Council Directive 96/26/EC of 29 April 1996 on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator and road passenger transport operator and mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications intended to facilitate for these operators the right to freedom of establishment in national and international transport operations Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31996L0026 Official Journal: JOL_1996_124_R_0001_018 Form: Directive Procedure number: -- Languages: bg cs da de el en et fi fr hu it lv lt mt nl pl pt ro sk sl es sv Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: June 12, 1996 Entry into force - Date pub. + 20 See 192E191 2 Date of transposition: Date of end of validity: Modified by Modified by: Council Directive 98/76/EC of 1 October 1998 amending Directive 96/26/EC on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator and road passenger transport operator and mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications intended to facilitate for these operators the right to freedom of establishment in national and international transport operations
detail Protocol concerning the conditions and arrangements for admission of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union - Annex III:List referred to in Article 16 of the Protocol: adaptations to acts adopted by the institutions - 3.Transport policy
detail Council Directive 2004/66/EC of 26 April 2004 adapting Directives 1999/45/EC, 2002/83/EC, 2003/37/EC and 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Directives 77/388/EEC, 91/414/EEC, 96/26/EC, 2003/48/EC and 2003/49/EC, in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom to provide services, agriculture, transport policy and taxation, by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia
detail Council Directive 2006/103/EC of 20 November 2006 adapting certain Directives in the field of transport policy, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
detail Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 8. Transport policy - C. Road transport
detail Amendment proposed by: Derogated in: Repealed by: Modifies Repeal: Council Directive 80/1178/EEC of 4 December 1980 amending, consequent on the accession of Greece, Directive 74/561/EEC on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator in national and international transport operations Council Directive 74/562/EEC of 12 November 1974 on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations Council Directive 89/438/EEC of 21 June 1989 amending Directive 74/561/EEC on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator in national and international transport operations, Directive 74/562/EEC on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations and Directive 77/796/EEC aiming at the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications for goods haulage operators and road passenger transport operators, including measures intended to encourage these operators effectively to exercise their right to freedom of establishment Council Directive 74/561/EEC of 12 November 1974 on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator in national and international transport operations Council Directive 77/796/EEC of 12 December 1977 aiming at the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications for goods haulage operators and road passenger transport operators, including measures intended to encourage these operators effectively to exercise their right to freedom of establishment Council Directive 85/578/EEC of 20 December 1985 amending, on account of the accession of Spain and Portugal, Directive 74/561/EEC on admission to the occupation of road haulage operator in national and international transport operations Council Regulation (EEC) No 3572/90 of 4 December 1990 amending, as a result of German unification, certain Directives, Decisions and Regulations relating to transport by road, rail and inland waterway Council Directive 80/1180/EEC of 4 December 1980 amending, consequent on the accession of Greece, Directive 77/796/EEC aiming at the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications for goods haulage operators and road passenger transport operators, including measures intended to encourage these operators effectively to exercise their right to freedom of establishment Council Directive 85/579/EEC of 20 December 1985 amending, on account of the accession of Spain and Portugal, Directive 74/562/EEC on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations Council Directive 80/1179/EEC of 4 December 1980 amending, consequent on the accession of Greece, Directive 74/562/EEC on admission to the occupation of road passenger transport operator in national and international transport operations Affected by case Legal basis TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY PART THREE : COMMUNITY POLICIES TITLE IV : TRANSPORT ARTICLE 75 TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY PART FIVE: INSTITUTIONS OF THE COMMUNITY TITLE I: PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INSTITUTIONS CHAPTER 2: PROVISIONS COMMON TO SEVERAL INSTITUTIONS ARTICLE 189C EuroVoc Vocabulary Carriage of goods Social conditions Transport Carrier Transport Road transport Carriage of passengers Market operation Freedom of establishment Access to a profession Recognition of diplomas Right of establishment Market operation Approximation of laws