Council Regulation (EC) No 1638/98 of 20 July 1998 amending Regulation No 136/66/EEC on the establishment of a common organisation of the market in oils and fats Basic information Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: August 4, 1998 Entry into force - Date pub. + 7 See Art 6 November 1, 1998 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: Implemented by: All documents based on this document: Commission Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 of 30 October 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/01 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 2367/98 of 30 October 1998 introducing transitional measures in the olive oil sector with a view to the application of the scheme for the marketing years 1998/99 to 2000/01 Commission Regulation (EC) No 561/1999 of 15 March 1999 on the opening of a standing invitation to tender for the sale of olive oil held by the Spanish intervention agency COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 937/1999 of 4 May 1999 amending Regulation (EC) No 561/1999 on the opening of a standing invitation to tender for the sale of olive oil held by the Spanish intervention agency Commission Regulation (EC) No 1273/1999 of 17 June 1999 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/01 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 1542/1999 of 14 July 1999 fixing the actual production of olive oil and the unit amount of production aid for the 1997/98 marketing year Commission Regulation (EC) No 2711/1999 of 20 December 1999 derogating from Article 1(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 2712/1999 of 20 December 1999 on the opening of a standing invitation to tender for the sale of olive oil held by the Spanish and Greek intervention agencies Commission Regulation (EC) No 218/2000 of 28 January 2000 derogating from Article 20(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/01 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 2428/2000 of 31 October 2000 granting Portugal a derogation for the 2000/01 marketing year from Articles 1(1) and 20(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil Commission Regulation (EC) No 353/2001 of 22 February 2001 amending Regulation (EC) No 2428/2000 granting Portugal a derogation for the 2000/01 marketing year from Articles 1(1) and 20(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil Commission Regulation (EC) No 648/2001 of 30 March 2001 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99, 1999/2000 and 2000/01 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 2070/2001 of 23 October 2001 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/1999, 1999/2000 and 2000/01 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 2388/2001 of 6 December 2001 granting Spain and Italy a derogation, for the 1998/1999 to 2003/04 marketing years, from Articles 1(1) and 20(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil Commission Regulation (EC) No 2599/2001 of 28 December 2001 on the sale of Community olive oil residues held by the Spanish, Greek and Italian intervention agencies Commission Regulation (EC) No 867/2002 of 24 May 2002 on the opening of a standing invitation to tender for the sale of lampante virgin olive oil held by the Italian intervention agency Commission Regulation (EC) No 1249/2002 of 11 July 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/1999, 1999/2000, 2000/2001, 2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 1250/2002 of 11 July 2002 derogating, for the 2001/02 marketing year, from the time limits provided for in Article 12(3) and (5) and Article 20(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99 to 2003/04 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 1334/2002 of 23 July 2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1638/98 as regards the work programmes of operators organisations in the olive sector for the marketing years 2002/03 and 2003/04 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1794/2002 of 9 October 2002 correcting Regulation (EC) No 1249/2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the marketing years 1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03 and 2003/04 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1965/2002 of 4 November 2002 amending, as regards Community financing of the work programmes of operators' organisations in the olive sector for the marketing years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, Regulation (EC) No 1334/2002 laying down detailed rules for application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1638/98 Commission Regulation (EC) No 2383/2002 of 30 December 2002 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/1999 to 2003/2004 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 631/2003 of 7 April 2003 amending Regulation (EC) No 1334/2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1638/98 as regards the conditions for approval of and the time limits for work programmes of operators' organisations in the olive sector for the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 1780/2003 of 10 October 2003 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99 to 2003/04 marketing years Commission Regulation (EC) No 1331/2004 of 20 July 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 1334/2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1638/98 as regards the work programmes of operators' organisations in the olive sector for the marketing year 2004/2005 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1432/2004 of 10 August 2004 amending Regulations (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99 to 2003/04 marketing years and (EC) No 2768/98 on the aid scheme for the private storage of olive oil Commission Regulation (EC) No 1795/2005 of 28 October 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 2366/98 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of production aid for olive oil for the 1998/99 to 2004/05 marketing years Repealed by: Modifies Modifies: Repeal: Derogation: Affected by case Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY PART THREE: COMMUNITY POLICIES TITLE II: AGRICULTURE ARTICLE 43 EuroVoc Vocabulary Oils and fats Oils and fats Common organisation of markets Fats