Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
Modified by
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006of 13 December 2006amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 of 13 December 2006 amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(Official Journal of the European Union L 390 of 30 December 2006), 32006R199532006R1995R(01), December 30, 2006
Council Regulation (EC) No 1525/2007of 17 December 2007amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, 32007R1525, December 27, 2007
Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1081/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 24 November 2010amending Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, as regards the European External Action Service, 32010R1081, November 26, 2010
Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 25 October 2012on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002, 32012R0966, October 26, 2012
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, 32002R1605R(01), January 30, 2003
Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, 32002R1605R(03), April 14, 2007
Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 of 13 December 2006 amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, 32006R1995R(01), February 22, 2008
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002of 25 June 2002on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
PART 1COMMON PROVISIONS …TITLE ISCOPE …TITLE IIBUDGETARY PRINCIPLES …Chapter 1Principles of unity and of budget accuracy …Chapter 2Principle of annuality …Chapter 3Principle of equilibrium …Chapter 4Principle of unit of account …Chapter 5Principle of universality …Chapter 6Principle of specification …Chapter 7Principle of sound financial management …Chapter 8Principle of transparency …TITLE IIIESTABLISHMENT AND STRUCTURE OF THE BUDGET …Chapter 1Establishment of the budget …Chapter 2Structure and presentation of the budget …TITLE IVIMPLEMENTATION OF THE BUDGET …Chapter 1General provisions …Chapter 2Methods of implementation …Chapter 3Financial actors …Section 1Principle of separation of duties …Section 2Authorising officer …Section 3Accounting officer …Section 4Imprest administrator …Chapter 4Liability of the financial actors …Section 1General rules …Section 2Rules applicable to authorising officers by delegation and subdelegation …Section 3Rules applicable to accounting officers and imprest administrators …Chapter 5Revenue operations …Section 1Making available of own resources …Section 2Estimate of amounts receivable …Section 3Establishment of amounts receivable …Section 4Authorisation of recovery …Section 5Recovery …Chapter 6Expenditure operations …Section 1Commitment of expenditure …Section 2Validation of expenditure …Section 3Authorisation of expenditure …Section 4Payment of expenditure …Section 5Time limits for expenditure operations …Chapter 7IT systems …Chapter 8Internal auditor …TITLE VPROCUREMENT …Chapter 1General provisions …Section 1Scope and award principles …Section 2Publication …Section 3Procurement procedures …Section 4Guarantees and control …Chapter 2Provisions applicable to contracts awarded by the Community institutions on their own account …TITLE VIGRANTS …Chapter 1Scope and form of grants …Chapter 2Principles …Chapter 3Award procedure …Chapter 4Payment and control …Chapter 5Implementation …TITLE VIIPRESENTATION OF THE ACCOUNTS AND ACCOUNTING …Chapter 1Presentation of the accounts …Chapter 2Information on the implementation of the budget …Chapter 3Accounting …Section 1Common provisions …Section 2General accounts …Section 3Budgetary accounts …Chapter 4Property inventories …TITLE VIIIEXTERNAL AUDIT AND DISCHARGE …Chapter 1External audit …Chapter 2Discharge …PART TWOSPECIAL PROVISIONS …TITLE IEUROPEAN AGRICULTURAL GUARANTEE FUND …TITLE IISTRUCTURAL FUNDS, COHESION FUND, EUROPEAN FISHERIES FUND, AND EUROPEAN AGRICULTURAL FUND FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT …TITLE IIIRESEARCH …TITLE IVEXTERNAL ACTIONS …Chapter 1General provisions …Chapter 2Implementation of actions …Chapter 3Procurement …Chapter 4Grants …Chapter 5Auditing of accounts …TITLE VEUROPEAN OFFICES …TITLE VIADMINISTRATIVE APPROPRIATIONS …TITLE VIIEXPERTS …PART THREETRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS …TITLE ITRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS …TITLE IIFINAL PROVISIONS …THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 279 thereof,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 183 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the CommissionOJ C 96 E, 27.3.2001, p. 1, and OJ C 103 E, 30.4.2002, p. 292.,Having regard to the opinion of the European ParliamentOJ C 153 E, 27.6.2002, p. 236.,Having regard to the opinion of the Court of AuditorsOJ C 162, 5.6.2001, p. 1 and OJ C 92, 17.4.2002, p. 1.,Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social CommitteeOJ C 260, 17.9.2001, p. 42.,Whereas:(1)Since times have changed considerably since the Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977 applicable to the general budget of the European CommunitiesOJ L 356, 31.12.1977, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC, ECSC, Euratom) No 762/2001 (OJ L 111, 20.4.2001, p. 1). was adopted, in particular as a result of a financial perspective forming a framework for the development of the budget, developments in the institutional structure and a series of enlargements, that Financial Regulation has been substantially amended several times. In order to take account, in particular, of the requirements of simplification in legislative and administrative matters and the tightening up of management of Community finances, the Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977 should be recast in the interests of clarity.(2)This Regulation should be confined to stating the broad principles and basic rules governing the whole budgetary sector covered by the Treaty, while the implementing provisions should be moved to a Regulation on rules for the implementation of this Regulation in order to produce a better hierarchy of rules and make the Financial Regulation easier to read. The Commission should therefore be authorised to adopt the implementing rules.(3)The establishment and implementation of the budget should respect the four fundamental principles of budgetary law (unity, universality, specification, annuality), and the principles of budget accuracy, equilibrium, unit of account, sound financial management and transparency.(4)This Regulation should reassert those principles and keep exceptions to a strict minimum subject to strict conditions.(5)As regards the principle of unity, this Regulation should specify that it also applies to operational expenditure on implementing the European Union Treaty provisions on the common foreign and security policy and on police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, where this is charged to the budget. The principle of unity and budget accuracy means that all Community revenue and expenditure, and that of the Union, when this is charged to the budget, are entered in the budget.(6)As regards the principle of universality, the practices of repayment of payments on account and reuse should be discontinued; in some cases they should be replaced by assigned revenue and ways of reconstituting decommitted appropriations. These amendments do not affect the special rules applicable to the Structural Funds.(7)As regards the principle of specification, the institutions need to have some degree of management flexibility for transfers of appropriations. This Regulation should allow integrated presentation of the allocation of financial and administrative resources by purpose. The procedures for transferring appropriations should also be harmonised for all the other institutions so that transfers of staff and operating appropriations are a matter for each institution. As regards transfers of appropriations concerning operational expenditure, the Commission may make transfers between chapters within one and the same title within a total limit of 10 % of the appropriations for the financial year which appear on the line from which the transfer is made. The budgetary authority should be allowed to constitute reserves in only two cases: where there is no basic act or where it is not certain that appropriations are adequate.(8)As regards the principle of annuality, the distinction between differentiated appropriations and non-differentiated appropriations should be retained. Decisions on carryovers of commitment and payment appropriations should be taken by each institution. The additional periods should be confined exclusively to the cases where they are absolutely necessary, namely EAGGF payments.(9)The principle of equilibrium constitutes a basic budgetary rule. In this connection, it should be emphasised that recourse to loans is not compatible with the system of Community own resources. However, the principle of equilibrium is not such as to hinder the borrowing and lending operations guaranteed by the general budget of the Union.(10)In accordance with Article 277, first paragraph, of the EC Treaty and Article 181, first paragraph, of the Euratom Treaty the unit of account in which the budget is drawn up, and which is also used for purposes of implementation and for presentation of the accounts, should be determined.(11)The principle of sound financial management should be defined by reference to the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and compliance with those principles checked by means of performance indicators established per activity and measurable in such a way that results can be assessed. The institutions should carry out ex ante and ex post evaluation, in accordance with the guidelines determined by the Commission.(12)Finally, as regards the principle of transparency, information on implementation of the budget and the accounts should be improved. A strict deadline should also be set for the publication of the budget without prejudice to provisional publication by the Commission between the declaration of definitive adoption by the President of the European Parliament and publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The possibility of a negative reserve is also to be retained.(13)As regards the establishment and presentation of the budget, the current provisions should be harmonised and simplified by eliminating the distinction, which has no practical impact, between supplementary budgets and amending budgets.(14)The Commission section of the budget should present appropriations and resources by purpose, i.e. activity-based budgeting, with a view to enhancing transparency in the management of the budget with reference to the objectives of sound financial management and in particular efficiency and effectiveness.(15)The institutions should enjoy a measure of flexibility in the management of statutory posts in relation to what is authorised in the budget, especially as the emphasis in management is now to be on results and not on means. This freedom will, however, continue to be restricted by the dual limit of budget appropriations for a financial year and the total number of posts allocated; in addition there will be no latitude as regards grade A 1, A 2 and A 3 posts.(16)As regards implementation of the budget, there should be clarification of the various possible methods of implementing the budget, either on a centralised basis by the Commission or on a shared basis with the Member States or on a decentralised basis with third countries receiving external aid or jointly with international organisations. It should be possible for centralised management either to be performed directly by Commission departments or indirectly by delegation to bodies governed by Community law or by national public law. The implementation methods should guarantee that the procedures for protecting Community funds are complied with, whatever the entity responsible for all or part of this implementation and must confirm that final responsibility for budgetary implementation lies with the Commission in accordance with Article 274 of the Treaty.(17)As the Commission is responsible for implementation of the budget, it may not delegate any tasks of public authority involving the use of discretionary powers. This Regulation should restate this principle and specify the scope of the tasks that may be delegated. It should also be stipulated that private-sector bodies, other than those which have a public-service mission and under specific conditions, should not be able to undertake any budgetary implementation measure but only provide specialist technical or administrative services or perform preparatory or ancillary tasks.(18)For the sake of compliance with the principles of transparency and sound financial management, the public-sector bodies or bodies with a public-service mission to which implementing tasks are delegated on behalf of the Commission should have transparent procurement procedures, effective internal controls, a system for presentation of the accounts which is separate from their other activities and an external audit.(19)In accordance with Article 279(c) of the Treaty, this Regulation defines the powers and responsibilities of authorising officers, the accounting officer and the internal auditor.Authorising officers are made fully responsible for all revenue and expenditure operations executed under their authority and must be held accountable for their actions, including, where necessary, through disciplinary proceedings. This empowerment should therefore be strengthened by the removal of centralised prior controls and in particular ending the advance approval of revenue and expenditure operations by the financial controller and the check by the accounting officer that payment constitutes valid discharge.The accounting officer continues to be responsible for the proper execution of payments, the collection of revenue and the recovery of receivables. He/She manages the treasury, keeps the accounts and is responsible for drawing up the institution's financial statements.The internal auditor performs his duties in accordance with international audit standards. His role is to verify the proper functioning of the management and control systems put in place by the authorising officers.The internal auditor is not an actor involved in the financial operations and does not have the role of exercising control over these operations ahead of the decisions by the authorising officers; the authorising officers should now assume full responsibility for these decisions.(20)The liability of authorising officers, accounting officers and imprest administrators is not different from that of other officials and staff and should be subject, under the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities, and the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities, to the application of the existing disciplinary and financial compensation measures. On the other hand, certain specific provisions identifying cases of misconduct of accounting officers and imprest administrators, given the special nature of their duties, should be retained; they will no longer have any special allowance or insurance. Furthermore, the liability of the authorising officer should be clarified. In cases not involving fraud, in order to provide the appointing authority with the necessary expertise, each institution will set up a specialised financial irregularities panel which will determine whether or not an irregularity has occurred which could make the official or other servant liable to disciplinary action or payment of compensation and, if it has detected problems with systems, to report to the authorising officer and the internal auditor. For cases of fraud, however, this Regulation should refer to the provisions in force on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union.(21)The concepts of budgetary and legal commitment of expenditure and the conditions for applying them should be defined. In order to restrict the volume of dormant commitments, the period during which individual legal commitments may be made on the basis of overall budget commitments should be limited. Moreover, a decommitment provision must be provided for individual commitments which have not given rise to any payment over a three-year period.(22)This Regulation should define the typology of payments which may be made by authorising officers. Such payments must be made principally as a function of the effectiveness of the action and the results which flow from it.The rather vague concepts of advance and payment on account should be removed; payments should be made in the form of pre-financing, interim payments and payments of the final balance, when the entire amount is not paid in one instalment.(23)This Regulation should stipulate that the operations of validation, authorisation and payment must be completed within a time limit which will be set in the implementing rules and that in the event of failure to respect this time limit creditors will be entitled to default interest to be charged to the budget.(24)As regards contracts awarded by the institutions of the Communities on their own account, provision should be made for the rules contained in the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council coordinating the procedures for the award of public works, service and supply contracts to apply: the rules applicable to contracts awarded on behalf of third parties should also be consistent with the principles posited by those Directives.(25)In order to prevent irregularities and to combat fraud and corruption and promote sound and efficient management, candidates or tenderers who are guilty of such acts or have conflicting interests should be excluded from the award of contracts.(26)For the sake of transparency, candidates and tenderers should be informed in an appropriate manner about the award of contracts.(27)Finally, as part of the process of empowerment of authorising officers, prior checking by the current Advisory Committee on Procurement and Contracts should be dispensed with.(28)As regards grants, a framework for the award and monitoring of Community grants involving specific provisions for implementing the principles of transparency, equal treatment, co-financing, prohibition of retrospective awards and control should be put in place.(29)In order to avoid any cumulation, it should not be possible for grants to be awarded to finance twice the same action or for operating expenditure for the same year.(30)In a similar manner to the rules concerning the award of public contracts, grounds for excluding certain parties from the award of grants should be laid down in order to give the institutions appropriate means of combating fraud and corruption.(31)To ensure that the rights and obligations of the institution and of the beneficiary are clear and are observed, the grant award should be the subject of a written agreement.(32)As regards accounting and the presentation of accounts, it should be stipulated that the accounts comprise general accounts and budget accounts and it should be added that the general accounts are based on a system of accrual accounting whereas the budget accounts are intended to draw up the budget outturn account and the reports on implementation of the budget.(33)The principles on which the general accounts are based and the financial statements are presented should be defined by reference to internationally accepted accounting principles and the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council on the annual accounts of certain types of companies, where they are relevant in the context of the public service.(34)The provisions on the supply of information concerning implementation of the budget should be adapted to extend this information to the use of appropriations carried over, made available again and reused and to the various Community-law bodies, to improve the arrangements for providing monthly figures and the report on implementation, which will be sent three times a year to the budgetary authority.(35)The accounting methods employed by the institutions should be harmonised and, in this field, the Commission's accounting officer should have the right of initiative.(36)It should be specified that the use of computerised financial management systems should in no way restrict the Court of Auditors' rights of access to supporting documents.(37)As regards external audit and discharge, although the Commission is fully responsible for implementation of the budget, the importance of management shared with the Member States involves their cooperation in the audit procedure by the Court of Auditors and the discharge by the budgetary authority.(38)In order to provide optimum conditions for the presentation of the accounts and the discharge procedure, the timetable leading up to discharge should be amended.(39)The Commission should submit to the European Parliament, at its request, any information required for the smooth application of the discharge procedure for the financial year in question, in accordance with Article 276 of the EC Treaty.(40)Special provisions should be laid down for certain Community policies; such provisions should comply with the basic principles of this Regulation.(41)It seems necessary to make provision for the possibility of advance commitments against EAGGF and administrative appropriations from 15 November preceding the financial year in question.(42)As regards the Structural Funds, the provision for repayment of payments on account and making appropriations available again contained in the Commission declaration annexed to Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural FundsOJ L 161, 26.6.1999, p. 1., as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1447/2001OJ L 198, 21.7.2001, p. 1., should be retained.(43)As regards research, the presentation of the budget should be harmonised with the provisions concerning activity-based budgeting, whilst preserving the flexibility of management which the Joint Research Centre (JRC) currently enjoys.(44)As regards external action, decentralisation of management of external aid should be authorised provided that the Commission is given guarantees of sound financial management and the beneficiary State is accountable to the Commission for the funds paid to it.(45)Financing agreements or contracts signed with the beneficiary State or a national, Community or international public-sector body and natural or legal persons governed by private law must include the general procurement principles laid down in Title V of part one and Title IV of part two of this Regulation as regards external actions.(46)A special title should be included containing the general provisions for the management of European offices.(47)A separate title should also contain the special rules applicable to administrative appropriations. Provision should also be made to enable each of the two branches of the budgetary authority to issue an opinion in good time on building projects likely to have significant financial implications for the budget.(48)The change in the timetable for the consolidation of the institutions' accounts should be deferred until the financial year 2005 in order to allow the necessary time to put in place the essential internal procedures involved.(49)A suitable framework, tailored to the specific management needs, should be provided for the financial rules to apply to bodies set up by the Communities and having legal personality, which receive a subsidy from the general budget of the European Communities. At the same time, and without in any way impairing the organic autonomy required by these bodies for the performance of their tasks, the substance of the rules governing certain matters, and in particular discharge and accounting, needs to be harmonised. The Commission's internal auditor will exercise the same powers over these bodies as over Commission departments. The financial rules internal to these bodies will have to be adapted accordingly to be compatible with this Financial Regulation. The Commission should accordingly be empowered to draw up a model financial regulation, which Community bodies can depart from only with the Commission's agreement,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: