Commission Regulation (EC) No 2208/2002 of 12 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy
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Commission Regulation (EC) No 1820/2004of 20 October 2004amending Regulation (EC) No 2208/2002 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy, 304R1820, October 21, 2004
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2208/2002of 12 December 2002laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policyTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 of 17 April 2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policyOJ L 100, 20.4.2000, p. 7., and in particular Article 9 thereof,Whereas:(1)In the light of experience gained in 2000, 2001 and 2002, the detailed rules for applying Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1557/2001OJ L 205, 31.7.2001, p. 25., as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1366/2002OJ L 198, 27.7.2002, p. 29., should be amended to improve the scheme. In view of the extent of the amendments needed, and to achieve transparency for all the interested parties, Regulation (EC) No 1557/2001 should be replaced.(2)Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 defines the type and content of information measures relating to the common agricultural policy.(3)A call for proposals is the most efficient and transparent way of ensuring that the grants provided for in Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 receive the widest publicity and that the best measures are selected.(4)The eligibility requirements for applicants, the grounds for disqualification, the general criteria for selecting measures and the criteria for awarding grants, as referred to in Article 3(2) of Regulation (EC) No 814/2000, should be laid down in detail.(5)In order to protect the financial interests of the Community, when an advance on the grant is to be paid, a bank guarantee of an equivalent amount must be provided.(6)In order to make the available financial resources accessible to the largest possible number of potential recipients, a part-financing rate of more than 50 % must be an exception.(7)The Commission draws up a list of beneficiaries and information measures financed. In order to fix the rights and obligations arising from decisions to award a grant, the Commission concludes an agreement with the beneficiary. Each agreement must include explicit provisions relating to the Commission's right to carry out checks.(8)Notifying the Committee for the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), established by Council Regulation (EC) No 1258/1999 of 17 May 1999 on the financing of the common agricultural policyOJ L 160, 26.6.1999, p. 103., of measures financed under this Regulation will facilitate the coordination of measures implemented by the Member States with those supported by the Community.(9)Taking into account the time limits for publishing the call for proposals, this Regulation should enter into force with immediate effect.(10)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the EAGGF Committee,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: