Commission Regulation (EC) No 1470/2006 of 4 October 2006 providing for the rejection of applications for export licences in relation to certain processed products and cereal-based compound feedingstuffs
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1470/2006of 4 October 2006providing for the rejection of applications for export licences in relation to certain processed products and cereal-based compound feedingstuffs THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 of 29 September 2003 on the common organisation of the market in cerealsOJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 78. Regulation as amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1154/2005 (OJ L 187, 19.7.2005, p. 11).,Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003 of 28 July 2003 laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and riceOJ L 189, 29.7.2003, p. 12. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1263/2006 (OJ L 230, 24.8.2006, p. 6)., and in particular Article 8(1) thereof,Whereas:The quantity covered by applications for advance fixing of refunds on potato starch and maize-based products is of great importance and could give rise to speculation. It has therefore been decided to reject all applications for export licences of such products made on 2, 3 and 4 October 2006,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
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