Commission Regulation (EC) No 2382/95 of 11 October 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application to fruit and vegetables and to products processed from fruit and vegetables of the arrangements provided for in the Agreements on free trade between the Community, of the one part, and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, of the other part Basic information No longer in force CELEX number: 31995R2382 Official Journal: JOL_1995_244_R_0040_025 Form: Regulation Procedure number: -- Languages: Dates Date of document: Date of publication: Date of effect: January 1, 1995 October 19, 1995 Entry into force - Date pub. + 7 See Art 6 Date of end of validity: February 6, 2009 Obsolete See JO C 30/2009 P 18 Modified by Modified by: Modifies Affected by case Legal basis Council Regulation (EC) No 1277/95 of 29 May 1995 on certain procedures for applying the Agreement on free trade and trade related matters between the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Lithuania, of the other part Council Regulation (EC) No 1276/95 of 29 May 1995 on certain procedures for applying the Agreement on free trade and trade related matters between the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Latvia, of the other part Council Regulation (EC) No 1275/95 of 29 May 1995 on certain procedures for applying the Agreement on free trade and trade related matters between the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Estonia, of the other part EuroVoc Vocabulary Fresh fruit and vegetables Baltic States Pip fruit Tariff quota Free-trade agreement Fruit and vegetables Vegetable Processed fruit and vegetables Products processed from fruit and vegetables Tariff quotas Customs duties: Community tariff quotas