Commission Regulation (EC) No 1431/1999 of 30 June 1999 opening and providing for the administration of an import tariff quota for young male bovine animals for fattening (1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000)
- No longer in force
- CELEX number: 31999R1431
- Official Journal: JOL_1999_166_R_0049_013
- Form: Regulation
- Procedure number: --
- Languages:
- da
- de
- el
- en
- fi
- fr
- it
- nl
- pt
- es
- sv
Date of document: - June 30, 1999
- July 1, 1999
- July 1, 1999
- Entry into force - See Art 9
- June 30, 2000
- See Art. 1.1
Modified by
Corrected by:
- February 26, 2000 - 31999R1431R(01)
All documents based on this document:
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1653/1999 of 27 July 1999 specifying the extent to which applications lodged in July 1999 for import rights in respect of young male bovine animals for fattening may be accepted
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 545/2000 of 14 March 2000 providing for a further allocation of import rights under Regulation (EC) No 1431/1999 for young male bovine animals for fattening
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 768/2000 of 13 April 2000 determining to what extent applications lodged in March 2000 for the right to import young male bovine animals for fattening can be met
Affected by case
Legal basis
- Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of the Council of 27 June 1968 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1095/96 of 18 June 1996 on the implementation of the concessions set out in Schedule CXL drawn up in the wake of the conclusion of the GATT XXIV.6 negotiations
EuroVoc Vocabulary
- Cattle
- CCT: derogations
- Live animal
- Tariff quota
- Tariff quotas
- CCT duties
- Fattening
- Import
- Beef and veal