Commission Regulation (EC) No 1326/96 of 9 July 1996 amending Regulation (EC) No 658/96 on certain conditions for granting compensatory payments under the support system for producers of certain arable crops Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31996R1326 Official Journal: JOL_1996_171_R_0007_020 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: July 17, 1996 Entry into force - Date pub. + 7 See Art 2 Date of end of validity: Modified by Modifies Modifies: Affected by case Legal basis EuroVoc Vocabulary Leguminous vegetable Cereals Terms for aid European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) Cereals Set-aside Aid to agriculture Dry fodder Dried fodder European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Oils and fats Oils and fats Peas and field beans Cereals Oleaginous plant Peas and beans