Commission Regulation (EC) No 96/2004 of 30 December 2003 adapting several regulations concerning the sugar market by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union
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  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 1969/2004of 16 November 2004amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 96/2004 adapting several regulations concerning the sugar market by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union, 304R1969, November 17, 2004
Commission Regulation (EC) No 96/2004of 30 December 2003adapting several regulations concerning the sugar market by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to the Treaty of Accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, and in particular Article 2(3) thereof,Having regard to the Act of Accession of Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, and in particular Article 57(2) thereof,Whereas:(1)Certain technical amendments are necessary in several Commission Regulations of the common organisation of the sugar market in order to carry out the necessary adaptations by reason of accession of Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union.(2)Articles 3(2), 3(3), 4(1), 4(2) and 10(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1464/95 of 27 June 1995 on special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences in the sugar sectorOJ L 144, 28.6.1995, p.14. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1159/2003 (OJ L 162, 1.7.2003, p. 25)., contain certain entries in all the languages of the Member States. These provisions should include the language versions of the new Member States.(3)Article 4(c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 192/2002 of 31 January 2002 laying down detailed rules for issuing import licences for sugar and sugar and cocoa mixtures with ACP/OCT or EC/OCT cumulation of originOJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 55., contains certain entries in all the languages of the Member States. These provisions should include the language versions of the new Member States.(4)Articles 13, 14(1), 15(2), 19, 20(1), 21(2), 24 and 25(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1159/2003 of 30 June 2003 laying down detailed rules of application for the 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 marketing years for the import of cane sugar under certain tariff quotas and preferential agreements and amending Regulations (EC) No 1464/95 and (EC) No 779/96OJ L 162, 1.7.2003, p. 25. contain certain entries in all the languages of the Member States. These provisions should include the language versions of the new Member States.(5)Regulations (EC) No 1464/95, No 192/2002, and No 1159/2003 should therefore be amended accordingly,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
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