Commission Regulation (EC) No 1116/2003 of 26 June 2003 applying reduction coefficients to the third tranche of inward processing certificates issued in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1488/2001
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 32003R1116
- Official Journal: JOL_2003_158_R_0032_01
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- el
- en
- fi
- fr
- it
- nl
- pt
- es
- sv
Date of document: - June 26, 2003
- June 27, 2003
- June 27, 2003
- Entry into force - See Art 2
Modified by
Affected by case
Legal basis
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/2001 of 19 July 2001 laying down rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 3448/93 as regards the placement of certain quantities of certain basic products listed in Annex I to the Treaty establishing the European Community under the inward processing arrangements without prior examination of the economic conditions
- Council Regulation (EC) No 3448/93 of 6 December 1993 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Quantitative restriction
- Inward processing
- Primary product