Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty (Text with EEA relevance) Basic information Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: January 24, 2003 Entry into force - Date pub. + 20 See Art 45 May 1, 2004 Modified by Modified by: All documents based on this document: Modifies Modifies: Repeal: Implicit repeal: Affected by case Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber), 13 December 2012. Expedia Inc. v Autorité de la concurrence and Others. Reference for a preliminary ruling from the la Cour de cassation (France). Competition — Article 101(1) TFEU — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Appreciable restriction — Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 — Article 3(2) — National competition authority — Practices which may affect trade between Member States — Proceedings and penalty — Market share thresholds of the de minimis notice not attained — Restrictions by object. Case C‑226/11. Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 20 April 2023. ZA and Others v Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos SA. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Mercantil de Madrid. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Competition – Vertical restrictions of competition – Article 101(1) and (2) TFEU – Principle of effectiveness – Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 – Article 2 – Directive 2014/104/EU – Article 9(1) – Binding effect of the final decisions of the national competition authorities finding an infringement of the competition law rules – Temporal and material application – Actions for damages and for a declaration of nullity for infringements of the EU competition law provisions. Case C-25/21. Case C-429/07: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 11 June 2009 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Gerechtshof te Amsterdam — The Netherlands) — Inspecteur van de Belastingdienst v X BV (Competition policy — Articles 81 EC and 82 EC — Article 15(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 — Written observations submitted by the Commission — National dispute concerning the deductibility from tax of a fine imposed by a Commission decision) {AR|} 15.3 Case C-360/09: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 14 June 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Bonn (Germany)) — Pfleiderer AG v Bundeskartellamt (Competition — Administrative procedure — Documents and information provided under a national leniency programme — Possible negative effects of third-party access to such documents on the effectiveness and proper functioning of cooperation between the authorities forming the European Competition Network) {AR|} 11 {AR|} 12 Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 3 May 2011. Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów v Tele2 Polska sp. z o.o., devenue Netia SA. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Sąd Najwyższy - Poland. Competition - Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 - Article 5 - Abuse of a dominant position - Powers of the competition authorities of the Member States to find that there has been no breach of Article 102 TFEU. Case C-375/09. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber), 14 February 2012. Toshiba Corporation and Others v Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže. Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Krajský soud v Brně. Competition — Cartel, in the territory of a Member State, having begun before that State acceded to the European Union — Cartel of international scope having effects in the territory of the Union and the European Economic Area — Article 81 EC and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement — Prosecution and penalty for the infringement for the period before the date of accession and the period following that date — Fines — Delimitation of the powers of the Commission and those of the national competition authorities — Imposition of fines by the Commission and by the national competition authority — Principle ne bis in idem — Regulation (EC) No 1/2003– Articles 3(1) and 11(6) — Consequences of the accession of a new Member State to the Union. Case C‑17/10. Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 25 February 2021. Slovak Telekom a.s. v Protimonopolný úrad Slovenskej republiky. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Competition – Article 102 TFEU – Abuse of a dominant position – Division of competences between the European Commission and the national competition authorities – Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 – Article 11(6) – National competition authorities relieved of their competence – Principle ne bis in idem – Article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Case C-857/19. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 7 December 2010. Vlaamse federatie van verenigingen van Brood- en Banketbakkers, Ijsbereiders en Chocoladebewerkers (VEBIC) VZW. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Hof van Beroep te Brussel - Belgium. Competition policy - National proceedings - National competition authorities participating in judicial proceedings - Hybrid national competition authority being judicial and administrative in nature - Appeal against the decision of such an authority - Regulation (EC) No 1/2003. Case C-439/08. Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 23 November 2017. Gasorba SL and Others v Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos SA. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo. Competition — Article 101 TFEU — Agreements between undertakings — Business relationships between service station operators and oil companies — Long-term exclusive supply agreement for fuel — European Commission decision making an undertaking’s commitments binding — Extent to which national courts are bound by a commitment decision adopted by the Commission — Articles 9(1) and 16(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003. Case C-547/16. Case C-439/08: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 7 December 2010 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hof van beroep te Brussel — Belgium) — Vlaamse federatie van verenigingen van Brood- en Banketbakkers, Ijsbereiders en Chocoladebewerkers ‘VEBIC’ VZW v Raad voor de Mededinging, Minister van Economie (Competition policy — National proceedings — National competition authorities participating in judicial proceedings — Hybrid national competition authority being judicial and administrative in nature — Appeal against the decision of such an authority — Regulation (EC) No 1/2003) {AR|} 35 Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 20 January 2016. DHL Express (Italy) Srl and DHL Global Forwarding (Italy) SpA v Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del mercato. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato. Reference for a preliminary ruling — Competition policy — Article 101 TFEU — Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 — International freight forwarding sector — National competition authorities — Legal status of instruments of the European Competition Network — Model Leniency Programme of that network — Application for immunity submitted to the Commission — Summary application for immunity submitted to national competition authorities — Relationship between those two applications. Case C-428/14. Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 11 June 2009. Inspecteur van de Belastingdienst v X BV. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Gerechtshof te Amsterdam - Netherlands. Competition policy - Articles 81 EC and 82 EC - Article 15(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 - Written observations submitted by the Commission - National dispute concerning the deductibility from tax of a fine imposed by a Commission decision. Case C-429/07. Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 12 January 2023. RegioJet a. s. v České dráhy a.s. and. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Nejvyšší soud. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Competition – Abuse of a dominant position – Rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union – Directive 2014/104/EU – Articles 5 and 6 – Disclosure of evidence – Evidence in a competition authority’s file – Proceedings relating to an infringement of competition rules pending before the European Commission – National proceedings relating to an action for damages with regard to the same infringement – Conditions for the disclosure of evidence. Case C-57/21. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 14 June 2011. Pfleiderer AG v Bundeskartellamt. Reference for a preliminary ruling: Amtsgericht Bonn - Germany. Competition - Administrative procedure - Documents and information provided under a national leniency programme - Possible negative effects of third-party access to such documents on the effectiveness and proper functioning of cooperation between the authorities forming the European Competition Network. Case C-360/09. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber), 18 June 2013. Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde and Bundeskartellanwalt v Schenker & Co. AG and Others. Request for a preliminary ruling from the Oberster Gerichtshof. Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Article 101 TFEU — Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 — Articles 5 and 23(2) — Intention-related or negligence-related conditions for imposing a fine — Impact of legal advice or of a decision of a national competition authority — Power of a national competition authority to find the infringement of European Union competition law without imposing a fine. Case C‑681/11. Case C-716/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Mercantil No 2 de Madrid (Spain) lodged on 26 September 2019 — ZA and Others v Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos S.A. Case C-438/22: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sofiyski rayonen sad (Bulgaria) lodged on 4 July 2022 — Em akaunt BG ЕООD v Zastrahovatelno aktsionerno druzhestvo ‘Armeets’ AD Case C-807/21: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Kammergericht (Germany) lodged on 21 December 2021 — Deutsche Wohnen SE v Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin Case C-462/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (Spain) lodged on 13 June 2019 — Asociación Estatal de Empresas Operadoras Portuarias (ASOPORT) Case C-547/16: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 28 October 2016 — Gasorba, S.L., Josefa Rico Gil and Antonio Ferrándiz González v Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos, S.A. Case C-308/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție (Romania) lodged on 15 April 2019 — Consiliul Concurenței v Whiteland Import Export SRL Case C-483/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) lodged on 11 September 2015 — Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato v Albini & Pitigliani SpA article 23 paragraph 2 point (a) Case C-857/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky (Slovakia) lodged on 26 November 2019 — Slovak Telekom a.s. v Protimonopolný úrad Slovenskej republiky article 11 paragraph 6 sentence 1 Case C-617/17: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Najwyższy (Poland) lodged on 30 October 2017 — Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. w Warszawie v Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów Case C-25/21: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Mercantil No 2 de Madrid (Spain) lodged on 15 January 2021 — ZA, AZ, BX, CV, DU and ET v Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos, S.A. Case C-819/19: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank Amsterdam (Netherlands) lodged on 6 November 2019 — Stichting Cartel Compensation, Equilib Netherlands BV v Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV and Others Case C-450/15: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) lodged on 24 August 2015 — Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato v Italsempione — Spedizioni Internazionali SpA article 23 paragraph 2 point (a) Case C-560/22: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Commissione tributaria regionale per il Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) lodged on 23 August 2022 — Ferriere Nord SpA and Others v Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Agenzia delle Entrate — Riscossione Case T-657/19: Action brought on 28 September 2019 — Feralpi v Commission article 25 paragraph 4 article 25 paragraph 3 article 25 paragraph 5 article 25 paragraph 6 Case T-657/19: Action brought on 28 September 2019 — Feralpi v Commission article 25 paragraph 6 article 25 paragraph 4 article 25 paragraph 5 article 25 paragraph 3 Case T-538/19: Action brought on 30 July 2019 — Casino, Guichard-Perrachon v Commission Case T-254/17: Action brought on 28 April 2017 — Intermarché Casino Achats v Commission Legal basis Treaty establishing the European Community (Amsterdam consolidated version) Part Three: Community policies Title VI: Common rules on competition, taxation and approximation of laws Chapter 1: Rules on competition Section 1: Rules applying to undertakings Article 83 Article 87 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version) Article 87 - EEC Treaty EuroVoc Vocabulary Dominant positions Competition policy Merger control Restrictive practices Competition Infringement of EU law Competition principles Agreements, decisions and concerted practices Economic concentration Dominant position Dominant position