Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste
- In force
- CELEX number: 32006R1013
- Official Journal: JOL_2006_190_R_0001_01
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: 2003/0139(COD), 2003/0139/COD
- Languages:
- bg
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Date of document: - June 14, 2006
- July 12, 2006
- July 15, 2006
- Entry into force - Date pub. + 3 See Art 64.1
- July 12, 2007
- Application - See Art 64.1
- August 1, 2012
- Application - Partial application See 32011R0664
- May 19, 2024
- Partial end of validity See 20240411-013 Art. 85.1 And 85.2(a)
- December 31, 2025
- Partial end of validity See 20240411-013 Art. 85.2(c)
- May 21, 2026
- Partial end of validity See 20240411-013 Art. 85.2
- May 21, 2027
- Repealed by 32024R1157 Art. 85.2(b)
Modified by
Corrected by:
- November 28, 2008 - 32006R1013R(02)
- December 13, 2013 - 32006R1013R(04)
- October 22, 2015 - 32006R1013R(06)
Modified by:
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 664/2011 of 11 July 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste to include certain mixtures of wastes in Annex IIIA thereto Text with EEA relevance - detail
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 255/2013 of 20 March 2013 amending, for the purposes of adaptation to scientific and technical progress, Annexes IC, VII and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste Text with EEA relevance - detail
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 413/2010 of 12 May 2010 amending Annexes III, IV and V to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste so as to take account of changes adopted by OECD Council Decision C(2008) 156 (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 669/2008 of 15 July 2008 on completing Annex IC of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- Regulation (EC) No 219/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part Two - detail
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 308/2009 of 15 April 2009 amending, for the purposes of adaptation to scientific and technical progress, Annexes IIIA and VI to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance ) - detail
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2002 of 10 November 2015 amending Annexes IC and V to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- 2010/438/EU: Commission Decision of 10 August 2010 extending the derogation period for Bulgaria to raise objections to shipments of certain waste to Bulgaria for recovery under Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document C(2010) 5434) Text with EEA relevance - detail
- Directive 2009/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the geological storage of carbon dioxide and amending Council Directive 85/337/EEC, European Parliament and Council Directives 2000/60/EC, 2001/80/EC, 2004/35/EC, 2006/12/EC, 2008/1/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- Regulation (EU) No 660/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste - detail
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 135/2012 of 16 February 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste to include certain unclassified wastes in Annex IIIB thereto Text with EEA relevance - detail
- Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and Directive 2009/16/EC Text with EEA relevance - detail
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/2174 of 19 October 2020 amending Annexes IC, III, IIIA, IV, V, VII and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1234/2014 of 18 November 2014 amending Annexes IIIB, V and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste Text with EEA relevance - detail
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1379/2007 of 26 November 2007 amending Annexes IA, IB, VII and VIII of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste, for the purposes of taking account of technical progress and changes agreed under the Basel Convention (Text with EEA relevance) - detail
All documents based on this document:
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 801/2007 of 6 July 2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste listed in Annex III or IIIA to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 of 29 November 2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste listed in Annex III or IIIA to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply (Text with EEA relevance )
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 669/2008 of 15 July 2008 on completing Annex IC of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 740/2008 of 29 July 2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 as regards the procedures to be followed for export of waste to certain countries (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 308/2009 of 15 April 2009 amending, for the purposes of adaptation to scientific and technical progress, Annexes IIIA and VI to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance )
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 967/2009 of 15 October 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain non-OECD countries (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 413/2010 of 12 May 2010 amending Annexes III, IV and V to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste so as to take account of changes adopted by OECD Council Decision C(2008) 156 (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 837/2010 of 23 September 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain non-OECD countries Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 661/2011 of 8 July 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain non-OECD countries Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 664/2011 of 11 July 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste to include certain mixtures of wastes in Annex IIIA thereto Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 135/2012 of 16 February 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste to include certain unclassified wastes in Annex IIIB thereto Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 674/2012 of 23 July 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain non-OECD countries Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 57/2013 of 23 January 2013 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain non-OECD countries Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 255/2013 of 20 March 2013 amending, for the purposes of adaptation to scientific and technical progress, Annexes IC, VII and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 733/2014 of 24 June 2014 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste to certain non-OECD countries Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1234/2014 of 18 November 2014 amending Annexes IIIB, V and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste Text with EEA relevance
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2002 of 10 November 2015 amending Annexes IC and V to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1245 of 28 July 2016 setting out a preliminary correlation table between codes of the Combined Nomenclature provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 and entries of waste listed in Annexes III, IV and V to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/2174 of 19 October 2020 amending Annexes IC, III, IIIA, IV, V, VII and VIII to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1840 of 20 October 2021 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste listed in Annex III or IIIA to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/520 of 31 March 2022 amending Regulation (EC) No 1418/2007 concerning the export for recovery of certain waste listed in Annex III or IIIA to Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council to certain countries to which the OECD Decision on the control of transboundary movements of wastes does not apply (Text with EEA relevance)
Derogated in:
- 2011/854/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 15 December 2011 extending the derogation period for Romania to raise objections to shipments of certain waste to Romania for recovery under Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste (notified under document C(2011) 9191) Text with EEA relevance
- 1999/412/EC: Commission Decision of 3 June 1999 concerning a questionnaire for the reporting obligation of Member States pursuant to Article 41(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 (notified under document number C(1999) 1456)
- 94/774/EC: Commission Decision of 24 November 1994 concerning the standard consignment note referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community
Implicit repeal:
- Council Regulation (EC) No 120/97 of 20 January 1997 amending Regulation (EC) No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 2557/2001 of 28 December 2001 amending Annex V of Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community
- 1999/816/EC: Commission Decision of 24 November 1999 adapting, pursuant to Articles 16(1) and 42(3), Annexes II, III, IV and V to Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community (notified under document number C(1999) 3880) (Text with EEA relevance)
Affected by case
- Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 11 November 2021. Regione Veneto v Plan Eco Srl. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Environment – Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 – Shipments of waste – Article 3(5) and Article 11(1)(i) – Directive 2008/98/EC – Waste management – Article 16 – Principles of self-sufficiency and proximity – Decision 2000/532/EC – European Waste Catalogue (EWC) – Mixed municipal waste subject to mechanical treatment which does not alter its nature. Case C-315/20.
- A11
- A03P5
- Case C-405/10: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Bruchsal (Germany) lodged on 10 August 2010 — Criminal proceedings against QB (*)
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber), 29 March 2012. Interseroh Scrap and Metals Trading GmbH v Sonderabfall-Management-Gesellschaft Rheinland-Pfalz mbH (SAM). Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Mainz. Environment — Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 — Article 18(1) and (4) — Shipments of certain waste — Article 3(2) — Mandatory information — Identity of waste producers — Information not provided by the intermediary dealer — Protection of business secrets. Case C-1/11.
- A18P4
- A18P1
- N7
- Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 28 May 2020. Interseroh Dienstleistungs GmbH v SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Environment – Shipment of waste – Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 – Prior written notification and consent procedure – General information requirements – Annex IIIA – Mixture of paper, paperboard and paper products – Code B3020 of Annex IX to the Basel Convention – Impurities – Mixture contaminated by other materials – Recovery in an environmentally sound manner. Case C-654/18.
- Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 12 December 2013. Ragn-Sells AS v Sillamäe Linnavalitsus. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tartu Ringkonnakohus - Estonia. References for a preliminary ruling - Directive 2008/98/EC - Waste management - Article 16(3) - Principle of proximity - Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 - Shipment of waste - Mixed municipal waste - Industrial waste and construction waste - Procedure for awarding a service concession for the collection and transport of waste produced on the territory of a municipality - Obligation for the future concessionaire to transport waste collected in the treatment facilities designated by the concession-granting authority - Nearest appropriate treatment facilities. Case C-292/12.
- Judgment of the Court (Ninth Chamber) of 8 July 2021. UAB „Sanresa“ v Aplinkos apsaugos departamentas prie Aplinkos ministerijos. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Public procurement – Award of a public contract for waste treatment services – Directive 2014/24/EU – Articles 58 and 70 – Classification of the operator’s obligation to hold written prior consent for cross-border shipments of waste – Condition of performance of the contract. Case C-295/20.
- Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 3 September 2020. Criminal proceedings against XN and Others. Requests for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Waste – Shipments – Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 – Waste subject to the prior written notification and consent procedure – Article 1(3) – Shipments subject to approval requirements – Directive 2008/98/EC – Article 5(1) – Concept of ‘by-products’ – Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 – Article 3, point 1 – Concept of ‘animal by-products’ – Shipments of a mixture of animal by-products and other material. Joined Cases C-21/19 to C-23/19.
- A01P3LD
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 10 November 2011. Criminal proceedings against QB. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Amtsgericht Bruchsal - Germany. Protection of the environment – Regulations (EC) Nos 1013/2006 and 1418/2007 – Control of shipments of waste – Prohibition on the shipment of spent catalysts to Lebanon. Case C-405/10.
- A36P1LF
- N3LA
- N3
- N5
- A37
- Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 16 May 2019. Conti 11. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "MSC Flaminia" v Land Niedersachsen. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht München I. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Shipment of waste — Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 — Waste subject to the prior written notification and consent procedure — Shipments within the European Union — Article 1(3)(b) — Exclusion from the regulation’s scope — Waste generated on board ships — Waste on board a ship following damage at sea. Case C-689/17.
- A01P3LB
- Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 4 July 2019. Criminal proceedings against Tronex BV. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof Den Haag. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Waste — Shipments — Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 — Article 2(1) — Directive 2008/98/EC — Article 3(1) — Concepts of ‘shipment of waste’ and ‘waste’ — Consignment of goods initially intended for retail sale, returned by consumers or become redundant in the seller’s product range. Case C-624/17.
- A01P1
- A02PT1
- Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 9 June 2016. Nutrivet D.O.O.E.L. v Országos Környezetvédelmi és Természetvédelmi Főfelügyelőség. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság. References for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Waste — Transfers — Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 — Article 2(35)(g)(iii) — Illegal shipment — Incorrect or inconsistent information entered in the document listed in Annex VII to that regulation — Article 50(1) — Penalties applicable in the event of infringement of the provisions of that regulation — Proportionality. Case C-69/15.
- N3
- A02PT35LGPT3
- N7
- A24
- A50P1
- Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 26 November 2015. SC Total Waste Recycling SRL v Országos Környezetvédelmi és Természetvédelmi Főfelügyelőség. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Waste — Shipments — Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 — Shipments within the European Union — Point of entry different from that specified in the notification and in the prior consent — Essential change to the details of a shipment of waste — Shipments — Proportionality of the administrative fine. Case C-487/14.
- A17P1
- A02PT35LD
- N4
- A50P1
- Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 23 May 2019. ReFood GmbH & Co. KG v Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Oldenburg. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Environment — Shipments of waste within the European Union — Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 — Article 1(3)(d) — Scope — Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 — Shipments of animal by-products. Case C-634/17.
- A01P3LD
- Case C-295/20: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas (Lithuania) lodged on 2 July 2020 — ‘Sanresa’ UAB v Aplinkos apsaugos departamentas prie Aplinkos ministerijos
- article 5
- article 9
- article 3
- article 2 point 35
- article 7
- article 17
- article 8
- article 6
- article 4
- Case C-353/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 6 May 2019 — Interseroh Dienstleistungs GmbH v Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
- annex IIIA point 3 point (g)
- annex III
- Case C-23/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Netherlands) lodged on 15 January 2019 — Criminal proceedings against P.F. Kamstra Recycling BV
- article 1 paragraph 3 point (d)
- article 1 paragraph 3
- Case C-689/17: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht München I (Germany) lodged on 8 December 2017 — Conti 11. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Ms ‘MSC Flaminia’ v Land Niedersachsen
- article 1 paragraph 3 point (b)
- Case C-221/24, Naturvårdsverket: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Svea hovrätt, Mark- och miljööverdomstolen (Sweden) lodged on 22 March 2024 - Naturvårdsverket v UQ
- article 24 paragraph 2
- article 24 paragraph 2 point (c)
- article 24 paragraph 2 point (d)
- Case C-21/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Netherlands) lodged on 15 January 2019 — Criminal proceedings against XN
- article 1 paragraph 3 point (d)
- article 1 paragraph 3
- Case C-222/24, Naturvårdsverket: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Svea hovrätt, Mark- och miljööverdomstolen (Sweden) lodged on 22 March 2024 – Naturvårdsverket v IC
- article 24 paragraph 2 point (c)
- article 24 paragraph 2
- article 24 paragraph 2 point (d)
- Case C-22/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden (Netherlands) lodged on 15 January 2019 — Criminal proceedings against YO
- article 1 paragraph 3 point (d)
- article 1 paragraph 3
- Case C-188/23, Conti 11. Container Schiffahrt: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberlandesgericht München (Germany) lodged on 23 March 2023 — Land Niedersachsen v Conti 11. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS ‘MSC Flaminia’
- article 1 paragraph 3 point (b)
- Case C-654/18: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart (Germany) lodged on 18 October 2018 — Interseroh Dienstleistungs GmbH v SAA Sonderabfallagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH
- article 3 paragraph 2
- Case C-69/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság (Hungary) lodged on 16 February 2015 — Nutrivet D.O.O.E.L. v Országos Környezetvédelmi és Természetvédelmi Főfelügyelőség
- article 2 point 35 point (g) PO (iii)
- article 18 paragraph 1 point (a)
- annex IC P. IV paragraph 15
- Case C-405/10: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Bruchsal (Germany) lodged on 10 August 2010 — Criminal proceedings against QB (*)
- article 37
- Case C-634/17: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Oldenburg (Germany) lodged on 13 November 2017 — ReFood GmbH & Co. KG v Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen
- article 1 paragraph 3 point (d)
- Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 8 September 2009. Commission of the European Communities v European Parliament and Council of the European Union. Action for annulment - Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 - Shipments of waste - Choice of legal basis - Articles 133 EC and 175(1) EC. Case C-411/06.
Legal basis
- Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version) Part Five: Institutions of the Community Title I: Provisions governing the institutions Chapter 2: Provisions common to several institutions Article 251 Article 189b - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version)
- Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version) Part Three: Community policies Title XIX: Environment Article 175 Article 130s - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version)
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Waste
- Export of waste
- Environmental protection
- Hazardous waste
- Intra-EU trade
- Waste management and clean technology
- Internal market - Principles
- Administrative formalities
- Environment
- Waste management