water and protein from the two samples analysed is determined to give a % and b %, respectively. The weight of the water (W7) in the seven carcases is given by aP7/100, and the weight of protein (RP7) by bP7/100, both of which are expressed in grams.6.2.The average weight of water (WA) and protein (RPA) is calculated by dividing W7 and RP7, respectively, by seven.6.3.The theoretical physiological water content in grams as determined by this method may be calculated by the following formula:chickens: 02008R0543-20130701_en_img_3.6.4.(a)Air chillingAssuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 2 %Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water., the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):chickens: 02008R0543-20130701_en_img_4.(b)Air-spray chillingAssuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 4,5 %Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water., the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):chickens: 02008R0543-20130701_en_img_5.(c)Immersion chillingAssuming a technically unavoidable water absorption during preparation of 7 %Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water. the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):chickens: 02008R0543-20130701_en_img_6.(d)Other chilling methods or a combination of two or more of the methods defined in Article 10Assuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 2 %Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water., the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):chickens: 02008R0543-20130701_en_img_7.6.5.If the average water content (WA) of the seven carcases as calculated under point 6.2 does not exceed the value given in point 6.4 (WG), the quantity of poultry subjected to the check shall be considered up to standard.ANNEX VIIIDETERMINATION OF THE TOTAL WATER CONTENT OF POULTRY CUTS(Chemical test)1.Object and scopeThis method is used to determine the total water content of certain poultry cuts. The method shall involve determination of the water and protein contents of samples from the homogenised poultry cuts. The total water content as determined is compared with the limit value given by the formulae indicated in point 6.4, to determine whether or not excess water has been taken up during processing. If the analyst suspects the presence of any substance which may interfere with the assessment, it is for him or her to take the necessary appropriate precautions.2.Definitions and sampling proceduresThe definitions given in point (2) of Article 1 are applicable to the poultry cuts referred to in Article 20. The sample sizes should be at least as follows:chicken breast: half of the breast,chicken breast fillet: half of the boned breast without skin,turkey breast, turkey breast fillet and boned leg meat: portions of about 100 g,other cuts: as defined in point (2) of Article 1.In the case of frozen or quick-frozen bulk products (cuts not individually packed) the large packs from which samples are to be taken may be kept at 0 °C until individual cuts can be removed.3.PrincipleWater and protein contents are determined in accordance with recognised ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) methods or other methods of analysis approved by the Council.The highest permissible total water content of the poultry cuts is determined from the protein content of the cuts, which can be related to the physiological water content.4.Apparatus and reagents4.1.Scales for weighing the cuts and wrappings, accurate to at least 1 g.4.2.Meat-axe or saw for cutting cuts into pieces of appropriate size for the mincer.4.3.Heavy-duty mincing machine and blender capable of homogenising poultry cuts or parts thereof.NB:No special mincer is recommended. It should have sufficient power to mince frozen or quick-frozen meat and bones to produce a homogeneous mixture corresponding to that obtained from a mincer fitted with a 4-mm hole disc.4.4.Apparatus as specified in ISO 1442, for the determination of water content.4.5.Apparatus as specified in ISO 937, for the determination of protein content.5.Method5.1.Five cuts are taken at random from the quantity of poultry cuts to be checked and kept frozen or refrigerated as the case may be until analysis in accordance with points 5.2 to 5.6 begins.Samples from frozen or quick-frozen bulk products referred to under point 2 may be kept at 0 °C until analysis begins.The analysis may concern each of the five cuts separately or a composite sample of the five cuts.5.2.The preparation is commenced within the hour following the removal of the cuts from the freezer or refrigerator.5.3.(a)The outside of the pack is wiped to remove superficial ice and water. Each cut is weighed and removed from any wrapping material. After cutting up the cuts into smaller pieces, the weight of the poultry cut is determined to the nearest gram after deduction of the weight of any wrapping material removed, to give "P1".(b)In the case of a composite sample analysis, the total weight of the five cuts, prepared in accordance with point 5.3(a), is determined to give "P5".5.4.(a)The whole cut of which the weight is P1, is minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which a sample representative of each cut may then be taken.(b)In the case of a composite sample analysis, all five cuts of which the weight is P5 are minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which two samples representative of the five cuts may then be taken.The two samples are analysed as described in points 5.5 and sample of the homogenised material is taken and used immediately to determine the water content in accordance with ISO 1442 to give the water content "a %".5.6.A sample of the homogenised material is also taken and used immediately to determine the nitrogen content in accordance with ISO 937. This nitrogen content is converted to crude protein content "b %" by multiplying it by the factor 6,25.6.Calculation of results6.1.(a)The weight of water (W) in each cut is given by aP1/100 and the weight of protein (RP) by bP1/100, both of which are expressed in grams.The sums of the weights of water (W5) and the weights of protein (RP5) in the five cuts analysed are determined.(b)In the case of a composite sample analysis, the average content of water and protein from the two samples analysed is determined to give a % and b %, respectively. The weight of the water (W5) in the five cuts is given by aP5/100, and the weight of protein (RP5) by bP5/100, both of which are expressed in grams.6.2.The average weight of water (WA) and protein (RPA) is calculated by dividing W5 and RP5 respectively, by five.6.3.The mean physiological W/RP ratio as determined by this method is as follows:chicken breast fillet: 3,19 ± 0,12,chicken legs and leg quarters: 3,78 ± 0,19,turkey breast fillet: 3,05 ± 0,15,turkey legs: 3,58 ± 0,15,deboned turkey leg meat: 3,65 ± 0,17.6.4.Assuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 2 %, 4 % or 6 %Calculated on the basis of the cut, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water. For (skinless) fillet and deboned turkey leg meat, the percentage is 2 % for each of the chilling methods. depending on the type of products and chilling methods applied, the highest permissible W/RP ratios as determined by this method are as follows:
Air chilledAir-spray chilledImmersion chilled
Chicken breast fillet; without skin3,403,403,40
Chicken breast; with skin3,403,503,60
Chicken thighs, drumsticks, legs, legs with a portion of the back, leg quarters, with skin4,054,154,30
Turkey breast fillet; without skin3,403,403,40
Turkey breast, with skin3,403,503,60
Turkey thighs, drumsticks, legs, with skin3,803,904,05
Deboned turkey leg meat, without skin3,953,953,95
In case of other chilling methods or a combination of two or more of the methods defined in Article 10, the unavoidable water content is assumed to amount to 2 % and the highest permissible W/PR ratios are those fixed for the air chilling method in the table above.If the average WA/RPA ratio of the five cuts as calculated from the values under point 6.2 does not exceed the ratio given in point 6.4, the quantity of poultry cuts subjected to the check is considered up to standard.
ANNEX IXCHECK ON ABSORPTION OF WATER IN THE PRODUCTION ESTABLISHMENT(Slaughterhouse test)1.At least once each working period of eight hours:select at random 25 carcases from the evisceration line immediately after evisceration and the removal of the offal and fat and before the first subsequent washing.2.If necessary, remove the neck by cutting, leaving the neck skin attached to the carcase.3.Identify each carcase individually. Weigh each carcase and record its weight to the nearest gram.4.Re-hang the test carcases on the evisceration line to continue through the normal processes of washing, chilling, dripping, etc.5.Remove identified carcases at the end of the drip line without allowing them any longer time to drip than that allowed normally for poultry from the lot from which the sample was taken.6.The sample consists of the first 20 carcases recovered. They are re-weighed. Their weight to the nearest gram is recorded against the weight recorded on first weighing. The test is declared void if less than 20 identified carcases are recovered.7.Remove identification from sample carcases and allow the carcases to proceed through normal packing operations.8.Determine percentage moisture absorption by subtracting the total weight of these same carcases after washing, chilling and dripping, dividing the difference by the initial weight and multiplying by 100.9.Instead of manual weighing as described under points 1 to 8, automatic weighing lines may be used for the determination of the percentage moisture absorption for the same number of carcases and according to the same principles, provided that the automatic weighing line is approved in advance for this purpose by the competent authority.10.The result must not exceed the following percentages of the initial weight of the carcase or any other figure allowing compliance with the maximum total extraneous water content:air chilling0 %,air-spray chilling2,0 %,immersion chilling4,5 %,11.In cases where carcases are chilled with an other chilling method or a combination of two or more of the methods defined in Article 10, the maximum percentage of water content shall not exceed 0 % of the original weight of the carcase.ANNEX XINDICATIONS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 16(6)in BulgarianСъдържанието на вода превишава нормите на ЕОin SpanishContenido en agua superior al límite CEin CzechObsah vody překračuje limit ESin DanishVandindhold overstiger EF-Normenin GermanWassergehalt über dem EG-Höchstwertin EstonianVeesisaldus ületab EÜ normiin GreekΠεριεκτικότητα σε νερό ανώτερη του ορίου ΕΚin EnglishWater content exceeds EC limitin FrenchTeneur en eau supérieure à la limite CEin CroatianSadržaj vode prelazi ograničenje EZin ItalianTenore d’acqua superiore al limite CEin LatvianŪdens saturs pārsniedz EK noteikto normuin LithuanianVandens kiekis viršija EB nustatytą ribąin HungarianVíztartalom meghaladja az EK által előírt határértéketin MalteseIl-kontenut ta’ l-ilma superjuri għal-limitu KEin DutchWatergehalte hoger dan het EG-maximumin PolishZawartość wody przekracza normę WEin PortugueseTeor de água superior ao limite CEin RomanianConținutul de apă depășește limita CEin SlovakObsah vody presahuje limit ESin SlovenianVsebnost vode presega ES omejitevin FinnishVesipitoisuus ylittää EY-norminin SwedishVattenhalten överstiger den halt som är tillåten inom EG.ANNEX XILIST OF NATIONAL REFERENCE LABORATORIESBelgiumInstituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO)Eenheid Technologie en VoedingProductkwaliteit en voedselveiligheidBrusselsesteenweg 3709090 MelleBELGIËBulgariaНационален диагностичен научно-изследователски ветеринарно-медицински институт(National Diagnostic Research Veterinary Medicine Institute)бул. "Пенчо Славейков" 15(Pencho Slaveikov str. 15)1606 София(1606 Sofia)BULGARIACzech RepublicStátní veterinární ústav JihlavaNárodní referenční laboratoř pro mikrobiologické,chemické a senzorické analýzy masa a masných výrobkůRantířovská 93586 05 JihlavaČESKÁ REPUBLIKADenmarkFødevarestyrelsenFødevareregion ØstAfdeling for FødevarekemiSøndervang 44100 RingstedDANMARKGermanyMax Rubner-InstitutBundesforschungsinstitut für Ernährung und Lebensmittel(Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food)- Institut für Sicherheit und Qualität bei Fleisch -(Department of Safety and Quality of Meat)E.-C.-Baumann-Straße. 2095326 KulmbachDEUTSCHLANDEstoniaVeterinaar- ja ToidulaboratooriumKreutzwaldi 3051006 TartuEESTIIrelandNational Food CentreTeagascDunsineaCastleknockDublin 15ÉIRE/IRELANDGreeceMinistry of Rural Development & FoodVeterinary Laboratory of Larisa7th km Larisa-Trikalοn st.411 10 LarisaGREECESpainLaboratorio Arbitral AgroalimentarioCarretera de La Coruña, km 10,70028023 MadridESPAÑAFranceSCL Laboratoire de Montpellierparc Euromédecine205 rue de la Croix-Verte34196 Montpellier Cedex 5FRANCEItalyMinistero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestaliIspettorato centrale della tutela della qualità e repressione frodi dei prodotti agroalimentariLaboratorio di ModenaVia Jacopo Cavedone N. 2941100 ModenaITALIACyprusAnalytical Laboratories SectionDepartment of AgricultureMinistry of agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentLoukis Akritas Ave.1412 NicosiaCYPRUSLatviaPārtikas drošības, dzīvnieku veselības un vides zinātniskais institūtsLejupes iela 3Rīga, LV-1076LATVIJALithuaniaNacionalinis maisto ir veterinarijos rizikos vertinimo institutasJ. Kairiūkščio g. 10LT-08409 VilniusLIETUVALuxembourgLaboratoire National de Santé42, rue du Laboratoire1911 LuxembourgLUXEMBOURGHungaryMezőgazdasági Szakigazgatási Hivatal Központ Élelmiszer- és Takarmánybiztonsági Igazgatóság(Central Agricultural Office Food and Feed Safety Directorate)Budapest 94. Pf. 1740Mester u. 81.1465MAGYARORSZÁGMaltaMCCAA Laboratory Services DirectorateStandards and Metrology InstituteMalta Competition and Consumer Affairs AuthorityF22, Mosta TechnoparkMosta MST3000MaltaNetherlandsRIKILT — Instituut voor VoedselveiligheidWageningen University and Research CentreAkkermaalsbos 2, gebouw 1236708 WB WageningenNEDERLANDAustriaÖsterreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbHSpargelfeldstraße 1911226 WienÖSTERREICHPolandCentralne Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu JakościHandlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczychul. Reymonta 11/1360-791 PoznańPOLSKAPortugalAutoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica — ASAELaboratório Central da Qualidade Alimentar — LCQAAv. Conde Valbom 981050-070 LisboaPORTUGALRomaniaInstitutul de Igienă și Sănătate Publică VeterinarăStr. Câmpul Moșilor nr. 5, sector 2BucureștiROMÂNIASloveniaUniverza v LjubljaniVeterinarska fakultetaNacionalni veterinarski inštitutGerbičeva 60SI-1115 LjubljanaSLOVENIJASlovakiaŠtátny veterinárny a potravinový ústavBotanická 15842 52 BratislavaSLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKAFinlandElintarviketurvallisuusvirasto EviraMustialankatu 3FI-00710 HelsinkiSUOMI/FINLANDSwedenLivsmedelsverketBox 622SE-751 26 UppsalaSVERIGEUnited KingdomLaboratory of the Government ChemistQueens RoadTeddingtonTW11 0LYUNITED KINGDOMANNEX XIITasks and organisational structure of the board of experts in monitoring water content in poultrymeatThe board of experts referred to in Article 19 is responsible for the following tasks:(a)supplying information on analytical methods and comparative testing regarding the water content of poultrymeat to the national reference laboratories;(b)coordinating the application by the national reference laboratories of the methods referred to in (a), by organising comparative testing, and proficiency testing in particular;(c)supporting the national reference laboratories in proficiency testing by providing scientific support for statistical data evaluation and reporting;(d)coordinating the development of new analytical methods and informing the national reference laboratories of progress made in this area;(e)providing scientific and technical assistance to the Commission, especially in cases where the results of analyses are contested between Member States.The board of experts referred to in Article 19 shall be organised as follows:The board of experts in monitoring water content in poultrymeat shall consist of representatives of the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC) — Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and of three national reference laboratories. The representative of IRMM shall act as the chairperson of the board and shall appoint the national reference laboratories on a rotational basis. The Member State authority responsible for the national reference laboratory selected shall subsequently appoint individual experts in monitoring water content in food to serve on the board. Through annual rotation, one participating national reference laboratory shall be replaced at a time, so as to ensure a degree of continuity on the board. Expenses incurred by the Member States’ experts and/or the national reference laboratories in the exercise of their functions under this Section of this Annex shall be borne by the respective Member States.Tasks of national reference laboratoriesThe national reference laboratories listed in Annex XI are responsible for the following tasks:(a)coordinating the activities of the national laboratories responsible for analyses of water content in poultrymeat;(b)assisting the competent authority in the Member State in organising the system for monitoring water content in poultrymeat;(c)participating in comparative testing (proficiency testing) between the various national laboratories referred to in (a);(d)ensuring that the information supplied by the board of experts is disseminated to the competent authority in the relevant Member State and to the national laboratories referred to in (a);(e)collaborating with the board of experts and, if appointed to join the board of experts, preparing the necessary test samples, including homogeneity testing, and arranging appropriate shipping.ANNEX XIIaTemplates referred to in Article 18(1)
Control data for whole chicken carcasses from 1.1.2… - 31.12.2…Member State's name:Annexe to Regulation (EC) No 543/2008.Weight — average weight of 7 carcasses [g]Drip Loss — average water loss in % of 20 carcasses.
Sample ID Nr.Producer ID Nr.Chilling MethodAnnex VIDrip Loss%Annex VIDrip Loss LimitAnnex VIIWeight[g]Annex VIIWater(WA) [g]Annex VIIProtein(RPA) [g]Annex VIIWater limit(Wg) [g]Over LimitXAction
To be sent to:
Control data for poultry parts from 1.1.2… - 31.12.2…Member State's name:T = Turkey, C = Chicken.A = Air chilling, AS = Air spray chilling, IM = Immersion chilling.
Sample ID Nr.SpeciesType of cuts.Producer ID Nr.Chilling MethodWater(WA) %Protein(RPA) %Ratio Water/ProteinLimit from RegulationOver LimitXAction
To be sent to:
Correlation table
Regulation (EEC) No 1906/90Regulation (EEC) No 1538/91This Regulation
Article 1Article 1
Article 1a, introductory phraseArticle 2, introductory phrase
Article 2(2), (3) and (4)Article 2(a), (b) and (c)
Article 2(8)Article 2(d)
Article 1a, first and second indentsArticle 2(e) and (f)
Article 2Article 3(1) to (4)
Article 4Article 3(5)
Article 3Article 4
Article 4Article 5(1)
Article 5(1) to (4)Article 5(2) to (5)
Article 6Article 5(6)
Article 5Article 6
Article 6(1), introductory phraseArticle 7(1), introductory phrase
Article 6(1), first to sixth indentsArticle 7(1), points (a) to (f)
Article 6(2), introductory phraseArticle 7(2), introductory phrase
Article 6(2), first to fourth indentsArticle 7(2), points (a) to (d)
Article 7(1)Article 8(1)
Article 7(3)Article 8(2)
Article 7(4)Article 8(3)
Article 7(5)Article 8(4)
Article 7(6)Article 8(5)
Article 8(1)Article 9(1)
Article 8(2)Article 9(2)
Article 8(3), introductory phraseArticle 9(3), introductory phrase
Article 8(3), first indentArticle 9(3), point (a)
Article 8(3), second indentArticle 9(3), point (b)
Article 8(4), first subparagraph, introductory phraseArticle 9(4), first subparagraph, introductory phrase
Article 8(4), first subparagraph, first to third indentsArticle 9(4), first subparagraph, points (a) to (c)
Article 8(4), second subparagraphArticle 9(4), second subparagraph
Article 8(5) to (12)Article 9(5) to (12)
Article 8(13), first subparagraph
Article 8(13), second subparagraphArticle 9(13)
Article 9Article 10
Article 10Article 11
Article 11(1), introductory phraseArticle 12(1), introductory phrase
Article 11(1), first to fourth indentsArticle 12(1), points (a) to (d)
Article 11(2)Article 12(2)
Article 11(2a)Article 12(3)
Article 11(2b)Article 12(4)
Article 11(3), introductory phraseArticle 12(5), introductory phrase
Article 11(3), first to fourth indentsArticle 12(5), points (a) to (d)
Article 11(4)Article 12(6)
Article 12Article 13
Article 13Article 14
Article 14a(1) and (2)Article 15
Article 14a(3) to (5)Article 16(1) to (3)
Article 14a(5a)Article 16(4)
Article 14a(6)Article 16(5)
Article 14a(7), first subparagraph, introductory phraseArticle 16(6), first subparagraph
Article 14a(7), first subparagraph, indentsAnnex X
Article 14a(7), second and third subparagraphsArticle 16(6), second and third subparagraphs
Article 14a(8) to (12)Article 17(1) to (5)
Article 14a(12a)Article 18(1)
Article 14a(13)Article 18(2)
Article 14a(14)Article 19
Article 14b(1)Article 20(1)
Article 14b(2), first subparagraph, introductory phraseArticle 20(2), first subparagraph, introductory phrase
Article 14b(2), first subparagraph, first to third indentsArticle 20(2), first subparagraph, points (a) to (c)
Article 14b(2), second subparagraphArticle 20(2), second subparagraph
Article 14b(3) and (4)Article 20(3) and 4)
Article 15
Article 21
Article 22
Annex IAnnex I
Annex IaAnnex II
Annex IIAnnex III
Annex IIIAnnex IV
Annex IVAnnex V
Annex VAnnex VI
Annex VIAnnex VII
Annex VIaAnnex VIII
Annex VIIAnnex IX
Annex VIIIAnnex XI
Annex IXAnnex XII
Annex XIII

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