Council Regulation (EC) No 1952/2005 of 23 November 2005 concerning the common organisation of the market in hops and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 1696/71, (EEC) No 1037/72, (EEC) No 879/73 and (EEC) No 1981/82
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 32005R1952
- Official Journal: JOL_2005_314_R_0001_01
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: 2005/0162(CNS), 2005/0162/CNS
- Languages:
- bg
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- en
- et
- fi
- fr
- hu
- it
- lv
- lt
- mt
- nl
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- sk
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- es
- sv
Date of document: - November 23, 2005
- --
- November 7, 2005
- Entry into force - Date pub. + 7 See Art 20
- January 1, 2006
- Application - See Art 20
- June 30, 2008
- Repealed by 32007R1234
Modified by
Corrected by:
- December 3, 2005 - 32005R1952R(01)
All documents based on this document:
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1557/2006 of 18 October 2006 laying down detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1952/2005 as regards registration of contracts and the communicaiton of data concerning hops
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1850/2006 of 14 December 2006 laying down detailed rules for the certification of hops and hop products
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 495/2007 of 4 May 2007 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3077/78 on the equivalence with Community certificates of attestations accompanying hops imported from non-member countries
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1299/2007 of 6 November 2007 on the recognition of producer groups for hops (Codified version)
- Regulation (EEC) No 879/73 of the Council of 26 March 1973 on the granting and reimbursement of aid accorded by the Member States to recognized producer groups in the hop sector
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1981/82 of 19 July 1982 drawing up the list of Community regions, in which production aid for hops is granted only to recognized producer groups
- Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 of the Council of 26 July 1971 on the common organisation of the market in hops
- Regulation (EEC) No 1037/72 of the Council of 18 May 1972 laying down general rules for granting and financing aid for hop producers
Implicit repeal:
- Council Decision of the European Communities of 1 January 1973 adjusting the documents concerning the accession of the new Member States to the European Communities
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3808/89 of 12 December 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 797/85, (EEC) No 1096/88, (EEC) No 1360/78, (EEC) No 389/82 and (EEC) No 1696/71 with a view to expenditing the adjustment of agricultural production structures
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1170/77 of 17 May 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1808/89 of 19 June 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1981/82 drawing up the list of Community regions in which production aid for hops is granted only to recognized producer groups
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1514/2001 of 23 July 2001 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organisation of the market in hops
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 4069/87 of 22 December 1987 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1981/82 drawing up the list of Community regions, in which production aid for hops is granted only to recognized producer groups
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3998/87 of 23 December 1987 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3337/92 of 16 November 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1981/82 drawing up the list of Community regions, in which production aid for hops is granted only to recognized producer groups
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1554/97 of 22 July 1997 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1604/91 of 10 June 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1037/72 laying down general rules for granting and financing aid for hop producers
- Council Regulation (EC) No 191/2000 of 24 January 2000 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organisation of the market in hops
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2320/2003 of 17 December 2003 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organisation of the market in hops
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 2254/77 of 11 October 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 879/73 on the granting and reimbursement of aid accorded by the Member States to recognized producer groups in the hop sector
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3124/92 of 26 October 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops
Affected by case
Legal basis
- Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version) Part Three: Community policies Title II: Agriculture Article 37 Article 43 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version) Article 43 - EEC Treaty
- Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version) Part Three: Community policies Title II: Agriculture Article 36 Article 42 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version) Article 42 - EEC Treaty
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Aid to agriculture
- Producer organisation
- Hops
- Marketing
- Production aid
- Common organisation of markets
- Hops
- Trading operation
- Hops
- Third country